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After everything this band has given us I completely respect and bow to their decision. And if it's true about the whole contract ripping topic...There was damn good reason behind it don't you think? Some things are worth more than paper contracts and money. If there was something going down to make them tear up this contract, then I'm right there with them. Don't get me wrong, I want a concert as much as the next fan... But if that whole story is true and they turned down that kind of cash... Then I'm even more of a fan then I ever was.

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Who gives a shit about Bob Plant. He looks like the cowardly lion in the wizard of oz, can't hit the high notes anymore, and at this point in time is a useless windbag to Jimmy Page. The LZ reform would have to use new material only so who gives a crap if Plant is around.

What Jimmy needs is the new songs, not some washed up singer with an attitude.

Fire Bob Plant now.

Edited by rdg1
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Who gives a shit about Bob Plant. He looks like the cowardly lion in the wizard of oz, can't hit the high notes anymore, and at this point in time is a useless windbag to Jimmy Page. The LZ reform would have to use new material only so who gives a crap if Plant is around.

What Jimmy needs is the new songs, not some washed up singer with an attitude.

Fire Bob Plant now.

Robert Plant quit Zeppelin in 1980 and except for a few less than inspiring, sparse performances during the '80's and '90's and a major regrouping 7 years ago, nothing has changed.

All the brouhaha has been whipped up by a rabid media and "fans" who believe they have been shortchanged by a band (and particularly one member) that disbanded 30 odd years ago.

That is what sets the band ahead of the rest (as if the music alone wouldn't!?), they all did it out of respect to Bonham, as they all believed he was irreplaceable.

Regardless of whom Jimmy Page plays with (presuming he does record and tour next year), it will not and never will be marketed as Led Zeppelin.

Even if JPJ, a remote chance at best to play with him was to join him, still not Led Zeppelin.

Nor should it be.

Washed up!?

Get real.

Edited by Reggie29
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Who gives a shit about Bob Plant. He looks like the cowardly lion in the wizard of oz, can't hit the high notes anymore, and at this point in time is a useless windbag to Jimmy Page. The LZ reform would have to use new material only so who gives a crap if Plant is around.

What Jimmy needs is the new songs, not some washed up singer with an attitude.

Fire Bob Plant now.

I have to assume this was a joke as no one could be this clueless "fire"? from a band that ceased to exist in 1980...I think they should all be fired and a reformed Partridge Family should play as Led Zeppelin.

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You know, it occured to me that he could be doing this to get some crazy offer, holding back until someone offers them $1 billion each. Probably not, but you never know. Heck if I had anywhere near that, I'd offer it for 1 performance of "The Rover", "In The Light", and "Carouselambra".

I'm with mrledhed

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If I was sitting on a album's amount of great new material, I wouldn't even bother with Plant or Page. Simply too old.

Jason Bonham is Led Zeppelin in 2015. The Bonham brand is no less valuable and Page is nothing more than a figurehead at age 70. Whether its called Led Zeppelin (official) or The Led Zeppelin Experience (unofficial) makes no difference.

Disclaimer: When I wrote this post, I was in·e·bri·ated

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No but unrelenting pressure from Jimmy Page is a different story. Is Jimmy wearing him down?

I agree. Jimmy seems to be keeping his options open. In recent interviews, he's made it clear that regardless of what happens with Plant, HE is going to continue working and will release new material very soon. My big problem with any future reunion is that the event overtakes and spits out any humble long term fan wishes. I remember sitting in front of my PC in the office during the 2007 ticket lottery and an older guy who sat opposite me decided he would request tickets "just for the hell of it" and he didn't even like Led Zep! I realised then how slim my chances were of even getting a sniff of a ticket. Not to mention the thousands of tickets that sidestepped the lottery process and landed in the hands of various uber wealthy film celebrities and rock stars and industry types sitting front & centre.

Got to seem them a few years later at the cinema though!

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This really isn't a big deal at all, let's be honest, no one came forward with a $1 Billion offer for Zeppelin - if someone offers Robert $250 Million to go on tour with his mates, he is going to do it, no one is going to walk away from $250 million. I don't know anyone that would walk away from an offer like that. This really is much ado about nothing

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This really isn't a big deal at all, let's be honest, no one came forward with a $1 Billion offer for Zeppelin - if someone offers Robert $250 Million to go on tour with his mates, he is going to do it, no one is going to walk away from $250 million. I don't know anyone that would walk away from an offer like that. This really is much ado about nothing

Abba did it.

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Led Zeppelin in any form should not get back together. Look how washed up the Rolling Stones and even Aerosmith are.

The OP said "Led Zeppelin was about innovation" Correct, Innovation and the 5th member of the band was the audience.

You can't force natural magic with all the money in the world. F@#@# these corporate pigs, they will just capitalize on this reunion with fake magic.

The height of any Zeppelin reunion was back in 1995. Page and Plant created a whole new relm of magic working with middle eastern music and this to me was a continuation and "Innovation" of what Zeppelins music really is.

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This thread is interesting only for the light it shines on some people's thought processes...or lack of same.

It was late the night of November 8 when I was coming home from Abel Gance's WWI drama "J'Accuse", and after checking the football picks in the NFL thread, I noticed a new thread topic "whole lotta money" in the News section of this forum. It was a story so immediately idiotic and false, that I couldn't even be bothered to dignify the post with a response. The fact that The Daily Mirror was the source was a dead giveaway to the bogusness of the story, and it is usually better to ignore these things than to give oxygen to the fire via commenting on obvious attention-seeking gambits by the media. I forgot about the whole thing in an instant and went to bed.

Unfortunately, fact-checking and rational thinking are in seemingly short supply in today's world. For when I woke up and over the next few days, my phone would keep getting zapped by texts from friends asking if I had heard about Plant ripping up the contract and squashing the Zeppelin reunion and "what did I think about that?". Then, as if that wasn't enough, this "Open Letter to Robert Plant" was posted November 11...basically, a reaction based on a lie. For, as should have been plainly obvious to everyone, the entire Robert Plant/Richard Branson story was completely untrue.

What I particularly find fascinating, however, are the people who did buy into this story and their negativity towards Robert in reaction to the media's picking up on the story ( a black mark on the trustworthiness of the media today)...especially the people on this Forum, who as Led Zeppelin fans I would hope would show a little more credulity and fairness when faced with rumours such as the Daily Mirror's. To be certain, the majority of people here did in fact have suspicions of the reports.

But for those who didn't, for those who bought it hook, line, and sinker, I have to wonder what you must think of Robert Plant to give credence to this story. Robert Plant and Richard Branson have both been in the music industry a long time and I am sure they have crossed paths at various times over the years, if not business-wise then certainly socially. As for Led Zeppelin, whatever feelings he has for that period of time when the band was alive and whatever issues he has had with Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones in the past, it is still a creative entity he is proud of and they are all brothers of a sort...they went thru thick and thin, good times and bad. Maybe it wasn't always pretty but they were bandmates, one-for-all and all-four-one.

Now read that Daily Mirror story again. Close your eyes. Do you really think Robert Plant is the type of person that would show contempt for someone like Jimmy, Jonesy and Richard Branson in such a public fashion as to actually RIP UP a contract in front of their faces? I am sorry, but there is no way in hell Robert would act in this way and it pains me to think some of you have such a low opinion of Plant to believe he would.

This has nothing to do with whether or not you like his current music. If you don't like his solo albums, fine with me...to each his own. But to have so little respect for his character after all the tragedy he has been through shows a decided amount of small-mindedness. I feel sorry for you.

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Robert has got to face the demons between he and Page. He has been caught for years between his love for Page and his anger at Page. They just need to sit down and hash it out. Pretending there is no anger is pretty futile at this point. If they could work through all the anger that has been swept under the rug for so long, they could then realistically talk about working as Led Zeppelin. Robert also needs to stop belittling Page and Jones. Plant pretty much treats Jones like a rented piece of equipment, and is very condescending to both he and Page.

As far as the money and grandiose ideas of promoters and all that..... If Plant wants to keep it down to earth and simple, all he has to do is say so. If he doesn't want to do stadiums and arena's, do multiple night stands at theatres. If he doesn't want to be a jukebox... fine... make a set list of material he wants to play. Zeppelin has a large amount of material that hasn't been played live (fans get bored too ya know). I don't think anyone would mind "Stairway" being dropped as well as many more of the "usuals" in the set. If he wants new material, I don't think the rest of Zeppelin is opposed to that. What Page is opposed to is being limited to softer material. Plant is opposed to rock-n-roll at this point in his life. Which I think is really a self-esteem issue for Plant. I'm sure if Plant said all he wanted to do was surprise pub gigs the world over... the rest of the guys would go for it.

Finally, the way Plant keeps everyone on pins and needles, which he's done for years, is pretty tired at this point. Conversely, Page needs to quit putting all his eggs in the Led Zeppelin basket. He really should just break free, much in the way Plant has, and just start making new music on his own.

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