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Starship Stewardess


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All the band have people who watch the sites for them - wouldn't you?

However in this instance I would doubt it was one of them who contacted her - more likely to be someone advising her that her book would sell better if she didn't reveal her stories online first.

It was one of the band's well known emissaries who contacted me through a mutual friend. He asked for her email address which I provided in addition to her phone number.

He called her that same night. It may be coincidence but I haven't heard from her since that night.

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It was one of the band's well known emissaries who contacted me through a mutual friend. He asked for her email address which I provided in addition to her phone number.

He called her that same night. It may be coincidence but I haven't heard from her since that night.

Hmmm, so if someone watches the site and these emissaries have their ear, hows about someone getting me an audition with Jimmy and JPJ.................... :drumz:

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I am so sorry to hear this Frank, but I knew it would happen.

Jimmy is so private and so powerful and I am sure it was him and his friend (RH?) who put the kibosh on her.

It was too good to be true that you found her and that she was talking.

I wish her the best of luck with her book, but I would expect that she better be prepared for a battle as I am sure that she had signed a confidentiality agreement for her employment on the Starship. I think it only fair that she abide by it, just my opinion, but I would love to hear what she has to say.

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Thanks for everything you provided. Too bad this had to come to a quick end. You did a great job and gave us some great stories.

Sharon,Dave and all above,

Thanks for your kind words. Sorry for the abrupt end. It was fun while it lasted.

I'll keep everyone posted should anything new happen on this topic.

On to the next research project!



Edited by fsmith9095
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Sharon,Dave and all above,

Thanks for your kind words. Sorry for the abrupt end. It was fun while it lasted.

I'll keep everyone posted should anything new happen on this topic.

On to the next research project!



Thank you for all you shared. Sorry it didn't work out for you but as you said, onto the next project :)

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I think its really pretty cool that the band is informed of what goes on here...its like confirmation that they are listening, in a way.

Frank, thanks again for sharing what you did uncover even though it was cut short...it is for that very reason you should feel good about what your instincts told you to follow....you were on a hot trail, and that ruffled feathers!!! in the end, they pursued you, instead of the other way around, right? its got a very cloak and dagger kinda feel to it, doesn't it?


good luck with your next pursuit!!

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I think its really pretty cool that the band is informed of what goes on here...its like confirmation that they are listening, in a way.

Frank, thanks again for sharing what you did uncover even though it was cut short...it is for that very reason you should feel good about what your instincts told you to follow....you were on a hot trail, and that ruffled feathers!!! in the end, they pursued you, instead of the other way around, right? its got a very cloak and dagger kinda feel to it, doesn't it?


good luck with your next pursuit!!

Misty and everyone above,

Again,thanks for your kind words and support! You are all classy folks.

And now I've got some good news! I took a chance and emailed her one more time. She replied this morning and all is well!

Apparently the timing of the communication breakdown is just coincidental. Apparently she's been busy and will be back in touch again when she's ready and when she's visited by her friend and former coworker,Bianca.

So we're back on track and all is not lost afterall!

At this point,it will be a wait and see situtation where I'l have to be patient.

I'll fill everyone in on any events as soon as they happen,of course.



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Great to hear this Frank. I guess since you didn't hear anything from her you were assuming that someone within the band's management had put a stop to it. Glad everything is ok and I am looking forward very optimistically, to hearing more.

Well, this must not be Frank's Last Stand?

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Great to hear this Frank. I guess since you didn't hear anything from her you were assuming that someone within the band's management had put a stop to it. Glad everything is ok and I am looking forward very optimistically, to hearing more.

Well, this must not be Frank's Last Stand?

Dave and gang,

Thanks for your encouragment! . Apparently this is not my last stand afterall!

Yes, I had a legitimate reason to believe someone from the band's management had put a stop to it.

But those circumstances were purely coincidental.

So we are back in touch with her and all is well.

Stay tuned...;-)

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frank, when the interview is complete, how will you go about getting it published? i apologize if this question is too forward...i would just love to know where to go to get it.


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frank, when the interview is complete, how will you go about getting it published? i apologize if this question is too forward...i would just love to know where to go to get it.



Your question is not to forward at all. It's a good question,actually.

However, I am not publishing any interview. It's just a casual conversation. I haven't asked her permission to publish anything she tells me nor do I think she would grant such permission.

She does plan on writing her own book one day so I'm assuming her book would be the outlet of any material she wishes to disclose.

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Your question is not to forward at all. It's a good question,actually.

However, I am not publishing any interview. It's just a casual conversation. I haven't asked her permission to publish anything she tells me nor do I think she would grant such permission.

She does plan on writing her own book one day so I'm assuming her book would be the outlet of any material she wishes to disclose.

then perhaps i will look forward to whatever you might share here on the forum.

thanks again!!

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  • 5 weeks later...
Any news?

You read my mind: I was thinking of her yesterday. But the short answer is no,no news unfortunately.

I seriously get the impression that if I contact her,we may be burning that connection. So I'm waiting to hear from her. The last email I got from her,she said she wasn't in the mood to talk about her past and will call me when she is.

So I'm being patient and giving her space.

I'll post here the minute I hear from her.

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