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What is Jimmy to do?


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its not Led Zeppelin without John Bonham. SO - Page and Jones without Robert Plant of course is not Zeppelin.

If Plant doesnt want to do tours and stuff, thats fine. He can do what he wants. But I would like Page and JPJ to stay together and write some new stuff. THAT would be amazing. They could call it:

"Jimmy Page & John Paul Jones"

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its not Led Zeppelin without John Bonham. SO - Page and Jones without Robert Plant of course is not Zeppelin.

If Plant doesnt want to do tours and stuff, thats fine. He can do what he wants. But I would like Page and JPJ to stay together and write some new stuff. THAT would be amazing. They could call it:

"Jimmy Page & John Paul Jones"

Id rather it be forced to measure by means of the product itself, not the names involved. That's just way too easy a sale. I too would love to hear a collaboration of the two.....by means of an a more obscure title. Something like "The James Patrick Bladwin Project". :lol:


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Plant has had a very successful solo career. Why does he need Zeppelin again? Besides, Zeppelin called it quits after Bonham tragically died.......I don't know all the details behind that but I'm guessing Plant had a lot to do with that decision. He and Bonham afterall were best friends.

So let's assume he's still being loyal to the memory of his lost friend..........and like I said he's moved on with a nice solo career.

Why should he want Zeppelin again?


Well, he doesn't need to record with Alison Krauss, and he doesn't need to work with Strange Sensation either. He doesn't need to do anything. The only thing he needs at this point is to do what moves him and what he enjoys.

It's clear to me from reading the David Fricke story in Rolling Stone that Plant is clearly moved by what's going on in rehearsals. It wouldn't shock me in the least if this show goes well and he decides that he doesn't want to just say goodbye to the other three after only one night...

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its not Led Zeppelin without John Bonham. SO - Page and Jones without Robert Plant of course is not Zeppelin.

If Plant doesnt want to do tours and stuff, thats fine. He can do what he wants. But I would like Page and JPJ to stay together and write some new stuff. THAT would be amazing. They could call it:

"Jimmy Page & John Paul Jones"

I would prefer that the 2 of them play together and record, actually. I find Plant's voice doesn't do much for me the last 17 years. And as for Led Zeppelin without Bonzo, the band members themselves have said there is no Zeppelin without him. Plant (as we all know from the lumbering thread) does not find Jason to be as good as John. I admire Plant's desire to move forward and do new things, out of the realm of rock (Krauss). I don't mind what I have heard of it. A much better use of Plant's voice than his later attempts at singing rock.

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According to Jimmy's latest Interview, he has written new material, been practising hard on his playing, and of course getting ready for 12/10/07 - and beyond.

"Beyond" meaning, if all goes well on the 10th, maybe further Zep dates at various times and places in the New Year.

However, let's suppose that Robert is firm and decides not to continue with any further Zep appearences. He tours with Alison in '08 and then heads back to Strange Sensation or maybe further studio work with T-Bone and Alison. No Zep, no more.

What can Jimmy do? I feel for him. He is ready for new Zep things but w/o Robert - he's sunk.

We all agree that there is no Zep w/o Robert - correct?

What about JPJ? Bluegrass? Jason? Foriegner? nah! After the Zep reunion night - nothing would compare!

But Jimmy - what is he to do?

What he's been doing all along.

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IMO, Jack is to "punkish" to really meld with Page's talents. If you want something fresh and in the same relm of the White Stripes in terms of rawness and stripped down production.......The Black Keys would fit Page MUCH better than Jack would. IMO, Jack is the Marc Bolin of the millenium. A real talent, but not even close to "legendary" status.

And being an admirer of Zep does not exactly make you "Zep worthy".....as Dave Grohl's Bonham tatoos does'nt exactly make him worthy to play with them (his drumming is not even a good fit!!) Page likes Jacks production values and stripped down riff driven music, but I would'nt ever expect any collaberation. Jack's hot right now, Page is a keen businessman, and he knows when to strike the iron when it's hot....hence the Ross Halfin photo shoot of them together.

I have to disagree. Jack White is a super talented guitar player, and seems, is friendly with Jimmy. His playing reeks of Page. Id prefer to hear Jimmy produce the White Stripes. I don't think Jack White is too "Punky", as it seems he's well schooled in Jimmy's style

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i cannot imagine Robert is not agree with that, if it's like that it's a shame, and a terrible tragedy.. Poor Jimmy, what is he gonna do, Nothing... May be a tour in SOLO ... But not like Zep, it wont be ever the same, we've lost a drummer for life circunstances, that's why the band got disolved, but If Plant is Alive, Why wouldn't he continue the Tour???



Robert owes it to Jimmy and all the fans in the states to do one final tour next year.It was

Jimmy in the fall of 1968 who discovered Robert,gave him a shot and stuck with him in the

early days when his career was going nowhere.Jimmy helped make him a star.Granted.

Robert always pulled his weight in years to come.As for the fans in the US,no other country

supported them better,they loved it here,plus made their fortune here.It would be fair to all

the old fans and the new ones who never saw them live.Zeppelin is legendary and the tour

would be a huge success.I hope Robert comes through.

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I know, I was like 'what is a guy diva?' You thought Jimmy played fine on that cd? Listen to the solo from 'Thank You' as an example. It sounds to me like he is gasping for air! Now, the new song 'Wonderful One', well, that was great. I wish they had done a bunch of new songs rather than old ones with strings.

As for the Diva bit, Page used to release a lot more material in a lot less time. Sure he doesn't owe us anything, but he made us wait 5 yrs. after Outrider (great) for C/P (damn near hair metal).

It's good to see an opposing opinion, enlighten me, give me a new view! Thats the fun of this forum. Why do you see things differently?

Well, to begin--calling Jimmy a diva implies that's he's deliberately withholding his abilities from us and generally acting like a prima donna, which I think is quite inaccurate--if he had new material, we'd have heard it. And I don't think we're likely to agree on anything concerning Robert, given your later reference to his "attempts to sing rock"--I think he's the best, most talented contemporary male singer we have, not least because of the experimentation he's prepared to do, and I couldn't agree less with those (not you) who think his voice isn't as good now. It's different, and in a better way.

Well, that's my opposing opinion, or all I've got time for right now!

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According to Jimmy's latest Interview, he has written new material, been practising hard on his playing, and of course getting ready for 12/10/07 - and beyond.

"Beyond" meaning, if all goes well on the 10th, maybe further Zep dates at various times and places in the New Year.

However, let's suppose that Robert is firm and decides not to continue with any further Zep appearences. He tours with Alison in '08 and then heads back to Strange Sensation or maybe further studio work with T-Bone and Alison. No Zep, no more.

What can Jimmy do? I feel for him. He is ready for new Zep things but w/o Robert - he's sunk.

We all agree that there is no Zep w/o Robert - correct?

What about JPJ? Bluegrass? Jason? Foriegner? nah! After the Zep reunion night - nothing would compare!

But Jimmy - what is he to do?

However, let's suppose that Robert is firm and decides not to continue with any further Zep appearences. He tours with Alison in '08 and then heads back to Strange Sensation or maybe further studio work with T-Bone and Alison. No Zep, no more.

First - I really dont think he can "resist".

Second; Supply and Demand...We supplied him with a very wealthy lifestyle by purchasing all those records a dozen times and purchasing all the cd's a dozen times.

Third - First ever, rock and roll God boycott!

4th - No one will want to have the legacy of the biggest party pooper in rock and roll history.

5th- If he ever wants to see me again, it will be at a Zeppelin concert in the states.....of course im nobody so I wont hold my breath....oh thats right they took my breath away the last time they were here. I'll just hold onto all the Zeppelin music books then.

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According to Jimmy's latest Interview, he has written new material, been practising hard on his playing, and of course getting ready for 12/10/07 - and beyond.

"Beyond" meaning, if all goes well on the 10th, maybe further Zep dates at various times and places in the New Year.

However, let's suppose that Robert is firm and decides not to continue with any further Zep appearences. He tours with Alison in '08 and then heads back to Strange Sensation or maybe further studio work with T-Bone and Alison. No Zep, no more.

What can Jimmy do? I feel for him. He is ready for new Zep things but w/o Robert - he's sunk.

We all agree that there is no Zep w/o Robert - correct?

What about JPJ? Bluegrass? Jason? Foriegner? nah! After the Zep reunion night - nothing would compare!

But Jimmy - what is he to do?

Jimmy is the driving force behind Zeppelin and always will be. Whatever he does, I'm there. Maybe he and Jonesy could tour with Jason or Michael Lee on drums and dig up a singer somewhere.(Coverdale?) That would get Plant back on board in a second.

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I don't think it's coincidental Led Zeppelin did not get their catalog moved online until after JPJ was brought back into the fold.

I don't think that was it. They (JP) for years went against the grain of commercialism. Doing as best he could to present the music as simply music.

We are now in a total commerical global market. Either embrace it or get out...I really don't think anyone is going to give a crap about the commercialism as long as it reaches us, it's not like we have a choice.

The days of working clubs only is pretty much over...if a band wants to be accepted worldwide they will need the major distributers and will have to play what sells on a global market place, not just in their own neighborhood.

Fortunetly these guys are well established and can play anything they want.

It's all about timing too....marketing stratigy etc... none of this is free, and it all costs a bundle to produce and logistically to supply.

Bringing JPJ back into the fold. His name is on the song copyright's too, he is always in the fold weather they play or not.

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Robert owes it to Jimmy and all the fans in the states to do one final tour next year.It was

Jimmy in the fall of 1968 who discovered Robert,gave him a shot and stuck with him in the

early days when his career was going nowhere.Jimmy helped make him a star.Granted.

Robert always pulled his weight in years to come.As for the fans in the US,no other country

supported them better,they loved it here,plus made their fortune here.It would be fair to all

the old fans and the new ones who never saw them live.Zeppelin is legendary and the tour

would be a huge success.I hope Robert comes through.


Robert Plant has given us 11+ magical years with Led Zeppelin, and a solid solo career for the past 2 1/2 decades, as well as 2 tours with Page in which they revisited a lot of Zeppelin material. He doesn't owe Jimmy or anyone else anything. In fact, seeing how much solo material Plant has given us post-Zeppelin, compared to Page and Jones, I'd say we owe him.

And why just the States? Why not England, Europe, etc? Zep has fans all across the globe.

Edited by Killing Floor Blues
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Robert owes it to Jimmy and all the fans in the states to do one final tour next year.

As a longtime fan, I don't feel that Robert Plant owes me a thing, or Jimmy Page for that matter. This concert is being done in memory of Ahmet, not to satisfy the selfishness of fans that are unable to see beyond that.

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I disagree with nearly all of this, especially the part about the No Quarter CD, which only featured strings on a few tracks. And the notion that Jimmy is being a diva (even if it were possible for a man to be a diva) . . . :blink:

I think No Quarter is fabulous.

It took a couple songs for JP to loosen up, but after that, was fantastic. I watch No Quarter all the time. More then any other music DVD I own.

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Jimmy is the driving force behind Zeppelin and always will be. Whatever he does, I'm there. Maybe he and Jonesy could tour with Jason or Michael Lee on drums and dig up a singer somewhere.(Coverdale?) That would get Plant back on board in a second.

What makes you think that would work any more now than it did in the past when Plant didn't want to work with Page?

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Robert owes it to Jimmy and all the fans in the states to do one final tour next year.It was

Jimmy in the fall of 1968 who discovered Robert,gave him a shot and stuck with him in the

early days when his career was going nowhere.Jimmy helped make him a star.Granted.

Robert always pulled his weight in years to come.As for the fans in the US,no other country

supported them better,they loved it here,plus made their fortune here.It would be fair to all

the old fans and the new ones who never saw them live.Zeppelin is legendary and the tour

would be a huge success.I hope Robert comes through.

Oh please! :rolleyes: Plant owes you, me , and Page nothing....he does owe Ahmet this one last hurrah though, I'll go that far.

And by your reasoning, Page owes Plant for insisting he take on Bonham!! Now who owes who???Let's not forget that Plant had done a solo single on a major label, had guested with notables, and it was Jimmy, Paul Samwell-Smith, and Peter Grant that drove halfway across England to see the phenom singer that was making waves in the music scene by his raw talent. Plant was definitely not a nobody going nowhere. He was a singer doing things that very few people with a mic in their hand have ever been able to do before or since. Just look at any Zep tribute band....who is always the weak link?? The singer!!! Why? They just physically cannot do what Plant was able to do....no matter the age of the person trying to copy him. And it's not like Page was in full control of the destiny of Zep from the start. All sorts of circumstances led to what was to be Zep. It could very well have turned out VERY different. Plant's contribution to Zep is as important to their success as any other member's!

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"No Quarter" was a great take on Zeppelin material. It wasn't Led Zeppelin, but it was very Zeppelin-esque.

I would be willing to settle for the guys only doing studio albums from this point.

I know Jimmy loves to tour, but it looks like Robert doesn't have the time. It would be a nice compromise I think.

They can make new material or revisit old material like they did with the "No Quarter" DVD. I don't know what would be easier/more fun for them.

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Page is the richest musician in the world and producer of the world's top music act.

He really does not need to form another band at this point in his life, he is busy enough managing Led Zeppelin.

Also consider the fact that he will never be able to top what he has already done and I think that is one reason Robert wants to make this the final go round.

He could easily top it with his knowledge. But that wouldnt be in the legacy's best interest now would it.

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I hope Jimmy Page plays on, with or without Robert. I hope he realizes he has the magick in him, even if it needed the others to manifest in that remarkable way. Doesn't mean there's not more.

He doesn't have to out do himself every time, you know? If I can appreciate Plant singing a hymn with a bluegrass fiddler, I'm sure I'll be happy to listen to Page continue his musical journey. I really love his devotion to Zeppelin, it's along the lines of Pat Bonham never remarrying. People go down different paths, faced with the unfathomable losses they all faced. Still, how fantastic would it be for Jimmy to come out and blow the doors off the current music scene? Or, just make an album people who love music will appreciate?

I hope he works with John Paul, too, they always did have a wonderful vibe between them, musically.

Yeah, we probably should all shut up and just hope Robert wants to sing with Jimmy & JPJ & Jason going forward. No way it would be Zeppelin without him. Strange Sensation isn't Zeppelin with him, for that matter. Why not play with the originators while you can?

Whyever, I'm finding that I'm over it; you can't squeeze blood from a turnip. He should do what he likes and more power to him. I'm just glad I've been around for it all.

"When your old and grey and your eyes are dim, there aint no notion it's gonna happen again"

Your only as old as you think you are.

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