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R.I.P. Jason Peterson Royal-Orleans.com webmaster

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12 minutes ago, Strider said:

Wasn't he fairly young? Too young to die, at any rate. Such a shame. R.I.P. Jason.

I know a lot of people loved the Hotel. Wonder what will happen to it now? 

Hopefully the other staffers will keep the ball rolling. It would be sad to see it go. I like it over there, it's a different experience than this place.

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Just 43, wife and 5 kids left behind...RIP Presence...JP...Jason...gofundme has a page if you're interested. I have been 13 years as a resident and now the founder and first resident of The Hotel has checked out, may you rest in peace...ROCK ON Prez, one of a kind! What you have done for the community will never be forgotten.:(

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Thanks to DVD and HTWWW I found Royal Orleans soon after, still ranting about Zeppelin at 27. Such a gold mine for a kid to find my first few times on the internet. I know I remember Days Confused and Snow Jobs coming out, and had a few great unofficial recordings by the time they were released. One interaction with Jason/Presence comes to mind. I remembered one of the first boots I picked up but lost it many years ago, so I asked RO which boot release had a set of Ernie Ball strings as the cover, and dude replied Vancouver '75 Physical Vancouver about a minute later. Two of my favorite gigs to this day. Enjoying 3/21/75 soundboard in his remembrance. I had the Presence version of that too.

Sucks when you never get to thank somebody :(

He's jamming with Bonzo in the sky

I have donated to the server/forum some of the past 10 usernames ive had there. Lil bit goes a long way with the gofundme. Sharing is caring.

Edited by Dirty Work
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As stated earlier Jason was 43 and left behind a young beautiful family.   It's nice to see so many people helping out his family.  

I first met Jason in downtown Omaha.  I think it was at a record shop called Barry'Os.   They sold some new but mostly used records and as usual in the cool record shops you could find bootleg albums (new and used), bootleg cassettes and bootleg Videos.   They had all the bootlegs on display in the open.  You didn't have to do the pee-pee dance to see the good bootlegs.  They were all out in the open.   

I met Jason right after the 1995 Kansas City Page & Plant concert.   The store had vidoes of the concert for sale...Jason had just made a ton of dubbs of the video we made at the show.  That was th day we met.   

Years later he told me the owner of the  store was doing an early form of file sharing ( not music) via the phone lines and even got a visit from the authorities because of it.  But I think that's what started Jason's dream.... to share music freely over the internet and what eventually led to his early version of Royal-Orleans.com.   

Lets hope his family can eventually find peace.  

Edited by Sticks of Fire
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My heart is breaking.  I loved that man.  We exchanged some kick ass PMs over the years and he sent me some amazing things.  Awesome guy.  Can anyone from RO help me get back in the hotel?  I stepped outside and locked myself out.  LOL  Is there a place to register or something?  Shoot me a PM. :)

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Would be nice to join back myself. But my username is deactivated. I don't need access to the tracker, have everything, or get it elsewhere. And I won't post much, just would be nice to lurk around. But hey, without prez idk if it would be the same. Dude knew everything about Zeppelin it seemed. And the stuff he put out boggles the mind. Multis. Monitor mix from '77. Southampton. List goes on. If it came from him the quality was superb.

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