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Spats' Loveblahblahblah Thread

Lake of Shadows

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I mean it as a compliment. It's not a negative thing. What else should i call the women that i think are really hot?

I don't believe ugly people desereve each other and only studs can get hot women. Bonnie was the one that said that's how it usually goes.

I was just pointing out all the attention those sandy haired pretty boys got this summer up here. I saw it first hand. It was literally happening right in front of me while i was getting no attention at all.

What would i do if i was falling in love with a girl that wasn't pretty?? I don't think it would be possible because you have to be physically attracted to the person.

You could call the 'hot' woman that you see beautiful, lovely, pretty, attractive? Anything in that area.

It may not be a negative thing, but some women wouldn't take to kindly to being called that. I'm sure, on reflection, they'll understand that you're paying a compliment, but at the time, they'll think you're being a bit cheesy.

I didn't actually read any of Bonnie's comments. It was the generalization that I got from your posts. If I'm wrong, I apologise, but that was the overall impression I got from you.

And, you see it is possible to fall in love - with anyone. You can't control it. You can be friends with plenty of 'plain' females and love can sometimes spring from there - it can be a natural progression. For you to say that you'd only fall in love as long as the woman's pretty, well, you've just proven to me that you're shallow. And most self-respecting women aren't turned on to that.

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You could call the 'hot' woman that you see beautiful, lovely, pretty, attractive? Anything in that area.

It may not be a negative thing, but some women wouldn't take to kindly to being called that. I'm sure, on reflection, they'll understand that you're paying a compliment, but at the time, they'll think you're being a bit cheesy.

I didn't actually read any of Bonnie's comments. It was the generalization that I got from your posts. If I'm wrong, I apologise, but that was the overall impression I got from you.

And, you see it is possible to fall in love - with anyone. You can't control it. You can be friends with plenty of 'plain' females and love can sometimes spring from there - it can be a natural progression. For you to say that you'd only fall in love as long as the woman's pretty, well, you've just proven to me that you're shallow. And most self-respecting women aren't turned on to that.

I said i could only fall in love with a woman that i am physically attracted to. I wouldn't be able to fall in love with a woman whose looks i didn't like. I didn't say she had to look like a runway model. Just what i consider beautiful. Most models don't really do it for me.

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I put physical attraction before the rest because it's one of those things that has to be there. If not then you will only be friends with the person. Nothing more.

I am just curious, wanna be drummer brought up a very interesting point about how can blind people fall in love when looks are sort of a base for falling in love, allegedly. I would love to hear your answer, spats.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Anyone have any suggestions on where i should hang out this weekend. Harbourfront is done for the year. There is nothing good playing at the movie theatres and the idea of going to a club depresses me.

If i were you, i would call Ronniedawg. He offered to hang out with you (so it seemed) and he says he's a stud muffin. Maybe he can get you some attention, lol.

As for the lowering your standards thing. Yes some people will only get to know someone with a certain income, status, etc... i have never made those things, including someone's appearance, priorities. Like what Virginia said, to me personality, character, compassion, etc. are more important. Maybe you would have more luck meeting someone through an on-line dating service. You will get the opportunity to see her looks and find out about her personality. Plus, rejection that way should be less painful than in person.

Edit: you may find girls choosing to talk to you more that way, too.

Edited by ~tangerine~
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The girl with the phone number might have a very attractive sister/cousin/girlfriend....whatever.

Just because she gives you her phone number doesn't mean you have to go to bed with her (the difference between communication and sex, ya know)

anyway....you are still sitting behind your computer right now while you are reading this......get outta your house, see and be seen is the game.

That's why i was asking for suggestions on where i should go this weekend. Most of my usual spots are not options right now.

You do have a point. A lot of not so pretty girls do have pretty friends. But if she is giving me her number she most likely has interest in me and might not like it if i was hoping to meet a pretty friend of hers.

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I am just curious, wanna be brought up a very interesting point about how can blind people fall in love when looks are sort of a base for falling in love, allegedly. I would love to hear your answer, spats.

I guess it depends on if they have been blind their entire life or if they were able to see at one time and then went blind.

If they have been blind their entire life i guess they have no choice but to ignore looks. It would be hard to get into the head of someone who has never been able to see.

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That's why i was asking for suggestions on where i should go this weekend. Most of my usual spots are not options right now.

You do have a point. A lot of not so pretty girls do have pretty friends. But if she is giving me her number she most likely has interest in me and might not like it if i was hoping to meet a pretty friend of hers.

Well, I didn't say "marry her".....but also, hanging round with girls makes you more interesting to other girls, so just give it a go.

I also read a few posts ago that Ronniedawg wants to hang out with you.....give that a shot too, I guess he knows more places in Canada than I do.

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I guess it depends on if they have been blind their entire life or if they were able to see at one time and then went blind.

If they have been blind their entire life i guess they have no choice but to ignore looks. It would be hard to get into the head of someone who has never been able to see.

I appreciate your answer and you bring up a valid point :)

And if it makes you feel better, spats, I'm not allowed to date at all in my life. :P

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I mean it as a compliment. It's not a negative thing. What else should i call the women that i think are really hot?

I don't believe ugly people desereve each other and only studs can get hot women. Bonnie was the one that said that's how it usually goes.

I was just pointing out all the attention those sandy haired pretty boys got this summer up here. I saw it first hand. It was literally happening right in front of me while i was getting no attention at all.

What would i do if i was falling in love with a girl that wasn't pretty?? I don't think it would be possible because you have to be physically attracted to the person.

There have been studies done on this. I'm not just pulling things out of my ass....but thanks for that.

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I put physical attraction before the rest because it's one of those things that has to be there. If not then you will only be friends with the person. Nothing more.

This is one of the most vile, disgusting, and inhumane things I've ever read.

You disgust me.

I'm not joking either. You need help. Dead serious

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I am not preoccupied with gender roles. I hate them. Other people are. Including tons of women.

Yes, but you canstatntly talk about them at the same time, which basically means that you are preoccupied with them.

I don't think there were countless possibilities as to why she did not call. It was that or she just had no use for me. I don't buy the to shy and nervous bit or the fear of rejection. If someone gives you their number they are not going to reject you.

Ok, I'll recapitulate it, so you'll understand what I was responding to.

you: ...because there are millions of girls who think the guy should do the asking. It's entire possible that was what she was thinking.

me: I must admit that I have never met a girl who would just sit and wait until the boy who the like approaches them just because they thought it should be that way. If they really were that passive, it was mostly because they were too shy (unfortunately, that includes me, too).

...which means that it is a mystery to me where you got your "millions."

You may not know women like that put i have known and met tons of them.

To this I can only say that you meet wrong people. Considering the places you visit, I'm not surprised.

People on here have said the guy should do the approaching. Even guys here have said it. :o

Oh the drama. :o


It think it is depressing to stick with your own level of looks. It's settling.

Oh, really? If this is "settling," how would you call it when a pretty girl dates a normal guy? How about "burying oneself alive"? So tell me, why on earth should those "hotties" date you? :rolleyes: Have mercy on them and leave them alone. :lol:

I'll tell you one thing, physical attraction has to be there; indeed, I agree.

...but that doesn't mean that people have set standards which they stubbornly follow (Well, some do, but as wannabe said, they're called douchebags). I've always liked tall and slender guys, but my bf is rather short and muscular. However, that still doesn't prevent him from being extremely sexy in my eyes.

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Hey for the record: I was joking about me being a "stud muffin". That was a bit of sarcasm cos sometimes women just make me go all stupid - as the previous paragraph suggested.

Sublime; love is blind.

Reswati; you're right brother.....Spats should get out from behind the keyboard and meet some people. Plan on playing some co-ed sports, classes, etc. Spats, you'll meet someone soon enough.

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This is one of the most vile, disgusting, and inhumane things I've ever read.

You disgust me.

I'm not joking either. You need help. Dead serious

When you start dating a girl that does not physically attract you then say that. But Most people on this earth have to be physically attracted to someone they date.

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Yes, but you canstatntly talk about them at the same time, which basically means that you are preoccupied with them.

Ok, I'll recapitulate it, so you'll understand what I was responding to.

you: ...because there are millions of girls who think the guy should do the asking. It's entire possible that was what she was thinking.

me: I must admit that I have never met a girl who would just sit and wait until the boy who the like approaches them just because they thought it should be that way. If they really were that passive, it was mostly because they were too shy (unfortunately, that includes me, too).

...which means that it is a mystery to me where you got your "millions."

To this I can only say that you meet wrong people. Considering the places you visit, I'm not surprised.

Oh the drama. :o


Oh, really? If this is "settling," how would you call it when a pretty girl dates a normal guy? How about "burying oneself alive"? So tell me, why on earth should those "hotties" date you? :rolleyes: Have mercy on them and leave them alone. :lol:

I'll tell you one thing, physical attraction has to be there; indeed, I agree.

...but that doesn't mean that people have set standards which they stubbornly follow (Well, some do, but as wannabe said, they're called douchebags). I've always liked tall and slender guys, but my bf is rather short and muscular. However, that still doesn't prevent him from being extremely sexy in my eyes.

You don't think there are million of girls that think that? Well that are tons of girls in Toronto who think that? So it is only natural to assume that there are women like that in every city in the world. Those are just the odds.

You may not have set standards on what physically attracts you but i do for the most part. I am not into women of all shapes and sizes. I am more specific. I am into women who are in good shape , curvy, who are close to my height, with long hair. I wouldn't be able to hook up with a girl who exactly the opposite.

Would you hook up with a guy that was shorter than you and out of shape?

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Hey for the record: I was joking about me being a "stud muffin". That was a bit of sarcasm cos sometimes women just make me go all stupid - as the previous paragraph suggested.

Sublime; love is blind.

Reswati; you're right brother.....Spats should get out from behind the keyboard and meet some people. Plan on playing some co-ed sports, classes, etc. Spats, you'll meet someone soon enough.

I am out most of the time. But it is to the same old places. I need to find new places to go. Co ed sports like what? The idea of taking classes is not too appealing. Classes in what? I gave up the class room back in school. I don't want to be sitting behind a desk anymore. I don't know how people go back to school when they are grown up. That would drive me insane.

And dont' let a woman make you go all stupid. I let this last girl (with a little help of booze) make me act like a fool and i got nothing out of it and am still regretting it.

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I am out most of the time. But it is to the same old places. I need to find new places to go. Co ed sports like what? The idea of taking classes is not too appealing. Classes in what? I gave up the class room back in school. I don't want to be sitting behind a desk anymore. I don't know how people go back to school when they are grown up. That would drive me insane.

Where do you usually go? Like, neighbourhood wise? I could try to offer some suggestions, I've been to a lot of different places in the city...

#1 suggestion I usually have is stay the hell outta clubland....ugh.

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Where do you usually go? Like, neighbourhood wise? I could try to offer some suggestions, I've been to a lot of different places in the city...

#1 suggestion I usually have is stay the hell outta clubland....ugh.

I Usually go to clubs. I went to harbourfront a lot this summer and did meet women there but it's closed until next summer.

I agree with you about clubs. I have had it with them. It's pretty cuthroat and loud. But the problem is that's where the most women are and usually the prettiest ones are. They are dressing in nice revealing outfits and partying on the weekends.

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I am out most of the time. But it is to the same old places. I need to find new places to go. Co ed sports like what? The idea of taking classes is not too appealing. Classes in what? I gave up the class room back in school. I don't want to be sitting behind a desk anymore. I don't know how people go back to school when they are grown up. That would drive me insane.

Take some cooking classes - lots are availble from different places, different cuisine and I meet people all the time....you'll become a great cook if all else fails - girls diggit when guys can cook. It would be one night a week and you can do a few classes a week - different cuisine. I actually want to find another sushi class - for a second opinion :) For co-ed sports there is baseball and volleyball (year round). Do a search for co-ed sports in Toronto, lots will come up.

Find new places and people to hang with....you'll see a difference right away.

Edited by Ronniedawg
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Take some cooking classes - lots are availble from different places, different cuisine and I meet people all the time....you'll become a great cook if all else fails - girls diggit when guys can cook, International cuisine. It would be one night a week and you can do a few classes a week. I actually want to find another sushi class - for a second opinion :) For co-ed sports there is baseball and volleyball (year round). Do a search for co-ed sports in Toronto, lots will come up.

Find new places and people to hang with....you'll see a difference right away.

I don't really have any interest in cooking. Just eating. :D I am happy just heating stuff up. I wouldn't be able to make the food better than it's made at my favorite places to eat. And i don't want to be doing something just because women like guys who do it. I would want to do it because i truly want to do it.

I am not interested in volleyball but i like baseball. They have indoor baseball? Do a lot of good looking women play baseball?

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I Usually go to clubs. I went to harbourfront a lot this summer and did meet women there but it's closed until next summer.

I agree with you about clubs. I have had it with them. It's pretty cuthroat and loud. But the problem is that's where the most women are and usually the prettiest ones are. They are dressing in nice revealing outfits and partying on the weekends.

Yeah, clubs are meat markets, but I think it's probably the wrong kind of "meat".....

Since you're on a Zeppelin board, I would assume you like music...have you thought about checking out any local bands? I find shows are a good place to meet people. It's easy to start a conversation because you can always talk about the bands. The girls might not be dressed as revealing, but there are quite a few pretty ones.

Quality over quantity :P

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Yeah, clubs are meat markets, but I think it's probably the wrong kind of "meat".....

Since you're on a Zeppelin board, I would assume you like music...have you thought about checking out any local bands? I find shows are a good place to meet people. It's easy to start a conversation because you can always talk about the bands. The girls might not be dressed as revealing, but there are quite a few pretty ones.

Quality over quantity :P

I like music depending on what the music is. Are there a lot of forward women at those places??? I like those type. As long as they are in my age range. No Cougars. And i don't want to be meeting any goth women or women covered in tattoos.

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