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New box sets including unreleased material


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@pujols I did the same thing, playing on my home Denon. :)


I sold my Complete Studio Recordings box set a couple weeks ago. The HD tracks make me wish I still had them, for comparison. Guess I can check them out from the local library and compare.

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I just opened all three super deluxe sets right from getting home from work -- and just glancing though everthing, all I can say is WOW! The packaging and the books are gorgeous! A few pictures I recognize from Jimmy's book and I could not believe they printed the entire 1969 program tour book in LZll's book, which I have. That is so cool! :) I can not wait to listen to everything. This feels like Christmas!! :)

Edited by aen27
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Amazon.ca now says Led Zep II will be arriving only July 8th to 14th. I and III have not shipped yet but they are saying June 9-13th, I could not be more disappointed, ordered all 3 Super Deluxes March 18 first week they were out and nothing has shipped yet. My local stores have I and III SDBS in stock but not II, is most of Canada lacking Zep II Super Deluxe? So much for getting numbered copies.....

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Amazon.ca now says Led Zep II will be arriving only July 8th to 14th. I and III have not shipped yet but they are saying June 9-13th, I could not be more disappointed, ordered all 3 Super Deluxes March 18 first week they were out and nothing has shipped yet. My local stores have I and III SDBS in stock but not II, is most of Canada lacking Zep II Super Deluxe? So much for getting numbered copies.....

I ordered on March 13th, and I now have notice that I will be receiving all three Super Deluxe sets, which are due to arrive between June 9-13. Initially they were holding back on the LZ II Super Deluxe, but they have since sent me an email saying that all will ship at the same time. Whew. Stopped by a few bricks and mortar stores today, and only the CD's were available, with zero fanfare or promotion.

Edited by The Dark Lord
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Stopped by a few bricks and mortar stores today, and only the CD's were available, with zero fanfare or promotion.

I stopped by Best Buy today and there were only a few CDs on the rack. No fanfare or promotion here, either...I actually had to look hard to find them! Some folks just don't get it!!

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I picked up super deluxe LZII at a local record store. They also had LZI available but hadn't received LZIII yet.

I hope there are not supply issues with super deluxe LZIII because I'd like to get one once I can save up.

I was disappointed not to hear anything about these releases on the local rock station (although I wasn't listening consistently) and also that they weren't highlighted on iTunes that I could see.

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I think it's

I stopped by Best Buy today and there were only a few CDs on the rack. No fanfare or promotion here, either...I actually had to look hard to find them! Some folks just don't get it!!

I think it's lack of understanding of the importance of some bands, and re-issue fatigue. It's hard for the average person, who listens to top 20, to get excited about yet another re-issue / remaster. The industry has done it to itself, but that is where the indie stores tend to excel. HMV is good too, but there are none of those left here anymore. This is a big deal to the classic rock crowd, but not the Lady Gaga crowd who take precedence when it comes to marketing shelf space.

Edited by The Dark Lord
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Hi Dark Lord I guess the difference in 5 days kinda screwed me, I ordered March 18 thinking it should not be a problem.... I am curious if any retailers have Zep II in SDBS, my local HMV has I and III only, same as my local vinyl shop, HMV is 149.99 each and the vinyl shop is 159.99, and I paid $113-$114 CAD each at amazon. I like the savings but waiting a month for II after waiting 2 years will be pretty tough (and pretty much guaranteed it will not be numbered, I am still holding out hope that I and III are numbered).

Dark Lord did you upgrade shipping as well? I am curious because .ca usually advertises "Want to receive it the day it comes out?.....then pay more" Wondering if people who paid extra to get it the day it comes out actually got them today.....

Strange that there is zero fanfare at the B&M's maybe there are only big displays at the flagship stores......

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Hi Dark Lord I guess the difference in 5 days kinda screwed me, I ordered March 18 thinking it should not be a problem.... I am curious if any retailers have Zep II in SDBS, my local HMV has I and III only, same as my local vinyl shop, HMV is 149.99 each and the vinyl shop is 159.99, and I paid $113-$114 CAD each at amazon. I like the savings but waiting a month for II after waiting 2 years will be pretty tough (and pretty much guaranteed it will not be numbered, I am still holding out hope that I and III are numbered).

Dark Lord did you upgrade shipping as well? I am curious because .ca usually advertises "Want to receive it the day it comes out?.....then pay more" Wondering if people who paid extra to get it the day it comes out actually got them today.....

Strange that there is zero fanfare at the B&M's maybe there are only big displays at the flagship stores......

I just went with the free shipping, which I always sort of regret, but I get over it once the product arrives. I'm pretty patient, and the success of any Zep fan comes from being patient. Goodness knows that is an axiom for most of us old time fans. I've got 6-9 days of patience left in me.....barely. :) Edited by The Dark Lord
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I just went with the free shipping, which I always sort of regret, but I get over it once the product arrives. I'm pretty patient, and the success of any Zep fan comes from being patient. Goodness knows that is an axiom for most of us old time fans.

We are talking Zeppelin time here!

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Yes I hear that Dark Lord, I have been patient, we have been waiting like 18 months since Jimmy let slip about this project, but now that I see the photos (when I saw how sweet the boxes looked on Fallon I really started to "Jones")

I have not listened to any Zep for 6+ weeks in preparation for my summer Zeppelin overload (6 weeks might be a record been a zep fan for decades still have my original LPs in bad shape, the tapes, CDs, etc). I am like a junkie who's dealer was on his way over with my fix then called and said sorry I am bringing your smack over next week only......

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Curious if some of the people who were supposed to get theirs today got theirs...

I did, but I got the 3 Deluxe Edition CD sets I am a HAPPY camper, and I expect to be an ecstatic one shortly (I am *slowly* opening and looking through everything but holding out on listening to the music yet because I know I'll be blown away and incoherent. Coincidentally, the Led Zeppelin issue of Guitar World just came in today's mail - I don't subscribe so I had to order a single copy. I can't read and listen to Led Zeppelin at the same time (LZ requires full attention) but no matter. Hours and hours of pleasure ahead!

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Yes I hear that Dark Lord, I have been patient, we have been waiting like 18 months since Jimmy let slip about this project, but now that I see the photos (when I saw how sweet the boxes looked on Fallon I really started to "Jones")

I have not listened to any Zep for 6+ weeks in preparation for my summer Zeppelin overload (6 weeks might be a record been a zep fan for decades still have my original LPs in bad shape, the tapes, CDs, etc). I am like a junkie who's dealer was on his way over with my fix then called and said sorry I am bringing your smack over next week only......

I hear ya. There have been shipping delays of LZII to Canada from Germany. I'm told they are due to land here in the next week. By the time you get yours, you will be just tiring of LZI and LZIII. I hope you get a numbered edition. If you don't, send it back and hunt around. You'll find one somewhere. Edited by The Dark Lord
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@TheRover: (sorry, for some reason, the "quote" function is disabled on my PC) Thanks for your post, an actual INFORMATIVE, substantive one! Wow, they do exist! ;)

Seriously, while the idea of having a format that has more "info" than a CD (pardon the pun) SOUNDS great, how does one translate it into a real world setting? Correct me if I'm wrong, but this "96/24" format comes on some kind of thumb drive you plug into a computer, right? So if, like me, you have typical computer speakers, you really WON'T hear the difference, right? Thanks!

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We are talking Zeppelin time here!

Zeppelin was on time for once (well, unless they underestimated demand for Zep II)! Amazon is now dropping the ball!

I also ordered with free shipping and normally its never an issue, and I ordered 77 days ago how do they not have my order complete and ready to ship?

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I think it's

I think it's lack of understanding of the importance of some bands, and re-issue fatigue. It's hard for the average person, who listens to top 20, to get excited about yet another re-issue / remaster. The industry has done it to itself, but that is where the indie stores tend to excel. HMV is good too, but there are none of those left here anymore. This is a big deal to the classic rock crowd, but not the Lady Gaga crowd who take precedence when it comes to marketing shelf space.

True. I am glad to see that there was proper fanfare leading up to the release date with the listening events, articles and interviews, facebook updates, and the great LZ fans in this forum who worked hard to post every bit of news and information...just think, it will all start again in a few months!

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I hear ya. There have been shipping delays of LZII to Canada from Germany. I'm told they are due to land here in the next week. By the time you get your, you will be just tiring of LZI and LZIII. I hope you get a numbered edition. If you don't, send it back and hunt around. You'll find one somewhere.

Numbered editions would be cool but not a must, I do however insist that the wax are all blemish free out of the package, unlike the Rainbo Beatles LP box set (but that's a whole other story).

Like you Dark Lord I also buy a lot of vinyl as an investment (CR Zeppelins, CSNY, Eagles Hell Freezes Over, etc I did well reselling extra copies of a lot of those) but I am wary of quality control issues (the Iron Maiden PDs, Beatles Rainbo, etc).

I plan to buy some vinyl deluxe editions of these Zeppelins when they go on sale in the future, but I suspect given the resurgence in vinyl lately means much larger press runs than the Classic Records days, we were getting $200-400+ for zeppelin, Eagles, Jethro Tull DCC, etc.

Edited by shejustsatisfies
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@pujols05: How DARE you question whether I'm a TRUE fan or not (besides making that AWFUL pun which, though tempted, I resisted doing) Pshaw! Why, I'm listening to the Paris concert from LZ 1 at this very moment (on Spotify, of course!) and LOVING it!!! ;)

Seriously, I know I'll eventually buy them ALL (and sell my complete collection box set on Ebay and hopefully break even). I just wanted to wait and see everyone's else reactions. I really feel for the people who ordered via Amazon and have yet to receive them. Talk about Zep withdrawal. Oh well, there's always Spotify! Ain't the internet GRAND?! ;)

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@ Trufan

Thank you.

If you were to compare a normal CD to a 96/24 would you hear the difference through computer speakers? Well, depending on your musical ear, yes. Would it be better to play the music on a higher end stereo with proper hi-fi speakers? Yes

You can obtain the 96/24 files in two ways : 1. With the download card provided in the 'Super Deluxe Box Set" 2. Purchasing the 96/24 files from an HD file online store, such as HDTracks.

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LZ 1,2, and 3 (deluxe editions) are now on Spotify! Makes you wonder...should I even buy a PHYSICAL copy? Hmmm...

The fact that someone whose name is Trufan is even wondering about getting a physical copy shows a tremendous gift for irony. I mean, seriously...it's LED ZEPPELIN!

I ordered on March 13th, and I now have notice that I will be receiving all three Super Deluxe sets, which are due to arrive between June 9-13. Initially they were holding back on the LZ II Super Deluxe, but they have since sent me an email saying that all will ship at the same time. Whew. Stopped by a few bricks and mortar stores today, and only the CD's were available, with zero fanfare or promotion.

That's a shame, TDL. For one who shows such appreciation for the finer qualities of viny, I would have thought you would get your box sets at your local record haunt?

That sucks for all of you who are having snafus with your amazon orders, especially if you were hoping to get a numbered edition.

I knew from last night that Amoeba got tons of limited numbered editions of the Super Deluxe Box set, but after the crowds and hassles of Record Store Day back in April, I still wasn't taking chances. I got up early so I could be there right when the doors opened at 10:30am. FYI, none of the Best Buys and Targets that I checked were selling the Super Deluxe Boxes...only the regular and deluxe double-cd packages.

I'm still at work, but this will be waiting for me later tonight as I finally give Led Zeppelin I a spin.


For the record, I am immersing myself one record at a time. Which means, Led Zeppelin will be what I listen to for the month of June. Then, for July I will break out Led Zeppelin II and Led Zeppelin III in August. Just as I had to wait and be satisfied with the one album when I first bought Led Zeppelin in 1969, I want to build up the anticipation for the next album, while still allowing myself time to fully ingest the current album.

Yes, I'm weird like that. :bagoverhead:

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The fact that someone whose name is Trufan is even wondering about getting a physical copy shows a tremendous gift for irony. I mean, seriously...it's LED ZEPPELIN!

That's a shame, TDL. For one who shows such appreciation for the finer qualities of viny, I would have thought you would get your box sets at your local record haunt?

That sucks for all of you who are having snafus with your amazon orders, especially if you were hoping to get a numbered edition.

I knew from last night that Amoeba got tons of limited numbered editions of the Super Deluxe Box set, but after the crowds and hassles of Record Store Day back in April, I still wasn't taking chances. I got up early so I could be there right when the doors opened at 10:30am. FYI, none of the Best Buys and Targets that I checked were selling the Super Deluxe Boxes...only the regular and deluxe double-cd packages.

I'm still at work, but this will be waiting for me later tonight as I finally give Led Zeppelin I a spin.


For the record, I am immersing myself one record at a time. Which means, Led Zeppelin will be what I listen to for the month of June. Then, for July I will break out Led Zeppelin II and Led Zeppelin III in August. Just as I had to wait and be satisfied with the one album when I first bought Led Zeppelin in 1969, I want to build up the anticipation for the next album, while still allowing myself time to fully ingest the current album.

Yes, I'm weird like that. :bagoverhead:

Haha. I love the monthly listening strategy. I'm going to sleep on it and consider doing the same thing. That will really prolong the intensity. You are right Strider about normally buying from a bricks and mortar store, but they are also having delays receiving the product. The Canada issue comes from the fact that too few were shipped here initially, and now the next batch is en route. I went with Amazon, as I felt that as a huge retailer they would be given priority on the new units, and therefore would ensure that I got a numbered edition. At this stage, every store, on line or bricks and mortar, in Canada, is facing the same issue. I just hope that I get these babies all at once and in excellent shape, and numbered. Enjoy yours! Edited by The Dark Lord
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