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Maybe it's not worth it, but I had an experience today that really made me sad:

I went to school this afternoon wearing a beautiful brown slouch hat. For sure, I kinda set it out to be starred at, but I didn't imagine it would be so bad.

The older people, even the old grannies I met on my way seemed rather pleased and smiled, but as soon as I met the other students, they laughed at me, slaged me and even cussed and gibed at me so loud that I could clearly hear it. I'm used to be called a hippie, but I never heared it in such a degorative tone, others yelled hobo and dipshit at me.

I managed to get through to my friends, but I was so angry and sad then that I had to fight against the tears.

I think it's shocking, that just the young ones who are said to be so liberal, are so arrogant and prejudiced!

I'm sorry to tell you this aweful, boring story, but I feel better now.

Have any of you similar experiences, or thoughts?


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I just think it is so depriming that all the speeches and programms and books and film that should make people more tolerant were value a cold shit.

And I think what they do to me is no comparison to what ethnic and sexual minorities have to experience every day!

Man, it makes me so fucking angry!!! I could forget my pacifism!

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While it sucks that people made fun of you for the hat you were wearing, I don't think this qualifies as "prejudice" unless they were also throwing out racial/religious/sexuality epithets at you. They were just being plain old assholes. Which is bad enough.

I've worn stuff to school or out in public that got people snickering, I just roll my eyes and ignore it. Like 59LesPaul said, people suck. They're shit. They do this stuff because they think it's funny and because they have no brains. They aren't worth your time, or your tears.

Edited by Electrophile
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While it sucks that people made fun of you for the hat you were wearing, I don't think this qualifies as "prejudice" unless they were also throwing out racial/religious/sexuality epithets at you. They were just being plain old assholes. Which is bad enough.

I've worn stuff to school or out in public that got people snickering, I just roll my eyes and ignore it. Like 59LesPaul said, people suck. They're shit. They do this stuff because they think it's funny and because they have no brains. They aren't worth your time, or your tears.

I'm sorry I have to disagree with you in the prejudice thing. I had to fight with that earlier- and my friends had too. It is not only a matter of clothes, you're instantly a geek when your average grades are better than theirs or you don't like to get drunk every week-end. And I wasn't sad because they insulted me, it is the general situation that sucks so much.

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I'm sorry I have to disagree with you in the prejudice thing. I had to fight with that earlier- and my friends had too. It is not only a matter of clothes, you're instantly a geek when your average grades are better than theirs or you don't like to get drunk every week-end. And I wasn't sad because they insulted me, it is the general situation that sucks so much.

It's not prejudice that they're getting on you for having good grades and not being a raving alcoholic. It's jealousy. Pure and simple. They're haters. They see someone who gives a shit about school, doesn't go out and get wasted all the time......and they're jealous.

When you keep it in that context, you can laugh at them rather than cry.

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It's not prejudice that they're getting on you for having good grades and not being a raving alcoholic. It's jealousy. Pure and simple. They're haters. They see someone who gives a shit about school, doesn't go out and get wasted all the time......and they're jealous.

When you keep it in that context, you can laugh at them rather than cry.

Thank you so much for supporting me so kind! I feel much better now, and I sort of am ashamed for myself for being so easy to distract. But I can't help it.

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I'm sorry I have to disagree with you in the prejudice thing. I had to fight with that earlier- and my friends had too. It is not only a matter of clothes, you're instantly a geek when your average grades are better than theirs or you don't like to get drunk every week-end. And I wasn't sad because they insulted me, it is the general situation that sucks so much.

Honey, right now they think they are the cool people and anyone who isn't like them isn't cool. In reality, you and your friends are the cool people and they are not. I don't think they are haters, they are inmature and it gives them an ego boost to feel 'cooler or above' other people.

Guess who'll be having the last laugh Sophia...YOU will! Because most of them will in the end probably not live the fullfilling life that you are setting your foundation up for. You GO girl and know in your heart....YOU are the cool one...they just don't know it. Have pity upon them ; ) You can laugh inwardly at your 10 year reunion.

Keep marching to YOUR drummer honey, it's just one of the things I think is so cool about you!

Hugs Sweet Lady!

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Maybe it's not worth it, but I had an experience today that really made me sad:

I went to school this afternoon wearing a beautiful brown slouch hat. For sure, I kinda set it out to be starred at, but I didn't imagine it would be so bad.

The older people, even the old grannies I met on my way seemed rather pleased and smiled, but as soon as I met the other students, they laughed at me, slaged me and even cussed and gibed at me so loud that I could clearly hear it. I'm used to be called a hippie, but I never heared it in such a degorative tone, others yelled hobo and dipshit at me.

I managed to get through to my friends, but I was so angry and sad then that I had to fight against the tears.

I think it's shocking, that just the young ones who are said to be so liberal, are so arrogant and prejudiced!

I'm sorry to tell you this aweful, boring story, but I feel better now.

Have any of you similar experiences, or thoughts?


I remember I was 14, it was the year 1993. I used to go to an all-boys Catholic school. All the boys in school, whenever it was free-dress day (as we used to wear a uniform) would turn up to school wearing boardshorts and a quicksilver/hot tuna/mambo T-shirt. Every single one of them. I used to turn up to school wearing purple corduroy trousers with a bright yellow sunflower shirt or maybe a psychedelic Op-Art shirt, with a beautiful threaded woven demin jacket I used to own, topped off with a pair of black suede shoes. I looked like a member of The Smashing Pumpkins.

That's what I liked and that's what I would wear to school and the other boys used to absolutely pick the shit out of me for wearing it. The crap they used to say to me, the insults they would throw. Some of the insults would hurt, but at the end of the day I was glad I wasn't them. I was glad I wasn't just another sheep turning up to school in the exact same clothes that they all wore just to fit in.

I had the balls to go to school and be different, and so do you. I wouldn't be who I am now without doing what I did back then, and neither would you. What makes you the person you are now is the fact that you will go to school and express yourself in that way. If the teasing gets to you, and you succumb to it, then it will change you, it will defeat a part of you, and you may not be again that bright spark of independence and inspiration that you are now.

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such needless behaviour only seems to occur, (and gets magnified) when idiots gravitate together in a bunch.

I see this type of thing in my home city on a regular basis, and there was a time when I really got angry on witnessing it. But not any more, because I've seen those idiot types come and go - it's mostly a juvenile thing, and some of them don't look so full of themselves later on in life.

I'm genuinely glad that one or two of them occasionally look back and think to themselves "well, I let myself down there, a little bit".

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I remember I was 14, it was the year 1993. I used to go to an all-boys Catholic school. All the boys in school, whenever it was free-dress day (as we used to wear a uniform) would turn up to school wearing boardshorts and a quicksilver/hot tuna/mambo T-shirt. Every single one of them. I used to turn up to school wearing purple corduroy trousers with a bright yellow sunflower shirt or maybe a psychedelic Op-Art shirt, with a beautiful threaded woven demin jacket I used to own, topped off with a pair of black suede shoes. I looked like a member of The Smashing Pumpkins.

That's what I liked and that's what I would wear to school and the other boys used to absolutely pick the shit out of me for wearing it. The crap they used to say to me, the insults they would throw. Some of the insults would hurt, but at the end of the day I was glad I wasn't them. I was glad I wasn't just another sheep turning up to school in the exact same clothes that they all wore just to fit in.

I had the balls to go to school and be different, and so do you. I wouldn't be who I am now without doing what I did back then, and neither would you. What makes you the person you are now is the fact that you will go to school and express yourself in that way. If the teasing gets to you, and you succumb to it, then it will change you, it will defeat a part of you, and you may not be again that bright spark of independence and inspiration that you are now.

Most awesome post my friend. Hear that Sophia? Stay true to yourself, that is what will make you happy in the long run.

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Maybe it's not worth it, but I had an experience today that really made me sad:

I went to school this afternoon wearing a beautiful brown slouch hat. For sure, I kinda set it out to be starred at, but I didn't imagine it would be so bad.

The older people, even the old grannies I met on my way seemed rather pleased and smiled, but as soon as I met the other students, they laughed at me, slaged me and even cussed and gibed at me so loud that I could clearly hear it. I'm used to be called a hippie, but I never heared it in such a degorative tone, others yelled hobo and dipshit at me.

I managed to get through to my friends, but I was so angry and sad then that I had to fight against the tears.

I think it's shocking, that just the young ones who are said to be so liberal, are so arrogant and prejudiced!

I'm sorry to tell you this aweful, boring story, but I feel better now.

Have any of you similar experiences, or thoughts?


It happened to most of us when we were young too, and to some extent still does even as adults. Some people are brought up to act like sheep and to dislike anything that is slightly different or out of the norm. Even on here there are pepople who do not get on and have left the site because of this.

Edited by leddy
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Man, it makes me so fucking angry!!! I could forget my pacifism!

Story of my life (well documented in this forum). :lol: My mom raised me to not only be tolerant, but have an interest in different cultures/religions/ways of life. She was passionate and sincere about it. We moved from Los Angeles to a small midwestern town when I was little (cue slapstick comedy music). So my mom's absolute insistence that I never, EVER keep my mouth shut when I heard racism/sexism/homophobia....yeah, I got the shit beat out of me. Black eyes, winded, slapped, strangled, you name it I got it and I gave it right back. Even when I was still in elementary school I was already thinking, "Oh god, somebody else say something. PLEASE let it be someone else this time." It never was. It's only been in my 30's (closer to 40, now) that I have come to appreciate that I never backed down and I am so, so grateful to my mom. Without guts life is boring.

Fuck 'em :D

I moved to the city when I was 18 and spend all my time around gardeners and musicians, so I forgot all about that shit (until I came in here :o ).

Edited by Suz
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Honey, right now they think they are the cool people and anyone who isn't like them isn't cool. In reality, you and your friends are the cool people and they are not. I don't think they are haters, they are inmature and it gives them an ego boost to feel 'cooler or above' other people.

Guess who'll be having the last laugh Sophia...YOU will! Because most of them will in the end probably not live the fullfilling life that you are setting your foundation up for. You GO girl and know in your heart....YOU are the cool one...they just don't know it. Have pity upon them ; ) You can laugh inwardly at your 10 year reunion.

Keep marching to YOUR drummer honey, it's just one of the things I think is so cool about you!

Hugs Sweet Lady!

Tell them "I'm a Zeppelin Calendar Girl" Beyotch! B)

"Miss April"

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Tell them "I'm a Zeppelin Calendar Girl" Beyotch! B)

"Miss April"

Aww no doubt your a trend setter honey and are goin to go far and do well in life ,some probably sense that and feel quite jelous and threatend. You go gurly and smile with your cool hat :thumbsup: on next time and smile in the knowing you know which end is up, don't let anyone let you doubt yourself .

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People are quick to judge anyone who isn't just like them. Just ignore it. Either that, or learn to beat people.

Exactly (minus the beating people bit :D )

People don't like what they don't understand. It's happened to the best of us. Just think, Jimmy got a ribbing when he grew his hair long. Even rock star's aren't immune to the occasional jibe thrown at them.

Hold your head up high and don't let them get to you. They're only jealous 'cause they're boring.

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I know exactly what you went through, I've gone through it EVERYDAY of my high school career. Be proud to be who you are, unique people are so rare and so beautiful for it. People don't like people who aren't like them, or are different. It's a shame too. You want to know something? Amist all the people who say horrible things are some people who know better and they are going to be your best friends. I don't have a lot of friends, but I have the best friends I could ever ask for. I can count them on my hands, but I can't count how many times we've been there for each other, how many times we've laughed together, and how many times we just sit and have entire conversations without saying a word. Those are the people to look for, don't worry about anyone but you. If it continues look for something positive and know you aren't alone. I read Love, Janis 4 times my freshman year because I could relate to Janis's stories. I tried so desperatly to fit in, but I couldn't. I'm different, but that's what makes me who I am. Don't be ashamed of who you are, embrace yourself!

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In nyc these days, people from all over the country and world are living there, thats why its so expensive. its just amazing, the changes that have occurred with wealth or whatever.

Maybe ny is united through work...i dont know. i really dont think its an issue here compared to other places in the country.

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Maybe it's not worth it, but I had an experience today that really made me sad:

I went to school this afternoon wearing a beautiful brown slouch hat. For sure, I kinda set it out to be starred at, but I didn't imagine it would be so bad.

The older people, even the old grannies I met on my way seemed rather pleased and smiled, but as soon as I met the other students, they laughed at me, slaged me and even cussed and gibed at me so loud that I could clearly hear it. I'm used to be called a hippie, but I never heared it in such a degorative tone, others yelled hobo and dipshit at me.

I managed to get through to my friends, but I was so angry and sad then that I had to fight against the tears.

I think it's shocking, that just the young ones who are said to be so liberal, are so arrogant and prejudiced!

I'm sorry to tell you this aweful, boring story, but I feel better now.

Have any of you similar experiences, or thoughts?


Whenever you do something different there will always be someone to oppose you.

Do not open your soul to the poison of others. Pray for them.

Perhaps they are at that awkward age where they lack the social skills that the situation requires. Consider yourself fortunate that you have more sense.

If you are able to carry on a civil conversation with one of them, let him know that you would like him much better if he would be nice and not say mean and insensitive things to you.

Challenge these immature boys on an individual basis. If you try to deal with them as a group, they can be more difficult. Peer group pressure is more than those immature types can usually handle, and it brings out the weakness in their character. Remember that these guys are in a formative stage of life and will hopefully someday mature into nice gentlemen. Until then, you'll need to establish boundaries.

Sometimes trying to engage in a conversation with immature boys is like trying to reason with a two year old, a losing battle. Just chalk it up to experience and keep smiling. You're worth it.

Sometimes when they sense weakness in you, they attack your self-esteem because they think that somehow elevates their own status. Apparently they don't think too highly of themselves. Be nice and patient with them, but insist that they behave. If they fail to act like gentlemen, let them know exactly how you expect them to behave when they are around you, and do not settle for less.

Sometimes those immature guys say those dumb things just to get your attention because underneath it all their hormones have activated and they are attracted to you. But they don't know what to do yet. They don't know the right thing to say.

Sometimes they admire you but don't know how to express themselves, so they say something stupid instead. Let them know you would appreciate it more if they would be considerate and say nice things.

Edited by eternal light
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As you no doubt already know, a large part of the peer pressure thing is INSECURITY. Your classmates want to feel a part of their own group and so they say & do the things they THINK the others expect to hear. The grannies and people who smiled at you on the way to school were probably alone and they were giving you a genuine response. I bet there were some kids in the group who also secretly thought you looked really cool but were timid & afraid to show it.

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