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Obama is not Eligible to run for President - Lawsuit Filed

The Rover

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Here's a story for the Liberal Media to ignore or belittle......

After all... there are just too many other important political things to cover..... although, for the life of me, I do not know what they are......


Philip J. Berg, Esquire, of Pennsylvania filed a lawsuit on Thursday, August 21st, seeking a Declaratory Judgement and Injunction that Barack Obama does not meet the qualifications to become President of the United States. . .

What, Mr. Berg just noticed Mr. Obama has dark melanin in his skin?

You don't know anything more important than these ridiculous lies? Allow me to suggest a couple of things.

It's the economy, stupid.

Global climate change.

Accelerated loss of species, rain forest, and other habitat.

The largest transfer of wealth in the history of human kind, which has taken place over the last 8 years and is well on the way to destroying the middle class in America.

The rights of women.

America's stature in and ability to influence the rest of the world.

Fighting horrific poverty in other countries.

Child sex trade.

The air speed velocity of an unladen swallow.

(Shall I go on?)

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The "liberal" media??

Most media outlets in the U.S. are owned by conservatives.

That doesn't mean anything

Look into who owns the major networks. For example, GE owns NBC who owns MSNBC (the most 'liberal' of the media outlets). The president of GE is a Republican. GE makes money off the Iraq war.
So what? That's terrible evidence. A LOT of people make money off the Iraq War.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch, starch conservative.

He now owns the Wall Street Journal as well!

We all know he's conservative. no surprise there

Those in charge will skew things the way they want to.
Yes, even liberals

The middle class in the U.S. has been getting the shaft for decades. Hard work and education no longer guarantee a decent job in this country. Move to India or China for steady work.

And the lower middle class continues to buy into the fear mongerers ... ooooh, we're gonna all git blown up by the terr'ists ... oh George Bush, please protect us!!

Yup, that's what the poor are doing, they're asking George Bush for protection :rolleyes:

Are you seriously that unaware of how the general public feels?

McCain says Obama teaching sex ed to kindergarten students ... THE TRUTH IS Obama helped pass a bill in Illinois to help little children recognize inappropriate touching from pedeophiles (too lazy to look up the spelling). McCain also took a Katie Curic quote (about Hillary Clinton) about sexism in the campaign and made it applied to Sarah "Yee Haw" Palin until Katie Curic demanded they withdraw the quote used out of context. And don't get me started about Palin's supposed "bridge to nowhere" nonsense...
And don't get me started on how much we've already heard about everything you just posted.


Elect another Republican for U.S. President?

Are you INSANE?!!!

Are you an idiot? Must you mock people's political positions?

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Dude, I'M FROM ILLINOIS. My grandmother and extended family live south of Chicago, you don't think I know what kind of stark difference exists between where they live and where I grew up? Hell, they still think it's acceptable to call black people "nigra"!

Chicago is Democratic. Everywhere else in the state, for the most part, is not. So save your fake laughter for someone else.

Edit: BTW, nowhere have I said voting for/against someone based on race is a good idea. If you use race as a reason to vote for someone you're as fucked up as the person who uses it as a reason NOT to vote for them. And if you REALLY think the results of racial voting will be skewed toward African-Americans, you're nuts.

Who was faking laughter? Not I.

I realize I'm not going to change your beliefs. Nor is it my job in life to do so, regardless of the fact that I've been on this planet twice as long as you and seen that much more. But I still disagree on a lot of this. So let's just agree to disagree.

Fair enough?

Edited by Rock Action
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Electrophile @ Sep 16 2008, 02:07 PM)

You get south of Chicago, you might as well be in Alabama.


OK, whatever you say. Though I've done plenty of traveling over the years and must disagree to a large extent.

How about all the folks that are wasting a vote on Obama BECAUSE he's black? Works both ways. You'll eventually see that once you get to your middle aged years. ;)

what a stinking load of bullshit, e-phile. easily one of the most ignorant statements you've ever made and that's saying alot. i lived in chicago for well over a decade and went to high school and college in southern illinois. i don't care where your ma-maw lives, you have no idea what you are talking about. (and you obviously haven't been to alabama). why don't you bone up on your geography and sociology by getting off your computer toadstool and seeing the country for more than your summers in pawpaw's tire swing?

i honestly don't know how you can persuade anybody to believe anything you post by saying some of the dumb shit that you do.

if you went to alabama yourself and stayed and worked six months, they would definitely teach you better manners: by their own example.

if you don't agree with RA politically, even you must admit he has a lot more class than you do...

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The "liberal" media??

Most media outlets in the U.S. are owned by conservatives.

Look into who owns the major networks. For example, GE owns NBC who owns MSNBC (the most 'liberal' of the media outlets). The president of GE is a Republican. GE makes money off the Iraq war.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch, starch conservative.

He now owns the Wall Street Journal as well!

Those in charge will skew things the way they want to.

The middle class in the U.S. has been getting the shaft for decades. Hard work and education no longer guarantee a decent job in this country. Move to India or China for steady work.

And the lower middle class continues to buy into the fear mongerers ... ooooh, we're gonna all git blown up by the terr'ists ... oh George Bush, please protect us!!

McCain says Obama teaching sex ed to kindergarten students ... THE TRUTH IS Obama helped pass a bill in Illinois to help little children recognize inappropriate touching from pedeophiles (too lazy to look up the spelling). McCain also took a Katie Curic quote (about Hillary Clinton) about sexism in the campaign and made it applied to Sarah "Yee Haw" Palin until Katie Curic demanded they withdraw the quote used out of context. And don't get me started about Palin's supposed "bridge to nowhere" nonsense...


Elect another Republican for U.S. President?

Are you INSANE?!!!

You nailed it on the head. I don't know how old you are, but I'm 38 and I cannot believe how absolutely dumbed down this country has become. It's ludicrous at best and downright scary in the scheme of things. Nobody's gonna do us in, because we're doing ourselves in.

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I've been to Alabama. Quite a few times. I saw enough of Alabama to know I had seen too much. The minute I saw someone drive by with 4 Confederate flags flying out their car, I knew I was in hell and needed to leave. And it's not just me that thinks that way about Illinois. Anyone and everyone I've ever met from Illinois thinks the same. Not to mention, I have friends still in Illinois, who live all over the state. Rockford, Quad Cities, Carbondale, Springfield, Chicago, Urbana-Champaign.......I could probably name more but why bore you with details. Furthermore, my mother, father, cousins, aunt and uncles ALL were born in Illinois and surprise, surprise.....they think the same too. I have been all over the state more times than I can probably count. I lived in Chicago 19 years of my life, my parents lived there over 50. My opinion comes from my experiences and interactions with people while I was there. Just because you think I'm wrong doesn't mean in turn, you're right.

And my grandfather died before I was born. And it wasn't just summers I spent at my grandmother's house, it was every other weekend we'd drive down there. So that little narrative of yours, while quaint.....was wrong. And you have a lot nerve lecturing me about "class" and "manners".

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I've been to Alabama. Quite a few times. I saw enough of Alabama to know I had seen too much. The minute I saw someone drive by with 4 Confederate flags flying out their car, I knew I was in hell and needed to leave. And it's not just me that thinks that way about Illinois. Anyone and everyone I've ever met from Illinois thinks the same. Not to mention, I have friends still in Illinois, who live all over the state. Rockford, Quad Cities, Carbondale, Springfield, Chicago, Urbana-Champaign.......I could probably name more but why bore you with details. Furthermore, my mother, father, cousins, aunt and uncles ALL were born in Illinois and surprise, surprise.....they think the same too. I have been all over the state more times than I can probably count. I lived in Chicago 19 years of my life, my parents lived there over 50. My opinion comes from my experiences and interactions with people while I was there. Just because you think I'm wrong doesn't mean in turn, you're right.

And my grandfather died before I was born. And it wasn't just summers I spent at my grandmother's house, it was every other weekend we'd drive down there. So that little narrative of yours, while quaint.....was wrong. And you have a lot nerve lecturing me about "class" and "manners".

Awe shucks,Electrophile.You just happened to be here during the semi-annual lynch fest.(which is now combined with moonshine mania)That, or Ole Miss could have been here to play the University of Alabama.

See,I was born in Olathe,Kansas,and moved to the deep south later on,so I know it can freak a person out to see a few Rebel flags hung on a front porch or attached to the broken out rear window of an old Ford pickup.Luckily,I picked up on the Alabama lifestyle rather quick.I'm not southern by birth,but I can't tell you anywhere else I'd rather live.That's probably shallow minded of me ,but,what the heck?

If you visit Alabama again,I hope your stay is not as nerve wracking as your previous trips here.

Have a great day Electrophile(love your work)and ROLL TIDE!!!!

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The "liberal" media??

Most media outlets in the U.S. are owned by conservatives.

Look into who owns the major networks. For example, GE owns NBC who owns MSNBC (the most 'liberal' of the media outlets). The president of GE is a Republican. GE makes money off the Iraq war.

FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch, starch conservative.

He now owns the Wall Street Journal as well!


Sumner Redstone, who owns Viacom which owns CBS, MTV, Paramount Pictures etc said in an interview "It's no secret that a Republican government in office is better for our profit margins"

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You guys are wayyyy too black and white. It's not like there's only left and right, conservative and liberal.

These owners you speak of may be conservative fiscally, as most rich people. But most of them of also socially left. Watch MTV, tell me that's a socially conservative station :rolleyes:

That would put these guys in the Libertarian category ;)

Edited by wanna be drummer
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You get south of Chicago, you might as well be in Alabama.

Electrophile, I'll be sure and let Rand McNally know! :lol:

Actually, racism is ugly, wherever or whenever it occurs.....

The very first time I ever felt Hatred, just because of my skin color, was when I was almost 10, and visiting friends in Illinois. It was the summer of 1965. We drove into Chicago from the suburbs, and while driving along Lakeshore drive, my eyes met with a black man, who was probably about 18. That was when I felt his hatred staring and piercing towards me, someone he had never met, but my skin color was white, and his was black.

I stated elsewhere, that if a political conservative, such as Alan Keyes, was on the ballot running against a liberal candidate, of any color.... I would vote my conscience, and not because of skin color. We do live in a racist world..... but simply voting in someone of color, does not equate to "fixing" anything, on those merits alone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

DNC seeks to silence lawsuit over Obama birth certificate

The Democrat suing his own party says it's 'like they're in cahoots'


Posted: October 04, 2008

By Drew Zahn -- WorldNetDaily


The man suing Sen. Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee for proof of Obama's American citizenship is outraged that his own party – rather than just providing the birth certificate he seeks – would step in to silence him by filing a motion to dismiss his lawsuit.

As World Net Daily reported, prominent Pennsylvania Democrat and attorney Philip J. Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court two months ago claiming Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen and therefore not eligible to be elected president. Berg has since challenged Obama publicly that if the candidate will simply produce authorized proof of citizenship, he'll drop the suit.

Berg told WND the longer the DNC tries to ignore his lawsuit or make it go away – instead of just providing the documents – the more convinced he is that his accusations are correct.

Despite assertions by the Washington Post, FactChecker.org and other organizations that Obama has produced a certified Hawaiian birth certificate, Berg told WND he remains "99.99 percent sure" that the certificate is a fake and he wants a court, not a website, to determine its validity.

Earlier last week, lawyers for Obama and the DNC filed a joint motion to dismiss Berg's lawsuit. The fact that the DNC joined in the dismissal request has Berg fuming, believing his party's leaders have ignored his pleas for proof in order to favor their chosen candidate over a rank-and-file constituent.

"I think it's outrageous," Berg said. "The Democratic National Committee should be ensuring the Democratic Party and the public that they have a qualified candidate up there. To file a joint motion is like they're in cahoots.

"Since then, I have asked by way of press release that Howard Dean resign, because (the DNC members) are not fulfilling their duties," Berg said.

"The DNC has a responsibility to all Democrats in this country to make sure that all of their candidates are properly vetted and properly qualified," Berg added. "I think it's really an outrage to the 18-plus million people who voted for Obama and the people who donated more than $425 million to him under false pretenses."

Berg is frustrated, not only with his own party's leadership for allegedly not investigating Obama's background, but also with the major news outlets for failing as well.

"I should also be suing the national media and their disgrace for not properly vetting, inspecting or checking on Barack Obama.

"Look what they're doing to Governor Palin: They're opening up her closet doors, they're going through everything personal, but no one has ever gone after Obama. It doesn't make sense," Berg said.

Obama's website counters Berg's claims with links to articles that affirm the validity of his citizenship and an image of a Hawaiian birth certificate for Barack Hussein Obama, born in Honolulu, Aug. 4, 1961. The webpage is part of the Obama campaign website's "Fight the Smears" section, an effort to prevent reports that Obama claims are false from disseminating as damaging rumors.

Berg acknowledges that as long as his lawsuit remains outstanding, the public will talk, and he told WND he wants Obama to quickly prove him wrong or the court to quickly prove him right.

"I've been on about 50 radio shows around the country," Berg said, "and on every one I've put out a challenge: Barack Obama, if I'm wrong, just come forth with certified copies of these documents and I'll close down the case."

Berg told WND, "I've had 19 million hits on my website. …Those people talk to other people, now we're up to 20, 30, 40 million people who are aware of this controversy, and it's going to drastically affect the entire election."

When asked what he would do if the DNC succeeded in getting his case dismissed, Berg said he would "immediately file an appeal to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, and if we don't get a fair ruling there, immediately to the U.S. Supreme Court."

"We're dealing with the U.S. Constitution and it must be followed," Berg explained. "I want the Constitution enforced; that's my main reason for doing this.

"The real outrage is that there's nothing in our system that provides that a candidate must provide that his qualifications are true and correct before he or she runs, and that safeguard should be put into our system by law," Berg said.

Edited by The Rover
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Yeah I agree with Elctro. Get south of I-80 and you are bascily in Alabama, but I might add, get north of 95th st. and you'll see in order. Little Iran, Little Mexico, The Jungle, Little China, and than you start getting into tho limousine Liberals area. Which so happens where Obama live. Chicago is a very diverse place.

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I stated elsewhere, that if a political conservative, such as Alan Keyes, was on the ballot running against a liberal candidate, of any color.... I would vote my conscience, and not because of skin color. We do live in a racist world..... but simply voting in someone of color, does not equate to "fixing" anything, on those merits alone.

That was the only race i did not vote in since i was 18. There was no way i was going to allow Obama to represent me, but voting for a guy who just moved in a week ago (Keyes/, was a no go either. Jack Ryan should be a senator now. Not the guy who should be cutting meat at a deli.

Still, I said 4 years ago that the dems would run Obama and Hilrod out there and the repubs will run Powell and Rice. and I would've voted for Powell and Rice.

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DNC seeks to silence lawsuit over Obama birth certificate

"We're dealing with the U.S. Constitution and it must be followed," Berg explained. "I want the Constitution enforced; that's my main reason for doing this.

"The real outrage is that there's nothing in our system that provides that a candidate must provide that his qualifications are true and correct before he or she runs, and that safeguard should be put into our system by law," Berg said.


Gee, someone should fix that.

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Yeah I agree with Elctro. Get south of I-80 and you are bascily in Alabama, but I might add, get north of 95th st. and you'll see in order. Little Iran, Little Mexico, The Jungle, Little China, and than you start getting into tho limousine Liberals area. Which so happens where Obama live. Chicago is a very diverse place.

You forgot little Poland :rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...

Inside Today's Bulletin

Fight To Reveal Obama's Birth Certificate Continues

By John P. Connolly, The Bulletin


Two of the plaintiffs in court cases against Sen. Barack Obama, the president-elect, are working to move their cases forward before his presidential inauguration.

Philip J. Berg, the attorney who filed suit against Mr. Obama challenging him to produce his original birth certificate to prove he meets the constitutional requirements to serve as U.S. president. Mr. Berg filed a Writ of Certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court late in October, in an effort to force Mr. Obama to produce the document.

Accordingly, the U.S. Supreme Court has said that Mr. Obama, the DNC and all co-defendants are to respond to the writ, on or before Dec. 1.

The judge in Mr. Berg's original case ruled that Mr. Berg does not have standing to enforce the constitutional requirements on a presidential candidate. Mr. Berg appealed the ruling to the Supreme Court.

"I look forward to receiving defendant Obama's response to the writ and am hopeful the U. S. Supreme Court will review Berg v. Obama. I believe Mr. Obama is not a constitutionally-qualified natural-born citizen and is ineligible to assume the office of President of the United States ."

Mr. Obama put an electronic photo of a birth certification on his "Fight the Smears" Web site, a document that his critics have found unconvincing. The raised seal and authoritative signature needed to validate the document cannot be seen on the scan. The Obama campaign was unwilling to release the original document to the court when Mr. Berg filed suit in August, choosing instead to argue against Mr. Berg's standing.

Mr. Berg asserts that Mr. Obama was born in Kenya , as his mother, Ann Dunham, was denied entry to the plane home due to her advanced pregnancy. Since she was only 18 at the time of Mr. Obama's birth, she would not have passed citizenship on to Mr. Obama. In 1961, citizenship could only be passed on to a child where one parent was an alien should the citizen parent have resided in the U.S. for 10 years, five of those over the age of 14.

The State of Hawaii has refused to release copies of Mr. Obama's birth certificate, because Department of Health officials say the privacy statutes of the state prevent them from doing so to anyone who does not have a "direct and tangible interest" in the record as prescribed in the state statute.

In Honolulu , Andy Martin, a longtime critic of Mr. Obama, filed a lawsuit in October, in an attempt to get the Hawaiian Department of Health to release Mr. Obama's birth certificate records. Mr. Martin announced last week that he plans to get members of the Electoral College to pressure Mr. Obama into presenting his birth certificate.

"We are going to start organizing a 'Goal Line Stand' in the Electoral College to force Barack Obama to produce his original 1961 birth certificate for review by the American people," Mr. Martin said. "Republicans, conservatives and independents have a new rallying point. Don't let Obama pass through the Electoral College until he has produced his original birth certificate and ended the mystery shrouding his origins."

No one, aside from Department of Health officials, has seen the original document. Mr. Martin has a court hearing on Nov. 18 in the Circuit Court for Honolulu , Hawaii to continue his case.

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I'll make this really really simple and hopefully it'll sink in:

short-form birth certificate in Hawaii = GETS RELEASED

long-form birth certificate in Hawaii = DOES NOT GET RELEASED

The short form is an official release, not a substitute or a fake.

Re-read if anything is unclear to prevent any further embarrassment.

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  • 2 weeks later...


CHICAGO — President-elect Barack Obama on Wednesday defended his decision to select veterans of the Clinton administration for positions in the West Wing, in his cabinet and across the administration, saying Americans would be rightly "troubled" if he overlooked experience simply to create the perception of change.

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Mr. Obama, who built his presidential campaign around a message of bringing a fresh outlook to the problems of Washington, said he would be negligent if he did not recruit people who had advised previous presidents. He grew animated as he sought to dismiss suggestions "that there's a recycling of people who were in the Clinton administration."

"What we are going to do is combine experience with fresh thinking," Mr. Obama said, speaking at his third news conference here in three days. "But understand where the vision for change comes from first and foremost: It comes from me."

The comments from Mr. Obama offered the clearest window yet on how he is building his team, particularly on the economy and national security. Although he has formally announced only one cabinet post, he is poised to reveal several other choices soon, nearly all of whom have ties to the Bush or Clinton administration.

"I suspect that you would be troubled and the American people would be troubled," Mr. Obama told a reporter, "if I selected a Treasury secretary or a chairman of the National Economic Council at one of the most critical economic times in our history who had no experience in government whatsoever."

To amplify his point, Mr. Obama announced that he was forming the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, a panel of experts from business, labor, academia and other sectors. He said he was modeling the group after a foreign intelligence advisory board created by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, where those outside of government could be "candid and unsparing in their assessment."

He named Paul A. Volcker, 81, a former chairman of the Federal Reserve, to lead the economic advisory board.

"Paul has served under both Republicans and Democrats and is held in the highest esteem for his sound and independent judgment," Mr. Obama said, as the 6-foot-7 Mr. Volcker towered nearby. "He pulls no punches. He seems to be fairly opinionated."

Mr. Volcker, who Democrats said was considered by Mr. Obama for the position of Treasury secretary, became chairman of the Federal Reserve in August 1979 as President Jimmy Carter was fighting to rein in the inflation caused by the oil shocks of 1973 and 1978. Mr. Volcker, who led the Fed until 1987, often used tactics that were unpopular, like rapid increases in interest rates. Criticized at the time as having caused a recession, he was later praised for the effectiveness of his efforts.

"Paul Volcker hasn't been in Washington for quite some time," Mr. Obama said, "and that's part of the reason he can provide a fresh perspective."

Austan Goolsbee, a University of Chicago economist who was a leading economic adviser to the Obama presidential campaign, will be the top staff member of the advisory board.

Mr. Obama said he would appoint other members to the board before taking office on Jan. 20. The back-to-back-to-back appearances by Mr. Obama this week were intended to demonstrate that he is striving to tackle the economic crisis that has shaken financial markets and rattled consumer confidence. Even though the Dow Jones industrials climbed 247 points on Wednesday, the fourth straight rise, he conceded that the holiday shopping season would be a challenge for families and retailers.

"What we don't want to do is get caught up in a spiral where people pull back from the economy, businesses then pull back, jobs are reduced," Mr. Obama said, adding that he hoped a recovery plan to create new jobs and save existing ones would be in place when he took office. With confidence, he declared, "Help is on the way."

In a brief question-and-answer session, Mr. Obama said his call for new ways of thinking on the economy should not be interpreted as a reflection of frustration and disappointment with the Bush administration's recent economic-recovery efforts. He signaled his support for the latest $800 billion government bailout plan, which is intended to provide new lending for consumers as well as to push down home mortgage rates.

Before taking a holiday break from staff and cabinet announcements, Mr. Obama and his family arrived at St. Columbanus Catholic Parish on the South Side of Chicago. They handed out white plastic bags filled with chicken, potatoes, apples and loaves of bread.

"The number of people who are getting food this year is up 33 percent," Mr. Obama said after shaking hands with food bank volunteers. "These folks were already, oftentimes, having a tough time, and it gets tougher now."

Sweet music


* Oh, courtesy New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/27/us/polit...mp;ref=politics

Edited by Mary Hartman
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