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New box sets including unreleased material


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Speaking of great sound, one thing I should have done with these remasters, soon to be delivered to me is upgrade my headphones. Anyone have any suggestions of which ones to invest in? My old ones are a pair of Phillips. Anyone with ideas of really good ones could suggest those for $100 and under and over $100. Be specific with model numbers, whenever possible Perhaps, there's still time to tack it on to my Amazon order before it ships with my box sets!

Audio-Technica ATH-M50 headphones. They are studio quality monitoring headphones. The sound quality is absolutely stunning and crystal clear. I got a pair for my birthday a week ago, and I can't believe how amazing they are. They can be had for $120 new on Amazon. Would definitely recommend for these remasters.

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Audio-Technica ATH-M50 headphones. They are studio quality monitoring headphones. The sound quality is absolutely stunning and crystal clear. I got a pair for my birthday a week ago, and I can't believe how amazing they are. They can be had for $120 new on Amazon. Would definitely recommend for these remasters.

Thanks for the info Jonderdonk! :thumbsup: Will check these out.

Anyone with other suggestions is more than welcome to!

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Speaking of great sound, one thing I should have done with these remasters, soon to be delivered to me is upgrade my headphones. Anyone have any suggestions of which ones to invest in? My old ones are a pair of Phillips. Anyone with ideas of really good ones could suggest those for $100 and under and over $100. Be specific with model numbers, whenever possible Perhaps, there's still time to tack it on to my Amazon order before it ships with my box sets!

Heres a good forum for headphones http://www.audiokarma.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=167

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Speaking of great sound, one thing I should have done with these remasters, soon to be delivered to me is upgrade my headphones. Anyone have any suggestions of which ones to invest in? My old ones are a pair of Phillips. Anyone with ideas of really good ones could suggest those for $100 and under and over $100. Be specific with model numbers, whenever possible Perhaps, there's still time to tack it on to my Amazon order before it ships with my box sets!

Sennheiser CX300II. A steal at $32. I'd pay at least double for these.


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Yeah! I've got the hi-res download website right here and the previews of the remasters are: HOLY CRAP, these sound amazing!! If only I could get one of those Super Deluxe sets, that would make my whole collection right there. :stereo: Anyways, here's the link!


Will highresaudio.com be used to distribute the albums in North America as well?

My understanding is that they're more or less bound to Europe by regional restrictions.

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Nice, I'm using old Altec 301's with a Polk sub and Denon integrated. Bonzo's drums just sound incredible on my system, can't wait for the remaster. i always thought Led Zep I was the best "sounding" Zep album. The separation, sound stage, and livelyness of that album has always amazed me. I'm salivating for these remasters. Thinking about getting KEF LS50's for a change of pace as their imaging is legendary.

i have heard good things about the KEFs but small speakers have their advantages & disadvantages (cleaner sound vs a full range sound)
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Audio-Technica ATH-M50 headphones. They are studio quality monitoring headphones. The sound quality is absolutely stunning and crystal clear. I got a pair for my birthday a week ago, and I can't believe how amazing they are. They can be had for $120 new on Amazon. Would definitely recommend for these remasters.

I agree.
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I just *ahem* acquired the new remasters while I wait for my box-sets to arrive. All I can say is HOLY FUCKING SHIT. They sound amazing. Bathroom Sound is just THUNDEROUS and listening to the That's The Way outtake with the Dulcimer feels like crystal clear water is cleansing my ears.

As for how the new remasters fare against the old ones, all I can say is that the old remasters sound damper compared to the new ones. The new ones have been touched up, cleaned and sound very bright. Plants vocals sound very sharp with every "s" word/sound he makes. Everything is just more defined and clearer. They are true remasters.

Brace yourselves folks. We have an exciting two years ahead of us with these new Zeppelin remasters.

Edited by IzzyBlues
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I just *ahem* acquired the new remasters while I wait for my box-sets to arrive. All I can say is HOLY FUCKING SHIT. They sound amazing. Bathroom Sound is just THUNDEROUS and listening to the That's The Way outtake with the Dulcimer feels like crystal clear water is cleansing my ears.

As for how the new remasters fare against the old ones, all I can say is that the old remasters sound damper compared to the new ones. The new ones have been touched up, cleaned and sound very bright. Plants vocals sound very sharp with every "s" word/sound he makes. Everything is just more defined and clearer. They are true remasters.

Brace yourselves folks. We have an exciting two years ahead of us with these new Zeppelin remasters.

So many have doubted. So many have dissed. I expect my experience when my remasters come will be equal to IzzyBlues'.

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Just wait until Led Zeppelin IV and all the questions regarding the alternate take for STH in the Fall! This should be interesting, to say the least, when considering the regard of this song overall as far....well you know for radio, it's history and place in rock history....and all the other rock cliches it may be part of (there's another word for this, but can't think of it now as it's getting late). The usual media will be a part of this, when it happens in the fall and try to completely dissect this song from the original and alternate take. I feel bad for Jimmy, when he'll have to deal with this!

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Just got an email from Amazon that my SD Zep III has just shipped. Not Zep I and II as Amazon said they will ship separately and receive on June 3rd as well. Not a confirmation yet on the first two for shipping yet. Should be soon. Placed my order on Day 1!

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Just wait until Led Zeppelin IV and all the questions regarding the alternate take for STH in the Fall! This should be interesting, to say the least, when considering the regard of this song overall as far....well you know for radio, it's history and place in rock history....and all the other rock cliches it may be part of (there's another word for this, but can't think of it now as it's getting late). The usual media will be a part of this, when it happens in the fall and try to completely dissect this song from the original and alternate take. I feel bad for Jimmy, when he'll have to deal with this!

I wonder if Jimmy will change a few notes in the alternate version of Stairway to avoid another lawsuit from Spirit. :beat:

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Just got an email from Amazon that my SD Zep III has just shipped. Not Zep I and II as Amazon said they will ship separately and receive on June 3rd as well. Not a confirmation yet on the first two for shipping yet. Should be soon. Placed my order on Day 1!

I canceled my Amazon pre-orders the other day. The place I ended up ordering from did the same thing - LZ III shipped today, no word on I or II.

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I canceled my Amazon pre-orders the other day. The place I ended up ordering from did the same thing - LZ III shipped today, no word on I or II.

I would think they'll ship rather soon to get them by Tuesday. Others here for the most part are having I and II ship before II, so this is a bit odd. I'm not really worried. At least. I'll have one of them on Tuesday!

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Mind you I'm on my computer, comparing mp3s through iTunes on Altec Lansing speakers, 50 bucks at walmart, good sound for these little speakers, big difference from the original cd's, I don't hear a huge difference from the re-mastered box sets of 1990, I agree they are like brighter and louder, and I only compared 3 versions of Dazed and Confused, and Whole Lotta Love, I'm not going through all 3 albums 3 times

BUT THE BONUS MATERIAL, outstanding, LOVE IT that's what it's all about!!!!!!!!

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I pre-ordered the boxsets from Amazon when they were put up but it's not letting me pay for them. Do I have to wait for June 2 to pay for them or something?

You pay for them when they ship - or are marked as "shipping soon"

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It's worth mentioning that Jimmy has begun discussing the next set of remasters. So far we know that there's a "fantastic" version of Stairway To Heaven on its way (that comment comes from his interview with The Sun.)

I have been hoping that all three guitar solos he reportedly recorded for Stairway will be included in the bonus disc for Led Zeppelin IV.

Thanks for the info Jonderdonk! :thumbsup: Will check these out.

Anyone with other suggestions is more than welcome to!

Just don't get any of those Beats by Dr. Dre cans. :bagoverhead:

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I have just downloaded the high res LZ1 currently playing just up to the first Paris song and I must say I am realy enjoying the quality.

I dont have a dac and am just listing on my pc but even that sounds great.

I have LZ3 downloading now (no digital spinning wheel lol) and LZ2 I have had trouble getting it to download (will try again when LZ3 is finished downloading) even paypal asked me to confirm by phone who I was for LZ3.

I would have got the box sets but I can't afford that.

I also hope the neighbours like Led Zeppelin as its getting a bit late here and a few oldies around here.

The more I hear the Paris gig I realy realise how well it was done.

I missed out on seeing Zepp live here (Australia) as they played one week before my 8th birthday and I might have been a little young to go.

I have seen Plant when he did his first solo tour here.

I will enjoy the music high res versions at a decentt volume tomorrow when I can crank it up more.


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I feel bad for Jimmy, when he'll have to deal with this!

I think nearly all people have always misinterpreted Jimmy Page's musical motivation. His muse, if you will. People read into the music what *they* think is there, but then as they say, "art is in the eye of the beholder", so maybe it's natural that "music is in the ear of the listener". It's something that artists of all genres have had to put up with since the days when the paint of the horses on the cave walls was still drying.

What I'm impressed with is that Mr. Page is maintaining as much good humor about it all as he is. We know he's not always been so accommodating in the past. I hope he doesn't decide that his current level of outreach is just so much shoveling shit against the tide, even if that's about what it is.

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