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Q: Can you please “officially” release the Led Zeppelin soundboards, other live recordings & any other unreleased tracks like “Fire”, “Swan Song”, etc? 


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First of all, if ever I get a chance to meet him, no questions will come to me(not even any other people) at that instant. After some conversation only, questions will come. And, well my first question would be: I hope everything is good? :)

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There is so much live stuff in the vault. You completed the very in depth remaster program of all studio albums giving the fans a chance to appreciate the "back story" for many tracks with the companion disks, releasing what was left of unfinished, or shelved ideas.

So there remains in the vault a rock solid, workable live material collection ranging from incredibly good quality soundboards to multi-track recordings. Given the advancements of sound engineering techniques such as AI, and instrument separation, is it time to revisit the idea of an anthological release, or better still, several stand alone live releases putting on the official record the different periods of Led Zeppelins reign?

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On 9/12/2010 at 1:45 AM, justawoman said:

Ask a question? I wouldn't be able to speak - I think I would just stand there and worship!


Maybe, if I could get the words out, "Hey, can I buy you a drink or two (or three)?

Jimmy has been teetotal for many years, I would think in excess of twenty.


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I was blessed to be in close proximity to Jimmy on four occasions.  Here's how those went:

1.  December 2002, on On Brompton Road, between Harvey Nichols and Harrods (London), before the Led Zeppelin DVD came out. I became aware of someone looking at me.  I'm pretty tuned-in, as I have done a lot of meditation over the years and my eyes connected to a middle-aged man walking towards me, who looked rather familiar.  It took several seconds to register why..... it was none other than Jimmy Page.  I could never have lived with myself if I had not said something to him, so, I hesitantly blurted out, "Excuse me, are you, Jimmy Page?"  To my astonishment, he said: "yes," smiled widely and extended his hand to shake mine.  I was truly taken aback but such a gesture and promptly extended mine too.  There was a decided energy transfer in the handshake (I know this sounds nuts, but that is what I felt), which was quite something and altogether different from what I have felt shaking anyone else's hand, ever.  I asked him how the DVD was coming along (as he was editing it at that time), and he mumbled a few positive words. I asked (rather hopefully) if he was planning on playing any little gigs soon said no and smiled.  I sensed he didn't want to take the conversation anywhere else and started to move away; he probably was frightened I'd ask him about his Crowley regalia or something (JOKE), and he was 

2.  23 August 2004, at the opening of the new Virgin Megastore, Piccadilly Circus, London. Jimmy was there to lay his hands in cement as the inaugural benefactor of the "British Walk of Fame," the equivalent of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Afterwards Jimmy did a signing session inside the Virgin Megastore. Each person could have one item signed and I opted for the Led Zeppelin DVD.  There was a big crowd of people waiting, so no time for chit chat, just a hand shake, quick hello and the signing.
Link to official photos here - https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/photos/jimmy-page-at-virgin-megastore
Link to press article here -https://www.standard.co.uk/showbiz/page-opens-british-walk-of-fame-6965325.html
I regularly checked to see if jimmy's cement paving stone appeared outside the store; it never did.  I guess that it was taken away after the launch event for safekeeping.

3.  14 September 2016, at the Complete BBC Sessions Listening event at Olympic Studios (yes, that one, although it was a cinema by that stage, London. Unbelievably, I was able to sit in the front row, and Jimmy was interviewed after the playback.  If that was not enough, a fellow (nameless) board member and I decided to go up a narrow set of stairs adjacent to the cinema room after the listening event to find somewhere quieter than the main bar to chill out.  We found ourselves in a private room with about twenty to thirty people inside, including one Jimmy Page holding court.  Most of the people in the room were from Warner Music going on the conversations, and we were the only two fans.  There was no security, and nobody asked who we were.  I decided to go off to the toilet, and on my return, I discovered my mate had spoken to jimmy (knowing him from a long time back), and had a photo taken with him. By the point I had returned, Jimmy was busy chatting to record company people. My friend and I ended up spending the rest of the evening chatting to Jimmy's girlfriend, poet Scarlett Sabet, who was really cool and friendly (check out her works, they are amazing).  I could have gone up to Jimmy at any time to chat with him and asked for a photo . I decided it was a much better idea to savour the intimate atmosphere and be grateful for my incredibly good fortune.  As I write this, kinda of kicking myself for not asking for a photo now though!

4.  01 May 2018, at the launch of Scarlett Sabet's new (then) poetry collection, Zoreh, at the famous Troubadour venue in London. Jimmy was in attendance, and I was outside the venue when he arrived; he spoke to a few people and refused to sign anything (he no longer does that in public, so be aware).  The event room was packed, and I ended up sitting new to Scarlet Page but did not speak to her.  Jimmy stayed to accompany his girlfriend after the poetry reading in a small group of people. If I had been brazen, I guess I could have spoken to him after the but decided not to force it.


I shared those encounters to try and convey the idea that if you meet Jimmy Page, there are different ways to approach the experience and not immediately go into superfan mode.

To answer the question in this threat now, I think i would ask Jimmy if it would be possible to have a tour of the Tower House?


Edited by indigomoonbeam
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After thanking him for my introduction to rock music in general (I bought my first album ever, being LZ 1 when I was 13) I would ask " Why, when Zeppelin were all about the stage performances, that the band never released a live album?"

Oh and please don't go on about the posthumous HTWWW. (not a question for him)

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After the administration of the strongest truth-serum from the laboratories of the MI6 there is enough time for two questions:

"Which live recordings from your  LZ archive did you give your bosom friend Mr. Ross Halfin as a present?"

"Do you really intend to officially release some live recordings in the remaining seven years, or was it just insubstantial blah blah to the 50. anniversary?"

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