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One Night Stands


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well somebody's obviously got a hang-up about sex...

I guess next you'll be advocating women wear chastity belts, and piano legs should be covered in case any gets aroused...

Listen, whatever your psychological problem with sex might be, sex is just sex. There can be meaningful sex, there can be meaningless sex, there can be sex with love and sex to relieve boredom.

This antiquated notion that sex has to be 'pure' is just a load of shit. Sex isn't dirty and no amount of supposed 'purity' can be obtained by not particpating in it or by limiting your involvement in it.

Which ever way you dress it up, it's still sex...still dog banging dog, there's no two ways about it

It's like crapping on like "I'm going to visit the royal porcelain and deposit a small amount of excess product into the small flushing pond..." man, whatever bullshit you dress it up in, you're still sitting on the toilet doing a shit, it's still a great big turd coming out of your arse. It doesn't matter how sweet the air freshener is...

I think your problem is you're not getting any, so you sure as hell don't want anybody else to be out there having fun...


Reminds me of this great old story: This Native American has a habit of offering his wife to visitors for the night (with her enthusiastic consent). So this one guy sees this going on and asks, "how can you stand to do that? She's your wife!" And the Indian replies, "Well, it's not like they're going to wear her out, she's not made of soap..."

And I agree with you Gainesbarre, it's not a matter of being more pure by having less sex. Old patriarchal "control the peons" notion, that.

But I think you're being a little harsh. Not going in for one nights stands can be a matter of self-esteem, or of being comitted to another person. Women especially have to be a careful, given the possibility of pregnancy, or running in to Mr. Goodbar. I get why some folks would have a problem with really casual sexual practices.

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But I think you're being a little harsh. Not going in for one nights stands can be a matter of self-esteem, or of being comitted to another person. Women especially have to be a careful, given the possibility of pregnancy, or running in to Mr. Goodbar. I get why some folks would have a problem with really casual sexual practices.

I think it's more than "some" folks who don't engage or never did in sex with strangers they just met.

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Reminds me of this great old story: This Native American has a habit of offering his wife to visitors for the night (with her enthusiastic consent). So this one guy sees this going on and asks, "how can you stand to do that? She's your wife!" And the Indian replies, "Well, it's not like they're going to wear her out, she's not made of soap..."

Good story :D

But I think you're being a little harsh. Not going in for one nights stands can be a matter of self-esteem, or of being comitted to another person. Women especially have to be a careful, given the possibility of pregnancy, or running in to Mr. Goodbar. I get why some folks would have a problem with really casual sexual practices.

Oh no, it's not the issue with one-night stands I'm talking about, I don't do one night stands myself, or more likely I should say I've never found myself in a position where I've done a one night stand

My rant was in direction to that member going on about how the problem with society is sexual promiscurity, the notion that having had more than one or two sexual partners in your life, or that bonking for no other reason than enjoyment is somehow morally wrong...

That's my gripe.

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Where did the avatar of you and your crack pipe go?

Buaha. It wasn't a crack pipe! It was a shot-glass... filled with wine... I'm a real wild one, I tells yah! ;)

Also, standing and swinging... my, Gains, you sure know how to treat a, erm, lady :D Lord knows we like options!

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kinda pissed it was a one night stand, since i really dig her and i did not give her my best show (too many beers, too little of a space).

Current girlfriend once told me, she had one to few one night stands.

She never had one she also told me.

I could assume she meant other boyfiends, or i could assume the current one is the one too few.

back to work to forget about girlfriend.

Just realized, I go to work to have girlfiend and end up staying at work to avoid girlfriend.

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One night stands are bad. Period.

In the end, it would be better if people were looking to find the person they wanted to spend the rest of their life with.

One night stands can't lead to anything good in the long term.

The mass media has encouraged promiscuous behavior, and that has become the standard unfortunately.

:blink: I wonder what your definition of "promiscuous" is.

I agree with you. I think people who make this type of relationship a lifestyle wind up missing out on the beauty of sharing their life with someone they can find fulfillment with. That and the increased risk of picking up unwanted pathogens.

I personally have never been involved in a "traditional" one night stand. I had a couple of one time only's with guys I already knew (and was dating) at least, but didn't want to continue to know afterwards, lol. I feel lucky that most of my "experience" has been with people i got to know. I also prefer to really dig the person i'm going to be with. It just doesn't feel right if i don't. Dig or love, whichever...

Who said anything about making it a lifestyle? The topic starter certainly didn't, although Inspiration might have a different opinion.

The norm nowadays is to have sex with whoever you might meet and find somewhat attractive. Basically, have sex with whoever is willing and isn't repulsive to you.

People think this is normal. High school, college people, adults etc.

We can thank mass media for promoting this as the norm.

We can say "People just want to have sex, it is natural", but I can also be naturally attracted to eating McDonald's everyday, but I don't because it isn't healthy and good for my life in the long term.

People need to develop themselves and then worry about other people.

I think schools separating males and females are essential. How can a male or female truly get the best out of their education if they are constantly distracted by the opposite sex?

We are moving in the wrong direction.

People can be distracted by the opposite sex even if they're in same gender only classes. If you don't believe me ask some of the people who have been in all-girls or all-boys schools. There are also plenty of other things that can distract students from getting "the best out of their education".

And I agree, a good one night stand is an elsuive thing. Most of the time it's not worth it and not very healthy, either.

But sometimes "love the one you're with" is ok and no big sin, "to touch is to heal..."


I don't advocate one-night stands and I would certainly discourage it as "a lifestyle" for most folks, but I think a couple folks were really going overboard there.

... and Gaines... that was rather vivid imagery... :lol:

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One night stands are bad. Period.

In the end, it would be better if people were looking to find the person they wanted to spend the rest of their life with.

One night stands can't lead to anything good in the long term.

The mass media has encouraged promiscuous behavior, and that has become the standard unfortunately.

Heck if I know what I'm gonna do with all those happy memories.

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Some one nighters occur from people you are familiar with,such as school or work.You've been around the person to a degree and know them enough that you may have conversed or made eye contact.

Some one nighters occur from people you have just met,no apriori history,so to speak.A connection of sorts take place,and you wind up in that situation.

Some one nighters can be as fresh in your memory as yesterday,while some one nighters are gladly miles away and years gone by.

But what the fuck do I know?This is mere supposition on my part.I've been happily married for several years.

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All I'll say is: One night's better than three minutes. :ph34r:

I'm with you. Sounds like a bunch of jealous persons who it takes weeks to get laid :) Either you got it or you don't and I for one won't let a bunch of fools throw their guilt trips on me.

Now rub me behind the ears :cheer:


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... and Gaines... that was rather vivid imagery... :lol:

Thank you ^_^

Also, standing and swinging... my, Gains, you sure know how to treat a, erm, lady :D Lord knows we like options!

Oh yes many options!!

We used a sex swing once, it was hilarious. It was screwed into a wooden beam in the ceiling, well, we thought it was a wooden beam, turned out to be just a plaster board. So anyway halfway during sex the fucking plaster board broke, the sex swing hit the ground and the fucking ceiling collapsed!

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Hookers don't count, and neither do sisters.

.... at least not North of the Mason-Dixon line.

C'mon ,Whadda 'bout nuns? I had Sister Mary and Sister Agnes while not at the same time ,

was on the same night mind. A 2 nun night....Right?

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For some (not mentioning whom i refer to, lol) three minutes would be wonderful. :)

Edit: but still not with a "one night stand"

From my experience you cannot predict the future or expect osmotic normative behaviors to play the same on everyones approach to life, love or sex. I play it by ear and hope for the best. What and how other people feel or think rarely have much of an impact on my lifestyle, and more than likely many will feel the same.


You really cannot know if it will be a one night stand before you "dance."

See what I'm saying?

Best approach is not to kiss and tell.

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From my experience you cannot predict the future or expect osmotic normative behaviors to play the same on everyones approach to life, love or sex. I play it by ear and hope for the best. What and how other people feel or think rarely have much of an impact on my lifestyle, and more than likely many will feel the same.


You really cannot know if it will be a one night stand before you "dance."

See what I'm saying?

Best approach is not to kiss and tell.

My definition of a true "one night stand" is when you sleep with someone you just met, with no intentions of starting a relationship. If you already know someone from school or work as another poster mentioned, you are at least acquaintances, so it depends on how well you know each other. In those instances i would consider it "casual" sex. As the reference to "Looking For Mr. Goodbar" previously mentioned, the perfect example of a one night stand is when you go to a bar/club/etc. and pick someone up for the sole purpose of having sex. Your "intentions" are to just do it and move on.

So i can honestly say i have never "picked someone up" for the purpose of having sex for one night. Now you can certainly have sex with someone for the first time who you intend to continue a relationship with, and for some reason you just don't click. Just because you only do it with someone once, doesn't make it a one nighter.

For me it's not so much about morals or values, it's about not feeling comfortable in a situation like that. I need to know someone at least a little, no matter how much physical attraction may be involved.

Now about that 3 minutes of sex...oh i hope to get at least that much in the near future, lol.

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Thank you ^_^

Oh yes many options!!

We used a sex swing once, it was hilarious. It was screwed into a wooden beam in the ceiling, well, we thought it was a wooden beam, turned out to be just a plaster board. So anyway halfway during sex the fucking plaster board broke, the sex swing hit the ground and the fucking ceiling collapsed!

But was it good for you? ;)

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My definition of a true "one night stand" is when you sleep with someone you just met, with no intentions of starting a relationship. If you already know someone from school or work as another poster mentioned, you are at least acquaintances, so it depends on how well you know each other. In those instances i would consider it "casual" sex. As the reference to "Looking For Mr. Goodbar" previously mentioned, the perfect example of a one night stand is when you go to a bar/club/etc. and pick someone up for the sole purpose of having sex. Your "intentions" are to just do it and move on.

So i can honestly say i have never "picked someone up" for the purpose of having sex for one night. Now you can certainly have sex with someone for the first time who you intend to continue a relationship with, and for some reason you just don't click. Just because you only do it with someone once, doesn't make it a one nighter.

For me it's not so much about morals or values, it's about not feeling comfortable in a situation like that. I need to know someone at least a little, no matter how much physical attraction may be involved.

Now about that 3 minutes of sex...oh i hope to get at least that much in the near future, lol.

My point was people make things too complicated and buy into too many things too quickly.

I will stand by that, no hostility was meant. It's just my opinion. I see couples who have been together for many many years. They are more free thinkers and loving for the sake of love, not the sake of expectations.

I hope that made sense :)

Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow.

Toni Braxton

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