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The Inauguration of Pres. Barack Obama

Robert's Plant

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Seeing George HW Bush with his coon-skin cap. Classic retired-Prez move.

Seeing Jimmy and Roselyn Carter brushing right by the Clintons on their way out of the Capital.

Seeing Joe Biden raise his arms in victory upon exiting the Capital building and upon being sworn in as Vice-Prez. It was emotional, human and I loved it.

The orchestra performance written by John Williams. It was the highlight of the inauguration for me.

The Inauguration Speech, only because of two things: because it sounded very Republican and because he quoted Washington.

The Reverand's speech. It started out raspy and barely audable, but it came into its own in the second half and the outro rhyme time was impressive for an inauguration ceremony. I've already heard several "whites" feel it was racist, but it was in good fun. Get over it.

Fox News actually sounding like a "fair and balanced" News Channel for one day only.


Aretha Franklin proved to me today she needs to stay retired. She can't sing anymore, but I know why she was there and respect that. Patti LeBelle would have been a better choice, IMO.

Chief Justice Roberts fucking up the oath. He's the Chief? Obama shot him a look of, "Dude, are you fucking serious?" But finished it off with poise. Good first move as the new Commander-in-Chief.

The Inauguration Speech. At times it was moving and inspiring, but after all the speeches and hoop-la by this point, I walked away disappointed with not really getting anything new. He's still a much better speaker than W..and that's something to clap about.

The poem. What are we in second grade? It was read to us like we were all sitting on the carpet, staring aimlessly with our mouths open. We weren't.

The television coverage. Andrea Mitchell's horseface is one thing, but her bare-bones reporting with nothing to report nearly killed me several times today.

Overall, the emotion of the whole spectacle was quite a historic event. Getting past the politics and the personal likings or dislikings of the new President/Vice President, one must rejoice in the events of today. At the very least, we've rejuvinating what "The American Dream" is suppose to mean to all its children. At the very most, we've just witnessed the first steps of an infant politician into an infant administration with eminant challenges and failure at every possible turn.

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There were many ambivalent moments in the inauguration. On one hand it was a day of great joy, even for us foreigners, and but the grim reality wasn't forgotten either.

No but I think Obama's speech reflected that - it was more somber and focused on the fact we're in a tough state now and there's a lot of work ahead.

Other than Chief Justice Roberts messing up the Oath a little, it was a great Inauguration. I am beyond proud to see the man I supported, defended and voted for sworn in as our President. What a great day for Americans.

Also, my thoughts and prayers go out to Ted Kennedy's family; he collapsed and suffered a seizure during the Inaugural luncheon.

:yesnod: :yesnod:

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The Reverand's speech. It started out raspy and barely audable, but it came into its own in the second half and the outro rhyme time was impressive for an inauguration ceremony. I've already heard several "whites" feel it was racist, but it was in good fun. Get over it.

Just shows their ignorance, since his whole point was to reverse all those racist cliches like "If you're black, stay back," etc.

I agreed with most of your positives and negatives. :yesnod::yesnod: (OK, lousy delivery of the poem, but I still liked the poem itself! I'm the only one, though. :D )

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I'm just glad there are some here who have the seemingly evasive intellect and enough of a humorous mind to understand what I was saying. It's really a no-brainer. And I think there's a good chance the writer could've possibly done it with a little twist in there. It's NOT that far-fetched. But that's not the point, The Zep connect is just something I picked up on and some others did too.

We were tuned into the same frequency. B)

People need to lighten up and feel more humor in their lives.

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Who would be arrogant enough to think that the fucking President of the United States wrote his Inaugural address with coded messages about YOUR favorite band? "ZOMG he said Levee that means he likes ZEP!!! WOO-HOO!!!"

Gee, had he said something about generations and not getting fooled again, would you scream he was a secret Who fan?

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Well here comes Mr Serious and I say it is far fetched. Sorry to rain on your party! The referances were to Katrina and the Stairway referance was probably to 911. I hope that Obama walks out of the white house with a Led Zeppelin t-shirt on. And Im sure he probably does like them. But there is no way Im buying this speech was written with any direct referance to our favorite band.



Here, I'll even loan you the money,


Then again, this might be enough to rent a clue.


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Who would be arrogant enough to think that the fucking President of the United States wrote his Inaugural address with coded messages about YOUR favorite band? "ZOMG he said Levee that means he likes ZEP!!! WOO-HOO!!!"

Gee, had he said something about generations and not getting fooled again, would you scream he was a secret Who fan?

Arrogant ? :lol:

And sure, if within a couple of sentences he mentioned My generation, won't get fooled again, Goin Mobile (for the hurricane victims, near New Orleans I assume you know), from behind blue eyes ( he does have blue ones, right ?), yeah, I'd think he might be on to something.

I know it's hard for some to join together in this Teenage Wasteland, but I can't explain anyway, anyhow, anywhere to a glittering girl. I'm no fortune teller.

See my way ?, if so, I'm shakin' all over !

I bet Obama really is a Who fan, btw.

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Ok, I've skipped reading everything here because I don't have the time... But I'd just like to announce that....

I WAS THERE!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

and I was less than 20 feet from him on the parade route! Talk about being starstruck...

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I just talked to my son. He is on his way home from the inauguration.

Here is what he had to say about the inauguration. Note: he is very tired and not too talkative. I didn't get alot of details.

The students left their hotel in downtown Baltimore at 3:30 AM. They were bused to RFK Stadium, then took a DC city bus to the Capitol area. They found their way to the Mall by 6 AM. At that time, the closest they could get to the Capitol was where the National Art Gallery is. If you are familiar with DC, this is not too close. He said that he did not sit down from 6 AM until 2 PM! To keep the crowd entertained, they played the video of the concert on Sunday. He said they had several jumbo-tron video screens placed around the mall. The mood was very festive.

He thought that Obama's speech was good. He was glad to be there witnessing history. He said that things in DC were fairly unorganized, in his opinion. The Ohio State students went wild when they introduced Arnold Swarchenegger, as he has ties to Columbus (The Arnold Classic) and my son's friends have worked for Arnold at this event and know him personally.

I saw snippets of the event. My prayers are with the new President and I hope that he will live up to all the expectations that the country has.

I did see the invocation by Rev. Rick Warren, and I liked it.


You could tell by the look on Obama's face that he realizes what a huge task he has ahead of him, how difficult it will be, and how he needs everyone's prayers to help him do the job set before him.

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My only question is what was on -aretha franklin's head? was that a satellite, or a warming device or something, there has to be a reason.

I was thinking the same thing. I was actually quite entertained by it--was it wool or felt?

Was it decorated with a Bedazzler?

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I was thinking the same thing. I was actually quite entertained by it--was it wool or felt?

Was it decorated with a Bedazzler?

unfortunately i didnt hear a word she sang cause of that, but i just saw the sound bytes, not live tv. i dont know, it just seemed unusually strange and otherwordly, as far as hats go. ya know.

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Having an American leader who thinks globally and wants to be a part of "the World" is a good start.

The anti-American feeling the rest of the world has towards America is totally the effect of an Anti-social and Anti-human President. Out the door with him "finally"...

Pres Bush has kept us safe..

Barack wants to extend his hand.

He hopes it's not answered with a fist.

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"Pres Bush kept us safe"

Again allow me to bring up the tiger-repelling rock. See this rock here? It keeps tigers away. You know how I know it keeps tigers away? Since I've had this rock, not one tiger has attacked me.

President Bush caused 4,000+ of our men and women to die in two wars, one of which we had no business starting. That's more than the casualties of 9/11. Which happened during his administration, BTW. I wouldn't call that "keeping us safe". And if you mention "oh, we haven't been attacked since then", I'll have to tell you the story of my rock again.

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