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What's the weather like where you are?


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1 minute ago, The Rover said:

Sort of like Colorado in that respect then...
I'd want to live where recreational pot use was completely legal.

I don't smoke it, but here ya go.

On December 6, 2012, Washington became the first U.S. state to legalize recreational use of marijuana, second in recreational marijuana sales. The state had previously legalized medical marijuana in 1998. Under state law, cannabis is legal for medical purposes and for any purpose by adults over 21.

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Unbelievably bad. Gale force winds, torrential rain. Some of the worst conditions I have ever seen in this country. I get it if we were in the Gulf of Mexico at this time of year, but this is hard to take. We are seriously thinking of selling up and fucking off to Spain. Climate change is really kicking in and it's only going to get worse. I really feel sorry for the kids growing up in this country as summers are a thing of history. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Getting cooler. What a surprise. Seems like my American Goldfinch's are migrating already.  I had like 12 in my yard at my feeders.  I am a bird enthusiast.  I am a member of Audubon and Cornell Ornithology Lab.  I have Finch feeders, house for Cardinals and such, suet feeders for Woodpeckers and Hummingbird feeder that is busy.  Of course I have the biggest fattest squirrels around.  Black Oil sunflower seeds are always in supply and my yard is busy.  I have a bird bath also.  I have been taking the green apples from our tree and taking them to my mothers to feed the deer that come daily

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It was 113 F today, and supposed to be 115 tomorrow. FUCKING HOT here in SoCal---- crazy hot!

Currently many areas without power as the demand for electricity in this stupid state had outpaces ability to deliver power when conditions are hot, windy, or other situations create over demand. Now they are considering "rolling black outs" where they shut off power in one area for an hour and then rotate to another area like they have to do in 3rd countries. And all of this because this stupid state thinks that solar and wind power is more reliable than fossil fuel powered or nuclear plants.  Hell, we are sunny most of the time here, and solar still can't cover our peak demand needs, we need MORE POWER... or less people and less development.

Today in other parts of the state:

Palm Springs 121

San Bernardino 117

Woodland Hills 116


BTW, last month in Death Valley  (between California and Nevada) it was 130 degrees




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5 hours ago, kipper said:

It was 113 F today, and supposed to be 115 tomorrow. FUCKING HOT here in SoCal---- crazy hot!

Currently many areas without power as the demand for electricity in this stupid state had outpaces ability to deliver power when conditions are hot, windy, or other situations create over demand. Now they are considering "rolling black outs" where they shut off power in one area for an hour and then rotate to another area like they have to do in 3rd countries. And all of this because this stupid state thinks that solar and wind power is more reliable than fossil fuel powered or nuclear plants.  Hell, we are sunny most of the time here, and solar still can't cover our peak demand needs, we need MORE POWER... or less people and less development.

Today in other parts of the state:

Palm Springs 121

San Bernardino 117

Woodland Hills 116


BTW, last month in Death Valley  (between California and Nevada) it was 130 degrees




Its very cool here now. Yes, I keep getting solar adds to add on to my existing electric bill here in upstate NY. I do not understand what comes with it so I do not want to roll the dice and have them jack my bill?  I am all for solar and wind energy  But I think Niagra Falls is going to generate more than those wind catchers.  Its really sad to  see these fires keep starting in California. I feel terrible for birds, Mountain Lions and all kinds of wildlife. I am for conservation and saving the land and wildlife.  I am against drilling in Alaska big time. Leave the damn forests and animals alone.

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17 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

Its very cool here now. Yes, I keep getting solar adds to add on to my existing electric bill here in upstate NY. I do not understand what comes with it so I do not want to roll the dice and have them jack my bill?  I am all for solar and wind energy  But I think Niagra Falls is going to generate more than those wind catchers.  Its really sad to  see these fires keep starting in California. I feel terrible for birds, Mountain Lions and all kinds of wildlife. I am for conservation and saving the land and wildlife.  I am against drilling in Alaska big time. Leave the damn forests and animals alone.

I know a guy who is roofing contractor and according to him you don't want some fly by night company coming out and installing solar panels on your roof. They'll damage your roof, create leaks, and if you need to maintain your roof you have the damn solar panels in the way.

He recommends only putting solar panels on outbuildings, patio covers, or garages that aren't attached to your house. If new construction then that is different. He says they engineer the area where the solar panels will go so as to not be a problem with future roof maintenance.   What is the point of saving a few bucks on electricity and spend thousands on water or ice damage due to shoddy solar panel installation.  Out here in California those solar panel companies all offer "lifetime guarantees" on their work.... then they go out of business in 6 months faster than a mattress store in a strip mall.

Mountain lions are beautiful and NASTY creatures.  We have plenty around here, they love to eat people's dogs, but have attacked several hikers and mountain bikers too.

I have no problem with drilling for oil. Here in SoCal 100 years ago the entire landscape was covered in oil wells. California was a major oil producer long before Texas or the middle east.  We had a gold rush here in 1849 that put us on the map and made us a state, but it was the oil boom that really made southern California and especially Los Angeles a boom town.  There are still some wells here in areas, and still some refineries that the state hasn't shut down. Lots of good jobs in that industry, a great part of our tax base.  And where there used to be old wells along the beach area, there are now 10 million dollar homes. Seem the planet isn't offended by oil production. The planet made oil--- it is one it's children.  Too me oil wells are beautiful. It is the windmills I hate. Those things kill more birds than oil wells kill other wildlife.


take care

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18 hours ago, kipper said:

I know a guy who is roofing contractor and according to him you don't want some fly by night company coming out and installing solar panels on your roof. They'll damage your roof, create leaks, and if you need to maintain your roof you have the damn solar panels in the way.

He recommends only putting solar panels on outbuildings, patio covers, or garages that aren't attached to your house. If new construction then that is different. He says they engineer the area where the solar panels will go so as to not be a problem with future roof maintenance.   What is the point of saving a few bucks on electricity and spend thousands on water or ice damage due to shoddy solar panel installation.  Out here in California those solar panel companies all offer "lifetime guarantees" on their work.... then they go out of business in 6 months faster than a mattress store in a strip mall.

Mountain lions are beautiful and NASTY creatures.  We have plenty around here, they love to eat people's dogs, but have attacked several hikers and mountain bikers too.

I have no problem with drilling for oil. Here in SoCal 100 years ago the entire landscape was covered in oil wells. California was a major oil producer long before Texas or the middle east.  We had a gold rush here in 1849 that put us on the map and made us a state, but it was the oil boom that really made southern California and especially Los Angeles a boom town.  There are still some wells here in areas, and still some refineries that the state hasn't shut down. Lots of good jobs in that industry, a great part of our tax base.  And where there used to be old wells along the beach area, there are now 10 million dollar homes. Seem the planet isn't offended by oil production. The planet made oil--- it is one it's children.  Too me oil wells are beautiful. It is the windmills I hate. Those things kill more birds than oil wells kill other wildlife.


take care

I have a new roof.  Leave the Lions alone and leave Alaska the hell alone.  We do not need to drill in Alaska.  Bad enough how the Gulf of Mexico looks

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Over the weekend we set record highs - 100 on Saturday, 98 on Sunday and tied the record for the most 80-degree days in one season in Colorado.  Yesterday, we had so much smoke from the forest fires that temps only got to 77 rather than the 90 that was predicted.  It was so dark I had to turn on the lights at noon to make lunch. Today, a "high" of 34 and 6 inches of snow through tomorrow!!

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3 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

Got 2 inches of snow yesterday...another 4 inches last night. Heavy wet snow that broke one of my backyard trees in half.  That takes care of any plans I had for the weekend!

Frickin' global warming! 

Jeez and I thought we had it bad.

The sun broke through the drizzle this afternoon. On my bike ride, kids were screaming and pointing skyward. Yes the sun is so rare here I could have swore I heard a mother explaining to their child that this is what causes the light in the day.

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