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Comedian/Actor Robin Williams Dead of Suicide


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I first heard about the death of Robin Williams about 15 minutes before this topic was started/created.

I did not want to be the One who started a topic about the Death of an American Icon/Comedian/Actor/Humanitarian/...etc...

Robin Williams "death", when I first heard it and was confirmed, made Me sad, of course. It really hit Me when I was watching the Fox News Channel and they basically did an hour(s) long segment devoted to the Life and Times (some Good and some Bad) of this Amazing Person and Actor.

When I was finally by Myself (just a couple of hours ago), I actually cried about this Man and what had happened. The last time I cried for another American Actor that I have never met was when I heard about the passing of another Great and Iconic American. Mr. James Gandolfini.

I personally feel sorry for Robin's wife and children. I also feel sorry for another Actor and that happens to be Mr. Robert De Niro because I know that Bobby and Robin have been friends with each other since the late 1970's. I have to know and believe that anyone and Everyone who has ever met and even never met Mr. Williams are all suffering and grieving in Their own way. Regardless, Every American "knew" Robin Williams in one way or another.

Sadly speaking of this, I have to say that One of My Favorite Robin Williams Films is called "Awakenings" with Robert De Niro.

If you have never seen it, I recommend that you check it out. You will/should be "Blown Away" about the Absolute Talent and Acting scenes between these 2 Giants.

Edited by kingzoso
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I first heard about the death of Robin Williams about 15 minutes before this topic was started/created.

I did not want to be the One who started a topic about the Death of an American Icon/Comedian/Actor/Humanitarian/...etc...

Robin Williams "death", when I first heard it and was confirmed, made Me sad, of course. It really hit Me when I was watching the Fox News Channel and they basically did an hour(s) long segment devoted to the Life and Times (some Good and some Bad) of this Amazing Person and Actor.

When I was finally by Myself (just a couple of hours ago), I actually cried about this Man and what had happened. The last time I cried for another American Actor that I have never met was when I heard about the passing of another Great and Iconic American. Mr. James Gandolfini.

I personally feel sorry for Robin's wife and children. I also feel sorry for another Actor and that happens to be Mr. Robert De Niro because I know that Bobby and Robin have been friends with each other since the late 1970's. I have to know and believe that anyone and Everyone who has ever met and even never met Mr. Williams are all suffering and grieving in Their own way. Regardless, Every American "knew" Robin Williams in one way or another.

Sadly speaking of this, I have to say that One of My Favorite Robin Williams Films is called "Awakenings" with Robert De Niro.

If you have never seen it, I recommend that you check it out. You will/should be "Blown Away" about the Absolute Talent and Acting scenes between these 2 Giants.

Beautiful words. Robin will surely be missed.....


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Robin Williams was an extraordinarily versatile comedian and actor. He was nominated three times for an Oscar, and in my opinion should have won for his performance in The Fisher King. His character portrayals in Awakenings as well as in The Dead Poets Society rank among the finest ever on film. Depression can be such a crippling disease. I can only encourage those who may be struggling to seek help today from a counseling hotline, trusted friend or qualified medical professional.

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I just got wind of the sad and shocking news and I am absolutely heart broken! It hasn't quite sunk in yet, honestly!

Like Strider, I was also under the impression that Robin Williams will probably be the last person on earth to commit suicide! Lord knows what mental tortures he must have been going through! Poor chap! I will always remember him for his role as the beloved "Mrs. Euphegenia Doubtfire".

"Mrs. Doubtfire" was my first ever Robin Williams movie and I was nearly 7, when I saw it with my mom. That movie was heart-warming (to say the least!).

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i know it matters not but did he leave a note? Or anything? Did he end his life in a car garage? They are not saying much? I cannot fathom this. Its not only sad but it does not give much hope to the average person who has problems. He had a huge support system. That is what makes this so shocking. And of course alot of money for help. I always turn to my faith in God if I feel depressed. I know I am not depressed to that extreme now but I have been there. I would never do this.

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Robin Williams' death hit me a lot harder than I expected it would. I immediately hoped it was a hoax...and I've broken down a few times since hearing the news last night. I follow his daughter Zelda on Twitter, so my thoughts went out to her from the very first post I saw about his death...I don't want to imagine what she and her family are going through.

I wish Robin had been able to find help.

How were things so bad that you can leave so much hurt to those who loved you so much? Doesn't make sense. This is too common of an occurrence with many celebrities and those who aren't!

I know you're coming from a good and empathetic place, but you have to understand that depression is a mental illness. Reason does not enter into the debate.

As someone who contemplated suicide, I can tell you that it's an insidious delusion -- it actually seems like it's the best course of action. Fortunately, I was never far gone enough to go through with the act -- I was always able to pull myself back by thinking about the people I love, and who love me, and what it would do to them. Unfortunately, many people are unable to be coaxed back from the brink by those realizations.

i know it matters not but did he leave a note? Or anything? Did he end his life in a car garage? They are not saying much? I cannot fathom this. Its not only sad but it does not give much hope to the average person who has problems. He had a huge support system. That is what makes this so shocking. And of course alot of money for help. I always turn to my faith in God if I feel depressed. I know I am not depressed to that extreme now but I have been there. I would never do this.

If you believe what the media is reporting, Robin recently went back into rehab for substance abuse issues. He's had these problems (the major underlying problem being depression) for decades...like I said above, it's a mental illness -- there is no "logic" involved in the thought process.

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Robin Williams' death hit me a lot harder than I expected it would. I immediately hoped it was a hoax...and I've broken down a few times since hearing the news last night. I follow his daughter Zelda on Twitter, so my thoughts went out to her from the very first post I saw about his death...I don't want to imagine what she and her family are going through.

I wish Robin had been able to find help.

I know you're coming from a good and empathetic place, but you have to understand that depression is a mental illness. Reason does not enter into the debate.

As someone who contemplated suicide, I can tell you that it's an insidious delusion -- it actually seems like it's the best course of action. Fortunately, I was never far gone enough to go through with the act -- I was always able to pull myself back by thinking about the people I love, and who love me, and what it would do to them. Unfortunately, many people are unable to be coaxed back from the brink by those realizations.

If you believe what the media is reporting, Robin recently went back into rehab for substance abuse issues. He's had these problems (the major underlying problem being depression) for decades...like I said above, it's a mental illness -- there is no "logic" involved in the thought process.

Yet at times there is some planning that takes place. I know first hand. some one very close took their life and later on the PC was found that she/he had planned it. It was chilling to find.

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News is out his wife went to bed first. Robin used a belt and hung himself from the door in another room. No mention of a note yet. I am wondering if they will find and evidence that he planned this? Do not think that this is crazy. Because this happened to someone I knew.. And it was pre meditated.

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Mental illness is an epidemic in this country and needs to seriously be addressed.

Sad for his family.

You are right it needs to be addressed and its more in the spotlight now with celebrities being in the center of it. I took psychology and have 12 credit hours in it though my degree is not in it. But I will never forget a couple things my psych teacher taught me years ago. He said you can go to many different psychologists or psychiatrists and get varying opinions on how to treat an individual. And some of them make grave errors in judgement. Puttmg someone on the wrong medication can really have devastating results. It is a very tough thing to gauge. Whether someone is clinically depressed or neurotic or worse. And it is not cheap to get help, if you do not have the insurance, one is likely to not go for help. We are far behind in this field and our health care system is a mess as is. This tragedy is going to really hit alot of people hard. You wonder, how can someone that is so comical and always a blast to be around, and such a big star be so depressed when he has so much to live for. It is pretty darn scary to the average Joe like many of us. If he could not get the help and he did reach out, and he was famous with more money than most of us, what chance do we have if this happens to us? That is one thought that goes through my head. I wish someone had done something. For God sake his wife was in the house. He must have fooled her. Perhaps made her think he was ok? More will come out as the days pass.

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Usually an act carried like that is out of anger. It will be interesting to see.

It seems many comedians (I say that only as an observation over the years and not hard stats) fall into the depression category. So many try to self-medicate through drugs and alcohol abuse.

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Usually an act carried like that is out of anger. It will be interesting to see.

It seems many comedians (I say that only as an observation over the years and not hard stats) fall into the depression category. So many try to self-medicate through drugs and alcohol abuse.

I am not even sure if we have all the facts on Phillip Seymour Hoffman? He went to Fairport high school with my sister, and my daughters also went there. So he is a local. I still cannot believe how big he made it. The guy did not have the looks to be a star but he played in movies with so many stars. Another unexpected tragedy. Last night was so damn strange. Normally I would have been elated. With my O's winning big, but this news sure ruined the night and now we try and make sense of it. There is no sense to it. I really liked Williams. As did most of us. He left his mark for sure. I am interested to learn if he left a note?

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He was truly an original. A very gifted entertainer in so many ways. Sad he didn't have inner peace and love himself. He had the means to get help, I wish more health plans covered mental health for people who don't have the means to seek help.

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I am, as you all are, devastated about this.

Poor man. And I feel so sorry for his family.

I am not as surprised as you all seem to be, though.

We have all heard the term " sad clown " .....

I do seem to remember him talking about the pressures of being "on"all the time - everyone expecting him to be funny ALL of the time..... that must have been just so tiresome. add to that his earlier love of cocaine.... it took him quite awhile to get clean from all substances, I believe, and he was on his third marriage.

Perhaps he had a recent relapse?

We will probably never know all the details, as I guess we probably shouldn't.

R.I.P. Robin Williams.

( edited to add : I don't know why the last bit came out in bold writing, I didn't do that on purpose )

Edited by slave to zep
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Yet at times there is some planning that takes place. I know first hand. some one very close took their life and later on the PC was found that she/he had planned it. It was chilling to find.

I meant "logic" or "reason" in terms of the thought process that determines "killing myself is the best course of action." Many people who commit suicide -- including the people I've known who have -- make plans, give things to people, etc.

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