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Things People Do That Rub You

Charles J. White

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In the UK they are a pain in the arse 'cos they ride on the pavement....I've been tempted many times to push them off their bikes.

Tell me about it...many times I've been in situations where buses intersect on mountain roads and while one driver is carefully maneuvering to let the other have the right of way, out of the blue come the cyclists, huffing and puffing and riding through the buses with no regard for what's going on. I've no sympathy for them when they have accidents.

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It is in fact a criminal offence in the UK for an adult to ride a bicycle on the pavement. There are quite a few deaths recorded each year due to this selfish behaviour. I don't know what to suggest to help you, such that you wouldn't get yourself into trouble. Perhaps if you recognised the individual involved, you could take a photo on your mobile, and report them to the police.

In the UK they are a pain in the arse 'cos they ride on the pavement....I've been tempted many times to push them off their bikes.

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Bicycle riders who think they own the road. The bastards wanna use the roads then make 'em get a license for their damned bikes.

OMG thank you! Bicyclists get to ride wherever they want, ie weave in and out of traffic but if you hit them (in an automobile)it is automatically your fault.

What's up with that??!?

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Same with motorcyclists....they say "look twice, save a life". That wouldn't be necessary if they weren't coming up on traffic at 100 mph and weaving through the middle of the lane like an idiot!

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People who keep talking and won't let you get a word in edgewise. Then, when you are finally able to speak, they just pause, don't hear a word you've said and go right back to yammering. Get off the meth, dude. :ahhh:

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Same with motorcyclists....they say "look twice, save a life". That wouldn't be necessary if they weren't coming up on traffic at 100 mph and weaving through the middle of the lane like an idiot!

I agree to a certain extent. I was a motor cycle rider between '74 & '79, I found that car drivers were the most ignorant people on the road, I went head on into one idiot ...his excuse "Sorry I didn't see him" Well he should have been looking, car drivers at that time only looked out for cars, most crashes between motor bikes and cars are the car drivers fault. Also I din't drive in and out of traffic at 100mph. Don't forget I am only talking about UK drivers at the time. Mind you since driving a car I still find a lot of car drivers are ignorant and unaware of road rules or courtesy.

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PP, I find that 1 out of 3 motorcyclists drive with the care you described you did. But that is over here too, where many don't even wear helmets either - so you know what kind of mindset they have! :wacko:

Oh and believe me, car drivers are rough too....inconsiderate, too aggressive, too focused on their phones than their car/lane they are driving in, etc. We could go on forever about drivers! :yesnod:

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When you hold a door for someone (man or woman) and they just breeze right past without a thanks, kiss my ass, or anything. Ingrates.

Yes, that one really annoys.


Gum chewers.

Knuckle crackers.

Street charity collectors.

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People who not only have obnoxious ringtones on their cell phones on full volume, but wait forever to answer the call and then proceed to speak making sure the conversation is heard by everyone within earshot.

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I really dislike people who allow their dogs to jump up on you and sniff about. Like I really want their damn filthy dog even touching me. And if you give the dog a push with your foot they act like you are at fault.

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  • 1 month later...

Things people do that rub me the wrong way:

drunk driving

driving while using the cell phone


people sticking their nose where it doesn't belong

adults acting like children

when people say "children should be seen not heard'

or having a lack of appreciation for children

singing commericial jingles

not taking no for an answer

making rash assumptions

wasting food

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driving while using the cell phone

Today I was waiting to make a right turn at the signal and this truck is coming to my left with his left signal on and was slowing down to make his turn. I start to pull out and the idiot decides to go straight causing me to jolt to a stop and as he passed me there he was with that fucking phone stuck to his ear. :guns:

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