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First Kiss


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I'm feeling all nostalgic and romantic this afternoon, I've been reminiscing about my first kiss(proper one, not the quick kiss on the lips kind ;) ).. a guy called Chris, who looked like a young John Bonham circa '69 but blonde, at a party to celebrate the last night of a high school production we were in. It was absolutely magical, and I can remember it so vividly. We were both slow dancing, when Bam! it happened. He was quite a bit older than me, I was 15 he was 23..so to me that made it even more wonderful. It was right near Christmas, and when the party finished and we were all walking home , it started to snow. I just remember feeling so happy :D

So, how about everyone else?

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aww that is a great memory!! Mine was Brian and we were outside and it was warm but raining. We were sitting under a pepper tree and I dared him to kiss me and it was a guick peck.....and ok well gotta go see ya tomorrow.......we both ran home in the rain. proper ones followed in the coming days.

Ahhhhh youth, I miss it sometimes. but I don't feel old, I don't...really

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My first kiss was while playing that stupid spin the bottle game. Thankfully it was with one of the pretty girls we were playing with. It was pretty cool. I was nervous as hell but it went well. Unfortunately the second time i had to kiss a gross looking girl. The third time i was supposed to kiss another unnattractive girl and i had enough and got up and refused to do it. The last time i ever played it.

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My first kiss was while playing that stupid spin the bottle game. Thankfully it was with one of the pretty girls we were playing with. It was pretty cool. I was nervous as hell but it went well. Unfortunately the second time i had to kiss a gross looking girl. The third time i was supposed to kiss another unnattractive girl and i had enough and got up and refused to do it. The last time i ever played it.

Well at least the feeling was mutual ;)

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Awwww... this is cute. My first kiss was in grade 7 with my first boyfriend. He totally cornered me behind the school, it was adorable. Then he asked me out with roses and the whole shebang. We were together 2 years. But really, dating at that age hardly counts.

A few years later he decided he was gay, then came out of the closet :D Recently he's decided he was bi. What a guy...

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My first kiss was while playing that stupid spin the bottle game. Thankfully it was with one of the pretty girls we were playing with. It was pretty cool. I was nervous as hell but it went well. Unfortunately the second time i had to kiss a gross looking girl. The third time i was supposed to kiss another unnattractive girl and i had enough and got up and refused to do it. The last time i ever played it.

My Grandfather used to organize all out block parties in the summer. Once the adults were all liquored up, and it started to get dark, us young people were able to sneek off and do stuff like spin the bottle. My dad really embarrassed me, when he came across us and wouldn't go away. I got kicked out of the cool kids' group, and missed out majorly...

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Hi all,

I'm feeling all nostalgic and romantic this afternoon, I've been reminiscing about my first kiss(proper one, not the quick kiss on the lips kind ;) )

None of your bees-wax,miss cutie pie! :D

God,I'm old,I can't remember,....

Gandalf,in Moria,er,...KB,... :lol:

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Is this the first thread in a series of future threads? lol...oh nevermind.

I had a couple of one time kisses with a couple boys. But the first time i made out with a boy i was ten. His name was Mark. I thought he was so gorgeous (at age 13, with curly black hair). He was my best friend's brother. I was sleeping over her house one night, her parents were out. When i got in bed to go to sleep he came into the room and got on top of me and started kissing me. It lasted for at least 15 or 20 minutes before his sister started yelling at him to get out! She stopped being my friend soon thereafter because i liked her brother and she was disgusted by the whole thing, lol.

Edited by ~tangerine~
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Mine was with my best friends sister. My parents were gone for the weekend and we had a party at home. After the party was over we were laying on the couch talking and then we kissed and it was so romantic and...............oh hell, we did IT :D . Oh Rosie oh girl oohh Rosie oh girl.........little Robert Anthony wants to come and play!

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Neither does zepyep, maybe it was with her love-smiley-001.gif

I didn't say I dont remember who it was with or where I lived. I said I don't remember the kiss. I do remember she was way older than I.

And she was in from Indy visiting her sister. A stunning blonde.

Zepyep? You naughty bird you lmao :)

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I was 10 ( it means 30 years ago, OMG i'm old :bagoverhead: ), and I just remember she started to move her tongue, so I started too... She's still a good friend of mine, but we never were girl/boy friends...

Edited by GioBrasil
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That's nothing! Wait'll you meet Gainesbarre...

Actually, Gains and I are secret lovers.

Why? Gains, you got some awesome stories to tell? I feel like I don't know you anymore :'( One week you're bringing a swing... the next you've got skeletons in the closet in their with you! Is it another man?!

Cuz... if it is... that's hot.

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This topic has been on before, but if you must know....

My first real kiss, was with a guy I had a crush on for some time. We all hung out at a coffee shop at the University....we weren't students there.... :mellow: ..and so we're all sitting around and the guy reaches under our table and grabs my shoe. He takes off with it. I'm like.... :blink::o

I see him run for the stairs going up to what I know is the terrace of the building. Secluded...usually...with a fab view of the skyline.

So I spot him, sitting there with a huge smile on his face and shoe in his hand. So.....well, a "trade" took place. And that was my first kiss. :wub:

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Mine was a dumb kink named Holly. <insert pissed off emoticon here>

Edited to add: I forgot the location - probably my pickup truck or something real mid-western american like that. <insert guy smoking a marlboro emoticon here>

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I was a shy senior in high school. It was my first year hanging out with a group of guys to drinking and party with during the weekend. There was this freshman girl who everybody knew was dating a guy in my grade. They broke up. She started hanging around with our group and took a liking to me. So there we are (the whole group) hanging out in the basement of one of my friends and she was sitting beside me. I didn't know what to do. She left the room for a minute and my buddy kicked me and made a facial expression like..."kiss her!!!". When she came back into the room I very awkwardly starting kissing her. We only went out once or twice, I was too slow for her.

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