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Dubai sentences Norwegian woman who reported rape

Charles J. White

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"The 24-year-old reported the March attack to the police but found herself charged with having extramarital sex"


Stay away from this part of the world - don't be fooled by the money and gloss, it's a dump. This sort of thing is common, jail for being raped...Backwards

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That defies belief! Absolutely unbelievable!

A married woman is raped. She has sex forced on her against her will ......... and yet she is charged with extramaritial sex!

Excuse me, but ..... Holy Fucking Shit!!!!!!

and then this .........

"UAE law states a rape conviction can only be secured after a confession, or as the result of testimony from four adult male witnesses to the crime".

So a rapist is supposed to have a conscience and admit to his abhorrent crime?,

or her only other option is just on the off chance, that there happens to be 4 other men in the vicintity who witnessed the rape?

What sort of depraved, nefarious, depths of hell place is that?!!!!

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Sadly, stories like this are all too frequent in those parts of the world. Women getting whipped in public or stoned to death because they've been sexually assaulted. Avoid these countries like the plague!

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A Muslim society.


How about this: A corrupt society our governments have either financially-backed or propped up because they will do what's best for our interests, not those of their people.

If you use this example as an excuse to be ignorant toward "Muslims" or "Islam," it is you who should be ashamed.

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Muslim apologists in 3... 2... 1...

Oops - damn, he even beat me to the countdown!


How about this: A corrupt society our governments have either financially-backed or propped up because they will do what's best for our interests, not those of their people.

If you use this example as an excuse to be ignorant toward "Muslims" or "Islam," it is you who should be ashamed.

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Muslim apologists in 3... 2... 1...

Oops - damn, he even beat me to the countdown!

That is not an apologist statement, never once did Melcore absolve the culture, he simply pointed out how the Western countries cozy up to these animals all for the mighty dollar. This is not false, it is 100% true and transcends party as both republicans & democrats are responsible, tory & liberal.

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I remember reading about a similar case a few years ago. This one involved a 15 year old male who was sexually assaulted by several males. He was a French national living with his father in Dubai. When he and his father reported the crime to the authorities, the police stonewalled them. His journalist mother began a media campaign that called attention to Dubai's failure to take sex crimes seriously. Unfortunately, it appears Dubai still has a ways to go.

Edited by Disco Duck
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This area looks nice, with the luxury hotels and golf course, but things like this will make me avoid a country like this. You'd be watching your back and wondering if it's ok to do this or that etc. I think traveling in the USA or Europe is fine for me!

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Don’t forget Canada, Australia, and New Zealand!

This area looks nice, with the luxury hotels and golf course, but things like this will make me avoid a country like this. You'd be watching your back and wondering if it's ok to do this or that etc. I think traveling in the USA or Europe is fine for me!

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This area looks nice, with the luxury hotels and golf course, but things like this will make me avoid a country like this. You'd be watching your back and wondering if it's ok to do this or that etc. I think traveling in the USA or Europe is fine for me!

I'm acquainted with someone who lived there for several years during the 1990's. She thought it could be a great place to live if you liked shopping, cocktail parties, tennis and water sports. Unfortunately, she wasn't into any of these things and found it rather boring. What bugged her most was the limited local culture and architecture. Unlike Egypt or Lebanon, Dubai doesn't have much of a musical or literary heritage. Nor does it have ancient souks, mosques or towns like Syria.

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Dubai is a soulless temple of conspicuous consumption...and a dump.

But that's their problem...it's not for us to get involved. Most of our foreign policy problems are the result of blowback from meddling in other country's affairs.

And if you think Dubai is bad for women, there are plenty of other countries just as bad, if not worse. India, whose public image is that of enlightenment and tranquility is actually a cesspool at the moment. I wouldn't let any women I know go there unescorted.

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Dubai (CNN) - A Norwegian woman who was sentenced to prison in Dubai after reporting she was raped has been given a pardon and will be heading home soon, she said Monday.

Speaking to reporters in Dubai, Marte Deborah Dalelv seemed relieved and happy as she confirmed the news -- if still slightly bewildered by the swift turn of events.

"They told me that I would be pardoned and that they were going to give me my passport back -- so I got it immediately," she said.

A friend has taken the passport to a government department to get the necessary exit permit, she said.

Asked what happens next, Dalelv paused a moment before replying: "I get to go home."

She added, "We want to make it as soon as possible."

A spokeswoman for Norway's Foreign Ministry, Ragnhild Imerslund, earlier told CNN that Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum had said Dalelv was free to travel where she wants and can remain in Dubai if she chooses.

The sheikh, who is vice president of the United Arab Emirates, also said the 24-year-old had not been and would not be deported, Imerslund said.

Dalelv, a Qatar-based interior designer, was on a work trip to Dubai when she reported to police that she had been raped by a colleague at the hotel where she was staying.

She was herself then detained and charged with having unlawful sex, making a false statement and illegal consumption of alcohol. A court last week sentenced her to 16 months in prison, prompting outrage in Norway.

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How about this: A corrupt society our governments have either financially-backed or propped up because they will do what's best for our interests, not those of their people.

Is there anything under the sun people like you don't blame America or George Bush for? Give it a rest!

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Let Dubai do what they do. Many people seem to love it there.

i know what you mean, planted. i would never go there, not even on a stop-over flight.

but they shouldn't be able to get away with this behaviour. not their own citizens, nor people travelling through.

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