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Del Zeppnile

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So what is it with this Reverend Jackson and his potty mouth? If he's not making racist comments aboout Jewish people, he's threatening to cut the testicles off of the Democratic Presidential canidate Barrack Obama. What the hell!

Is this guy just losing it, or is he afraid that if Obama wins then his race baiting con game jig is up.

'Can't make white people feel guilty about racism if there's a black President can I?'


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Just shows that the "Rev." only cares about his agenda and those that fall in line with it.

When a fella like Obama comes along and speaks intelligently on matters as opposed to Jackson's hate-filled rhetoric, then you should be castrated apparently. Difference being Jackson blames whitey for all the worlds ills, and Obama isn't playing the race card so Jackson is getting out his ball crusher.

How Jackson has made a living off of preying on his own people, by spewing a message that they are being victimized by whitey is so sad. Jesse's wrath is out against Obama and other blacks who don't play that card.

What a joke Jackson is. People everywhere ought to protest and demand that Jackson step down from his lofty pulpit for making stupid, insensitve remarks towards one of his own people, and one who may very well be sitting in the White House a few months from now.

But that isn't good enough for the "Rev." He will only accept another militant, hate-filled radical like himself.


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Funny how Jesse said "He's talking down to blacks" Color or race was never mentioned in Obama's speach so that just goes to show that Jesse 'read into it' what he wanted. If he assumed Obama was addressing black men and not white men...what does that say about Jesse Jackson?!

BTW...I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love Michelle Obama. She will be one of the smartest, most sophisticated first ladies we've ever had. And their family is precious!! I'm glad we got that one glimpse of them since Obama says he will not allow any further interviews with the girls.

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first thing, don't compare Rush to Jesse Jackson. There are 5,000 Klan members who are like Jesse Jackson and Rush isn't one of them.

Second thing, I feel better about Jesse Jackson today than i did yesterday. Why, because this proves that Jesse actually believes in his bullshit and he won't suck up to obama because he is black or a liberal. Rev. done me wrong said the same thing about Obama.

Anyways, Bill Cosby been saying the same thing Obama said on fathers day for the last 10 years and Jesse hates him for that.

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There are still a lot of people who don't seem to realize it ain't the 60's anymore. I wish some the activists from that time would open their eyes, or get out of the way and let the younger generation take over.

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There are still a lot of people who don't seem to realize it ain't the 60's anymore. I wish some the activists from that time would open their eyes, or get out of the way and let the younger generation take over.

That is exactly what needs to happen Suz...the old guard needs to step down and make way for the new....

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There are still a lot of people who don't seem to realize it ain't the 60's anymore. I wish some the activists from that time would open their eyes, or get out of the way and let the younger generation take over.

Okay, but the ten year olds must have their parents accompany them.

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I would just be as happy if everybody stopped their shit and get over it. We don't need people to remind us that we had slaves. It is taught everyday in school and that should be enough. Affirmative action and the fact somebody like Obama has a chance to be president, should prove that only the people of this country are racist, not the country itself. Being a racist is the same thing as being against people who hate meat. They may be good people, they just have different morals, and no government or its policy can change that.

Should you be proud we may have a black president. Not really, he should be judged on him being a good president and that has yet to be determined.

and thats what Jesse is saying, "it doesn't matter if he is black or white, an asshole is an asshole and I will cuts his nuts off."

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Being a racist is not the same as being against people who hate meat. Not eating meat is a choice. It may be because of religion, because of health reasons, because of animal rights issues......either way it's a choice. That person chose to stop eating meat, it's no different than choosing to drink Pepsi instead of Coke.

Race is not something you choose. Race is not something that can be changed. And since when are racists "good" people? Are the KKK good people? Would you invite a Klansman over to your Thanksgiving table?

Racists are good people? I've heard it all.

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Hi all,

Being a racist is not a choice? :blink:

Race is different than being a racist.

Now I have heard it all,......


Being a racist is not the same as being against people who hate meat. Not eating meat is a choice. It may be because of religion, because of health reasons, because of animal rights issues......either way it's a choice. That person chose to stop eating meat, it's no different than choosing to drink Pepsi instead of Coke.

Race is not something you choose. Race is not something that can be changed. And since when are racists "good" people? Are the KKK good people? Would you invite a Klansman over to your Thanksgiving table?

Racists are good people? I've heard it all.

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I would just be as happy if everybody stopped their shit and get over it. We don't need people to remind us that we had slaves. It is taught everyday in school and that should be enough. Affirmative action and the fact somebody like Obama has a chance to be president, should prove that only the people of this country are racist, not the country itself. Being a racist is the same thing as being against people who hate meat. They may be good people, they just have different morals, and no government or its policy can change that.

Should you be proud we may have a black president. Not really, he should be judged on him being a good president and that has yet to be determined.

and thats what Jesse is saying, "it doesn't matter if he is black or white, an asshole is an asshole and I will cuts his nuts off."

Derigable, I often think you have valid points but I don't get this one. Jesse wants to cut his nuts off because Obama thinks all men should perform their fatherly duties and care for their offspring? This makes him an asshole? <_<

I happen to agree with Obama on this point, and on the flip side WOMEN should also stop having children with men who are undependable and don't take responsibility! Men aren't the only ones to blame here....there are a lot of stupid women out there too. They just keep poppin out even though they can't afford to care for them, educate them, clothe them, etc.

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Hi all,

Being a racist is not a choice? :blink:

Race is different than being a racist.

Now I have heard it all,......


Do you even read what I say before you comment? I DIDN'T SAY BEING A RACIST WASN'T A CHOICE.

Being a racist is not the same as being against people who hate meat. Not eating meat is a choice. It may be because of religion, because of health reasons, because of animal rights issues......either way it's a choice. That person chose to stop eating meat, it's no different than choosing to drink Pepsi instead of Coke.

Race is not something you choose. Race is not something that can be changed. And since when are racists "good" people? Are the KKK good people? Would you invite a Klansman over to your Thanksgiving table?

Racists are good people? I've heard it all.

Please tell me where in that post I said being racist was not a choice. I said RACE is not a choice. I said that if someone doesn't eat meat that's a choice. And that if you dislike that person because they don't eat meat, you're disliking them for a choice they've made, a choice that can be un-done. That is nowhere near the level of hatred it takes to hate someone based on a race, something that person CANNOT choose. You cannot equate the two things at all. Not in any way, shape or form.

Everything cleared up?

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Hi all,

Do you even read what I say before you comment? I DIDN'T SAY BEING A RACIST WASN'T A CHOICE.

Please tell me where in that post I said being racist was not a choice. I said RACE is not a choice. I said that if someone doesn't eat meat that's a choice. And that if you dislike that person because they don't eat meat, you're disliking them for a choice they've made, a choice that can be un-done. That is nowhere near the level of hatred it takes to hate someone based on a race, something that person CANNOT choose. You cannot equate the two things at all. Not in any way, shape or form.

Everything cleared up?


Thanks for setting me straight,....


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The one good thing he did do though, and let's not forget, was go get those hostage's out. He risked his neck going in there in my opinion. I never would have gone there.

Not that much of a risk.

It was a propaganda jackpot for the terrorists to show up Bush, and he was more than willing to play his end of it for personal profit.

Once upon a time he was relevant, and meant something.

Much like today's NAACP.

Oops, I mean NAALCP.

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I'll compare whoever the fuck I like

How coincidental that I just left a thread where you complained of others "looking for a fight."

Seems like it doesn't take much for you to go off.

/just sayin'...

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Funny how Jesse said "He's talking down to blacks" Color or race was never mentioned in Obama's speach so that just goes to show that Jesse 'read into it' what he wanted. If he assumed Obama was addressing black men and not white men...what does that say about Jesse Jackson?!

Exactly! Jackson is upset at Obama because Obama said, " any fool can make a baby, but only a father can stick around to raise a child."

I guess that simple truth is 'talking down to black people' according to Jackson.

But what the heck, Jackson just recently took a big bundle of that "charity money" that he is constantly hustling for, to pay off a woman who Jackon had an out of wedlock child with.

Yeah, some Reverend!

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