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what song started you on Zeppelin?


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  • 2 weeks later...
what song started you on Zeppelin?

mine is immigrant song and black dog

My older brother bought the 8-track (yes I said 8-track) tape of the 4th Album. I was in 8th grade (37 years ago) and I would listen to the whole tape over and over on my parent’s old stereo using the new Pioneer headphones that I bought with money I saved from my paper route. I fell asleep many nights in a chair listening to the wondrous sounds of this incredible band. Stairway to Heaven was the song that hooked me for good.


Growing up in a little town in northern Wisconsin, we use to listen to WLS AM radio out of Chicago. The radio stations in my area only played Top 40, bubble gum crap. I remember waiting for Physical Graffiti to arrive my junior year... stunning! In My Time of Dying is an all time favorite. When the band played that song during the O2 concert I almost lost it! Brought tears to my eyes.


As a senior in 1976, Presence arrived and Achilles Last Stand was a regular on the car stereo driving "the loop" crusing with my friends and my now late cousin Scott. Every time I hear Achilles, I remember us with our crazy derby hats driving through town like we were really something... those were the days I miss more with each year that passes.


The music, the friends, the memories... my life would be very different without this great band and their magical music!


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For me: "Rock and Roll", and "Celebration Day"

I was on a school trip, and had a Walkman (or some other kind of tape device) with me, and I bought a "The Song Remains The Same" cassette at a gas station.

"Rock and Roll" was the first song I heard and it just blew me away, and then I instantly fell in love with the "Celebration Day" guitar riff B)

This was 1977, I think.....and I've been a Zep-fan ever since

Edited by Fuzzface
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Immigrant Song and WIAWSNB were my favorite songs at the age of six. Which is understandable, because they're really loud and "in your face". Since then I had always enjoyed Zep, but they didn't become my favorite band until about 2 years ago. That probably started when I was watching TSRTS on VH1 one day. (first time I had seen it since I was 5 or 6). I was just like............... :drool:

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My brother had IV at home and I got hooked by Stairway to heaven. I was 10. It was 15 years ago. I used to sit at our living room for hours and days listening to Stairway to heaven, when my brother came one day and asked me why dont I ever listen the other songs there as well... And so I tried it... Black dog, as the first song started and It absolutely blew me away and that began my Led Zeppelin obsession.

As I said, I was 10 and year was 1993 and I live in Czech Republic, so it was kinda hard to get some more stuff. My brother had Led Zep 4 and Remasters (2CD version), which was a good start so I listened to those all the time. After some time, I remember getting TSRTS on a VHS in the poorest quality you guys can imagine. The tape was absolutelly devastated. Most of parts of the tape was unplayable, more than half of moby dick and dazed and confused had no sound nor pictures etc... mostly it was jsut chrrrr, krach, krach, chrrrrr...... but I LOVED IT, I cant even describe how many times I saw it, regardles the quality... As time went by, I chased some songs first and finally I bought all the albums...

Led Zeppelin is my all time favourite. I never ever listened to any music before LZ, so they are my number one for the whole of my life... Bad side of this is, that I will never see them live. Its my absolute no1 dream, becouse music, and I love especially live music, is a great part of my life and Led Zeppelin are way on the top... I read all possible sources every day and hope to see the news that they get on tour with Jason. I 100% count Led Zeppelin with Jason as Led Zeppelin. He is as great as his father was imo. O2 was great, but I didnt get there altough I really tried to get the ticket somehow:(. So I'm still hoping...

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Well, I know that when I was little I remember my dad would play songs like Whole Lotta Love or Black Dog or Immigrant Song, you know those (But of course, I was waaay to little to know or understand that that was the greatest band to have ever lived :lol: ) But I do remember hearing Stairway to Heaven the first time (That whole time hearing it on the radio I tried to imagine how the lead singer looked because I always did wonder when my dad told me about Led Zep. . . No wonder I love Robert so much now!!)

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You know i cant remeber the what got me started, It seems it always was , maybe so many great songs that stay with you. This got thinking I was looking for some opinions about & found this interest blog . I dont know if this posted it dated about year ago , But SF Professor blog special topics Led Zeppelin , which has refreshing take with no preconseived lore fron student essay on the band that contained no footnotes or references" link to read essay "

When Zeppelin was mine

Edited by MJC455
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You know i cant remeber the what got me started, It seems it always was , maybe so many great songs that stay with you. This got thinking I was looking for some opinions about & found this interest blog . I dont know if this posted it dated about year ago , But SF Professor blog special topics Led Zeppelin , which has refreshing take with no preconseived lore fron student essay on the band that contained no footnotes or references" link to read essay "

When Zeppelin was mine

thankyou for that, what a lovely story! i would love the zep boys to read it.

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  • 1 month later...

when i was like, 5 or 6 i found my dads old Zeppelin IV cashette tape, i listened to it before i went to bed almost every night, not knowing that a few years later,i would be palying guitar and taking after Jimmy Page like he was my father.

I remember listening to Stairway, and going to california , i still usually turn on zeppelin well i fall asleep, theres just nothing like turning on some Ten years gone, or The rain song well all the lights are off, and just closing your eyes and listening till you drift away into sleep


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  • 2 weeks later...

It is truly a joy to share this story with others of my kind, while I listen to the song on you tube. I was 13 years old smoking my first joint with an uncle who has since passed to the other side. He said he had a song that he wanted me to hear. The song was Stairway to Heaven. It forever changed my life. The song is actually the story of my life. Our life as human beings. The woman is the natural conciousness. The song explains the possibilities for our mutual evolution in cociousness. It is the mythic hero's journy that Joseph Campbell so eloquantly described. We are all on that journy. Some are of aware of this. Unfortunatly, most aren't. Led Zeppelin was not a chance happening. Zep came from the other deminsion to share this message of change with all mankind. They were truly human however, and not Gods. Only godlike. They had their ups and downs just lie all of us. They were special in that they were Avatars of a New Age that is happening right now. Heralds of something more. They were very succesful in their mission to this 3D reality. They shook things up, if you will! They prepared a way. Stairway to Heaven has been with me all of the rest of my time on this earth. No matter were I have been or what I have experienced, it has been one of my few constants. I never grow weary of enjoying the song and all the rest of the Led Zeppelin experience. I ask you my friends. How is it even possible to improve on perfection? It can only be held up to the light and contemplated. I want it played at my funeral. No cmmentary. Just the song. And, by the way, it is just a beautiful song that is truly one of lifes sweet pleasures! Endulge yourselves.

Edited by enlightenedone
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