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Do we really want this?


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I'm really excited to see Jimmy play with virtual one-man band Jonesy. 25 years of other bass players have lacked the foundation of color that Jonesy provides. Jimmy's playing hasn't had the freedom that he had when Jonesy did half of the heavy lifting.

At this point I don't think we'll find Jonesy as rescuer, over-playing to compensate for an out to lunch Page, as we did in the tour over Europe 1980. Jimmy is playing in the moment, Jimmy is listening in the moment and reacting quickly, and Jonesy showed confidence in Page's skills and didn't overplay at the O2.

Bonham was good, but he needs to be better, and he needs to just quit it with that double cymbal hit thing. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I may put a clip of the offending cymbal hits together.. seriously, that's just not pro. I look forward to him growing on the road as he did with Foreigner.

All in all, this is going to be a good time to catch these guys, especially if it's true that Jimmy is sober now (or at least for shows).

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First off, did we really want Page Plant?

I missed JPJ's organ playing in the 98 tour when they did No Quarter.

That said, I loved both tours.

I saw JPJ at Massey Hall solo and it was amazing.

I saw the Queen Show with Paul Rogers and loved it.

To me it s a relief that as musicians, the three of them think they can create magic with a new singer. They are artists who want and need to express their music. Harvey Goldsmith is a business person and it is absurd for him to say they should not do it.

If you have the music in you and you don't express it, you die plain and simple.

I was relieved to hear the words from JPJ's mouth about all this.

And what can they call themselves???

Come on man!!!

They gave themselves symbols on the 4th album. There was no name for that album.

There are two symbols left without R Plant's.

Why even name the band? Keep it like the old days, imaginative and unspoken

Edited by Iden Ford
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There has been no confirmation - ANYWHERE - that they will call themselves Led Zeppelin.

Yes, I really, REALLY want to see Jimmy, Jonesy, and Jason back out on the stage - together, apart, upside-down, on a bus, playing Coverdale/Page (cringe!) songs if they have to - just get out there! Yes!

YES INDEED!!! Case closed.


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I was at live aid. I stood in the heat all day waiting for Zep.

When they hit the stage they could have played "CHOPSTICKS" and I would have been happy. My only complaint was it was too short.

Yeah but that's not my point. I absolutely loved it too, just LOVED it. The point is that most of the rest of the world didn't - including the band themselves - and it certainly besmirched the fine legacy they had had.

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Can anybody tell me what the difference is between the 3 J's touring with a new singer (maybe) doing some new material (maybe) and led zeppelin songs... and Robert Plant touring with some new material and doing some Led Zeppelin songs?

I for one don't and will be the first in line for tickets... bring it on. And oh 'caroselambra' I think you'll find the Rolling stones have had the same line up for 30 years or so.

No they have not

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Yeah but that's not my point. I absolutely loved it too, just LOVED it. The point is that most of the rest of the world didn't - including the band themselves - and it certainly besmirched the fine legacy they had had.

I hear ya Knebby. I am gonna have to find my VHS tape of that and give it a look again (damm do they still sell VHS players?)

For me seeing all or part of Zep is an oppertuntiy to relive for a brief moment of many DAYS of MY YOUTH.

Also, it is a chance to experience second hand through the eyes of others what I must have looked like all those years ago. I have beeen able to do that at Stones and Who concerts and it is something I love sharing with my family.

Edited by KEVIN
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No doubt it was a crap performance but I don't see how it effects the bands legacy. I felt the same about the band after I'd seen it that I did before.

Again that is not my point. So did I, so did most Zep fans. The world at large however, - including the band themselves - did not.

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No doubt it was a crap performance but I don't see how it effects the bands legacy. I felt the same about the band after I'd seen it that I did before.

IMHO I never thought that Live Aid was a crap performance.

I know the band was not happy with it as Knebby has stated, and it was not their best that's for sure

but I enjoyed it.

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I was at live aid. I stood in the heat all day waiting for Zep.

When they hit the stage they could have played "CHOPSTICKS" and I would have been happy. My only complaint was it was too short.

I was there as well. Got there the night before and partied in the parking lot. I think I still have my Cherry Coke painter's hat and fan they gave out. LOL

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Again that is not my point. So did I, so did most Zep fans. The world at large however, - including the band themselves - did not.

Agreed. As one who was there though, I think it was more the moment than than the actual performance for most fans, well for me anyway. I had it on good authority from someone present at rehearsals that the rehearsals were FAR better than the performance. They had everything going against them onstage. Horrible monitors, Jimmy out of tune(Jimmy actually nailed the tunes but they sounded like crap because he was out of tune). Plant's voice shot(and flat due to the monitor situation). Collins played like moldy ass. I agree with an earlier post that he had no excuse. Anyone who claims to have never heard those songs(except for claiming to have heard them for the first time on the Concorde on the way to JFK) probably shouldnt have been asked to play them.

Plus, I never considered it a Zeppelin reunion as most have. They were not announced or billed as Zeppelin. It was Page, Jones, and Plant back together for the first time since '80 bustin' out some Zep with IMHO substandard players.

I will tell you this, if you were there, you'll know what I mean but that place literally ROCKED when they came out. NO ONE got the response they did. You had to be there to experience STH just as the sun was starting to set. It was something beyond words. There was a oneness among 90+thousand people that was unbelievable.

There was also another fairly forgettable reunion that morning.....Black Sabbath with Ozzy. Another moment greater than the performance.

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I too will take JP & JPJ on stage with another singer. I hope that all of this "rehearsing" that we are hearing of does indicate that we will have new music for them to tour with. I think that saying they shouldn't do this is wrong, if they want to get together and play and tour then they have every right to do that. They are musicians, this is what they do!

I can't imagine JP going out on the road with a new singer and calling it Led Zeppelin but that's something we'll just have to wait an see. Now that they have said that they are doing this "project" I wish they would lay that question to rest, but again, we'll see on that one.

As for RP being an ego maniac, I think that you have to have an overzelous ego in order to be the frontman that he is known for being. I don't think that we would have had the same band if RP didn't have a healthy dose of ego. (I don't think he's an egomaniac, if he were he would have signed up with the others already just to say "look at me, I've still got it")

All that said, I sure hope that this record, tour or whatever does indeed happen, I've only seen JP live once in my life and can't wait to see him again.

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as long as they don't call themselves Led Zeppelin, or make themselves out to be Zeppelin, I don't care what they do. there's absolutely NO good reason why any fraction of any band should ever tour under the guise of their former selves. one-off shows are one thing, but touring as something you aren't is done for money only, and that's a sham.

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At the end of the day whether Jimmy, Jonesy and Jason record/tour it's not really our choice - as they have said before it's got to be down to what each individual member of the band wants. Sadly, if Robert doesn't want any part of it - that's his choice. Who knows, Robert might even join in at the last minute, anything is possible. But right now Jimmy, Jonesy and Jason (from what we've heard) are having a blast, and who are we to try and stop them? Why try and stop 3 individuals from doing what they love to do? Whether they record/tour as 'Led Zeppelin' or 'The New New Yardbirds' i'm 100% sure i'll be going to see them again and i bet i won't be the only one - Robert or not, i'll settle for 2 original Zeppelin members with Jason who lets face it is a tremendous drummer.

Do We Really Want This? errrrrrr???? HELL YEAH!!!

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want JP, JPJ, Jason and playing music together (rehearsing)? yes

want JP, JPJ, Jason and someone else named as something other than Led Zep?? yes

want JP, JPJ, Jason and singer to be named recording new music??? yes

want JP, JPJ, Jason and singer to be named hopefully soon to tour???? yes


R B)

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The selfish part of me can't wait for a tour, but another side is hoping they won't IF it would cause any past demons to mess with their well-being. But having said that, I'm wildly optimistic, and looking forward to hearing new studio magic, plus a tour if they feel it's right for them. Like many here, I ultimately trust their judgment too. :) Regarding the name, it won't sound exactly like Zep (nor should it) with a different singer, so IMO it would be better to use a different name.. and a new name would be less restrictive on them too I think. But I'm fine with whatever they decide :D

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as long as they don't call themselves Led Zeppelin, or make themselves out to be Zeppelin, I don't care what they do. there's absolutely NO good reason why any fraction of any band should ever tour under the guise of their former selves. one-off shows are one thing, but touring as something you aren't is done for money only, and that's a sham.

If Jimmy and the boys anounce today that they have formed a new band called "POO ON MY SHOE" does it matter.......

When they tour the HYPE will be about LED ZEPPELIN playing. Every radio newspaper and magazine will call them LED ZEPPELIN. Whatever they do will be compared to LED ZEPPELIN.

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