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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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I think it'll be Hillary. Not that I necessarily think she's the strongest candidate (in terms of what American politics need or want), but more because she's kind of an "easy" choice for Dems. She's already quite familiar with the workings of the presidency, and I think people have this real interest in seeing a former first lady become president. Not that I think that's a good reason.... I'm just saying.

I also don't think the right stands a chance in the upcoming election, considering support is quite soft for the current administration. People are tired of Bush and everything that comes with him, so I think more people will be voting Democrat in this election.

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I'm hoping Edwards. I don't think Hillary will make it because of sexist old men who still think women are here to serve them. Neither will Obama because of racists. Don't get me started on the conservatives!!!

See, and I think Hillary really stands the best chance of getting the "female" vote. Even from registered Republicans. It's the first real time in history that it looks like we've got a chance of having a female president, and I really don't underestimate the potential for that to get her the necessary votes. The average American isn't politically savvy, which is why kissing babies and running on BS issues still works.

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I think it'll be Hillary. Not that I necessarily think she's the strongest candidate (in terms of what American politics need or want), but more because she's kind of an "easy" choice for Dems. She's already quite familiar with the workings of the presidency, and I think people have this real interest in seeing a former first lady become president. Not that I think that's a good reason.... I'm just saying.

I also don't think the right stands a chance in the upcoming election, considering support is quite soft for the current administration. People are tired of Bush and everything that comes with him, so I think more people will be voting Democrat in this election.

Dear God I hope so.

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As some of you might remember,.. a few months back I made the

prediction that the democratic ticket in 2008 will be Edwards-Obama.

Well,.. with the Iowa caucuses taking place tomorrow,

I'd like to take this opportunity to tweak my prediction.

At this point my sense is that the democratic ticket in 2008 will be..

Edwards-Biden :cheer:

You heard it here first.

You know,.. for the record. B)


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As some of you might remember,.. a few months back I made the

prediction that the democratic ticket in 2008 will be Edwards-Obama.

Well,.. with the Iowa caucuses taking place tomorrow,

I'd like to take this opportunity to tweak my prediction.

At this point my sense is that the democratic ticket in 2008 will be..

Edwards-Biden :cheer:

You heard it here first.

You know,.. for the record. B)


So you finally realize that the Dems don't stand a SNOWBALLS chance of winning with Hillary and Obama.

Us Repubs on the board have stated that fact for months now.....for the record.



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So you finally realize that the Dems don't stand a SNOWBALLS chance of winning with Hillary and Obama.

Us Repubs on the board have stated that fact for months now.....for the record.



Leno and Letterman must be the top campaign contributers, Thes two boobs will certainly contribute to them in return. Just a small sample


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Yep, Hilary and Obama are unelectable, either way the US would have to elect its first woman or first black person. Not gonna happen. So we're gonna wind up with another Republican. Yay, the last 8 years have gone so awesomely. :rolleyes: I guess the only hope is that NO ONE can be as bad as Bush has been. I actually won't even care that it's a Republican, as long as it isn't someone from the Neocon regime that's ruined our country.

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Yep, Hilary and Obama are unelectable, either way the US would have to elect its first woman or first black person. Not gonna happen. So we're gonna wind up with another Republican. Yay, the last 8 years have gone so awesomely. :rolleyes: I guess the only hope is that NO ONE can be as bad as Bush has been. I actually won't even care that it's a Republican, as long as it isn't someone from the Neocon regime that's ruined our country.

Therein lies the mess that the Dem's are in. As much as (nearly) everyone hates Dubya, they still couldn't beat him in 2004 and now after 8 years, the actual frontrunners up until recently were as you said a woman and a black man. Note that I personally could care less if we elected a woman or a black man but given the track record of women and blacks in political office, and the deep feelings that many do have against ever electing a woman or a black President under any circumstances - did the Dems ever really honestly, and truly believe that Hilary or Obama stood a chance?

If they did that just proves how desperate the Dems are/were. If they can't get someone elected after 8 years of Dubya then if I were a card-carrying member of the party, I would ask for my membership fee back.

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So you finally realize that the Dems don't stand a SNOWBALLS chance of winning with Hillary and Obama.

Us Repubs on the board have stated that fact for months now.....for the record.



For the record, StringBrother.. as I said previously, it was months ago that I predicted Edwards would be the democratic presidential nominee. I've never had Hillary as my first (or second, third, or fourth) choice for POTUS. Even so, I still maintain that she'd be a far better POTUS than any of the repub candidates. I feel the same about Obama. Neither Clinton nor Obama is my first choice for POTUS, but even so I think they both could win if nominated. So no, I've not "finally realized" any such thing as you suggest. :P

Fwiw, I'm substituting Biden for Obama as my choice for VP not because I think the dems can't win with Obama on the ticket and not because I think Obama wouldn't be a fine VP, but because Joe Biden has sooo much more foreign affairs experience that I think he's simply the best person for the job at this point in time.. what with the situations in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and all (Kenya, Darfur, Russia, China-Taiwan, Israel-Palestine, etc, etc), ya know. ;)

Previously I had Obama as my VP choice because I felt 8 years as Edwards' VP would set him up perfectly to become POTUS in 2016.. as John Edwards' successor. But Now I feel that America doesn't have the luxury of thinking about "setting up" Obama for the 2016 race; right now America needs a VP with the breadth and depth of political and foreign affairs experience that Joe Biden has. Like I said previously in this thread, I think Biden would serve America well as Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense too,.. but for now he's my choice for VP. B)

NO repub ticket would have a SNOWBALL'S chance

of beating Edwards-Biden in the general election.


Btw, Stringy,.. who are you supporting on the repub side, bud? :whistling:

[tough choice with such a stellar list of candidates to choose from, eh? :hysterical: ]

btw,.. Happy New Year, bud.

Good to see you back at the board again.


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Yep, Hilary and Obama are unelectable, either way the US would have to elect its first woman or first black person. Not gonna happen. So we're gonna wind up with another Republican. Yay, the last 8 years have gone so awesomely. :rolleyes: I guess the only hope is that NO ONE can be as bad as Bush has been. I actually won't even care that it's a Republican, as long as it isn't someone from the Neocon regime that's ruined our country.

C'mon Matt,.. you dont believe that republicon spin do you? :rolleyes:

If Hillary is unelectable its not because she's a woman,.. its because of the woman she is. Repubs hate her. Period. And many non-repubs aren't too fond of her either. But the bulk of the anti-Hillary sentiment is not simply because she's a woman. ..I hope.

Shame on anyone who would not vote for a woman based solely on her being a woman. Shame on anyone who wouldn't vote for a black man based simply on his being black. And shame on America if we, as a nation, are "not ready" to elect a woman or an African American to the office of POTUS.

I don't buy it. I think America is ready, and would elect a woman or an

African American.. if that candidate was seen as being the best candidate.


Just look at the regard with which Benazir Bhutto is being held and praised throughout America (and the world) right now. You can't convince me that Americans would support a woman being the president of Pakistan (a nation with nukes in perhaps the most dangerous and unstable region of the world right now) and yet at the very same time would also feel America is "not ready" for a woman POTUS. That's absolutely absurd. :rolleyes:

..ain't it? :unsure:

Then again I live in a progressive American city/state. Maybe the rest of America is filled with unevolved folk who still dun think rase and gender is disqualificationers for holdun hi publick awfise. ..eh? :rolleyes:

Nah. I don't buy it. I think America is ready.

If the repubs had a woman or African American running, you can be damn sure we'd

be hearing all about how ready America is for a woman or African American POTUS.

Don't believe the self-serving republicon "America aint ready" spin, Matt.

And if you don't like Hillary or Obama.. you can vote for Edwards-Biden! :cheer:




Edited by Hermit
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Well, I hoped Americans wouldn't be stupid enough to support and elect Dubya...yet, here we are. So I don't have much faith in the American People. As Dan Ackroyd says in "Tommy Boy", "what the American people don't know, is what makes them the American people".

I get where you're coming from, bro, but remember.. the Supreme Court

and rigged voting machines, not the American voters, put GWB in office. <_<

The American voting public elected this man..


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I get where you're coming from, bro, but remember.. the Supreme Court

and rigged voting machines, not the American voters, put GWB in office. <_<

The American voting public elected this man..


Are you kidding me?

All right... Gore got the popular vote, yes. But rigged voting machines? Your smarter than that, Hermit.

It was the ELECTORAL COLLEGE that put Bush in office (yet another reason we need to abolish the damn thing).

The "Rigged Voting Machines" conspiracy is almost as ludicrous as all of the 9/11 conspiracies. One thing I don't like about Dems (not so much the candidates as the supporters, though) is their willingness to believe this crap. It was not a rigged voting machine... it was the electoral college. Can we please get that straight?

Not that I'm defending Bush. Not by a long shot. I hate Bush as much as the next educated person. But the conspiracy has run its course, was never proven. In fact, I believe (though I could be wrong) it was disproven (and no, not by Bush or his administration or his supporters/followers/zombies :D). Either way, it was the electoral college that put Bush in office.

The electoral college.

All in favor of getting rid of it, say "aye."

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My predictions for tonight:


1. Obama

2. Hillary

3. Edwards


1. Romney

2. Huckabee

3. Paul

4. McCain

5. Thompson

6. Guiliani

7. Hunter

those predictions aside, this race is so volatile that anything could happen... i could easily see the top 2 on each side flipped around, and McCain coming ahead of Paul. we'll just have to wait and see. ;)

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The "Rigged Voting Machines" conspiracy is almost as ludicrous as all of the 9/11 conspiracies.

yyyeah, you betcha.

Diebold (now known as Premier Accuvote) voting machines weren't rigged,

and repubs didn't suppress minority votes or use caging lists either,.. right?

And RNC party officials didn't also concurrently serve as state

elections officials in various key states,.. including Ohio, right?


I appreciate that you think I'm "smarter than that", Nathan. Thanks. Fwiw, I think you're

smarter than to deny what many electronic voting experts have said about the impact

of hackable electronic voting machines on both the 2000 and 2004 elections, and beyond.

*Hacking Democracy*



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I get where you're coming from, bro, but remember.. the Supreme Court

and rigged voting machines, not the American voters, put GWB in office. <_<

The American voting public elected this man..


So true Hermit.

What happened in Florida brings back nightmares.


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As some of you might remember,.. a few months back I made the

prediction that the democratic ticket in 2008 will be Edwards-Obama.

Well,.. with the Iowa caucuses taking place tomorrow,

I'd like to take this opportunity to tweak my prediction.

At this point my sense is that the democratic ticket in 2008 will be..

Edwards-Biden :cheer:

You heard it here first.

You know,.. for the record. B)


Obama -1

Hermit - 0

Score after one caucus.

Come on Hermie, are we supposed to trust your predictions or not?


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Obama -1

Hermit - 0

Score after one caucus.

Come on Hermie, are we supposed to trust your predictions or not?



I didn't predict Edwards was gonna win the Iowa caucuses, StringBoner.

..I predicted, and still predict, that he's gonna win the dem nomination. B)


[You know I'll support Barack if he gets the nomination though, don't ya? ;) ]

With 95% reporting, Obama: 37.4%.....Edwards: 29.95%.....Clinton: 29.45%

That's a decent finish for Edwards. Especially when you consider the fact that

Obama can thank Dennis Kucinich for a few of those percentage points. :P:D

btw, bud,.. I'm still waiting for you to say who

you're backing for the republicon nomination.

..wouldn't happen to be pastor Huckabee, would it? :whistling:


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btw, bud,.. I'm still waiting for you to say who

you're backing for the republicon nomination.

..wouldn't happen to be pastor Huckabee, would it? :whistling:


I was actually waiting to respond for this believe it or not:

[You know I'll support Barack if he gets the nomination though, don't ya? ;) ]

I will (more than likely) support whomever the Repubs put on the ticket. Kinda like you are supporting Edwards....BUT if Obama gets the nomination you will support him.....in other words you realize as I do, whom I throw my support out for now really doesn't amount to a hill of beans...makes for message board material but you realize you will be casting a ballot for a Democrat just as much as I realize I will be casting a ballot for a Repub regardless of whom you are "supporting" now.

Thanks for your posting that position FIRST though because I knew if I did, I would be raked over the coals for being wishy-washy and not willing to speak up.


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I will (more than likely) support whomever the Repubs put on the ticket. Kinda like you are supporting Edwards....BUT if Obama gets the nomination you will support him.....in other words you realize as I do, whom I throw my support out for now really doesn't amount to a hill of beans...makes for message board material but you realize you will be casting a ballot for a Democrat just as much as I realize I will be casting a ballot for a Repub regardless of whom you are "supporting" now.

Thanks for your posting that position FIRST though because I knew if I did, I would be raked over the coals for being wishy-washy and not willing to speak up.


Yeah, I understand that rather than ever vote for a democrat you'd support (vote for) the repub nominee no matter who the repub nominee turns out to be. Even if it was Alan Keyes, you'd probably "support" him rather than vote for a democrat, right? But surely you have a preference among the repub candidates, String. Surely you have them ranked, don't you? So come on, bud,.. be brave.. state your preference.

Who do you think is the BEST candidate among the repubs? Who among the current

candidates would you most like to see win the nomination and the general election?


[sure, your preference at this juncture doesn't really amount to a hill of beans; but it may

make for some message board material.. ya know.. here.. at this.. uhh.. message board. ;) ]


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