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Rascal Flatts, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, etc., a huge part of what's wrong with country music today. Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Loretta Lynn, etc. now that's country. Shame is, none of them would stand a snowball's chance in hell at getting on the radio today because they're too country.

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Are you the same person that was going to play a wimpy song to a girl when you ask her to the prom? Because that's how it is supposed to be done? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

if so i can see why her boyfriend would have a problem with you.

Actually I changed my mind. I was given wrong information by her friends that she was single. Don't need to be a dick but I guess some people are just born that way.

Edited by JimmyPageZoSo56
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You know, I'm not even that mad that country radio/TV is really pop-oriented...obviously there's a big market for it, even if it's not what I want to hear, so I can't argue with reality. I'd like to hear some more traditional stuff to balance out the poppy stuff, definitely, but I can't deny that there's a purpose for pop country's existence.

What really gets me, though, is how badly done it is!! I, too, sorta like Carrie Underwood; her songs are pretty catchy, if not very country, and she can sing pretty well, even if she sounds waaay too much to the Mariah Carey side and not enough on the Reba side.

But Rascal Flatts? They should be ashamed of themselves! Last night on the ACMs (I don't know why I watch this stuff...oh wait, yes I do - for Jamey Johnson) they sounded like they were playing 3 different songs at the same time, and the singer was more off key than a 100-year-old piano. Atrocious. Most bar bands can play better drunk. And it's not like their songwriting skills are making up for their lack of musicianship...their songs put me in a coma. THIS is the best Nashville can come up with for their pop star impresario? And people BUY this stuff? It's a strange world, that's for sure...

I know how you feel mandy, I had a late start too! Got married at 29, first and only child at 39 and my 6 year younger brother's youngest kid just turned 18 :blink: I'm old enough to have one graduating college and he's only going into the 6th grade :o

Life's like that sometimes. :slapface: actually no pet peeves about it though :D

Nothing wrong with that! As long as you're living life to its fullest, that's what's important! I guess that's my other worry, that all my friends are moving on, and I'm...not. I mean, I'm not them, and I know I need to do things at my own pace, but things seem to be happening a little more slowly than I would like them to.

I would say I need to relax and just let things happen, but that's what I've been doing for the last 5 years, and nothing's been happening! Time for a more take-charge approach, I guess. And I mean, I don't mind if things happen later rather than sooner, just as long as they happen sometime. Thanks for the reminder, guys, that I still have a ton of time left to work on it. And thanks for letting me talk about it...weirdly enough, it really does help to get it all out.

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Going to Baseball games with people who know nothing about baseball. :angry:

I had a good time at the game opener last night and was happy for the free ticket but i went with a buddy, his girlfriend and her girlfriend. I told him to make sure i was not put in the position that it was a "date". So i sat on the other side of him so i would not be paired up with the other girl and have to be paying attention to her all night. I wanted to go and actually watch the game.

But neither of them know much about baseball so my buddy had to keep explaining things to them all night long. :rolleyes::rolleyes: It was just so damn annoying. And a couple times his girlfriends girlfriend was checking herself in her little compact mirror. :o Just watch the game! :o

I was envious of the guys at the game whose girlfriends looked like they were into the game and knew what was going on. There were some pretty hot girls there wearing baseball caps and jerseys. :P:P

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I know how you feel mandy, I had a late start too! Got married at 29, first and only child at 39 and my 6 year younger brother's youngest kid just turned 18 :blink: I'm old enough to have one graduating college and he's only going into the 6th grade :o

Life's like that sometimes. :slapface: actually no pet peeves about it though :D

I'm fine with it, really. I just forget that I'm old enough to have kids, LOL.

I do plan on having them, someday. LOL ;)

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Why are they wrong?

Well, political students have this thing where they simply have to get on the bandwagon...

I'm not saying this is the reason why Little Miss would be peeved with them, but for me there was simply no point in storming London and protesting at bank HQ's, whilst the G-20 summit was going on. A man died because of the rioting. Protesters get violent and start shit, and then the police get angry and retaliate. That's what peeves me off. The police aren't gonna take any of their pretentious shit, yet these idiots still think it's necessary to create more of a problem than before. And, was it worth it?

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I hate it when you tell friends about your problems and then they don't have anything to say about them. I had a terrible day yesterday, and when I told about it, no one seemed to give a rip.

I believe I said, "all hell has broken loose" and then went on to describe THREE major things that happened to me yesterday, including the death of a friend's mother, who I've known since I was 12--more than half my life.

Forget about it. It wasn't really important to me anyway. :(

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I hate it when you tell friends about your problems and then they don't have anything to say about them. I had a terrible day yesterday, and when I told about it, no one seemed to give a rip.

I believe I said, "all hell has broken loose" and then went on to describe THREE major things that happened to me yesterday, including the death of a friend's mother, who I've known since I was 12--more than half my life.

Forget about it. It wasn't really important to me anyway. :(

Maybe some of your friends were preoccupied Mandy. You've got many here :) . Sorry to hear about your friends mom. If your like many I know , you might have been closer to her than your own

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I hate it when you tell friends about your problems and then they don't have anything to say about them. I had a terrible day yesterday, and when I told about it, no one seemed to give a rip.

I believe I said, "all hell has broken loose" and then went on to describe THREE major things that happened to me yesterday, including the death of a friend's mother, who I've known since I was 12--more than half my life.

Forget about it. It wasn't really important to me anyway. :(

sorry to hear about your loss...sounds like she was pretty important to you as well... :(

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I hate it when you tell friends about your problems and then they don't have anything to say about them. I had a terrible day yesterday, and when I told about it, no one seemed to give a rip.

I believe I said, "all hell has broken loose" and then went on to describe THREE major things that happened to me yesterday, including the death of a friend's mother, who I've known since I was 12--more than half my life.

Forget about it. It wasn't really important to me anyway. :(

:console: I'm sorry you had a bad day and more sorry about your friend's mom.

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I hate it when you tell friends about your problems and then they don't have anything to say about them. I had a terrible day yesterday, and when I told about it, no one seemed to give a rip.

I think some of your friends are probably stupid and half-blind, frankly. :slapface::bagoverhead:


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I hate it when you tell friends about your problems and then they don't have anything to say about them. I had a terrible day yesterday, and when I told about it, no one seemed to give a rip.

I believe I said, "all hell has broken loose" and then went on to describe THREE major things that happened to me yesterday, including the death of a friend's mother, who I've known since I was 12--more than half my life.

Forget about it. It wasn't really important to me anyway. :(

That sounds like a pretty crappy time. I'm sorry to hear about your loss, and I hope thing start to look up soon. :console:

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I saw an article before about sandwiches being bad for you. couldnt read it. over the yrs i've heard too many snippets on the 11 oclock news about either, coffee or eggs, being good...or bad for you. What about sandwiches with rye toast, sandwich testing people.

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I saw an article before about sandwiches being bad for you. couldnt read it. over the yrs i've heard too many snippets on the 11 oclock news about either, coffee or eggs, being good...or bad for you. What about sandwiches with rye toast, sandwich testing people.

It's the processed foods which are bad for you. One very good example is white bread. The human stomach cannot digest processed foods well. Especially plain white bread. Processed meats, same thing. It has things added in it you probably don't want to hear about.

Use 100 whole wheat bread, or whole rye. There are whole grain whites, however just because it says whole grain white does not mean it's not bleached, and processed.

Imagine your stomach on bleach trying to process sugars and starch's together?

Ever feel like your gonna explode. I guess so your fermenting :)

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It majorly pisses me off that just because I'm thin, people assume I don't eat or have some kind of eating disorder. I've recently had two people say me, "How do you stay so thin? Do you eat?" I was thinking, HELLO, if I didn't eat, I wouldn't be standing in front of you would I? Someone even had the nerve to call me an anorexic!! I wanted to punch him. :angry:

I eat the typical 3 meals a day and I don't count calories; the fact that I don't weigh like, 500 pounds doesn't give anyone the right to make those comments. Assuming a thin person has an eating disorder is just as hurtful as telling someone they're fat.

Edited by Zepulon
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It majorly pisses me off that just because I'm thin, people assume I don't eat or have some kind of eating disorder. I've recently had two people say me, "How do you stay so thin? Do you eat?" I was thinking, HELLO, if I didn't eat, I wouldn't be standing in front of you would I? Someone even had the nerve to call me an anorexic!! I wanted to punch him. :angry:

I eat the typical 3 meals a day and I don't count calories; the fact that I don't weigh like, 500 pounds doesn't give anyone the right to make those comments. Assuming a thin person has an eating disorder is just as hurtful as telling someone they're fat.

Hi Zepulon,

I know how you feel. I have been thin my entire life, to the point where my mom was worried about me when I was a teenager and took me to the doctor who put me on heavy duty vitamins.

I didn't put on any weight even when I was pregnant even though my sons weighed 9 pounds at birth and were extremely healthy. I am just naturatlly thin. I can eat alot (which I have in the last two days, LOL) and not gain weight. My family is thin and my boys are on the thin side (one is 6'4'' and weighs around 160).

I hated being thin when I was young as people did comment on it and tease me about it. They called me Twiggy. Now that I am older, I am comfortable with it and now I have the last laugh as they are all fat now. :lol:

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Let's play Battleship. I think Captain Richard Phillips should be rescued off that lifeboat before they kill him. If he is handed over tomahawks should pummel them...

Easy enough, why are we being intimidated and doing nothing :blink:

looks like we were being patient and waiting for the right opportunity... :)

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Hi Zepulon,

I know how you feel. I have been thin my entire life, to the point where my mom was worried about me when I was a teenager and took me to the doctor who put me on heavy duty vitamins.

I didn't put on any weight even when I was pregnant even though my sons weighed 9 pounds at birth and were extremely healthy. I am just naturatlly thin. I can eat alot (which I have in the last two days, LOL) and not gain weight. My family is thin and my boys are on the thin side (one is 6'4'' and weighs around 160).

I hated being thin when I was young as people did comment on it and tease me about it. They called me Twiggy. Now that I am older, I am comfortable with it and now I have the last laugh as they are all fat now. :lol:

Hahaha! :lol: Same here DOC, to sit around at lunch and listen to a bunch of guys talk about diets and gaining weight. I want to ask them when was the last time they looked in their pants? Better make sure your DNA isn't changing ROFLMAO :hysterical:

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People that call your cellphone from inside the house. Are folks that fucking lazy they can't actually take the time to speak to one another face to face? When my cellphone rings I always answer, I never screen my calls. The one exception being when the call is coming from inside the house, then I refuse to answer.

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People that call your cellphone from inside the house. Are folks that fucking lazy they can't actually take the time to speak to one another face to face? When my cellphone rings I always answer, I never screen my calls. The one exception being when the call is coming from inside the house, then I refuse to answer.

Texting from across the room is also super annoying. My teenage nieces do this to me...

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