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School time


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Some already got through, some still are in school. But everybody is still thinking of their schooltime as the maybe best time of their lives. Post your favourite memories here.

Here is one of mine:

Last thursday we´ve been to Beck´s Brewery in Bremen with our class and our Goegraphy teacher, who everybody calls Granpa cause he´s our oldest teacher and just became a real granpa. After almost two hours of walking through the huge buildings we had to make a beer test and guess different beer types. We lost, so we just had two free drinks. After that two beer and the last one we all went back to the station. We all were giggling cause we played "ex or...." (you drink the beer in one tour ore you are lame or anything else like that. The boys played "ex or pussy")

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Playing waterfall in my friend Kenny's room. It was a couple weeks ago, and there were 4 guys, and like 5 chicks and we all decided to play waterfall. The girls were either drinking lemonade with Green Apple Smirnoff, or some weird shit they brought from their rooms. I was shooting with straight Cherry Burnetts (awful shit) and so was another friend. The last time mixed it with Gatorade. Anyways, it was incredibly fun, but tough because straight Burnett's is terrible.

Anyways, then we played Apples to Apples or something like that and it was awesome

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My worst memory: my perverse math teacher with orange red tight speedos on, riding down the slide to a pool right in front of me. If you don't know how ugly the human body can be, here you go...

the best (till now) my chemistry teacher getting totally wet all over when we placed the gum top of a pipette on a dropping faucet right next to him and waited till it exploded. Priceless:- D

But I hope there are more to come...I mean, the fun has just started!

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I remember in middle and high school, usually in English Lit or French Lit classes, when we'd sit outside on beautiful days and discuss the books we were reading. It was wonderful to be able to do that; those were always the coolest teachers :)

I also remember once in college driving 6 hours over night with friends, just to watch the sun rise over the ocean, then getting back into the car, and driving back :)

Ah, those were the days!! :)

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My favorite high school memory is when our Junior English class drove to Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, to see a performance of Shakespeare's "As You Like It."

My friend and eventual college room mate, Carolyn, drove her dad's Camero, a really fast and sporty car. It was a couple hours drive to get there, and she and I and our other two friends had a blast, flirting with all the cute guys who passed us while we were driving. We were really something in that car. :lol:

When we got to OU, we had no idea where the theater was. So as we were driving around, we saw some of our classmates who had arrived earlier, in front of the theater. So we turned down the street, which turned out to be a one-way street, and we were driving the wrong way! What was worse, we were driving head on towards a police car! The officer promptly turned on his siren and flashing lights, got out of the car, and came up to Carolyn for a talk. This was directly in front of our classmates! :lol: Thank goodness he didn't give us a ticket!

The play was fantastic. This was in April, and if you are familiar with "As You Like It", it is the perfect play to see in the spring. After the play was over, the four of us went to a Pizza Hut. There, several college guys bought us drinks. We were embarassed to tell them that we were only 16 and couldn't drink beer. We had to tell them that we wanted cokes! :mellow:

I remember that The Moody Blues "Knights in White Satin" was playing on the radio or on the juke box at Pizza Hut. I always think of this day when I hear this song.

Carolyn and I had many adventures in college, also. One memorable one was a "Harry Buffalo" party at a fraternity where she had to be carried back to the dorm by one of the fraternity brothers after only having four small paper cups of the stuff that contained every type of alcohol made by man in it. I had two paper cups full and was barely able to walk back on my own. We were dared by our other two room mates to go to this party because we were not drinkers, but we looked like hippies. They had to take care of us when we got back, as Carolyn was puking and it got all over her long hair so she went in the shower with her clothes on to clean up, and they had to help her out. I was no help and I just went to bed. We had bad hangovers the next day.

Another time, Carolyn and I helped two guys lift up a Volkswagon Beatle onto the side walk so that it's owner would come out of the bar and not know what to do. :lol:

There are many more to tell, but I will defer for another time.

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One of my best school memories was in high school, when I was in the choir. I really enjoyed performing and the camaraderie that we had.

I felt the same way and we used to do a winter concert with an area high school our choir director knew from his school days. Was great - we'd get to stay with them overnight and then rehearse and perform the following day. Made some good friends through that.

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OMG, so many.

Had an english teacher that was so out of it.....

Used to go to class and right after roll call this chick and I would just get up and walk out and not come back. We did it for like two weeks straight before he caught on. We'd go across the street and get stoned. Those were the days.

The school buses would come way before the kids got on it. My girlfriend and I would get on first and do it in the back before anyone else got on.

We used to have a school bus stop for all the kids within a few blocks. One kid would raid his dad's liquor stash. He used to bring "grog" which was a mix of whatever he could get his hands on. Usually Jack Daniels and Southern comfort mix. He liked Scotch alot also. He always just mixed a bunch of different stuff together. What a great way to start the day.

MayDay parties!!!!!!

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Another one of my favourite school memories is working for our school news paper. We meet once a week, and it´s always real fun. :) I hardly can imagine something more enjoyable than working with these people on a news paper. Our next topic will be music, so I wrote an article about Led Zeppelin!

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Another one of my favourite school memories is working for our school news paper. We meet once a week, and it´s always real fun. :) I hardly can imagine something more enjoyable than working with these people on a news paper. Our next topic will be music, so I wrote an article about Led Zeppelin!

That's great! We had a newspaper of sorts but to be honest, the only issue I ever remember coming out is the senior issue where they list that year's graduating class and where everyone was planning to attend college.

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I was the jock who liked to party and listen to hard rock during the weekend. Tight end on the HS football team, league hockey during the winter with a bunch of bad asses and HS track(only because I didn't like the baseball coach). I ran the 440 and mile. Nobody in our county could beat me in the 440. We went to the State Finals and I came in like 17th. I partied with EVERYBODY, cheerleaders, other jocks, the freaks and even a couple of geeks.

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Had an english teacher that was so out of it.....

This made me think about an English teacher I had my senior year who was out of it as well...mostly senile. Rumors went around saying she had taught our principal when he was a student. The man was in his 60s!

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pre K-3 (that's for 3 year olds)

I forgot my underwear one day. :unsure:

that led to me not wanting to wear a skirt for a lonnnnnnng time

Pre K-4 I got my first boyfriend. I don't even remember his name. B)

we colored together and then went on the swings.

Elementary school. There were a lot of cute guys. Especially Jared, who by 12th grade was so gorgeous. I remember playing duck duck goose, eating watermelon during summer school. I didn't like that Priscilla girl. I ate homemade clay.

High School

9th grade - weird history teacher, school gets on the news because of a fight

10th grade - drivers ed, two kids get caught having sex on the steps of the little theater

11th grade HSCT (I pass it the first time), sleep through honors Spanish ( 4.0 all the way) 9 students get arrested for creating a pamphlet:

Killian Nine

and I read the book that became my favorite book of all time: Catcher in the Rye

12th grade - I join the pre med society just so that I can say that I joined something in high school. Underclassmen offer me answers in my SAT prep class. Psychology class was the most interesting. Especially when we got to Freud. I was a TA for a Spanish class 5th period.

I didn't do Senior Breakfast, or Prom, or Grad Night ( that's where the seniors take a bus to Disney World for one night)

June 15, 1999 I got my diploma. yay

It all went by so fast. I sometimes miss those days. My advice for those of you who are still in school is to enjoy it. These are the best years of your life.

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This could have been posted in any number of topics on this board. The Kinks released Schoolboys in Disgrace around 1976. Songs about schooldays and a few of them are on youtube!! The song "Schooldays" is unfortunately represented by some guy playing it solo on a guitar. Oh well, hope you enjoy. Here is the LP cover and a song


The Kinks - Spats the Idiot Dunce

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Best memory:

My senior class getting into a no-holds-barred fight with an entire senior class from a rival school at Philly Int'l Airport upon our arrival home from Florida. It started with only a handful of people, but when a few guys from their school started hitting girls from our school, all hell broke loose and shaparones included, there were 400 people brawling for about 2 minutes in the baggage area. Security was helpless and just watched. Eventually, about two dozen police showed up and broke it up. Charges were filled against their school. No one was arrested or charged from ours. But we were banned from the airport for five years. I asked a few teachers I was close with days later if they'd hit anyone. I got the same response from all of them. "I was just trying to pull kids apart, but I'm also not gonna stand there and repeatedly take open shots to the face without defending myself." Amen. B)

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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I missed the whole thing...I was outside smoking a cig with two buddies. We had just thrown our bags onto the buses and decided to catch a quick puff before going back into the heat. Suddenly, two black crown vics come barreling up to the sidewalk and about 7 or 8 cops rush past us inside. We turn around and just see a mob of hundreds of people flailing at each other. We were so pissed we missed it. But I was there for the all the pre-fight stuff. The problem started with the two schools sharing the same airplane home. Bad idea. Tension brewed 10,000 feet in the air. Once we were in the baggage claim, they decided to mix the two schools' bags together. So there we were, shoulder to shoulder with the other school, cursing each other and starting up. I can remember shaparones from their school cursing at us and telling us to "back off" and "wait your fucking turn," when we had just as much a right to be jammed in there as they did. So tensions really started to boil over, especially amongst the rival black girls who made their presences known at the edge of the canvair belt. We stayed clear of them, ha. Anyway, that's about the time about 4 guys from their school started walking through the crowd, throwing elbows. A good friend of mine, who I happened to be standing next to and chatting with got bumped from behind. There were about 7 of us in the group. We all turned and saw these guys eyeing us up. Naturally, we laughed in their faces and told them to keep walking. They didn't like that too much. A few minutes later, a few other people in my class got similar "greetings" from other guys from the rival school. A brawl was already in the works amongst our class, but we kept it low key. It basically came down to, "if they take any swings, they're done."

So I'm outside and leave my friends behind. I get the full story later. My one friend who got bumped the first time was approached again by the same flock of degenerates. Luckily, he saw them coming. One took a swing and missed my friend. What the guy didn't see was my best friend's counter punch, a 200lb middle linebacker standing next to him which clocked him right in the jaw. My best friend turned again and dropped two more kids to the ground. My other friend then took care of the fourth. It just erupted from there. People started rushing over and throwing haymakers and such, but from all reports, we destroyed their "gang." It was initially between only about 20-30 people, but as I said, soon girls were being clocked in the face and people who weren't involved got involved. That's when it turned into a mob fight of hundreds going at it. I'm just pissed I missed two of my good friends laying out so many people within seconds. Haha, stupid cigarettes.

Edited to Add: Then on the bus ride home, we had 4 or 5 yellow buses full of kids. The bus infront of mine hit a BMW on the Walt Whitman Bridge and in the middle of talking with the victim, sped off. Our entire convoy was pulled over by NJ State Police on the ride home. It was fucking hysterical. We were already so wound up from the fight and then this happened. Sweet jesus, you would have thought we'd just won the Super Bowl.

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I went to my 30th High School reunion last week. I had a great time ! Somebody fired up a number in the banquet hall bathroom, and everyone tried to blame it on me. Swear to God I was innocent ! B)

Teachers showed up ! It took me half the night to figure out who the old ladies were walking around.

It's kind of cool seeing and talking to people you went to elementary school with. It seems that no matter how long it's been, we can still "talk". A couple people had me rolling on the floor with laughter with the stories they told.

It took some drinks and about Midnight for the financial horror stories to start coming out. People who lost their jobs 18 months ago...foreclosures, bankruptcies.....living in your parent's house and trying to go back to school and start over in your late 40's....not fun. :(

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