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JPJ, Jimmy Page Interview


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god damn, that was good.

All that tells me is one way or another, JPJ, Jimmy and Jason are going to tour... it would be great if robert would join in, but its going to happen anyways.... Maybe I'm reading too far into it, but thats my speculation.

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Thanks for the find, I wish they would make it longer and kill all those annoying jump cuts and but pseudo zep music underneath. Do they think the type of people that listen to a 30 minute version of "Dazed and Confused" don't have the attention span for an interview?

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Who said negative rumors.....that couldnt have been any more of a positive reaction right there. One of -page's comments is that "they respect each other's differences"... it all sounds like things are going very good and the responses to the music sound great!

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Jimmy and Jonesy’s comments about the records being an embryonic blueprint for the shows were interesting. It's true. I never looked at it from that perspective; another great reason that set them apart from the rest. I remember one of the criticisms of the time was that they didn't sound anything like their records.

I agree that fast-cut interview style is so annoying and passé.

Thanks for sharing, stairway! :)

Edited by Lady Goodman
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Thanks - it's so great to see John Paul Jones speak out. He's very funny. And nice to hear Jimmy say they get along better than people think. Nature abhors a vacuum, so it's nice for them to fill in the conjecture with reality.

My favorite thing was Jimmy talking about people not even being able to think about how it used to be - "they won't be able to. They'll just be sucked in!" :thumbsup:

The way Jimmy talked about the the three musicians meshing, sounds like all they need is a really great singer, and they're off! ;)

(where's the running away emoticon when you need it?)

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Thanks for posting! My husband and I loved what we saw and heard from Jimmy and JPJ. So nice, we watched it twice.

Who said negative rumors.....that couldnt have been any more of a positive reaction right there. One of -page's comments is that "they respect each other's differences"... it all sounds like things are going very good and the responses to the music sound great!

What you said.

Thanks - it's so great to see John Paul Jones speak out. He's very funny. And nice to hear Jimmy say they get along better than people think. Nature abhors a vacuum, so it's nice for them to fill in the conjecture with reality.

My favorite thing was Jimmy talking about people not even being able to think about how it used to be - "they won't be able to. They'll just be sucked in!" :thumbsup:

The way Jimmy talked about the the three musicians meshing, sounds like all they need is a really great singer, and they're off! ;)

(where's the running away emoticon when you need it?)

JPJ was in rare form there, wasn't he? :thumbsup: I loved the way that Jimmy described how the three of them "meshed."

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Thanks for posting! My husband and I loved what we saw and heard from Jimmy and JPJ. So nice, we watched it twice.

What you said.

JPJ was in rare form there, wasn't he? :thumbsup: I loved the way that Jimmy described how the three of them "meshed."

Yea, Jimmy made it sound like they're ready to go with or w/o Robert...hmmm, I wonder if he has something in mind with a "Robert-less" tour. Maybe Paul Rodgers or Chris Robinson...

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I like the things -john paul jones said about -jason bonham's playing, interesting comments. Years ago, if there was ever going to be a -led zeppelin regrouping to play a whole show, i would have thought it would be quiet right up until the show. Now with all these interviews it seems like its building up to something bigger, maybe an o2 cd release, or whatever....but its quite a build up.

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Do you think they would be doing this much publicity for a single show where the tickets were already sold out? And they didn't mention the Mothership or the remaster/re-screwup of The Song Remains the Same, so that's obviously not what they're promoting, either. They're saying this is a show people must come see! And I will!...if the cost is reasonable.

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Do you think they would be doing this much publicity for a single show where the tickets were already sold out? And they didn't mention the Mothership or the remaster/re-screwup of The Song Remains the Same, so that's obviously not what they're promoting, either. They're saying this is a show people must come see! And I will!...if the cost is reasonable.

Heck, I'll go if the cost is unreasonable... :blink:

This sure seems like a full-scale re-launch. If Robert chooses to go off in his own direction, I sure hope that doesn't stop the others. But I also hope Robert doesn't choose to only go off in his own direction.

Great avatar & name, Tadpole!

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