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Robert Plant 2010 Tour

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Right - so you just want to talk AT me - you don't want to engage in discussion or answer valid questions/points about things you state. Great. You're a cool person to have around an internet forum. rolleyes.gif

No Knebby, you have it wrong. I am trying not to keep fighting. You don't like it when someone criticizes Robert. I get that. But I also think that you are trying to get me outed. And knowing my past, you know it won't take much, and you are trying to speed up the process by attempting to get under my skin.

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No Knebby, you have it wrong. I am trying not to keep fighting. You don't like it when someone criticizes Robert. I get that. But I also think that you are trying to get me outed. And knowing my past, you know it won't take much, and you are trying to speed up the process by attempting to get under my skin.

Then Hi Ho Me Ole Silver-Medalist, why do you give her the ammunition she so badly needs? better to keep quiet and take a low profile rather than face the Ignominy of being Banned, AGAIN, isn't it? :o:lol:

You know it makes sense, Kushty. ;)

Regards, Danny

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Then Hi Ho Me Ole Silver-Medalist, why do you give her the ammunition she so badly needs? better to keep quiet and take a low profile rather than face the Ignominy of being Banned, AGAIN, isn't it? ohmy.giflaugh.gif

You know it makes sense, Kushty. wink.gif

Regards, Danny

Can't argue with that logic my man! But I guess its my nature not being able to walk away so easily.

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Can't argue with that logic my man! But I guess its my nature not being able to walk away so easily.

Love how you two nimrods think anyone gives a flying toss about your exchanges here. That practice alone should be enough to get you bounced. Throw in your boredom and lame attempts at humor and they should throw in a flogging for good measure. "I love that word 'flog.'"

Robert Plant and the Band of Joy! What song from the new album are people enjoying the most in the live show so far?



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Can't argue with that logic my man! But I guess its my nature not being able to walk away so easily.

Look Kimosabe,

If you are going to get in to little scrapes with a "WINK" (Warrior of the Internet Ninja Keyboard) like Knebby then do so with as much Wit, Humour and Intelligence as you can muster or She will eat you whole, Silver as well, (that's the Horse you are supposed to be riding by the way) now we all like a good laugh so how about you make a book out of my leaf and try a little of my suggestions? it could keep you alive on here for another millenium or two, and the Fan Mail you can get for being somewhat Humorous will make it all worth while. ;)

Regards, Danny


PS, If it makes you feel better you can call me Tonto, that's me kneeling in front of Silver. :)

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This 'discussion' such as it is, is like going back in time about 2 years when the Raising Sand tour was happening. The same arguments but from different people not happy that Plant is not doing a Zep tour.

Also the same sort of responses from them to people who feel that Robert has the right to follow whatever path he wants to. ( I support the latter personally) but recognise and acknowledge the disappointment of those wanting a Zep tour.

I too would have welcomed a Zep tour but came to accept it wasn't going to happen but I don't share the animosity towards Robert for choosing not to follow the easier musical route.

There are plent of " it has to be Zeppelin or nothing people around" and they are entitled to their opinion as much as those who support his choices however different from what we all expected.

For those who don't like his musical direction fine, thats up to you for those who do it is equally up to them too.

But like the RS arguents some people get a bit too personal with others here for stating ther support even when they don't like some of the reworkings of Zep songs. They then defend their supportive position and get attacked for doing so. God knows Ihave had my arguments around here over the years but why can't we let him follow the road he wants.

Its not that long ago really when he said that he felt like giving up music, now i don't know about the rest of you but I for one is happy he didnt give it up. His choices and styles and influences has opened up even wider my musical understandings and tastes for

which i am thankful. I also got to see him both strut his stuff and singing more genres many more times. I will see him live again soon and as long as he keeps strutting his stuff I will turn up to support him and his music.

Nothing will alter my love of Led Zeppelin nor will Roberts reworkings tarnish their wonderful body of work.

Just my humble opinion


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^^ Tripmender, why do you have to state that in the manner that you did..(the age comment)?I just do not understand how a topic that is supposed to be about Roberts new tour has turned into what is on this thread.

I haved loved this band going on 41 years and supported their solo careers, Just because I think Led Zeppelin is the best band, you will not see me going to other bands sites and bashing them or disapproving of their music.

I just don't know how something as great as music can cause so many negative comments.IMHO it is really sad.

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In his dotage, RP's clearly eager to concentrate on material he can sing properly. Hence he chose Alison Krauss over more 'LZ' shows. That's fine. He is rather old, after all.

Not sure if you are trying to be ironic or its just an insult.

Neither humerous ;)

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laugh.gif Now you've done it Trip!! Stepped into some shit just like me!!! Here they come!!

Can't understand what I've done wrong here, silver. Just stated a few facts as I see them.

What is he now, 60? That's 'quite old', isn't it? Never mind getting his lemon squeezed - he's probably more interested in prostate massages these days :D

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^^ Tripmender, why do you have to state that in the manner that you did..(the age comment)?I just do not understand how a topic that is supposed to be about Roberts new tour has turned into what is on this thread.I haved loved this band going on 41 years and supported their solo careers, Just because I think Led Zeppelin is the best band, you will not see me going to other bands sites and bashing them or disapproving of their music. I just don't know how something as great as music can cause so many negative comments.IMHO it is really sad.


What I don't get is why people who do not appreciate Robert's music just stay out of the threads about....Robert's music. But, oh well, I'm learning to ignore those who annoy me on this forum. It's pretty easy because it's always the same people.

Back to the topic, the reviews that I have read about Robert's concerts have been great. I cannot wait until Saturday night to see him in action!

Edited to remove double quote...

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What I don't get is why people who do not appreciate Robert's music just stay out of the threads about....Robert's music. But, oh well, I'm learning to ignore those who annoy me on this forum. It's pretty easy because it's always the same people.

Back to the topic, the reviews that I have read about Robert's concerts have been great. I cannot wait until Saturday night to see him in action!

Edited to remove double quote...

Hi Gigi!

Can't wait to hear about the show. Share any photos, videos, local write ups!! Have a great time :yay:

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A slight amndment to my previous post

" same shit different arseholes"

Sounds like you two guys are having a bit of a mutual gay type of love in yourselves. So is it better to give than to receive?

Watch that the comments about gays doesn't come and kiss you not so sweetly on the ass because there have been some around here who don't take too kindly to the special kind of love and mutual prostate massaging you seem to be enjoying.

night night sweet cheeks!!!!! :blink:

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A possible answer to Gigi's and Deb J's posts about taking negative about Robert, or anyone else's music, is that,

There is negative in life just as positive. To take the stand of saying NOTHING instead of something negative, if that's what you feel, is a copout. It's NOT about loyalty or not. It's discussion about aspects of a musical direction or performance or some other change that fans don't like.

To refrain from speaking because you may have a contrary opinion from the "positive" posts is WIMPY as hell !

Of course when someone speaks that way, for some reason, they're seen as always negative. The positive is overshadowed because of inner "rage", anger or the fact that one's "Idol" has been criticized.

If you like something someone does 100% fine, if not, speak your mind.

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What are you trying to say Mr wise guy? I am happily married. Try pointing the finger in a different direction.

Look at you. You're all over every thread, making enemies, getting into fights with people, launching personal attacks. Have you no sense of decency? At long last, sir, when will you be done with these threatening posts? Try to stay on topic, please. And watch your language. Think of the children, if nothing else. No wonder you've been banned once before.

Anyone know the origin of the song "Trouble" that Buddy sang the other night with Robert on harmonica?



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Look at you. You're all over every thread, making enemies, getting into fights with people, launching personal attacks. Have you no sense of decency? At long last, sir, when will you be done with these threatening posts? Try to stay on topic, please. And watch your language. Think of the children, if nothing else. No wonder you've been banned once before.

Anyone know the origin of the song "Trouble" that Buddy sang the other night with Robert on harmonica?



Nice attempt at damage control. You are the one following me around posting all this garbage, calling me a liar about things you dont know about me, and saying I threatened you. What a joke. I am going to threaten a ghost just as well. Dont know you from the next guy on the internet. I just dont know what your motivation is? Unless you know me from way back? I kind of doubt there are little children on this site. And you are the only one I have gotten into a "fight" with, if you want to call it that. Like you said, others dont want to read this so why do you insist on keeping it going? Im out.

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Look at you. You're all over every thread, making enemies, getting into fights with people, launching personal attacks. Have you no sense of decency? At long last, sir, when will you be done with these threatening posts? Try to stay on topic, please. And watch your language. Think of the children, if nothing else. No wonder you've been banned once before.

Anyone know the origin of the song "Trouble" that Buddy sang the other night with Robert on harmonica?




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