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richard cole

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To me, Cole is a centurion, for without them there is no Roman Empire. I don't think he was ever particularly close to any of them, by choice, but he fulfilled his role quite well.

Percy once described Cole as "luggage" - Hard to tell if that was meant to be as derisory as it sounds in the light of his apparent invite into the VIP area. A leech in the slipstream-or part of the game? ... tough call

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Cole is sort of a sad figure in my eyes. A total enabler who fueled drugs and alcohol towards the band because it fed his own habits. If his book is to believed (and he was writing about himself in these sections) towards the end with Led Zeppelin he was so paranoid and messed up on drugs that he was sitting under the stage with a hammer smashing the knees of fans who got too close to the stage barrier. Sounds psychotic. Maybe he has reconciled with the band, but I doubt that he and Robert were ever close again.

Page said recently that 'drugs were integral to the whole thing'. Without drugs Led Zeppelin wouldn't have been what they were. For better or worse, the lifestyle did what it did and that led to Led Zeppelin

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Percy once described Cole as "luggage" - Hard to tell if that was meant to be as derisory as it sounds in the light of his apparent invite into the VIP area. A leech in the slipstream-or part of the game? ... tough call

Are you kidding me? He had Peter Grant's full faith and confidence throughout the 70s.

It didn't end as any of them had planned, and he came away for worse for the wear, but that guy was definately a key player throughout their journey.

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I'm glad Richard Cole was at the concert, in my opinion Cole played a key role in Zepplins legend some praise deserved, some not. Remember everyone was doing lots of hard drugs back then so to blame Cole or to say he was an enabler is distorting the truth he was still a great road manager and if I had a touring band I'd hire him in a second if he'd do it.

I think the truth lies somewhere in between as far as his relationship with the band today like probably on friendly speaking terms but not a trusted confidant as in days gone by.

What I'd like to see on these forums is a Richard Cole review of the 02 concert, I think he is uniquely qualified to give us a then and now perspective and I'd pay to hear what he has to say about the concert and a possible reunion tour.

Richard if your out there talk to us man !!!!


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You have your facts wrong. Cole was not at the show. THere were several posers going around acting to be him and you fools are buying everything! Your the idiot. It's already old news that Cole was not there! If you don't know about Grants poor relationship with Zep members following Bonhams death than you an idiot!! He tried hard to get them to reform from day 1 and it was only because he had no money. Don't know your Zeppelin history I see!

ok, Richard.

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You have your facts wrong. Cole was not at the show. THere were several posers going around acting to be him and you fools are buying everything! Your the idiot. It's already old news that Cole was not there! If you don't know about Grants poor relationship with Zep members following Bonhams death than you an idiot!! He tried hard to get them to reform from day 1 and it was only because he had no money. Don't know your Zeppelin history I see!


Who are you, man?

An insider? The guy who booked the gig? How can you be so sure he wasn't there?

And it's no reason to threat people like goddamn junk...

Back to the topic: I don't think Cole should be blame for this or that... I mean, from what I know, he didn't force anyone to do drug. It's not like he would have put the needle right in Jimmy's arm, "Take that fucker!"...

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No, didn't sit with him, just went over to chat. Our singer had met him previously here in CA. Our seats were the next section over, towards the stage, and we were seated right behind Queen's Brian May! B)

Yeah, I noticed the Led Zepagain jacket a few rows in front of me. And to think Brian May was right in front of you! I'm feeling more and more like a celebrity. :rolleyes: I'll have to remember to thank my daughter after she's born for the great seats she got my wife and I. :kiss:

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You have your facts wrong. Cole was not at the show. THere were several posers going around acting to be him and you fools are buying everything! Your the idiot. It's already old news that Cole was not there! If you don't know about Grants poor relationship with Zep members following Bonhams death than you an idiot!! He tried hard to get them to reform from day 1 and it was only because he had no money. Don't know your Zeppelin history I see!

OK, Hurl, I'll play along with you.

Now cite a fucking source for your "Zeppelin history"

Because others have already proved you wrong about Cole with photographic evidence

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He likely was not invited and like Peter Grant his relationship with Page, Plant and Jones was poor. His ethics and attempt to "sell out" pissed them off I'm sure. Since Led Zeppelin's breakup in 1980, Cole has contributed to a number of unofficial Led Zeppelin biographies, most notably Stephen Davis' much-maligned biography Hammer of the Gods. Cole has claimed he was only paid $1250 by Davis for his revelations, which make up a large proportion of the book. Cole has also written his own book, Stairway to Heaven: Led Zeppelin Uncensored, with Richard Trubo. Cole's book raised the ire of Page, who once commented:

Go easy with the attitude, buddy. Cole and Zep are now older men. Anger, drugs, this was the PAST. Time heels. Which is obviously why he's no longer persona-non-grata. Cole was at the concert. He was seen by several people.

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Are you kidding me? He had Peter Grant's full faith and confidence throughout the 70s.

It didn't end as any of them had planned, and he came away for worse for the wear, but that guy was definately a key player throughout their journey.

I dont dispute the faith/confidence/70's bit - and I think you misunderstand me. My point is directly aimed at post Zeppelin days. I'll explain, "a leech in the slipstream" = sold the lads out with tales of worldwide pillage that pissed them off hugely. The "part of the game" reference considers the possibility that Cole was a willing participant in Zeppelins marketing campaign and his comments and the publications he aided were ok with them. Im sure the former is the case, but if thats true-how the hell did he get in to the VIP area of O2!?

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I dont dispute the faith/confidence/70's bit - and I think you misunderstand me. My point is directly aimed at post Zeppelin days. I'll explain, "a leech in the slipstream" = sold the lads out with tales of worldwide pillage that pissed them off hugely. The "part of the game" reference considers the possibility that Cole was a willing participant in Zeppelins marketing campaign and his comments and the publications he aided were ok with them. Im sure the former is the case, but if thats true-how the hell did he get in to the VIP area of O2!?

How did he get into the VIP area? Because he's a friend of Jimmy Page's. The band may piss and moan about his book in the press but they've never sued, have they. And some band members may object more than others. I think a lot of the complaining the band did about Hammer Of The Gods, and Cole's book was so they could be seen to be complaining. As before, no legal action was ever taken. What does that tell you?

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How did he get into the VIP area? Because he's a friend of Jimmy Page's. The band may piss and moan about his book in the press but they've never sued, have they. And some band members may object more than others. I think a lot of the complaining the band did about Hammer Of The Gods, and Cole's book was so they could be seen to be complaining. As before, no legal action was ever taken. What does that tell you?

If thats the case " the latter, ie part of the game" would seem to be the case, either that or time is a healer

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I dont dispute the faith/confidence/70's bit - and I think you misunderstand me. My point is directly aimed at post Zeppelin days. I'll explain, "a leech in the slipstream" = sold the lads out with tales of worldwide pillage that pissed them off hugely. The "part of the game" reference considers the possibility that Cole was a willing participant in Zeppelins marketing campaign and his comments and the publications he aided were ok with them. Im sure the former is the case, but if thats true-how the hell did he get in to the VIP area of O2!?

Anything he did post-1980 was done independent of the band. He's not the first person to do something in desperation and certainly won't be the last but he's been on good terms with Jimmy since the late '80s. If he can let bygones be bygones so can we.

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Anything he did post-1980 was done independent of the band. He's not the first person to do something in desperation and certainly won't be the last but he's been on good terms with Jimmy since the late '80s. If he can let bygones be bygones so can we.

My sentiments EXACTLY ...............


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