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Ross's Diary


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Or it could just be that he was worried people would recognize that leather jacket as being the exact same one Plant wore at the Grammies! :blink:

Too late.

Haven't I already pointed it out? B)

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My personal opinion is that Ross Halfin has received far too much attention for this diary entry already. If he is concerned that the photos were spread all over the Internet, he has nobody to blame except himself. Everyone over the age of twelve knows that anything you post on the Internet becomes public domain, and can come back to haunt you.

The good news from all this is that we have fresh photos of a healthy-looking Jimmy Page holding a guitar. Maybe this is a good omen that we will see Jimmy actually playing guitar in 2009.


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This from www.rosshalfin.com:

March 5

Spent a long day in the studio shooting Jimmy Page again. I started off slowly as I'd flown back from Amsterdam with the Prodigy ringing in my ears and I'd only had four hours sleep. I ended up shooting until 8pm and got a lot done for a variety of different projects he has ongoing. Now, I'm not putting anything up as I'm sick of people pulling photos off my site and mailing them around to Led Zeppelin websites thinking they are some news authority...

I am confident that he will put the photos up when he thinks the time is right.

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This from www.rosshalfin.com:

March 5

Spent a long day in the studio shooting Jimmy Page again. I started off slowly as I'd flown back from Amsterdam with the Prodigy ringing in my ears and I'd only had four hours sleep. I ended up shooting until 8pm and got a lot done for a variety of different projects he has ongoing. Now, I'm not putting anything up as I'm sick of people pulling photos off my site and mailing them around to Led Zeppelin websites thinking they are some news authority...

We went to dinner at Nobu off Berkeley Square. As we walked up the doorman with the velvet rope stopped us looked me up and down and said in an Eastern European accent, 'Do you have a booking?' 'Yes.' He looked me up and down again. 'What name?' I looked at him. 'No idea. NOW move the rope!' He looked at the other doorman 'What do you think?', then moved the rope. This to get into a restaurant. Fuck him and fuck Nobu - I won't go back there.


Fuck Nobu? Jimmy better learn to cook...quickly.

Ross , your eye is blessed with brilliant vision, now only if your heart wasn't available at the expense of bitter tongue.... (I do cherish Honesty, even if it is available at the expense of bitter tongue)

You seem to run into everybody!!! from Customs Officers to Restaurants......!!! You have so many assistants...reduce the stress!!!!!!!! :D

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I find it odd that Jason isn't at liberty to speak about it. Not questioning your knowledge of the situation at all Knebby, but it does seem strange to me. Jason is a grown man after all. If he want's to speak on the subject or is asked about it, why not speak? What is he risking in doing so? Not being able to play in future gigs? That seems unlikely at all if ever, given the current dynamic anyway. Im sure there is an enormous respect factor that Jason has for all three, but he is his own man. For him to remain silent this long, it must be pretty bad. Anyway, just my .02

Jason hasn't spoken publicly about it as, from his side of the fence, there is not a lot he can say.

And to answer an earlier point, Jason has been out and about over the past few months. He appeared with Deborah Bonham at the Kidderminster Music Festival last September. In January, he was looking happy and fit at NAMM 09 in California. He attended the Grammy Music in Focus event in February, along with Robert Knight, who had some of his Zep photos on show (Robert has known Jason since he was a boy). In the coming months he has a few projects in the pipeline, so he is keeping busy and no doubt also enjoying spending more time at home with his family.

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Jason hasn't spoken publicly about it as, from his side of the fence, there is not a lot he can say.

And to answer an earlier point, Jason has been out and about over the past few months. He appeared with Deborah Bonham at the Kidderminster Music Festival last September. In January, he was looking happy and fit at NAMM 09 in California. He attended the Grammy Music in Focus event in February, along with Robert Knight, who had some of his Zep photos on show (Robert has known Jason since he was a boy). In the coming months he has a few projects in the pipeline, so he is keeping busy and no doubt also enjoying spending more time at home with his family.

Good to know that, thanks Miss HD.

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Jason hasn't spoken publicly about it as, from his side of the fence, there is not a lot he can say.

And to answer an earlier point, Jason has been out and about over the past few months. He appeared with Deborah Bonham at the Kidderminster Music Festival last September. In January, he was looking happy and fit at NAMM 09 in California. He attended the Grammy Music in Focus event in February, along with Robert Knight, who had some of his Zep photos on show (Robert has known Jason since he was a boy). In the coming months he has a few projects in the pipeline, so he is keeping busy and no doubt also enjoying spending more time at home with his family.

Happy to hear all that and look forward to what he is working on :)

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so what now <_< it's irritating knowing there are new pics and can't be seen <_<

They're in this thread and in the Hot Pics of Jimmy thread. :huh: Hence Halfin's "complaint" (as I said before, he's smart enough to know this always happens--but the Zep sites provide a convenient scapegoat ;) ).

Here you go.


Notice how he's taken down all but the one where Jimmy's NOT holding his new guitar? :whistling:

Edited by Aquamarine
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Thing is though, if Ross doesn't post his pictures, how would he get any publicity (aside from magazines, et all)? I don't believe he'd have a cobb on purely because someone's posted his pictures on to another site. Is he that ignorant and computer illiterate that he didn't think that, once something goes into the public domain, it wouldn't spread like wildfire? He must've known that his pictures would be posted on various sites - he's been on the interwebz long enough. He knows this is how it goes. In my opinion, he's using Zeppelin is a scapegoat.

I think he's done a clever tactic. He's keeping us on our toes talking - and waiting - about the next batch of Jimmy pictures. And, anyway, any publicity is good publicity. And it cost him fuck all.

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I don't really understand why he is so angry this time. It's not like it's the first time we've posted them here and they even have his watermark still! I think he does like making us wait, which is what it looks like we'll have to do. But it is hard knowing there are new pictures we can't see!

Edited by aen27
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I don't know what all this fuss is about.

Firstly, Ross is a photographer and from what I've seen a pretty good one at that.

IMO, there are a fee reasons why he took them down, could be:

They were for a shoot for a magazine or publicity stills for some kind of promotion and his client insisted he remove them.

Maybe THE DVD?He was annoyed that they were spread over the internet particularly on Led Zeppelin Sites.

This would be a silly thing as I'm sure he is aware that anything posted in the public domain in this case the web, is usually out there within minutes.

If this was the logic behind it, it would seem to be a bit precious on his behalf.

He has his diary and while I've only visited it a couple of times it doesn't interest me at all.

The two entries I read were when he visited Oz in the New Year and basically dissed the place, and the other when he left and then waffled on about how he would like to move here with his girlfriend?

People have defended him saying things like he has a wierd sense of humour and not to be taken serious?

I keep a work diary myself and the entries made are statements of fact to refer to whenever the need arises, not made of riddles or conjecture.

Secondly, they are his photos so he can do what ever he likes with them.

Finally, I would prefer it if Jimmy concentrated on making and playing music and not just being paraded about as a "photographic model".

After all he is a musician first and foremost and I'm sure we'd all like to see him wielding a guitar as opposed to just posing with one.

Edited by Reggie29
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This may just be a ploy by Ross did get some attention. He wants us all to talk about it on boards such as this and gets some free publicity as well as visits to his site. Hoping we keep checking the site to see if the pics have been re-posted or new ones put up. It just seems like a game he is playing with us.

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if not for ledzeppelin.com i would've not known about ross halfn's blog.

don't diss ledzeppelin.com. it'll even contribute to your SEO efforts and boost your search rankings by linking to your blog.

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They're in this thread and in the Hot Pics of Jimmy thread. :huh: Hence Halfin's "complaint" (as I said before, he's smart enough to know this always happens--but the Zep sites provide a convenient scapegoat ;) ).

Here you go.


Notice how he's taken down all but the one where Jimmy's NOT holding his new guitar? :whistling:

im not talking about these four pictures, im talking about the ones he didnt put out yet that he said he will before all this happened

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I don't think that had anything to do with it, frankly. Think about it--unless Jimmy's a total obsessive about these things, how pissed is he likely to have been and for how long?? That's teenage girl behavior.

He's more of a professional than that.

My thoughts exactly. Anyways Jimmy and I have something in common, we are both very punctual! :D But, yes, I doubt he would be upset about that during the entire photo shoot. We all love his beautiful smile but won't always see it in every picture he takes.

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I don't think that had anything to do with it, frankly. Think about it--unless Jimmy's a total obsessive about these things, how pissed is he likely to have been and for how long?? That's teenage girl behavior.

He's more of a professional than that.

I can envision him sitting near a computer pissed over the photos and lamenting a critique over teenage girl behavior. Ah, but it's only rock and roll.

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