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Personally, i don't care for someone i don't know "touching" me. It is definitely invading personal space.

Bold can be good. I get away with it. :D And no guy ever seems to mind....

But then again, I've never dated--or made an effort to date--anyone who was very uptight about things.

Edited by ~Bonnie~
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I do appreciate it, keeping in mind what I've said above.

That's rough. The only part of this i can give you input with is the education piece. Stay in school and continue on for a degree. Times are hard all over. If you find a career at least you will then be able to work on getting out of your parent's place and taking care of yourself.

I'm trying.

As for the single part, maybe you and Spats could join forces to find a couple nice girls...

Oh my God no. I know what I like in a girl, and I would never find her if I went out hunting with Spats. For starters, unlike spats, I do want to get married, have a couple kids, and settle down. Of course, I'm too young for that now, but in the future... my last girlfriend was the closest I've ever gotten to perfection. Tell you what... I'll tell you about her and what I like in a girl, but not in this thread... in the relationships thread.

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Bold can be good. I get away with it. :D And no guy ever seems to mind....

But then again, I've never dated--or made an effort to date--anyone who was very uptight about things.

I'm not talking about dating. I'm talking about when you first meet someone and you are talking and they touch you. That is how i interpreted what Spats meant, too. I talk to men and women at work everyday who touch me during the conversation, and i feel affection from it. But if i'm talking to a stranger and they touch me, i feel it's uninvited. I'm not saying i've never touched someone i shouldn't have, either. and agreed, guys don't mind it...i proved that in front of hundreds of people one time.

I have never had an issue with "bold". Maybe obnoxious, lol.

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The difference, spats, is that I generally listen to their advice and don't drag it on and on about how I wanted their advice, but it's wrong, so I'm not gonna take it and they should give me different advice. If I need advice, all I need is a page or less. Not a whole thread.

And to be honest, while it'd be cool and I'd gladly sit it over, think about it, and, if I think it's worth it, maybe even use it, I don't exactly expect any advice to my post. That is not the point of this thread. We aren't supposed to be giving advice. We're supposed to be bitching, here. If we want advice, let's start an advice thread.

Totally agreed...Spats issues should be discussed on the relationships board. Nate...so sorry bout your luck right now but you're young! These days almost everyone your age is living with their parents and we all know the job market sucks. Relax buddy, things will get better, they always do!

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I could answer that if I had my linguistics book. I loaned it to a friend last semester, so I don't have it.

Ask/aks is a form of methathesis, where we flip-flop the sounds when we're speaking.

That's all I can say right now, but I think there is more history behind that one than I can be confident in talking about.

That's interesting Mandy, thanks for the reply. Another thing that bugs me -- and this is just a regional dialect and not a linguistics thing -- is how my mother pronounces proper names ending in "i". She says Miami like Miamah and (can't think of a good example) ones that are usually pronounced with the -ah sound with a long e instead. Oh yeah, she always says warsh for wash, that gripes me too. As a kid I thought that "wash" was how you cleaned your own body and "warsh" was what you did with dishes, clothes, etc.

The difference, spats, is that I generally listen to their advice and don't drag it on and on about how I wanted their advice, but it's wrong, so I'm not gonna take it and they should give me different advice. If I need advice, all I need is a page or less. Not a whole thread.

And to be honest, while it'd be cool and I'd gladly sit it over, think about it, and, if I think it's worth it, maybe even use it, I don't exactly expect any advice to my post. That is not the point of this thread. We aren't supposed to be giving advice. We're supposed to be bitching, here. If we want advice, let's start an advice thread.

Yeah, we need an Advice Columnist on here, a modern day equivalent of Ann Landers.

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When I see parents out bicycling with their children and they make their children wear a helmet but the parents do not wear one. I hate when parents don't practice what they preach.

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When I see parents out bicycling with their children and they make their children wear a helmet but the parents do not wear one. I hate when parents don't practice what they preach.

Uhhh Childrens Heads are softer and they still have brain cells that have not been damaged by large qaunity's of drugs.It is to late to protect our heads.

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^lol...great excuse there, Al.

Seriously, though...here's my pet peeve of the nanosecond.

I log onto the local news website to read about the news. I click on the accompanying video link to see all about a small mountain town that's got a major water issue--they have a water leak in their main pipes but can't find it; nor can they afford more research to find the leak.

What happens? After I watch three commercials, the stupid video won't play. Ugh.

I think I will have forgotten about it by this time tomorrow. LOL (the pet peeve...not the water issue)

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But the whole point is that they were the one who was flirting with me. I wasn't the one flirting. My first point was the you should not flirt unless you want to hook up with the person. Otherwise it's not fair to the other person. And my second point was the flirting is not a clear enought signal that one is interested. Because i have got mixed signals before. I was just saying the women should be upfront and honest about their intentions.


Spats, if you weren't flirting, you shouldn't be surprised that she gave it up. Pasivity is a "major turn-off".


I wish you would give the women here in Toronto the advice. Honesty is the best policy. They aren't grasping that.

I think you aren't grasping the fact that you yourself are not honest.

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Kat, you can say that again about fifty times....and please say it REALLY LOUD.... :rolleyes:

Can I sing it?





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Crappy merchandise. Seems like everything is built to return. Bought some new phones for my Centro and have to send them back. Steer clear of the stereophones which are combined with the condensor mic to answer phone with. Sound is horrid on em. Just turn your unit on vibrate and put in in your pocket :)

Morning Kat, Al Angel and Mandy.

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Here's one for you:

I'm sitting here on the couch, drinking coffee and indulging in my internet-board addiction. I decide to get up and get more coffee, and I see my adorable cat sitting on the porch in one of our chairs. I got to grab my camera, and when I'm out on the porch to take a picture, the batteries literally die right there.

I go to replace them, the camera won't open.

I totally missed the shot. He looked soooo cute!


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Whenever I make eye contact with someone I'm totally into, my stomach flips.

You're missing out, Senor Stupid.... :rolleyes:

A woman's eyes have never done it for me so i have never concentrated on them that much. I don't care what color they are or anything. As long as she has two of them and she's not cross eyed i am fine.

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A woman's eyes have never done it for me so i have never concentrated on them that much. I don't care what color they are or anything. As long as she has two of them and she's not cross eyed i am fine.

A woman is a complete package all the parts or important.Some are a little more Fun to play with than others but all are important.I love looking deep into thier sexy eyes.

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