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The Vaccine for Covid is coming fast


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44 minutes ago, JohnOsbourne said:

Heroic Australian police:

What you're witnessing is the death of Western civilization. Ignorant citizens pitted against equally ignorant authorities while those who control the levers of power AND PURPOSEFULLY SET THESE CONDITIONS rub their corrupt, greedy hands with glee. It seems far too few fully realize the ugly, rotten, goddamned, no good future that is being established for all of us who, up until recently, were free. 



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4 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

What you're witnessing is the death of Western civilization. Ignorant citizens pitted against equally ignorant authorities while those who control the levers of power AND PURPOSEFULLY SET THESE CONDITIONS rub their corrupt, greedy hands with glee. It seems far too few fully realize the ugly, rotten, goddamned, no good future that is being established for all of us who, up until recently, were free. 



It is indeed demoralizing in many ways.  However, the fact that authorities around the world have to resort to such measures is a sign of weakness, not strength.  There is cause for optimism in the long-term,  because lies can never prevail over truth, although without question it will be a difficult struggle in the short-term.

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7 hours ago, JohnOsbourne said:

It is indeed demoralizing in many ways.  However, the fact that authorities around the world have to resort to such measures is a sign of weakness, not strength.  There is cause for optimism in the long-term,  because lies can never prevail over truth, although without question it will be a difficult struggle in the short-term.

I see it differently. It's not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of totalitarianism.


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Here's a text I received last night from a golfer in my Monday mini-league......

"Hey guys...I tested positive for Covid BUT I feel fine.  Would you guys mind if I play tomorrow ?  If not I totally understand.  I figure I would ask." :unsure:

Considering half the guys I golf with are over 70, I won't bore you with their obvious replies to this gentleman.  Even though his question is misplaced,  I appreciate his honesty towards us about his condition.  I would just like to use this as an example of my position during this whole pandemic episode.  It's not the virus or the vaccines I'm afraid of....it's stupid f*cking people !!  I can give you several incidents where someone I know was faced with the same problem that kept their positive test to themselves and decided to attend public events, parties, travel, etc., without telling anyone.  I don't care about your age, your health, your religion or which way you lean politically.  If you pull a stunt like that during a pandemic, you're nothing but a self-centered  human piece of shit. 

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2 hours ago, Bong-Man said:

Here's a text I received last night from a golfer in my Monday mini-league......

"Hey guys...I tested positive for Covid BUT I feel fine.  Would you guys mind if I play tomorrow ?  If not I totally understand.  I figure I would ask." :unsure:

Considering half the guys I golf with are over 70, I won't bore you with their obvious replies to this gentleman.  Even though his question is misplaced,  I appreciate his honesty towards us about his condition.  I would just like to use this as an example of my position during this whole pandemic episode.  It's not the virus or the vaccines I'm afraid of....it's stupid f*cking people !!  I can give you several incidents where someone I know was faced with the same problem that kept their positive test to themselves and decided to attend public events, parties, travel, etc., without telling anyone.  I don't care about your age, your health, your religion or which way you lean politically.  If you pull a stunt like that during a pandemic, you're nothing but a self-centered  human piece of shit. 

On this I completely agree, and yet I also understand why your golf friend figured he or she would ask. They likely really look forward to and enjoy those get togethers and are struggling with opting out for now, especially if they feel fine. 

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2 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

On this I completely agree, and yet I also understand why your golf friend figured he or she would ask. They likely really look forward to and enjoy those get togethers and are struggling with opting out for now, especially if they feel fine. 

There are a lot of things I enjoy, however one of them has never been to place my friends or family in risk, especially for something so obvious.  

Struggling to opt out? If they are struggling under such a circumstance, it is because they are self centered and narcissistic, only caring about their own enjoyment and not the heath or safety of the group. I am all for individualism however this crazy celebration of the individual over the group is just nonsense. If a persons freedoms or desires get in the way of the safety of the group, the group must always take priority and consideration. Always. That is kinda a no-brainer.

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9 minutes ago, BobDobbs said:

Struggling to opt out? If they are struggling under such a circumstance, it is because they are self centered and narcissistic, only caring about their own enjoyment and not the heath or safety of the group. I am all for individualism however this crazy celebration of the individual over the group is just nonsense. If a persons freedoms or desires get in the way of the safety of the group, the group must always take priority and consideration. Always. That is kinda a no-brainer.

That is virtue signaling bullshit in my opinion. It could be a round of golf with friends is THE cornerstone of that person's social life. Yet he's being told to sequester himself for at least two weeks despite feeling absolutely fine with a virus that has an above 98% survival rate. Living comes with inherent risks, and risks are assumed every time we walk out the door. I'm sick and tired of people who insist we must all live like the Boy in the Bubble, or wear these goddamn masks that don't work regardless. It's all political theater. That golf group is at greater risk to die from Millennials updating Tick Tock pages while behind the wheel of a car than from COVID-19.      


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5 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

That is virtue signaling bullshit in my opinion. It could be a round of golf with friends is THE cornerstone of that person's social life. Yet he's being told to sequester himself for at least two weeks despite feeling absolutely fine with a virus that has an above 98% survival rate. Living comes with inherent risks, and risks are assumed every time we walk out the door. I'm sick and tired of people who insist we must all live like the Boy in the Bubble, or wear these goddamn masks that don't work regardless. It's all political theater. That golf group is at greater risk to die from Millennials updating Tick Tock pages while behind the wheel of a car than from COVID-19.      


It’s all bullshit, scare tactics, keep the herd intact.

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6 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

That is virtue signaling bullshit in my opinion. It could be a round of golf with friends is THE cornerstone of that person's social life. Yet he's being told to sequester himself for at least two weeks despite feeling absolutely fine with a virus that has an above 98% survival rate. Living comes with inherent risks, and risks are assumed every time we walk out the door. I'm sick and tired of people who insist we must all live like the Boy in the Bubble, or wear these goddamn masks that don't work regardless. It's all political theater. That golf group is at greater risk to die from Millennials updating Tick Tock pages while behind the wheel of a car than from COVID-19.      


Let me put it another way. Say you have a friend of say 70 years of age and you two are planning a lovely dinner out to catch up. You develop COVID but really have not shown any symptomology so you just shrug and go to dinner with your friend. A few days later his wife calls you to let you know your friend has developed COVID and as a result has been hospitalized. Would you in any way feel responsible for your friends situation? 


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9 hours ago, chef free said:

That is how the corrupt lamestream media is spinning it but the fact is unvaccinated people could also attend provided they had a negative test result within 72 hours prior.  

8 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

Let me put it another way. Say you have a friend of say 70 years of age and you two are planning a lovely dinner out to catch up. You develop COVID but really have not shown any symptomology so you just shrug and go to dinner with your friend. A few days later his wife calls you to let you know your friend has developed COVID and as a result has been hospitalized. Would you in any way feel responsible for your friends situation? 

Sure, but that's NOT what happened here. The infected golfer did set aside his own personal self-interest by ASKING the others, with full disclosure, for permission to join them. When they declined, he respected their decision. I was merely saying I get why he would ask to join them because that's human nature -- when we want what we want it can lead to illogical decisions.

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I've been wondering about something, is it possible that the Dems are tricking conservatives into NOT getting vaccinated?  Everyone knows how much they distrust their government, what if all the Liberals are pushing this vax in such a way they know the Republicans will reject?  I mean, Republican voters are dying at a much greater rate, some estimates have a 20/1 ratio for Covid deaths among the unvaccinated! What if all you anti vaxxers are just helping the Liberals kill off conservatives voters?  Crazy? Paranoid? That's what I thought until I saw this article:


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10 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

That is how the corrupt lamestream media is spinning it but the fact is unvaccinated people could also attend provided they had a negative test result within 72 hours prior.  

Sure, but that's NOT what happened here. The infected golfer did set aside his own personal self-interest by ASKING the others, with full disclosure, for permission to join them. When they declined, he respected their decision. I was merely saying I get why he would ask to join them because that's human nature -- when we want what we want it can lead to illogical decisions.

Just a little follow-up.  The golfer who asked to participate with a positive test is a 42 year old cancer patient who recently completed his rounds of chemotherapy early in the Summer.  He is temporarily unvaxxed due to his Dr.'s orders.  He knew we all had our shots, and we all knew why he didn't.  Steve is correct in his assumption that the outings were very important to him, even to the point of making arrangements to work a Saturday so he could participate on a Monday.   Considering what he's already been through, a positive covid test probably didn't mean much to him.  He's also the youngest of our group.  However none of this changed the opinion of any of the other 10 or so golfers involved (a very diverse age, political, & religious group I might add).  STAY HOME, PROTECT US & OTHERS and take care of yourself was the message sent by everyone, and we'll see you when you get a negative test.  So even though his initial question was a bit shocking to everyone involved including me, in the end he handled it properly.  It also made the 19th hole beer discussion quite interesting. (I always birdie the 19th hole by the way)  


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On 9/21/2021 at 7:02 PM, JohnOsbourne said:

No disagreement on this. Pretty crazy. KFC smugglers get jail time? Wow. In other crazy news, Michael Flynn is now pushing some crazy conspiracy theory that a certain group of people are tainting/providing the COVID vaccine in salad dressing! Has he totally lost his mind? I listened to his quote several times to be sure. In an interview he actually says “ somebody sent me something this morning that they are trying to put the vaccine in salad dressing “! Where that came from was, a new study researching how mRNA vaccines could be grown in edible plants. To be on an interview show and act like  Anthony Crispino ( Bobby Moynihan) character from SNL is outrageous! My point is, there is a large to massive group of respected people pushing conspiracies and sowing seeds of doubt where there are none. These are people who are influential. It is insanely irresponsible. 

Going back to KFC smuggling, to be arrested for that is CRAZY! 

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First day back to work in a month today and while there I could really tell for the first time that I am experiencing Post-COVID Syndrome. Energy draining and it sucks. Guess I better up my exercise routine to better fight it off!

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On 9/21/2021 at 1:34 PM, chef free said:

I've been wondering about something, is it possible that the Dems are tricking conservatives into NOT getting vaccinated?  Everyone knows how much they distrust their government, what if all the Liberals are pushing this vax in such a way they know the Republicans will reject?  I mean, Republican voters are dying at a much greater rate, some estimates have a 20/1 ratio for Covid deaths among the unvaccinated! What if all you anti vaxxers are just helping the Liberals kill off conservatives voters?  Crazy? Paranoid? That's what I thought until I saw this article:


Totally twisted reasoning there but wouldn't surprise me the way things have been playing out these last few months.  We are living in dark times indeed..



Edited by cryingbluerain
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