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R.I.P David Bowie


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1 hour ago, SteveAJones said:


One thing the author does not bring up is the Lazarus lyric "I was looking for your ass". Although some have dismissed it as an overt nod to sodomy, I interpret it as an affirmation Bowie was a seeker of hidden knowledge. Note in the video when this lyric is sung David is gazing at something off screen (hidden from our view). However, there are many other plausible interpretations.    

It could mean he was simply looking for a donkey.

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22 minutes ago, Reggie29 said:

It could mean he was simply looking for a donkey.

That interpretation occurred to me also, not in the simplistic or comedian context such as you seem to be suggesting, but as an admission he too wasted his time and resources coveting worldly things (per the Bible...thou shalt not...covet thy neighbor's ass...). This interpretation would explain the preceding lyric about having "used up all my money".

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David Bowie's death is rightly being mourned .  But alongside that, the circumstances of his death should give anyone pause :   a life of innovation and iconoclasm, and his final creative burst:  songs and meticulously devised videos, which are both esoteric and replete with meaning.  Even if you don't literally mourn him, there are messages to draw from a creative life lived as his was; strong messages too about death.  It's given me a lot to think about this week and I'm sure that's true for many others. 

I can't help but wonder how JP would view it . His comment on his Facebook page : 

David Bowie was an innovator, a unique artist with a vision that changed the face of popular music. He is greatly missed. Rest in peace, David. JP

 That's so gracious, and entirely due . 

But how did these two musicians ultimately view each other ?  Each of them supremely talented, yet on different musical trajectories:  no obvious case for rivalry in that sense. 

But their paths crossed:  each of them involved with Lori Maddox,  Jimmy outbidding Bowie for the Tower House, Bowie's ( doubtless) drug-raddled paranoia about being in the same room as Jimmy . Bowie's open lyrical reference to Crowley, and Kabbalah, and other hints of occultism ...vs Jimmy's guarded public expression of an interest which - as far as we know - ran deeper than DB's. ( Debatable: who knows ?  JP is deeply consistent and DB characterised by his changeability : this one can't be measured ). 

In my own life, I think about workplace rivalry and how people eye each other up, engage in standoffs, expend a lot of energy in animosity .. before time moves on and they realise there are other battles to fight; respect is allowed in... and in time it's even possible to grasp that the other person is really quite a good thing..  

So I wonder very much about how Jimmy might view the demise of David Bowie.  Someone who uses the end of his life to underline his creative powers. Someone gifted with an urge to reinvention, which sustained his career.  Does that impact on Jimmy's resolve for the future?   It shouldn't, but it might .. 

Their birthdays are a day ( + 3 years ) apart.  But Bowie's Aquarius ascendant and moon in Leo are a big contrast to Jimmy's water signs: Scorpio rising and Cancer moon.  That's just one, shorthand, way of expressing their profound differences. 

But the question remains: how does he see this moment and how does he process it? 


And, friends, that is why this topic is not your standard RIP thread. 









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You know I saw Bowie the night in Rochester when he was busted for weed in his hotel room.  What a bunch of shit that was.  It was a circus the next day when he appeared in court here in Rochester and he made good on his promise to  "never return".  Fucking asshole cops here.  It was before the decriminalization of Mary Jane of course.  I think he paid a hefty fine and that was that.  

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7 hours ago, Freeyyaa said:

Occult! satanism! Mind control! The scoffers are wakeful and restless. Beware: they are heaping insults on David Bowie's memory:

Fascinating. Two people (Ross62 and Freeyyaa) read and post the exact same article and come away with completely opposite reactions. I'll go with Ross62's take.

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20 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

You had me in complete agreement (a first)

Oooh I love a compliment ... so let me get it right : it's a first that you've ever agreed with anything I've posted ? Or with anyone at all on these forums ? Do tell...

There is always an opposing view, and you are gifted at finding it!  Someone here needs to make those trenchant observations .. and you certainly deliver ! 

I'm happy to concede on the bit you objected to: don't really care about the title of this thread, only that it's there and that people are making interesting points .  

Ross 62's post in particular: it sent me straight to that Blackstar video.  So much of this new material feels like a final statement, carefully orchestrated...  and now we have Tony Visconti claiming that a week before his death, DB was calling him about some extra demos and how they could make a further album : after looking at this one as a final offering, it throws you to think that more was on the way .  If that is at all true.. 

As you say, Jimmy's response to all this can only be a matter of speculation. 

But naively, perhaps, I would like to think that his edgy and incidental connections with David Bowie might be enough to induce him to think about a late statement of his own.  He's alluded a few times to a posthumous autobiography ( even suggested recently that it was under way) and I can't get too excited about that one : how could he ever drop the guard he maintains in all he says and writes ?  It's always, and only,  his music, rather than words, which is an open channel, fluent and communicative.  Whether he does actually use that to make a statement is also, of course, a matter of speculation. 



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On 1/18/2016 at 11:39 AM, SteveAJones said:

Great post, Ross62 which helps to explain why I too feel the Blackstar album is a masterwork, if not a masterpiece.

Thanks.Would this album have been so highly lauded if David Bowie had not passed away when he did?

I've been tossing up whether to buy the album because what I've seen and heard so far doesn't exactly reach out and grab me but I'm leaning towards purchasing it.


One thing the author does not bring up is the Lazarus lyric "I was looking for your ass". Although some have dismissed it as an overt nod to sodomy, I interpret it as an affirmation Bowie was a seeker of hidden knowledge. Note in the video when this lyric is sung David is gazing at something off screen (hidden from our view). However, there are many other plausible interpretations.   

 And one could be the African-American term. 

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The C!C!C! choir offered a touching tribute at the AGO in Toronto recently (wish I'd known about it beforehand):


... and I got all teary. Again. I've been trying to limit exposure to all the news about David Bowie's passing, but then Alan Rickman's (as well as everyone else's...!!!) so soon one after another has been difficult to navigate through. The last 18-24 months or so have been very hard for similar events in the family, and then I was kind of in shock and spent some months unplugged and trying to rest and make sense of things. Grief has it's own strange cycles and valleys.  I felt like seeing so many tributes started bringing back that weird driftwood feeling when you're overwhelmed with emotions, and so I wanted to mitigate the impact of lost artists whose work has meant so much. But you can't help but know about the passing of such icons who've affected the lives of so many. So just yesterday I finally watched "Blackstar" and "Lazarus" and was blown away. Again. There were also a couple of Bowie specials with many interviews with him throughout his career, and with fellow musicians and producers who talked about how the songs were put together. Really just makes you appreciate the artistry all the more when you hear the ideas coming together, how unique they were, and how beautiful even (and especially) when the bare chords were played. Don't even get me started on Alan... Anyway, we have their inimitable works of art to savour, even if for a time they are bittersweet. There's that transition that happens when you can start to listen and watch their work and smile because it's been given to us to enjoy.

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Just now, Bong-Man said:

I watched a couple interviews with Angie Bowie.   Whoa !!   What I'd give to have that 15 minutes back.  

Angela Bowie is a sad figure, imo.  She still yearns for the status, access and good times that came with being Mrs. David Bowie.  I suspect she made the mistake many women of her generation made:  They put all of their energy and ambition into furthering their husband's careers instead of developing their own.  

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16 hours ago, Disco Duck said:
16 hours ago, Disco Duck said:

 I suspect she made the mistake many women of her generation made:  They put all of their energy and ambition into furthering their husband's careers instead of developing their own.  

She had some energy and ambitions of her own, but she married David at 19 and they divorced nine years later.

Free advice: don't get married at 19.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been off the forum for a very long time but I came to see the reaction to Bowie's passing and I'm so glad I did. I think as many have already stated it's entirely appropriate to give this man his own thread.

Recent articles indicate he was in remission for most of the summer (when the videos were filmed) and then the cancer returned with a vengeance in November and had spread all over his body.

I particularly enjoyed Stryder1978's post. I don't know much about what precipitated his choice to get sober but he appeared so vulnerable in the early 90s. His demeanor and the way he spoke of Iman and his new life, often invoking The Serenity Prayer, etc. It was a

Ross62 -that was interesting information. Beyond a deck of Crowley tarot cards, I don't have enough knowledge to comment more than that. I did read a Guardian article that linked to a Villa of Ormen Tumblr account that many thought might be Bowie's.

Truth and Beauty, your post was beautifully expressed. With all of us feeling so much at his passing, one can imagine how it would impact one of Bowie's contemporary with whom there was a complicated history.

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On 1/30/2016 at 9:38 AM, ANONYMOUS said:

Ross62 -that was interesting information. Beyond a deck of Crowley tarot cards, I don't have enough knowledge to comment more than that. 

I found it interesting too.Many of the conclusions reached in that article weren't clear to me on just one read.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I normally abhor the Grammys (ever since I was a kid and Led Zeppelin NEVER got nominated for any wards), but tonight they are doing an 8 minute tribute to Bowie featuring Lady Gaga.  Could be fantastic (if Gaga brings the voice she used at the Superbowl) or a horrible mockery.  Niles Rodgers is directing this segment and will be playing, so i doubt he will let it the latter.  I will give it a watch.


I was sorely disappointed in the Rolling Stone magazine tribute to Bowie that I bought this weekend Beautiful cover, but I thought the entire issue would be devoted to him!  A story on the Flint, Michigan water fiasco was almost as long!  Good ol' Rolling Stone - never fails to let me down!   

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On Monday, February 15, 2016 at 7:48 AM, Stryder1978 said:

I was sorely disappointed in the Rolling Stone magazine tribute to Bowie that I bought this weekend Beautiful cover, but I thought the entire issue would be devoted to him!  A story on the Flint, Michigan water fiasco was almost as long!  Good ol' Rolling Stone - never fails to let me down!   

From one Strider/Stryder to another, sounds like you goofed and got the wrong Rolling Stone. There is a David Bowie Tribute issue of Rolling Stone out, that is distinct from the standard RS issue. It is ALL Bowie. That's  the one you should have bought.

This is the regular RS issue:


This is the Bowie tribute issue you should have bought:


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