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Obama's Report Card...


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In the run up to the war, whether Sadam smuggled WMDs out of the country, or simply didn't have them is uncertain. That he would have evenutally acquired them is highly likely considering his previous pattern of behavior. Passing them on to terrorists like Abu Musab al Zarqawi who he had harbored at one time was a possibility that GWB didn't want to allow.

And second, I guess the Iraqi people who had been subjected to death, torture, etc. were threatened by him as well. :slapface:

It is only uncertain to people who don't look at the facts. Also, if we are the ones to liberate all people from inhumane treatment by their government, I know there are countries in Africa that needed our assistance way before Iraq. Call it what it is, Bush got us into something that even his father's administration refrained from and that was when Iraq was a viable force in that region.

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It is only uncertain to people who don't look at the facts. Also, if we are the ones to liberate all people from inhumane treatment by their government, I know there are countries in Africa that needed our assistance way before Iraq. Call it what it is, Bush got us into something that even his father's administration refrained from and that was when Iraq was a viable force in that region.

Well I'm definitely impressed with the certitude with which you rule out evacuation of WMDs. I'll trust you have reliable sources on the ground that can rule out that possiblity. Perhaps you should work for the CIA, or better yet the NSA.

Like I said, I have my problems with Bush, but some people simply suffer from full blown Bush Derangement Syndrome, i.e. he did absolutely nothing good during eight years in office, he is on a moral plane with Hitler, he is responsible for my cat's mange, etc.

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Well I'm definitely impressed with the certitude with which you rule out evacuation of WMDs. I'll trust you have reliable sources on the ground that can rule out that possiblity. Perhaps you should work for the CIA, or better yet the NSA.

Like I said, I have my problems with Bush, but some people simply suffer from full blown Bush Derangement Syndrome, i.e. he did absolutely nothing good during eight years in office, he is on a moral plane with Hitler, he is responsible for my cat's mange, etc.

Bush will be placed next to Jimmy Carter in history as one of our nation's worst Presidents...not Satan. :)

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Anyone that isn't concerned about the degree to which the media is still in the tank for the Obama administration simply isn't paying attention.

It's pretty serious when they report/ignore exactly what the administration needs.

Why is $180 million in bonuses such a big deal that they are willing to make a special tax to get it back? I'd like to know how much all this posturing and investigation into this $180 million (which was legally contracted) that was paid out is costing us? Doesn't take long for congress to blow through $180 million.

Where is the critical eye that was kept laser-beam focused on the Bush administration and the slightest discrepancy between what he said and what was done?

This is even worse than any of the gung-ho, pro-government propaganda pre-1960s media.

Obama's biggest focus seems to be feeding and encouraging a mob mentality of resentment against success and wealth.

Guess what Barack? All those bonuses are stimulative to the economy.

And contrary to what you espouse, success is not evil.

Barack Obama is as much of a sellout and traitor to the black community as any gangster rap star who makes his millions selling negative messages to African-American youth.

Instead of encouraging the African-American community to aspire to greater success, he is fomenting resentment of those who are successful and then satiating that resentment by having the media focus on Bernie Madoff, AIG, etc.

How does that improve the life of anyone?

But if the media had the same critical eye for Obama as they did for Bush, perhaps the evening news would have more stories about how many of Obama's promises have been broken, and the 180 turns he's made since taking office.

Broken promises

"No Lobbyists in my administration" - oops

"transparency/ 5 days to review major bills" - make that less than 24 hours.

"Earmark reform" - he signed off on over 8000 while blaming congress

"No executive signing statements" - well, not really


During the campaign when John McCain said the basic fundamentals of our economy were sound, Obama crucified him by saying how out of touch he was, and he just doesn't get it.

Yet now that the economy has continued to tank even worse, he repeated the same words.

During the campaign Obama also accused McCain of planning to tax healthcare benefits, and now... guess what? B.O. now wants to tax healthcare benefits.

Didn't he say no new taxes on 95% of Americans?

"Read my lips" anyone?

THESE are the exact types of issues that the media regularly blasted Bush on on a regular basis, yet now there is no mention or questioning of these issues.

One last item - right up till the election, deaths in Iraq/Afghanistan, no matter how few, always found a spot on the front page. Now they are blurbed on page 3 or 5 under "in other news..."

It's dangerous in the extreme for the media to remain so unabatedly biased.

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Barack Obama is as much of a sellout and traitor to the black community as any gangster rap star who makes his millions selling negative messages to African-American youth.

Instead of encouraging the African-American community to aspire to greater success, he is fomenting resentment of those who are successful and then satiating that resentment by having the media focus on Bernie Madoff, AIG, etc.

How does that improve the life of anyone?

LOL....That's some funny shit right there ! Who is it that was successful ?....Bear-Stearns ? Merrill Lynch ? Bank of America ? Those companies just sucked more off the gov't tit than black folks ever could in a 1,000 years. We could pay each a million bucks in reperations and have money left over compared to this debacle, and it sure would have been better spent. If what you wrote above is claiming that Obama is pandering to the black community, or that he values their opinion more than the average American, or that Obama owes Black people some kind of example besides what he's accomplished by just being there, that would make you not only a fool, but a racist one at that. Don't embarrass yourself by satiating this forum with that kind of bullshit.

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LOL....That's some funny shit right there ! Who is it that was successful ?....Bear-Stearns ? Merrill Lynch ? Bank of America ? Those companies just sucked more off the gov't tit than black folks ever could in a 1,000 years. We could pay each a million bucks in reperations and have money left over compared to this debacle, and it sure would have been better spent. If what you wrote above is claiming that Obama is pandering to the black community, or that he values their opinion more than the average American, or that Obama owes Black people some kind of example besides what he's accomplished by just being there, that would make you not only a fool, but a racist one at that. Don't embarrass yourself by satiating this forum with that kind of bullshit.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Who said anything about black folks sucking off the govt tit (besides you)?

I sure didn't.

And I didn't call out particular companies.

For every corporation that's being bailed out there are hundreds that are successful legally, without cooking the books or buying off politicians.

Obama is portraying those who are successful ($250K+) as evil, greedy bigshots.

Then he pushes the "victim" button by "going after" these "greedy bastards" and giving it back to "regular folks."

Only problem is the vast majority of people making $250K+ are business owners that employ "regular folks."

So again, instead of sending a positive message of striving to become successful, he's perpetuating the "Democratic Plantation" mentality of "sit back and we'll look out for you. And we'll take back what those greedy bastards have and give you some of it."

All he's really doing is increasing the limit for welfare and calling it "tax cuts."

And most of all, increasing dependence on government.

Not to mention intentionally creating a larger divide between "haves" and "have nots" by encouraging outrage and disgust with those who have achieved wealth and success, if even only a measure.

And that benefits the African-American community how exactly?

And the only example he's set by "just being there" is that of selling his soul to George Soros et al for his own personal place in history.

Just like Young Jeezy and Ludacris and all the other sterling examples of success who make their millions sending a message of sex, violence and lawlessness to African-American youth, Obama perpetuating and increasing African-American dependence on government is just as destructive.

And you have the nerve to suggest I'm racist?

You don't have a clue.

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And that benefits the African-American community how exactly?

And the only example he's set by "just being there" is that of selling his soul to George Soros et al for his own personal place in history.

Just like Young Jeezy and Ludacris and all the other sterling examples of success who make their millions sending a message of sex, violence and lawlessness to African-American youth, Obama perpetuating and increasing African-American dependence on government is just as destructive.

And you have the nerve to suggest I'm racist?

You don't have a clue.

Yes ! :)

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Don't embarrass yourself by satiating this forum with that kind of bullshit.

sa·ti·ate (sā'shē-āt') tr.v., -at·ed, -at·ing, -ates.

1. To satisfy (an appetite or desire) fully.

2. To satisfy to excess.

adj. (-ĭt)

Filled to satisfaction.

Apparently you're more likely to embarrass yourself than I am.

Go take another hit on yer bong, maybe you'll make more sense.

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It's dangerous in the extreme for the media to remain so unabatedly biased.

Last night I watched Nixon's biography and one of the comments about the media coverage of the Nixon/JFK debate was that this guy had never seen such media suckup in his life towards JFK.

Fast forward to 2009.


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Like I said, I have my problems with Bush, but some people simply suffer from full blown Bush Derangement Syndrome, i.e. he did absolutely nothing good during eight years in office, he is on a moral plane with Hitler, he is responsible for my cat's mange, etc.

I've always agreed there are plenty of holes in the Iraqi desert where anything could be stashed. That being said, we never had clear and precise evidence he had anything at all, other than what we supplied him with during the Iran conflict in the 1980s.

Bush is no Hitler, but that doesn't make him Cinderella either. He's without a doubt the most blunderish President in Modern History. Carter might have been bad, but Bush's policies and industrious greed have taken the ship into seriously turbulent waters.

Obama has the chance to completely destroy the Health Care System. From all accounts, if he does get his way, you can kiss having the best doctors in the world gooooodbye!

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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I've always agreed there are plenty of holes in the Iraqi desert where anything could be stashed.

I felt until we searched every mosque we couldn't say definitively there were no WMDs

They consistently used mosques as an advantage because we maintained a "no fire unless fired upon" hands-off policy in regards to mosques.

I'm not saying we should have bombed/levelled every mosque, but we certainly should have entered and searched every one we found.

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I felt until we searched every mosque we couldn't say definitively there were no WMDs

They consistently used mosques as an advantage because we maintained a "no fire unless fired upon" hands-off policy in regards to mosques.

I'm not saying we should have bombed/levelled every mosque, but we certainly should have entered and searched every one we found.

It's obvious to me that the combatants in these areas are quite comfortable with retreating back into their own residences and places of worship during times of ground occupation. Our strategies fall right into their plans - of decimating moral in both the troops and supportors at home, while reinforcing the world's image of us as brutal aggressors. Sorry to say, we might as well pull everything back, wait for them to start parading their forces and weaponry out in the open, and then drop some heavy shit on them. Or we could just ignore them, keep our borders sealed and well guarded, and concentrate on rebuilding here?

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It's obvious to me that the combatants in these areas are quite comfortable with retreating back into their own residences and places of worship during times of ground occupation. Our strategies fall right into their plans - of decimating moral in both the troops and supportors at home, while reinforcing the world's image of us as brutal aggressors. Sorry to say, we might as well pull everything back, wait for them to start parading their forces and weaponry out in the open, and then drop some heavy shit on them. Or we could just ignore them, keep our borders sealed and well guarded, and concentrate on rebuilding here?


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Obama has to stop this AIG shit now.

You can't tax people 90% because you don't think they deserve the money. We wrote a bill that stated they can give out bonus. The company is contractually obligated to hand them out. These people who receive these bonuses, 75% of the income is based off of these bonuses. You can't use the tax law to penalized these people. You can't. You can't print there names either.

If Pres. Obama lets this happen. Then fuck him and i hope he fails. I rather live in Nigeria than in a country in which we punish people we don't like with the tax code. We cry about those bastards in GITMO, but we get the noose for those bastards on wallstreet. We can't wire tap known terrorist, but we can print the names of some schmuck who is trying to put his kids through college.

Good Job Obama.

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Obama has to stop this AIG shit now.

You can't tax people 90% because you don't think they deserve the money. We wrote a bill that stated they can give out bonus. The company is contractually obligated to hand them out. These people who receive these bonuses, 75% of the income is based off of these bonuses. You can't use the tax law to penalized these people. You can't. You can't print there names either.

If Pres. Obama lets this happen. Then fuck him and i hope he fails. I rather live in Nigeria than in a country in which we punish people we don't like with the tax code. We cry about those bastards in GITMO, but we get the noose for those bastards on wallstreet. We can't wire tap known terrorist, but we can print the names of some schmuck who is trying to put his kids through college.

Good Job Obama.

I agree with you on this for the most part.

You shouldn't be able to write a new tax code to take effect retroactively to punish some one after you just gave them the money in the first place with no strings attatched at the time.

I think it is discracefull that AIG is giving out these bonuses, though. They could have had the sensitiity to at least wait until they became a profitable company again. That is what bonuses are for, to share in profilts. It is inconceivable why someone should get a bonus for loosing money. And then to take advantage of the taxpayers is a slap in the face to everyone who works and pays taxes.

And I don't blame Obama for this, yet! I can't believe that I am saying this. :slapface:

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Seems to me that the same people that are crying about AIG employees losing their compensation and having their contracts broken, are the exact same people that were crying for the UAW to open their contract and renegotiate their benefits because they were overpaid. I guess the suit makes the man eh ? What a disgrace. :(

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Seems to me that the same people that are crying about AIG employees losing their compensation and having their contracts broken, are the exact same people that were crying for the UAW to open their contract and renegotiate their benefits because they were overpaid. I guess the suit makes the man eh ? What a disgrace. :(

Yes, what a disgrace to see liberal Democrats (the ones who are in charge and approved the money for the AIG bailout) now crying foul over money given to AIG executives. It's unthinkable to me that a company American taxpayers bailed out would hand out bonuses to their executives. You pay people to succeed, not to fail. But Harry Reid, Chris Dodd and the liberals who control the White House and Congress have received thousands in campaign contributions from AIG and other Big Money interests and they just don't want to bite the hand that feeds them.

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