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Who would be a good Plant replacement?

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I agree with this in that Zeppelin is about the music itself. And what better to hear than ripping zep scales and thundering drum beats all night.

The only problem with that is it greatly minimizes the overall effect of the tour. And reduces the value of the tour to a select small following.

They should blow the doors off it. If Plant decides for what ever personal reasons not to participate...then the rest of the band need's to make it even bigger than it would have been with Plant.

They should choose a singer, who's mere utterence of their name will make people spill their coffee in astonishment. That too will help build the anticipation.

Madonna. Mariah Carrie, Janet Jackson....just ideas...but along those lines.

What about Britney Spears LOL!!!!!! Now that would REALLY make people spill their coffee!! :lol::o (Of course, you all know I am joking big time here!!)

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It would be a huge error to have a zep tour, simply to boost the career of a mid-level singer.

It's only the media that keeps touting the notion this project is Led Zep going out. Jimmy himself has stated publicly that the band isn't the band without the 4 of them on board (including Jason in this case. They're not doing this to "boost" anyone's career. They want to get out and create music and it's about finding a singer that will work well with what they are doing.

Eddie isn't big enough! Not only that, you can't choose someone that is anti-corporation to be front man of a corporate elite band.

I'm not sure what you mean here - Zep and it's members haven't ever been "corporate elite". They were pretty anti-establishment back in the day and though times have changed as far as how touring goes (most bands take on some sort of sponsorship simply to offset extremely high costs of touring nowadays), I still don't see them as having gone all corporate. Unless I'm missing your point!

Agree'd about the musical integrity.

Which is why it is already devistating to think that Robert wont join in.

They will need a really big name to fill those shoes.

Again, it's not about trying to fill Robert's shoes, which no one could do. I would assume they are looking for someone to fill the sound they are looking for and work well against whatever they're creating.

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They should choose a singer, who's mere utterence of their name will make people spill their coffee in astonishment. That too will help build the anticipation.

Why on earth do they need to build the anticipation--it's not big enough? Bringing in some sort of "stunt singer" isn't going to make them a better band. I also don't see why they need to prove anything with regard to Robert's participation in the band.

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It's only the media that keeps touting the notion this project is Led Zep going out. Jimmy himself has stated publicly that the band isn't the band without the 4 of them on board (including Jason in this case. They're not doing this to "boost" anyone's career. They want to get out and create music and it's about finding a singer that will work well with what they are doing.

I'm not sure what you mean here - Zep and it's members haven't ever been "corporate elite". They were pretty anti-establishment back in the day and though times have changed as far as how touring goes (most bands take on some sort of sponsorship simply to offset extremely high costs of touring nowadays), I still don't see them as having gone all corporate. Unless I'm missing your point!

Again, it's not about trying to fill Robert's shoes, which no one could do. I would assume they are looking for someone to fill the sound they are looking for and work well against whatever they're creating.

Ok you clarified a few miss-understandings or views I had and I agree with you. I'm not trying to second guess anything. I don't follow the interviews....it's important to not obsess over others, for ones own identity.

As far as corporate. Ummmmmmmmmm. Jimmy played guitar on the New York Stock Market exhange, that changed the perception!

And its not a bad thing either! It is what it is. I think it would be impossible to do a world tour without corporate sponsership. So I'm not complaining about that either....shit wish I had corporate sponsers, lol.

Just think how limited our options for entertainment would be without corporate sponsership, not to mention 95% of my customers work for corporations themselves.

Zeppelin embraced their corporate sponsers early on and to good end. They probebly wouldnt be as big as they are without that capital and resources backing them.

And they may have at one time been anti-establishement back in the day.

But today, they are the establishment!

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I honestly do not think there is a good replacement for Robert Plant.

It is bad enough that John has is gone, but his son is a remarkable replacement. I was asking myself this question as I drove home tonight. Would I pay the big bucks for the best ticket if Plant was not on the bill?

I am really torn on this because one of my longest running dreams in regards to music is to be right up close to the stage for some Jimmy Page guitar work. God it makes me tremble just to think about it.

Edited by RobertB
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How can people enjoy music when they are so full of preset expectations that they can't appreciate the moment? I suppose they would rather listen to the sounds of city traffic instead.

Music is a gift. I guess people would rather be washing dishes or doing laundry but I think you have to appreciate the opportunity to hear and see people perform when you can.

Edited by eternal light
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I know very well that he is not interested, and actually wouldn't appreciate being suggested for it.

He appreciates people who respect him and his talents as an individual, not because of who his Dad is.


OMG! :o I watched Logan's clip. He is not Robert at all which is what the 3J's are looking for but boy does he ooze of charisma. Loved him the first 3 seconds even before he sang his first note. His youth and voice will surely bring something fresh and different into the equation. I think I'm gonna dig more into his music I actually liked what I heard. Hope he will be in the running... :)

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