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Unexpected Encounters with Band Members Thread

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I asked him how the DVD was coming along (as he was editing it at that time) and he mubbled a few positive words and I also asked (rather hopefully) if he was planning on playing any little gigs soon, to which he said no and smiled.

If this was in Dec. 2004 then what DVD was he editing? Led Zeppelin DVD came out in 2003 right?

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If this was in Dec. 2004 then what DVD was he editing? Led Zeppelin DVD came out in 2003 right?

It was definitely the times he was working on rhe LZ DVD, not another project. That is why I said "(think it was 2004)," I am hopeless when it comes to years, so you are probably right in saying it was 2003.


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It was definitely the times he was working on rhe LZ DVD, not another project. That is why I said "(think it was 2004)," I am hopeless when it comes to years, so you are probably right in saying it was 2003.


Ok cool. You had me worried that I had missed some important DVD release! For a second, I was thinkin "What the hell? Where was I?" Good to know I didn't miss anything :) By the way, that is amazing that you got to meet him. I might take a trip to where he lives just so I can run into him.

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I've been fortunate to meet Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones, Jason Bonham and Bill Curbishley (Page/Plant manager) on separate occasions. I don't want to go into the

particulars of my meeting Jimmy Page in a public forum as it was a private meeting at his

home. Suffice to say, it remains among the highlights of my life and ended with a warm, farewell handshake I'll never forget either.

I was lucky enough to interview both Page and Plant on TFI Friday nearly 10 years ago. Best 15 minutes of my life

Well this does happen sometimes mate. Jimmy does have a life, and encounters people.

I bumped into Robert in Camden market once. And on The Kings Road outside a shop called "Ho Lee Fook". I was amused. :D

well I think you know my story Robert Plant and the conker, LOL

Well, it's a small world, isn't it?!

Unfortunately not small enough because I haven't yet met any of the band.

Although a friend of mine has, and I apologise if she joins this board and I'm about to spoil her story :whistling:

Anyway, she went to London and visited Tower House, as you do. Then Jimmy came out as he was leaving for Sussex (I think) and they had a good chat and some photos etc. That was at the end of last year. Then a couple of months ago she got tickets to Foreigner and somehow managed to get herself backstage where she met Jason.

I highly doubt I will EVER see one of them walking down the street or at the market :hysterical: . You never know though ;)

I was lucky enough to meet Jimmy back in 2001. He was doing some kind of guitar promotion at Mars Music in Ft. Lauderdale at the time. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time (which is EXACLY what he said to me while autographing my Page/Plant shirt!) Later, I attended the ABC Trust dinner event down there and got to say hello again. Jimmy was quite friendly, and I made sure not to take up too much of his time. But it was cool meeting my guitar hero, I must say!

Met Robert in Newcastle during the Manic Nirvana tour in 1990. I was walking past the stage door of the city hall on my way to the entrance when he arrived. Talk about good timing!

Am I just so unlucky or why do I have to feel like the only one who never met one of them before?? :'( :'(

So many people talked to Robert Plant before! Or at least bumped into him

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I, myself, haven't met any of the band.

Though I do know Roy Harper, who I'm sure a lot of you will know that Led Zeppelin wrote a song dedicated to him on Zep III.

I ran into him in an Art Gallery earlier this year, were one of my friends introduced me to him.

We started talking about Led Zeppelin, he mentioned how Jimmy Page lost a lot of his confidence since John Bonham died (probably hopefully, changed since their reunion concert), he told me Robert Plant was okay and recording a new album (which was his new album with Alison Krauss).

Was great meeting Roy Harper, still seems to be a hippie after all these years, he's living in Ireland so I haven't had a chance to speak to him since.

I would love to get to know Jimmy Page though!

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Bristol 1992 (I think). I was wiped out of my bonce on some good hash and had ventured to the Texaco 24-hour petrol station on Whiteladies Road for some skins and a pot noodle at about eleven PM. I'm standing waiting to be served when a blonde curly gent in a Harris tweed interrupts because he just wants to pay for his petrol. Well this always annoys me in petrol stations. They should have to stand in line with pot-noodle and Rizla buyers is my feeling. But it was a jaw-dropping slow-mo double-take that, thankfully, due to being stoned wasn't too dramatic because it was Robert and he'd just been across the road at the BBC for something or other or was just going there. (I read about whatever it was later but can't remember it now. Don't think it was music-connected actually.)

Wasn't tempted to try to say anything as he didn't look in the best of moods but did make eye-contact so that he knew he's been spotted alright. The others in the place hadn't the slightest clue. As I remember he had a nice silver MG and was still out there checking the tyres orwater or something as I was leaving.

By the time I got back to my flat, I'd forgotten about it completely but I haven't eaten pot noodle since.

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Unfortunately i havent met any of them. However one of my friend's mum, who used to live in England was in a book shop, gazing through the gardening section and she picked up a book and none other than Robert Plant told her that it wasn't a great book and recommended another book to her and they chatted away for another couple of minutes about gardening and what not. Then she said that she should go buy the book and head off home, it wasnt until she got to the counter and the sales person said what was he like? and she said who? and then the sales assistant said Robert Plant, you were just talking to him. She had no idea that it was Robert Plant that she had just been talking to for the past ten minutes and when she found out who she was just talking to he had already taken off.

I laughed at that story for a fair while

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I haven't met any of them either but I do live in Hollywood,Ca.I did run meet yes I met

Ozzy Osbourne.He was at Tower records I read and he was going to be there so I thought if I could meet him I couldn't afford a CD so I waited in the front and he stopped he said he wanted to meet me.I fell on his limosoune by accident it was a strange the way it happenned.He said he liked me and said that I was pretty,too I said thank you I shook his hand he asked what is my name I said Lynne nice to meet you and the other guys were there too so I met the rest of black Sabbath,too.He invited me to go out with him.He seemed to but he seemed really busy.He liked me alot though I was flattered and nervous I am not used to being in front of people.

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Christ these days you can't go out for a pint of milk without bumping into an Osbourne.

Bring back hanging, I say!

I haven't met any of them either but I do live in Hollywood,Ca.I did run meet yes I met

Ozzy Osbourne.He was at Tower records I read and he was going to be there so I thought if I could meet him I couldn't afford a CD so I waited in the front and he stopped he said he wanted to meet me.I fell on his limosoune by accident it was a strange the way it happenned.He said he liked me and said that I was pretty,too I said thank you I shook his hand he asked what is my name I said Lynne nice to meet you and the other guys were there too so I met the rest of black Sabbath,too.He invited me to go out with him.He seemed to but he seemed really busy.He liked me alot though I was flattered and nervous I am not used to being in front of people.

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I've been very, very lucky to meet Page, Plant & Jones on a few occasions, but my late, great mate Rob had by far the best encounter (with Robert Plant). :D

I'll apologise if I get the facts slightely skewed here, but as the bloke is no longer around for clarification purposes I hope you'll understand.

The scene - Birmingham NEC

The gig - Aerosmith (? Not sure, but I think it was them)

Rob was wandering around the cavernous interior of the NEC, probably in search of beer or merch. He spotted Robin George (eighties hair rock star & Plant collaborator) in the crowd, and (being a bit of a lapsed fan) made a beeline for Mr George to engage him in conversation.

Rob: "Excuse me, but are you Robin George?"

Robin George: "Well I used to be..."

Overcome with the excitement of meeting his one-time hero, Rob took a few paces backward & accidentally stood on a bloke's foot. Rob apologised profusely, and the chap was very gracious about it. It was only afterwards that he realised that the bloke whose foot he had stood on was actually Robert Plant.

Some time after I asked him about it, rather excitedly.

Me: "So what did he say?"

Rob: "Ouch." :blink:

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Whilst trying to forge a career in the music business over the years I was lucky enough to meet the original 3 members of LZ.

In 1993 I supported Robert Plant twice. They were secret gigs and took place in The Kings Head pub in London. I think I got picked to do it because I was a solo guitarist and therefore wouldn't take up much space! also I played alot of blues stuff and there weren't that many guys my age (21 at the time) who played that sort of stuff... Anyway suffice to say Robert was a gentleman and very gracious to me. Even going so far as to listen to my set (I could see him)and tell me how much he enjoyed it (the charmer). One of his guitarists at the time was Frankie Dunnery who was leaving at some point and told me to meet Robert's management in order so that I could arrange an audition. I was duly told to get a demo tape to them and was told to learn a handful of songs from Fate Of Nations and a couple of Zeppelin tracks (I think one of them was Trampled Underfoot)... Anyhow I did all my homework and about a week after I handed the tape in I was told that the tour wasn't going to go on longer than they thought as Robert was going to get back with Jimmy!! At least I lost the gig to a good guitarist haha...

Anyhow I then met Jimmy when they were rehearsing for the Unledded tour and he was a gent too...and then one day I was walking down Dean Street in Soho, London and...

noticed a bloke on the other side of the road staring at me. I looked back as if to say "what's your problem" and he looked away after a few seconds.. I then realised it was JPJ!! I went over and asked him (I was now behind him) "Excuse me are you John Paul Jones". He stopped looked at me (as if he thought he knew me.. which is what it was obviously about when he was on the other side of the road.. and said "yes". I immediately shook his hand and said that i wanted to thank him for all the years of joy he had given me. His response was to look like I had made his year!! haha. he probably doesn't get recognised that often. What a lovely man...

Anyhow... now I manage The Blockheads (as in Ian Dury) and sometimes play with them so I ended up in this crazy business after all...


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I've been fortunate to meet Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones, Jason Bonham and Bill Curbishley (Page/Plant manager) on separate occasions. I don't want to go into the

particulars of my meeting Jimmy Page in a public forum as it was a private meeting at his

home. Suffice to say, it remains among the highlights of my life and ended with a warm, farewell handshake I'll never forget either.

Ummm, you wouldn't care to throw us a morsel? A tidbit? ANYTHING AT ALL???????

If your integrity would be compromised i'm sure that everybody would understand but you DO realize that some might think this to be somewhat, errrr, unbelievable?

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Same here. But no one ever visits Michigan. I think the weather scares them off along with two of the most violent cities in the country.

Lady, maybe you'll run into Jack White one of these days. No, wait - he moved to Nashville. But hey, you've still got Aretha Franklin. Better than my neck o' the woods that's for sure.

I enjoy these stories, they show that our heroes are just regular people after all - people who can recommend a good gardening book to your friend's mum (!). I loved those anecdotes from the old board as well, where people ran into Jimmy at the bus stop, on a train, and visiting a pie shop B)

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Hearing about these meetings is great!

I met Robert sometime in 80's during one of his solo tours ( I can't remember the year)

I had dinner in the same mexican restaraunt [in Arizona] as him & his band.

There were a few of us fans around getting autographs and a security man asked him if he wanted

to get rid of us & he said "No they are with me".

I remember he was surprised that I knew so much about Zeppelin because he thought I was too young to know.

He was very nice & spend ages with us he didn't seem to mind at all.

I met Jimmy at his house which was not at all unexpected but I won't give too many particulars because he cherishes his (and his familys) privacy very much & I respect that.

I only had a very short time with him but it was just he & I and I will treasure that memory fondly for the rest of my life. He autographed some things for me & I wanted to ask him alot of guitar questions but I was so nervous I mostly just froze up. :wub:

My best mate met Jason Bonham a few years ago at a gig & spent the better part of an evening with him. She said he was great & was really easy to talk to, He loved talking about Zeppelin.

I have never met JPJ but would love to.

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Lady, maybe you'll run into Jack White one of these days. No, wait - he moved to Nashville. But hey, you've still got Aretha Franklin. Better than my neck o' the woods that's for sure.

I enjoy these stories, they show that our heroes are just regular people after all - people who can recommend a good gardening book to your friend's mum (!). I loved those anecdotes from the old board as well, where people ran into Jimmy at the bus stop, on a train, and visiting a pie shop B)

Ted Nugent. But I think I would run and hide from that guy, he's a little to weird. :unsure:

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Same here. But no one ever visits Michigan. I think the weather scares them off along with two of the most violent cities in the country.

You've got to get up north more often, Raven. We actually get quite a few "celebrities" visiting here in Traverse City. Quite a few own homes here in the area. Haven't seen Robert or Jimmy around, though. ;)

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Same here. But no one ever visits Michigan.

Lady Raven, did you forget Robert Plant performed his SECOND EVER post-Zeppelin U.S. solo gig in Kalamazoo?

Saturday, August 27th 1983 at Wings Stadium 3600 Van Rick Drive

And he also returned!

On Thursday, May 26th 1988, his chartered flight from Burka-Lakefront Airport in Cleveland arrived at the Kalamazoo County Airport. He and his band were checked into the Sheraton Hotel at 3600 East Cork Street.

He performed at Wings Stadium that night.

The next morning, he and his band were flown to Detroit Metropolitan Airport.

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So do I keep reading the same answer or have alot of people been to Jimmy's house? (how awesome is that!!)

Sadly I haven't met any of them either. I got an aftershow pass once to one of Robert's shows in Mesa AZ.... about 15 of us were standing there waiting around to be let in back stage and one of the guys came over and said.. Sorry... not tonight!

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Lady Raven, did you forget Robert Plant performed his SECOND EVER post-Zeppelin U.S. solo gig in Kalamazoo?

Saturday, August 27th 1983 at Wings Stadium 3600 Van Rick Drive

And he also returned!

On Thursday, May 26th 1988, his chartered flight from Burka-Lakefront Airport in Cleveland arrived at the Kalamazoo County Airport. He and his band were checked into the Sheraton Hotel at 3600 East Cork Street.

He performed at Wings Stadium that night.

The next morning, he and his band were flown to Detroit Metropolitan Airport.

Wow, I didn't know that. Kzoo use to be home to Gibson guitars but the plant is closed now- from what I know. Looks pretty deserted when you go by it. Jimmy's guitars were made in my city. I don't think the Sheraton is a Sheraton any more either- I have some friends that work at the hotel you're speaking of though. Zep needs to come play at my university's theatre then. :rolleyes:

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