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What Made You Happy today?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Caught up with an old and dear friend after a long time (it's been 6 months since we last met). It didn't feel awkward. There were a lot of laughs exchanged. We spoke about even the most mundane things and it was still so enjoyable. We were chatting for almost two hours. Interestingly, I am proud to say that this friendship developed at work. I have met countless folks of different personalities at work and at University. This is the one person with whom I would like to stay in touch. No ulterior motives. No overthinking. No awkwardness. No shit. No drama. No judging. No complexities. Just good old fashioned friendship! So glad to have met her! :) Life just does not hand out friendships like this, everyday. 

Friendships have not been easy for me to keep, as I can be introverted on the one hand and ultra silly on the other. Trust me, I swing to extremes. It is either my outrageous and outlandish humour or my reservedness that puts people off. Plus, I call people out on their b.s (to their face) and that hasn't gone down very well. Also to me, 'catching up' does not mean comparing my life with that of the other person's. It is not healthy, in my opinion. Catching up means actually enjoying a genuine heart-felt conversation with the other person. Period. Can never get myself to put on a facade! 

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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7 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

Sitting outside in the garden with a glass of Red from Sicily and a lovely smoke, whilst the sun shines and the birds are singing. 

Seating for 2 please... 😜👍🏼🏼

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Finished making our travel plans for the John Butler Trio at the Atlanta Botanical Garden on July 26. Great fights, perfect hotel next to the venue...gonna be another epic trip to the ATL! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I confess. I splurged on a beautiful book today written by one Dr. Brian May!


Before feeling terribly guilty about it, I told myself: "You have scrimped enough to pay your bills and pay your own way through school, so now, it is time to treat yourself a bit!!"


Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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