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Zep in 77

Nick C

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Hi i recently got a copy of a seattle 77 show and i was shocked, jimmy is hit and miss, and robert sounds uh, not so good. What the hell happened between 75 and 77 that shook them so bad? Was is too much drugs or what.

Dont get me wrong i love Zep, i am hoping it was just a bad night...

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A very good show in a huge, echoey venue. The recording is distant but quite listenable, and the show is very good considering the 2-week layoff between the LA Forum gigs and this one. Monitor problems plagued some of their acoustic set. Also, Page broke a string during Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp and Jones filled in with jazz improvisation (Plant: "At least we know we can play in the hotel bar afterwards"). Stairway To Heaven has the most beautiful Page solo ever performed, and the show as a whole is strong and full of energy, even though it may not be the most technically perfect one.


There were also other comments linked on the webpage. All the remarks that I've read from people who attended that concert were very positive.


Edited by eternal light
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After the summer of 1972 they were hit and miss the rest of their career. The best they played during that period Fall '72 - 1980 was the March dates in Europe of 1973. They definately had fantastic moments in 1975, 1977, 1979-1980 between the numerous offnights.

Excess and personal tragedy was the main culprit.

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Best concert I've ever seen by far.

I saw Led Zeppelin at this concert and they played for 3 hours 20 minutes.

They had an incredible laser show and were pushing 55000 watts.

I remember seeing a pigeon fly into a bass cabinet and it never came out.

The band never missed a note, they played brilliantly and did an awesome acoustic set.

Jimmy did some of White Summer then did the violin bow part from Dazed and Confused, amazing.

Bonzo did a 1/2 hour solo and his drum riser shot out lights and lasers as it moved to the front of the stage.

Then he played the synth drum part.

Robert was in great form although he may have had a cold, he still hit all of the highs and sounded amazing.

JP Jones did an awesome extended organ part in No Quarter, and helped Bonzo rattle the cement Kingdome..

My favorite songs were Kashmir and Achilles Last Stand.

They didn't have much of a light show for Achillies, didn't need it, it's one of their greatest songs ever.

There were some jerks throwing firecrackers around and Jimmy actually stopped playing and said through a mike.

"If one more fucking firecracker goes off, we're leaving."

No more firecrackers went off.

We left during the last song to beat the crowds and the whole band drove by us in their limos.

I can remember seeing Jimmy Page's head leaning against the door.

The man was exhausted and with the amazing performance he and the boys gave it's no wonder.

So to the band, thanks for the memories and the soundtrack of my life.


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I don't think the drugs take part in the "so called slide"...but who knows. It's either you going to hear it from a Skeptic or one of the guy's.

all i know is that you can't do what they did. To get down to the gritz, it dosn't matter. What they brought us, just tells the tale.

an editors nightmare...in Hollywood that is

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Hi i recently got a copy of a seattle 77 show and i was shocked, jimmy is hit and miss, and robert sounds uh, not so good. What the hell happened between 75 and 77 that shook them so bad? Was is too much drugs or what.

Dont get me wrong i love Zep, i am hoping it was just a bad night...

if you read the biography 's of band /management/crew it pretty well explains this is what happens when you have a 'Monkey on your back ' .

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Hi i recently got a copy of a seattle 77 show and i was shocked, jimmy is hit and miss, and robert sounds uh, not so good. What the hell happened between 75 and 77 that shook them so bad? Was is too much drugs or what.

Dont get me wrong i love Zep, i am hoping it was just a bad night...

Seattle 77 wasnt one of their best nights, lets put it that way, which is strange usually they played some of their best shows up there.

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After the summer of 1972 they were hit and miss the rest of their career. The best they played during that period Fall '72 - 1980 was the March dates in Europe of 1973. They definately had fantastic moments in 1975, 1977, 1979-1980 between the numerous offnights.

Excess and personal tragedy was the main culprit.

I agree with you 100%....the upside to this is that we have amost 60% of thier live shows before the 73 US tour. and 100's of incredible shows to listen to from 68-69 to the end of 72 ....

I am one who is very grateful for that. :D

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"At least we know we can play in the hotel bar afterwards"

Man, If was JPJ I would've punched Plant in the face.

I don't know if you still do, but when I was at the JPJ board, most people had a thing against Robert. Can I ask what it is?

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I don't know if you still do, but when I was at the JPJ board, most people had a thing against Robert. Can I ask what it is?

Well for a kick off, Robert is the Paul McCartney of Led Zeppelin, the one with the biggest ego who says the most cringe-worthy things...

But apart from that, the "He's out parking the car" comment certainly didn't endear JPJ fans to Robert Plant...

And JPJ has actually hinted at some issues himself...

I remember in an interview he said whenever they introduced a new instrument to led Zeppelin, it was just expected that JPJ would play it live, so that increased the amount of equipment he had on stage which would sometimes fail during a concert, which he'd have to fix "while some people stood on stage impatiently tapping their microphone stand" I mean that's gotta be a dig at Plant...

But I mean look at that comment: Page busts a string, so JPJ has to fill in and decides to do a jazz improve...what's Robert doing? Poncing about on stage being a star? JPJ has to cover their arses and all robert can say about JPJ's improvisation is "well at least we can play the hotel bar.." I mean, come on, that's gotta be a snide remark...Robert could've gotten his mouth organ out, and done something himself.

Look, I mean don't get me wrong, Robert is a wonderful singer and has a great voice, but I don't listen to Led Zep for him, I can't understand anything he sings, I think his lyrics are a bit crappy, I just listen to Led Zep for the incredible music and musicianship being presented by Messers Page, Jones and Bonham...

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Well for a kick off, Robert is the Paul McCartney of Led Zeppelin, the one with the biggest ego who says the most cringe-worthy things...

But apart from that, the "He's out parking the car" comment certainly didn't endear JPJ fans to Robert Plant...

And JPJ has actually hinted at some issues himself...

I remember in an interview he said whenever they introduced a new instrument to led Zeppelin, it was just expected that JPJ would play it live, so that increased the amount of equipment he had on stage which would sometimes fail during a concert, which he'd have to fix "while some people stood on stage impatiently tapping their microphone stand" I mean that's gotta be a dig at Plant...

But I mean look at that comment: Page busts a string, so JPJ has to fill in and decides to do a jazz improve...what's Robert doing? Poncing about on stage being a star? JPJ has to cover their arses and all robert can say about JPJ's improvisation is "well at least we can play the hotel bar.." I mean, come on, that's gotta be a snide remark...Robert could've gotten his mouth organ out, and done something himself.

Look, I mean don't get me wrong, Robert is a wonderful singer and has a great voice, but I don't listen to Led Zep for him, I can't understand anything he sings, I think his lyrics are a bit crappy, I just listen to Led Zep for the incredible music and musicianship being presented by Messers Page, Jones and Bonham...

I doubt that JPJ worried about these kinds of issues that much, or that he reacted negatively. They dealt with the tensions within the group with their usual love and sense of humor. People tended to forgive each other for being a pain in the butt, and that is one reason they got along as well as they did; also, the music was a great outlet for tension. They were pretty happy doing what they did for the most part.

After John Bonham moved on, the group changed; they went from being a four-person relationship to a 3-person triangle, and 3 is a crowd, so the tensions increased. John Bonham did more than just play the drums; he eased tensions in the group, and was more or less a stage buddy to JPJ, especially while RP was busy as the front guy and JP was occupied with a guitar solo.

Edited by eternal light
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Drugs started to affect the band's playing in 1977 the most. They were still good but they weren't as consistent. Especially with Jimmy Page and somewhat with Bonham. He started to have some off nights in 1977 more. Robert's voice was better than it was in 75 or some of 72 and 73. But the cohesiveness of the band wasn't there as much because of addictions in the band.

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I admit I'm one who regards Jimmy's playing as shoddy on the '77 tour. It was pretty good at the LA Forum shows, and not so good on many others I've heard. It's just amazing that someone's guitar playing can change and morph so much in the span of a few years. In '73 he was on fire, rarely making mistakes and playing very fluidly. In '77 his tone definitely sucked, but he also lost a LOT of the speed and dexterity that was his hallmark just a few years earlier. And it's not like he got old and couldn't do it anymore, he was still in his 30's for crying out loud. On my Destroyer boot for example, there's the Rover intro to Sick Again. It sounds like a beginning guitar student is playing it, it's awful. He just wouldn't have played like that before. When you look at his appearance, and listen to the tour as a whole, there's just no doubt that drugs took a big toll on him physically and it affected his playing. Did he suck all the time? No. Did he suck a lot more than on previous tours? Absolutely.

From the other thread. I'd say this sums it up for me. What stands out most to me is his inability to get the speed and the improv he once seemed to easily dominate at his finger tips. I agree with Levee, his diet at the time certainly was his downfall. But its a shame because the Jimmy of 1970 wouldn't have let himself perform under such circumstances.

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There's a reason none of this footage appears in the official DVD

No official footage, but you do see bootleg footage of them opening a show somewhere on the '77

tour with TSRTS, even though it's a root menu loop, you do get the entire six minutes of the song!

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