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The Killers Want To Knock Led Zep Off Their Pedistool


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Ok, I'll relent. He's obviously superior. :D

Seriously though in my surfs around other websites I think it's Beatles and Elvis fans who are the absolute worst for thinking their favourite artists are the be all and end all. At least most Zeppelin fans are at least knowledgeable about other great acts. A lot of Beatles and Elvis fans couldn't even name more than 3 LZ or Floyd songs.

It's been my experience at this board that quite a few (but by all means not "all") Zeppelin fans are not fond of a lot of music unless it comes from the 60s or 70s and seem unreceptive to most anything outside of their comfort zone. There also seems to be an underlying desire for any new music to bare some sort of resemblance to Zeppelin for them to like it. Again, this doesn't go for all fans but I've encountered that attitude from quite a few of them. The ones that are into new music seem very few and far between.

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LOL! the Killers! Good luck with knocking off the world's greatest band their pedestal. In order to do that, here is your check list of things to do:

- Sell out every show you have.

- Have record breaking attendances.

- Sell 90 million+ records.

- Get into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

- Have several books written about you.

- Be the most anticipated band to tour.

You have a good chance if you do so.

Edited by JimmyPageZoSo56
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LOL! the Killers! Good luck with knocking off the world's greatest band their pedestal. In order to do that, here is your check list of things to do:

- Sell out every show you have.

Check - in the UK for sure. For the rest of your requirements they are a little new.

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It's been my experience at this board that quite a few (but by all means not "all") Zeppelin fans are not fond of a lot of music unless it comes from the 60s or 70s and seem unreceptive to most anything outside of their comfort zone. There also seems to be an underlying desire for any new music to bare some sort of resemblance to Zeppelin for them to like it. Again, this doesn't go for all fans but I've encountered that attitude from quite a few of them. The ones that are into new music seem very few and far between.

I would agree with some of what you say ther Jahfin but I think that the way the music world works these days opens up far more musical choices than we ever had in the 60's and 70's. That said I personally have always tried to be open to new music and I think that as I have gotten older this has increased. I still love the old stuff cos that was my era of growing up so it stays with me.

I also think that there are many younger people hereonthe board who are stil discovering the 60's and 70's era whilst at the same time comparing it with what they hear today. And it can be hard to find as ,miuch originality at times cos a lot of stuf is obvioulsy heavily influenced by what went before. It's nothing new when you look at what influenced the artists of the 60's especially the Blues.

its far easier to be overwhelmed with all the music available in allits formats. There is no real searching for it now is thgere? Its there whenever you want it. I have found some of the excitement of seekingout new music has dwindled because I can find it 24 hours a day. There is nothing to compare with going into record stores and looking or discussing a new album with friends or listening to new releases with friends and listening to a full album. Many cd's these days have many more filler tracks.

Anyway I digress, its interesting to see the age mix at shows now with more of us oldies attending shows buy new bands and finding younger kids at established band shows.

But i can't blame some for being stuck into the era's you mentions cos it was quite creative but I think there is more oprennness to new stuf now, but as with any music it stil has to hacve meaning to the listener, meaning and feeling and we all get different stuff from different bands.

Just my few pennies worth of thoughts.

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It's been my experience at this board that quite a few (but by all means not "all") Zeppelin fans are not fond of a lot of music unless it comes from the 60s or 70s and seem unreceptive to most anything outside of their comfort zone.

All the same, Zeppelin fans in general have got NOTHING on die hard Beatles or Elvis fans for being musically ignorant/stuck in a safety zone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Let me start off by saying that, yes, maybe I am "stuck" in the past, but to tell you the truth I have never even heard of the Killers. First of all, in order to "knock" someone like LED ZEPPELIN of their so called pedestal then they must do so with the music they sing, play and record. Most people who LOVE LED ZEPPELIN do so because their music is the best, timeless and has a very broad appeal that defies general classifications. Very few bands (in my opinion) fit that special category. And certainly the Killers are not (and will never be) one of those bands.

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Let me start off by saying that, yes, maybe I am "stuck" in the past, but to tell you the truth I have never even heard of the Killers. First of all, in order to "knock" someone like LED ZEPPELIN of their so called pedestal then they must do so with the music they sing, play and record. Most people who LOVE LED ZEPPELIN do so because their music is the best, timeless and has a very broad appeal that defies general classifications. Very few bands (in my opinion) fit that special category. And certainly the Killers are not (and will never be) one of those bands.

Mighty bold statement for someone that readily admits they have not even heard of the Killers. I don't necessarily think they'll go on to be as well regarded as Zeppelin but what the majority of us seemed to get from the article was not a desire to take Zeppelin's place in history but instead it was a commentary on how many seem so unaccepting of anything aside from the tried and true.

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I don't think its a case of sounding LIKE Led Zeppelin. It's a case of not being in the same league as Led Zeppelin. A band as great as Zeppelin may never come again. I don't believe they will. I always wondered, are these guys even human? How can they be? They are that great. From all standpoints of music. Selliing, quality, ability, diversity, and they just played songs that sucked you in. You just couldn't not be amazed by their musical ability. Bonham's absolute precision on the drums. Pages magical guitar solo's and Plant's voice that came straight from heaven.

I've never assigned God-like status to Led Zeppelin or any artist for that matter. And I don't think anyone has ever accused Zeppelin of being from Heaven.

What I was referring to are those that seem to only be interested in new music if the artist in question bares some sort of musical resemblance to Led Zeppelin. It's as though they're totally unaccepting of any new music unless it sounds like it came from the 60s or 70s. I just always found that kind of odd, especially considering how many different musical styles Zeppelin embraced and the various musical endeavors they've been involved in since Zeppelin's demise. Plant gets ragged on for working with Alison Krauss yet John Paul Jones has also worked with many people from the country/bluegrass field from Gillian Welch and David Rawlings to Sara Watkins of Nickel Creek. Page has even delved into rap with Puff Daddy. The band is definitely more open to a wide variety of music than many of their fans seem to be. It's just always seemed rather contradictory to me. It reminds me of the saying that those who choose to live in the past are doomed to repeat it. Rock n' roll didn't end in 1980 but talking with some music fans you'd definitely get that impression.

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band as great as Zeppelin may never come again. I don't believe they will. I always wondered, are these guys even human? How can they be? They are that great. From all standpoints of music. Selliing, quality, ability, diversity, and they just played songs that sucked you in. You just couldn't not be amazed by their musical ability.

I agree. I like many many other bands but none have bowled me over in the same way that Zeppelin has, and that includes the Beatles, Stones, Who, Floyd etc etc.

Many a time I'm sitting there listening to, or watching, Led Zeppelin and I'm thinking "f*ck me! Just how the hell is it possible for mere mortals to do that?"


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I agree. I like many many other bands but none have bowled me over in the same way that Zeppelin has, and that includes the Beatles, Stones, Who, Floyd etc etc.

Many a time I'm sitting there listening to, or watching, Led Zeppelin and I'm thinking "f*ck me! Just how the hell is it possible for mere mortals to do that?"


Maybe they are not mortals.I'm seriously thinking about that. ;):D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have an open mind ,but I havent heard many fresh ideas or anything that creative in a while .Shinedown is ok.Also the white stripes and puddle of mudd, saliva,nickel back.Led is still my personal fav though.I am big fan of music I just havent been exposed to any thing as powerful or creative as Zep.Since Nirvana things seem to be drying up,although Metallica's new album is ok.jmho.

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I've heard new bands that are powerful. I've heard new bands that are creative. I've heard...dynamic. I've heard...appealing. I've yet to hear anyone as powerful, creative, dynamic and appealing all at once as Led Zeppelin. I don't think it's possible in a rock format. Zeppelin had it all. How can you knock that off a pedestal? God created Heaven. Can one reasonably be expected for someone to come along and top that? I know, hyperbole alert! Over the top perhaps, but the point is in there.

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I've heard new bands that are powerful. I've heard new bands that are creative. I've heard...dynamic. I've heard...appealing. I've yet to hear anyone as powerful, creative, dynamic and appealing all at once as Led Zeppelin. I don't think it's possible in a rock format. Zeppelin had it all. How can you knock that off a pedestal? God created Heaven. Can one reasonably be expected for someone to come along and top that? I know, hyperbole alert! Over the top perhaps, but the point is in there.

I think it's possible -Zep did it to bands before them so certainly the potential is there for others to come along down the line. I guess it's all a matter of perspective and taste too - some people may think there are already bands who fit that description.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Their first to albums are great, but the last one sucks. If they want to grow as a band and get recognized they have to keep releasing good albums instead of crap like Gay and age, they won't knock Led Zep and Nirvana out of their pedestals sounding like the Pet Shop Boys.

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So a young punk wants to dethrown the kings :P . LZ has sold more then 300 million records, Robert Plant was named the greatest voice in rock and roll. I will admit I am not too knowledgable about the Killers. This weekend I have heard more from them then I had ever thought possible. I have to say, I'm not too impressed. Not saying they are bad, just not my cup of tea. Artists in my current listening rotation (stopped listening to the radio years ago) are: Lady Ga Ga, The Offsping, Wyclef, Gym Class Heroes, The White Stripes... to name a few. Now while The White Stipes do have a driving bass and drum beat that was ever present in Zeppelin, I would not compare them Zeppelin in sound or style. I defy anyone to say I listen any of the aforementioned artists for their similarity to Led Zeppelin.

Led Zeppelin still rules!!!

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I could give a about the Killers but the guy does have a point and I see it on this site quite often. People stuck in the past, unwilling to accept anything new unless it sounds somewhat similar to Led Zeppelin.

Jaffy! Did you ever think that maybe people that like Led Zeppelin, and think that anything that sounds different sucks... may be on to something? What is wrong with making music people like? Not chic enough for you? Can't belittle people for not knowing any (INSERT RANDOM HIPSTER BAND NAME) Songs?

Different Strokes for Different Folks son.

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