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R.I.P. Dzldoc

Literally Speaking

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Heartfelt condolences to you L.S. and your family. Charlie spread so much laughter and inspiration to the many friends he made here. He has been missed terribly over the past months and always will be. I will think of Charlie often for the rest of my life. May you have peace now my friend

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I am so sorry to hear this news. I can barely see to type due to the tears.

My heartfelt sympathies to you, Literally Speaking, and to your family.

Charles was very loved by us here on this forum. He was a great example to us all. He tried to give us the message that life is too short for alot of the pettiness that goes on, and for us to cherish each day, as we never know what is in store for us around the corner. He was very brave, and endured alot of pain and suffering. But he always had a sunny outlook, and used his humour and wit to enlighten us with his posts. He always was the one to post the funny pictures and videos to make his positive points and to uplift everyone on here. He was a great friend to many, even those whom he had never met in person. He has been a positive example for us all to follow. He loved Led Zeppelin and rock music. He was very gracious in sharing his rock and roll and Led Zeppelin experiences with us. He has been greatly missed already.

RIP, Charles.

And may God be with you and your family.

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so sorry for you and the entire family, literally speaking. this has been a hard few years for you all.

i hope, in time, you can feel heartened by the knowledge that charles was loved and respected by so many.

only the good die young.

rest in peace deez.

with love from julie and rodney xo

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