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The Vaccine for Covid is coming fast


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I haven't paid much attention to national news lately, so I don't know if anyone is predicting a third surge, but I guess the lesson is don't go buck wild & assume the danger is over because of the vaccines available. People should still be taking the requisite safety precautions because this pandemic is still raging...

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3 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

Well, there goes another thread. Looks like the loonies have taken over the asylum.

You can tell the site to stop showing you posts from specific people by hovering over their picture and choosing "Ignore User". You can specify the types of things you want to ignore (posts, messages, etc.) It works well, although you will see a post that was originally blocked if someone else replies to it and quotes the blocked post in their response. 

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2 hours ago, SteveZ98 said:

You can tell the site to stop showing you posts from specific people by hovering over their picture and choosing "Ignore User". You can specify the types of things you want to ignore (posts, messages, etc.) It works well, although you will see a post that was originally blocked if someone else replies to it and quotes the blocked post in their response. 


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2 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

Ah yes, tolerance and commitment to open debate on full display here, I see.  Speaks volumes, truly.

It has nothing to do with tolerance and open debate, its the rules of the board to keep things civil. No religion, no politics. It is a shame though as people cannot discuss these topics without devolving into mudslinging. Also, though one can debate politics, one cannot debate religion. 

Besides, what the heck does religion have to do with a vaccine? As the word vaccine is clearly in the title this should be about science, biology, the vaccine itself. If I go to buy a Ford and the salesman shows me a Chevy I will not be a happy little panda.

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9 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

It has nothing to do with tolerance and open debate, its the rules of the board to keep things civil. No religion, no politics. It is a shame though as people cannot discuss these topics without devolving into mudslinging. Also, though one can debate politics, one cannot debate religion. 

Besides, what the heck does religion have to do with a vaccine? As the word vaccine is clearly in the title this should be about science, biology, the vaccine itself. If I go to buy a Ford and the salesman shows me a Chevy I will not be a happy little panda.

That's fine, but it seems like the pro-vaccination side here is far less civil than the anti-.  (I'm not particularly religious so I have no real position on this aspect.)

This is unavoidably a very controversial subject (mass medication with an untested vaccination [and it doesn't even qualify technically or legally as that], wide-scale suppression of economic activity and civil liberties, etc., all in response to a virus with a tiny death rate [0.3%] outside of nursing homes, it poses very little threat to the vast bulk of the population).  It's being sold as a public health measure, so apart from the question of costs vs benefits, there also has to be discussion around who's doing the selling.

If people want to discuss it, they need to be prepared to see positions that diverge from their own, not sit in an echo chamber.  Otherwise just turn this thread into a poll (who's gotten/who hasn't, etc.).  Maybe your real problem here is with the moderators?

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15 hours ago, SteveZ98 said:

You can tell the site to stop showing you posts from specific people by hovering over their picture and choosing "Ignore User". You can specify the types of things you want to ignore (posts, messages, etc.) It works well, although you will see a post that was originally blocked if someone else replies to it and quotes the blocked post in their response. 

This is a good option this board has I have several people on my ignore list, this is good advice SteveZ98.

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13 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

Ah yes, tolerance and commitment to open debate on full display here, I see.  Speaks volumes, truly.

Freedom of Speech is dead JohnOsbourne, I have nothing against anyone who wants to get the vaccine, just don't mock me for not getting it and then be all happy saying that private companies will enforce those of us who work for those companies, they're not forcing shit on me, I'll simply get another job.

Freedom of Speech is practically dead now, but we still have freedom of religion in America, President Trump made sure of that when he got those Justices put in the Supreme Court.

I'm glad for those who got the vaccine and feel safer, very happy for them, but don't mock my beliefs like Bong Man did practically reveling in the fact that we who don't want the vaccine will be forced to take.

I thought most of the people on this board were for tolerance and freedom, seems like some only care about the fact they got their drugs legalized and now they can smoke their dope and be happy and in control of the government.

I don't smoke dope or have anything against those who do, my drugs are all prescribed by my Doctor, hell I've even stopped drinking, because it was doing me more harm than good and I'm diabetic. 

Edited by RainbowElf
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1 hour ago, JohnOsbourne said:

That's fine, but it seems like the pro-vaccination side here is far less civil than the anti-.  (I'm not particularly religious so I have no real position on this aspect.)

This is unavoidably a very controversial subject (mass medication with an untested vaccination [and it doesn't even qualify technically or legally as that], wide-scale suppression of economic activity and civil liberties, etc., all in response to a virus with a tiny death rate [0.3%] outside of nursing homes, it poses very little threat to the vast bulk of the population).  It's being sold as a public health measure, so apart from the question of costs vs benefits, there also has to be discussion around who's doing the selling.

If people want to discuss it, they need to be prepared to see positions that diverge from their own, not sit in an echo chamber.  Otherwise just turn this thread into a poll (who's gotten/who hasn't, etc.).  Maybe your real problem here is with the moderators?

You're a very wise man JohnOsbourne, by the way off topic here, did you choose your username because you're an Ozzy fan?

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Just now, RainbowElf said:

You're a very wise man JohnOsbourne, by the way off topic here, did you choose your username because you're an Ozzy fan?

That's right (Zep and Sabbath are my two favorite bands, in that order).  I probably should've chosen John Henry Osbourne, but oh well.

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1 minute ago, JohnOsbourne said:

That's right (Zep and Sabbath are my two favorite bands, in that order).  I probably should've chosen John Henry Osbourne, but oh well.

Cool to know JohnOsbourne,

Zep and Sabbath are two of my favorite bands in my top five with of course Elf and DIO/Rainbow, being my favorites.


Stay safe brother, you've got a good head on your shoulders, glad to have crossed paths with you on here.

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4 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

That's fine, but it seems like the pro-vaccination side here is far less civil than the anti-.  (I'm not particularly religious so I have no real position on this aspect.)

This is unavoidably a very controversial subject (mass medication with an untested vaccination [and it doesn't even qualify technically or legally as that], wide-scale suppression of economic activity and civil liberties, etc., all in response to a virus with a tiny death rate [0.3%] outside of nursing homes, it poses very little threat to the vast bulk of the population).  It's being sold as a public health measure, so apart from the question of costs vs benefits, there also has to be discussion around who's doing the selling.

If people want to discuss it, they need to be prepared to see positions that diverge from their own, not sit in an echo chamber.  Otherwise just turn this thread into a poll (who's gotten/who hasn't, etc.).  Maybe your real problem here is with the moderators?

Not sure if you realize but the exact same objections were voiced the last pandemic in 1918 (not about a vaccine as there was none but regarding mask mandates and other restrictions). All I know is this: Numbers went up, people died then the vaccines were released to the public and numbers went down. Seems pretty straightforward to me. I sure don't want to be the guy who tells my friend her fathers death was statistically insignificant and "shit happens," still won't wear a mask. That's silly. Wearing a mask is no big deal, even if it does nothing, who cares because if it saves just one life it's worth it as that life may be yours, or mine. Rather put up with these very minor inconveniences now than have to deal with this for years because we don't want to inconvenience ourselves in any way whatsoever. Sorry, but that is not freedom, that is being selfish. Being an adult is sometimes having to do things you don't want to for the greater good. When I had to get a second job to pay off student loan debt a few years back I did not slap my wife and tell her to go to hell, having to work TWO jobs in an infringement upon my freedoms, I did what was necessary even though it sucked. But you know what, I have no student debt now. Suffer a little now for a greater return later.

I have no objection to other peoples opinions until those opinions place my life or the lives of others in danger. 

Honestly, I am all for opinion and personal freedom but much of this simply makes no sense to me. 

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1 hour ago, BobDobbs said:

Not sure if you realize but the exact same objections were voiced the last pandemic in 1918 (not about a vaccine as there was none but regarding mask mandates and other restrictions).

And they were just as valid then as they were now.  Do you realize the lethality #'s for the Spanish flu far, far exceeded anything even current governments are claiming about Covid-19, and the current response is far more draconian than anything the governments of 1918 (already empowered by war-time measures) implemented?  This doesn't even quality as apples vs oranges, I'm afraid.

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3 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

And they were just as valid then as they were now.  Do you realize the lethality #'s for the Spanish flu far, far exceeded anything even current governments are claiming about Covid-19, and the current response is far more draconian than anything the governments of 1918 (already empowered by war-time measures) implemented?  This doesn't even quality as apples vs oranges, I'm afraid.

What draconian measures? Wearing a mask, social distancing and staying away from public gatherings is draconian? They have not even really enforced the public gathering thing because if they did this would have been over eight months ago. Maybe I missed something but could you give me an example of a legitimately "draconian" measure?

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It kills me how people handle this from one place to another. My wife just went to this hick library out here and the cow fuckers had the door locked and allow one asshole per half hour by appointment.  OVERKILL.    I have the damn vaccine now and going to visit a friend at the hospital it made no difference.  Only one at a time.  The other library in an actual populated area allows all in as long as you have  a mask.  Aren't you all happy I created this monster of a thread?  Well, if I hadn't someone else would have.  Carry on

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1 hour ago, BobDobbs said:

What draconian measures? Wearing a mask, social distancing and staying away from public gatherings is draconian? They have not even really enforced the public gathering thing because if they did this would have been over eight months ago. Maybe I missed something but could you give me an example of a legitimately "draconian" measure?

You're kidding me, right?  Here's but two examples from just this week:



Basically, police state tactics (where the citizen must justify their activities to the police without any notion of reasonable suspicion) in response to what is, for the vast bulk of the population, a severe flu bug.  Certainly, the political class supporting these measures don't seem to take the threat very seriously themselves, as they've been repeatedly busted violating their own dictates.

I guess I could also mention the lockdowns which have destroyed the livelihoods of millions (except of course big business, always amusing to see those who style themselves political liberals defend the very worst excesses of crony capitalism), and the proposed introduction of internal ("vaccine") passports like the old Soviet Union.  These all amount to effective bans on citizens organizing, protesting and communicating collectively, the very antithesis of a free and open society.  Not to mention the effective deferral of public policy to a permanent, un-elected bureaucracy (e.g. hacks like Fauci who make arbitrary, ever-changing rationalizations for continuing the lockdowns).  I am shocked that you actually believe that this virus poses such a threat that these measures are somehow deemed reasonable.  Just doing what you're told, I guess?

Edited by JohnOsbourne
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On 4/16/2021 at 8:03 PM, BobDobbs said:

It has nothing to do with tolerance and open debate, its the rules of the board to keep things civil. No religion, no politics. It is a shame though as people cannot discuss these topics without devolving into mudslinging. Also, though one can debate politics, one cannot debate religion. 


What no religion?  Does that mean no talk of Mr. Crowely too?  No tarot, no runes, none of that mystic shit that is so rock and roll cool!

I'm fine with the talk, as long as it doesn't devolve into mudsharking.


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10 hours ago, redrum said:

Yes. Very 'Covid-ish.' 


7 hours ago, kipper said:

What no religion?  Does that mean no talk of Mr. Crowely too?  No tarot, no runes, none of that mystic shit that is so rock and roll cool!

I'm fine with the talk, as long as it doesn't devolve into mudsharking.


Hope both of you guys have been well, stay safe and healthy my friends!

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14 hours ago, gibsonfan159 said:

We will. And you'll be proven wrong just like all conspiracy nuts are. Then you'll move on to some other bullshit.

What happened to acceptance and tolerance my friend? I’m just not taking this vaccine, they’ll plain and simple have to put a gun to my head and I still wouldn’t take it, they’d wind up having to pull the trigger.

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