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Jimmy Page bio


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Led Zep's Jimmy Page bio to Virgin

13.10.11 | Charlotte Williams

Virgin Books will be rocking out with a new biography of Led Zeppelin lead guitarist Jimmy Page after acquiring the title in a joint deal with Crown Publishers in the US.

Publishing director Ed Faulkner bought UK and Commonwealth rights from Linda Kaplan at Crown Publishers in New York to Light & Shade: Conversations with Jimmy Page.

Written by editor-in-chief of Guitar World magazine, Brad Tolinski, it draws on more than 50 hours of conversation with Page.

The book touches on the '60s music scene and Page's early years through his time with Led Zep. Songs covered include "How Many More Times", "Going to California" and "Stairway to Heaven".

Faulkner said: "Jimmy Page is a music legend. Light & Shade will undoubtedly be considered the closest thing Led Zeppelin fans will ever get to a published autobiography, making it an essential read." Virgin Books will publish in hardback in October 2011.


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Led Zep's Jimmy Page bio to Virgin

13.10.11 | Charlotte Williams

Virgin Books will be rocking out with a new biography of Led Zeppelin lead guitarist Jimmy Page after acquiring the title in a joint deal with Crown Publishers in the US.

Publishing director Ed Faulkner bought UK and Commonwealth rights from Linda Kaplan at Crown Publishers in New York to Light & Shade: Conversations with Jimmy Page.

Written by editor-in-chief of Guitar World magazine, Brad Tolinski, it draws on more than 50 hours of conversation with Page.

The book touches on the '60s music scene and Page's early years through his time with Led Zep. Songs covered include "How Many More Times", "Going to California" and "Stairway to Heaven".

Faulkner said: "Jimmy Page is a music legend. Light & Shade will undoubtedly be considered the closest thing Led Zeppelin fans will ever get to a published autobiography, making it an essential read." Virgin Books will publish in hardback in October 2011.



Would you clarify whether or not this is an 'authorised' biography. Thanks.

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Would you clarify whether or not this is an 'authorised' biography. Thanks.

I'm looking forward to the book. My hunch is that this is not authorised. Jimmy was clear about why he released the pictorial biography and that was he wanted the pictures and some captions to tell his story, his contibution to music. He quipped in an anterview that he wouldn't release a written bio until he had passed on; he said this jokingly. Given these comments I seriously doubt it authorised. It also speaks in the article this book is based on conversations so I bet its a culmanation of his interviews with Guitar World over the years. :book:

Edited by ZoSo1960
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My hunch is that this is not authorised.

Tolinski & Page have been close for many years in part because Tolinski only publishes about Page what Page approves of. I would not be surprised at all if Jimmy grants further interviews solely for this book and contributes to the foreward. If Tolinski

was merely reprinting old Guitar World interviews again he wouldn't have gotten the book deal and it would be difficult to sell.

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Tolinski & Page have been close for many years in part because Tolinski only publishes about Page what Page approves of. I would not be surprised at all if Jimmy grants further interviews solely for this book and contributes to the foreward. If Tolinski

was merely reprinting old Guitar World interviews again he wouldn't have gotten the book deal and it would be difficult to sell.

Good point. However put Jimmy's name on a book or Led Zeppelin and people will buy it. I've always enjoyed Tolinski's articles so I'm sure it will be of quality.:D

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Good point. However put Jimmy's name on a book or Led Zeppelin and people will buy it. I've always enjoyed Tolinski's articles so I'm sure it will be of quality.:D

...Given the close relationship between Jimmy and Journalist Brad Tolinski, perhaps Page will discuss his Official Autobio,(already released) a little further...

.... possibly there is a new chance to address some revisions and corrections in Jimmy's Official Autobio, expressed by fans, as this is the "closest thing" ever to his very own released autobio...

LIGHT AND SHADE: Conversations with Jimmy Page Biography Music Tolinski, Brad Crown Trade Publication Date: October 2012 博達僅代理中文繁體字版權 Status: Awaiting manuscript Rights: World

Jimmy Page is one of the most influential guitarists and songwriters in rock history. Page was the leader, mastermind, guitarist, and producer of Led Zeppelin, described by Rolling Stone magazine as “the biggest band of the seventies” and “unquestionably one of the most enduring bands in rock history.” While there is no shortage of written material out there on Led Zeppelin’s legacy, none of the band members have ever written a tell-all book or cooperated with the press or a biographer.

Over the last 20 years, Brad Tolinski, editor-in-chief of Guitar World magazine, has interviewed Page more than any other journalist in the world, and by asking incisive questions, he’s been able to gain the trust of this greatly misunderstood artist. Sifting through more than 50 hours of conversations that touch on everything from the 1960s music scene and his early years as England’s top session guitarist working with artists like The Who, The Kinks, and Eric Clapton, to his wild years in Led Zeppelin, and post-Zep projects, LIGHT AND SHADE will provide readers with the most complete picture of the media-shy guitarist ever published. It is doubtful that Page will ever write a book, and given this, LIGHT AND SHADE will undoubtedly be considered the closest thing Led Zeppelin fans will get to a published autobiography, making this book an essential read.

Brad Tolinski is the current editor-in-chief of Guitar World magazine. Their website receives over a million visitors every month. Additionally, they have more than 60,000 Facebook followers.

Rights have been sold to Editora Globo (Brazil), Rocking’On Publishing (Japan) and Virgin Books (BCOM).

Source: Search: Bardonchinese.Com, Light and Shade

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Brad Tolinski: Interview with Guitar World’s Top Gear Head


SW: You have written some great Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin pieces for Guitar World over the years. I understand you have gotten a contract to write a Jimmy Page biography. Will it be authorized? How did the book come about?

BT: It won’t be authorized, but Jimmy is fine with it. I’ve been one of the few journalists that Page talks to on a regular basis. We’ve had a lot of great conversations over the last 20 years and I thought it was time to stitch them together.

Jimmy Page is one of the most influential musicians of the last 100 years. His playing and recording techniques have influenced several generations of musicians and his musical story is historically important. I think he’s right up there with Muddy Waters, Miles Davis, and Phil Spector. Most of the book is simply an extended, in-depth discussion about his recording career and the culture that surrounded it. Of course, what makes it fascinating is that he rarely opens up.

A number of publishing houses bid for it. The surprising thing is that they all seemed fine that it was primarily music driven. Although it has some sensational moments, no one was begging for more mud shark stories. It’s coming out well and it should be out next Fall.

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If Jimmy is fine with the book, why doesn't he authorize it?

...His Official Autobiography presented only by himself is what I think Jimmy Page will ever authorize...I don't think he will authorize any other, he will say who he is, not others...that is my reflection of Page.......

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Brad Tolinski: Interview with Guitar World’s Top Gear Head


SW: You have written some great Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin pieces for Guitar World over the years. I understand you have gotten a contract to write a Jimmy Page biography. Will it be authorized? How did the book come about?

BT: It won’t be authorized, but Jimmy is fine with it. I’ve been one of the few journalists that Page talks to on a regular basis. We’ve had a lot of great conversations over the last 20 years and I thought it was time to stitch them together.

Jimmy Page is one of the most influential musicians of the last 100 years. His playing and recording techniques have influenced several generations of musicians and his musical story is historically important. I think he’s right up there with Muddy Waters, Miles Davis, and Phil Spector. Most of the book is simply an extended, in-depth discussion about his recording career and the culture that surrounded it. Of course, what makes it fascinating is that he rarely opens up.

A number of publishing houses bid for it. The surprising thing is that they all seemed fine that it was primarily music driven. Although it has some sensational moments, no one was begging for more mud shark stories. It’s coming out well and it should be out next Fall.


Thanks for posting this item - it answers the question I asked. :thumbsup:

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