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2 Things:

1. I've had run-ins with many vegans and vegetarians. My experiences have run 50/50. 50% of the time, they have accepted that I eat meat and have said nothing to me. 50% of the time, I have been yelled at, and a few times even slapped. I do have a couple friends who are vegetarian (borderline vegan, but they don't proselytize) and they simply ask that if we're eating together, I refrain from eating meat around them, which is fine by me, as long they understand that I do eat meat and they don't try to change me, which is, apparently, fine with them.

2. I probably should have said "Proselytizing Vegans" instead of just vegans. So for that, I apologize. However, y'all need to understand that, in my experience, the ones who call themselves "vegans" are the ones proselytizing to me, while the ones who simply call themselves "vegetarians" are okay with me eating meat. That is my experience nearly every time, and that is why my statement is blanket. I was too tired to explain myself last night, so there you go.

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2 Things:

1. I've had run-ins with many vegans and vegetarians. My experiences have run 50/50. 50% of the time, they have accepted that I eat meat and have said nothing to me. 50% of the time, I have been yelled at, and a few times even slapped. I do have a couple friends who are vegetarian (borderline vegan, but they don't proselytize) and they simply ask that if we're eating together, I refrain from eating meat around them, which is fine by me, as long they understand that I do eat meat and they don't try to change me, which is, apparently, fine with them.

2. I probably should have said "Proselytizing Vegans" instead of just vegans. So for that, I apologize. However, y'all need to understand that, in my experience, the ones who call themselves "vegans" are the ones proselytizing to me, while the ones who simply call themselves "vegetarians" are okay with me eating meat. That is my experience nearly every time, and that is why my statement is blanket. I was too tired to explain myself last night, so there you go.

That's fair. I apologize if I were too rude. :) I must say that there are no Vegans in my neighbourhood, just Vegetarians, and those are cool people.

I just can't stand people making generalizations. That's my long-time pet peeve.

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2 Things:

1. I've had run-ins with many vegans and vegetarians. My experiences have run 50/50. 50% of the time, they have accepted that I eat meat and have said nothing to me. 50% of the time, I have been yelled at, and a few times even slapped. I do have a couple friends who are vegetarian (borderline vegan, but they don't proselytize) and they simply ask that if we're eating together, I refrain from eating meat around them, which is fine by me, as long they understand that I do eat meat and they don't try to change me, which is, apparently, fine with them.

It's very gracious of you to do as they ask. The request actually seems quite bold to me; I'm glad that you and your friends have agreed on how to handle meals together. I've not known any vegetarians who were militant about it; they just eat what they eat :)

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It's very gracious of you to do as they ask. The request actually seems quite bold to me; I'm glad that you and your friends have agreed on how to handle meals together. I've not known any vegetarians who were militant about it; they just eat what they eat :)

As long as they don't call me names for eating meat or give me shit about it, I don't mind. Like I said: they're borderline Vegan, so seeing people eat meat does bother them, but they also understand that it's a personal choice. I have no problem not eating meat around them. Others aren't so gracious and will eat meat around them, and they won't say anything, but I know it bugs them. I'm cool with it eating vegetarian around them, myself. And besides... there are some incredible vegetarian meals out there if you know where to look. A vegetarian mushroom panini, if cooked right, can be incredible. And they aren't completely Vegan because they do eat dairy, though they will not eat eggs.

It's the proselytizers I hate. In fact, I have the perfect example to show y'all what I'm talking about.

I posted this same rant on another forum. One person did respond about how slaughter-houses can be cruel, so I said that this is why I prefer Kosher meat; not because I keep Kosher (I do around Dad... otherwise, bring on the Bacon Cheeseburgers and the shellfish and the ribs...), but because the very first rule of a Kosher butcher is that the animals must not feel pain, nor must they suffer. And while alive, they must be treated with the utmost in humane standards. This is actually one of the Jewish commandments of the Oral Torah; in other words, many Jews believe that this is one of the laws handed to us directly by God. Kosher butchers (hell... Jewish butchers, Kosher or otherwise) wouldn't dare go against it.

In response, I got this (leaving out names):

What a complete and utter load of bollocks !!

I saw a documentary on Channel4 here in the UK about an abbatoir, it was like Autswitz for farm animals, running with blood and shit and entrails. The workers were cruel and callous, treating the animals appallingly because the poor sods could smell death as soon as they were forced in to the place and naturally struggled against their fate.

Pigs were stunned by electrocution and then bled to death by having their throats cut, chickens were hung upside down by their feet on a conveyor, their heads cut off when passed between rotating blades, cattle and sheep were shot with a bolt gun pressed to their forehaeds, which at least was quick and painless.

The kosher slaughterman had a large, flat bladed knife to do his killing with. A bullock had it's head trapped in some sort of gate contraption which stretched it's neck, the slaughterman said a jewish prayer, then hacked at it's neck with his knife, which cut it right to it's neck bone, the blood gushed out like it was being tipped out of a bucket while the bullock was howling in pain.

Before any of you religious nutters start harping on about man's dominion over the other animals of the world as mentioned in genesis, visit your local abbatoir and take a good fucking look at the industrial slaughter that goes on, and if you can work there and still eat meat, then you are a cunt, a total first degree sociapathic cunt.

By the way Natehevens, you are an omnivore, not a fucking carnivore. Also you have a brain capable of abstract thought and able to make decisions based on your own ideas and consciense.

I've used my brain to decide that you are a selfish cunt.

This person conveniently forgot that pigs aren't Kosher. So, obviously, a Kosher butcher wouldn't be slaughtering pigs.

These are the kind of interactions I have with Vegans for the most part, online and offline (accept here, where there does seem to be a sense of tolerance, even from the self-declared Vegans on here, so thank you for it). So, by personal experience, you can understand why I tend to stereotype a bit with them.

Edited by Nathan
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This person conveniently forgot that pigs aren't Kosher. So, obviously, a Kosher butcher wouldn't be slaughtering pigs.

Hi Nathan,

I would like to contribute if you dont mind?

Firstly, over here in England, London that is, animals that are slaughtered for the Jewish table with the Shechita method of Kosher slaughter are in fact slaughtered in the same abattoir as all other animals, the only difference is that a Rabbi with Shechita knowledge does the slaughtering.

The animal is put in a special cage which is turned over so as to expose the animals throat, a finger is put in to the animals eye so as to placate it, (this is illegal but it is used as it works) then it is slaughtered with a cut to the carotid artery and the animal is left to bleed to death. As told to me many years ago by a friend who was a slaughterman in an abattoir in East Ham, London.

As a vegiterian for the past 14 years i can honestly say that i have no issue with you or anybody else who eats meat, my wife and three sons all eat meat and i have no problem cooking meat for them, its just not for me anymore.

My problem has been with the way the animals are inpregnated, born, absued, then inhumanely butchered and the disgarded body parts are then fed back to other animals so as to have no waste of any of the animals parts. As you all know that brought about Scrapy in Sheep and BSE in Cattle and Humans. And that put me on a one man campaign to put the bastards out of business, and which i failed miserably, poor me, poor animals and poor you in the long run, still i say FCUK THEM.

Now i've been around Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Hindus, and a host of other Religious Types, all my life, and they are all a bunch of Hippocrates when it comes to obeying their religious doctrine, Jews eating Pork, Catholics practicing safe sex, Protestants not protesting, Muslims wipeing their arses with toilet paper, Hindus eating Cow Steak, the list goes on, its not about Religious Doctrine its about personal choices. If you wanna eat meat then eat it, but if some crazy bitch shouts obscenities at you for doing so then give her a slap, and another one from me as well. ;)

Enjoy your Steak Nathan, Regards, Danny

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Hi Nathan,

I would like to contribute if you dont mind?

Regards, Danny

^ Great post Danny! I didn't want to quote it, to save some space, but excellent! I tried to be a vegetarian (one who still ate diary, eggs, and especially seafood) back in my 20's. I did it for a few years pretty successfully, but then started to eat small amounts of pork again (ribs were hard to give up). I rarely eat more than a bite of steak, but my daughter likes it so i do let her eat it. Unfortunately today, i do eat meat (chicken or pork) once or twice a week.

Reading your post will help me try again to severely limit animal consumption in my diet. I have always known of the cruelty and it is one of those things about life that really bothers me. I'm sorry (but of course you were fighting a losing battle) you failed on your mission to stop the cruelty. I hope you continue to make efforts :)

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^ Great post Danny! I didn't want to quote it, to save some space, but excellent! I tried to be a vegetarian (one who still ate diary, eggs, and especially seafood) back in my 20's. I did it for a few years pretty successfully, but then started to eat small amounts of pork again (ribs were hard to give up). I rarely eat more than a bite of steak, but my daughter likes it so i do let her eat it. Unfortunately today, i do eat meat (chicken or pork) once or twice a week.

Reading your post will help me try again to severely limit animal consumption in my diet. I have always known of the cruelty and it is one of those things about life that really bothers me. I'm sorry (but of course you were fighting a losing battle) you failed on your mission to stop the cruelty. I hope you continue to make efforts :)

Hi Tangerine,

I still eat meat, only its the flesh of Plants, Linda Mcartny stuff and AZDAs Quorn products make life a lot easier now, i can do Curry, Spaghetti Bolognaise, Cottage Pie, Sausages, Burgers, all Vegitarian Vetoed and they taste just great, and i can still sleep at night knowing that i dont contribute to Animal Cruelty, even my dog eats it, althought i dont tell him in case he takes a bite outta me. :lol:

Not that you should feel guilty in any way for eating meat, its just that i did and now i dont.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, An old saying from my dear old Sensi Del was, "Dont try to give something up, just do it or dont bother trying, as its a sign of weakness to keep failing."

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And that's how every vegetarian and vegan I've ever met feels about it--Nathan must have got unlucky with the extremists. :(

Hi Aqua,

My thoughts exactly.

One day the morality of "Star Trek" might just come to fruition, well all except the Klingons with their "Rokeg blood pie, and qagh" i just can quite see Worf eating "Vege Burgers" with his Prune Juice, can you? :lol:

Regards, Danny

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I'm sorry. But I don't like Vegans.

This happened to me recently:

So I'm at a grocery store looking for a decent steak for dinner, and this bitch (bitch, because, for some reason, it's always a woman) walks over to me and starts yelling at me:

"You are an evil man! A murderer! How dare you take part in these killings! You cannibal!"

Yeah. Cannibal. Like I was standing in the human meat section of the story. "I hear human Rump roast is more tender then cow Rump roast."

Anyways... I asked her "what do you think makes you so much better then me?"

And her response? "I don't eat anything living."

Plants are "living" things. Damn plant killers!

I don't have a problem with veterinarians but I do have a problem with the militant ones. Remember several years back when PETA supporters were throwing blood on people on the streets of New York? Could you imagine folks trying to push their meat eating ways on them? It reminds me of a group of church goers that would show up at one of the local clubs I used to frequent in the 80s telling us all to go to church on Sunday morning. What if we had gone to the local churches encouraging them to all come out to the clubs at night?

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Hi Tangerine,

I still eat meat, only its the flesh of Plants, Linda Mcartny stuff and AZDAs Quorn products make life a lot easier now, i can do Curry, Spaghetti Bolognaise, Cottage Pie, Sausages, Burgers, all Vegitarian Vetoed and they taste just great, and i can still sleep at night knowing that i dont contribute to Animal Cruelty, even my dog eats it, althought i dont tell him in case he takes a bite outta me. :lol:

Not that you should feel guilty in any way for eating meat, its just that i did and now i dont.

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, An old saying from my dear old Sensi Del was, "Dont try to give something up, just do it or dont bother trying, as its a sign of weakness to keep failing."

A vegetarian dog, that's an accomplishment!!!

I think humans should feel guilty about the abominable conditions animals live in before meeting such an unspeakable ending. I can honestly say that i never eat a piece of meat without feeling a pang of guilt. I plan to cut back drastically on the amount i eat (which isn't that much to start with). I love seafood, fish, fruits and vegetables much more than any kind of meat, so it won't be that difficult for me to do.

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Plants are "living" things. Damn plant killers!

I don't have a problem with veterinarians but I do have a problem with the militant ones. Remember several years back when PETA supporters were throwing blood on people on the streets of New York? Could you imagine folks trying to push their meat eating ways on them? It reminds me of a group of church goers that would show up at one of the local clubs I used to frequent in the 80s telling us all to go to church on Sunday morning. What if we had gone to the local churches encouraging them to all come out to the clubs at night?

Militant veterinarians, eh? Sort of "Get your hamster examined once a year or we bombard you with blood-stained newspaper ads!! :angry:"

Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)

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And that's how every vegetarian and vegan I've ever met feels about it--Nathan must have got unlucky with the extremists. :(

I always do. I tend to be extremist myself, and I do stereotype, and I do have a certain hatred for society and even humanity. So it's possible that being that way makes me a magnet for these assholes. But I always seem to attract them.

Only extremist I have yet to attract is a Jewish extremist, which is probably why I consider Judaism the only non-extremist mainstream religion (that is, of the "Big 3"), despite knowing that many extremist Jews exist and between YouTube videos, newscasts, etc, I have seen them; just never experienced them.


First off, I want to say thank you for understanding where I'm coming from and understanding why I have such and issue with the proselytizing.

Second, I should tell you that while I am Jewish, I consider myself a Cultural Jew, and not a Religious Jew, because while I find the culture and many of the cultural traditions quite beautiful, I believe organized religion in general is hypocritical, evil, and worthless. In today's day and age, humanity should have evolved beyond organized religion. Keep in mind I'm not talking about faith, as I do believe in God. But the attempt to use that faith to control so many is something we should, as intelligent human beings, be beyond by now. And it saddens me that so many are not.

As such, I do eat pig, and shellfish, and cheeseburgers, and so on, because the Bible was written by men, and, at the end of the day, Kashrut laws were health laws written for a primitive people living in the desert in a primitive age, and the creation of the modern kitchen made these laws obselete (the rule of a more humane slaughtering aside).

I also understand your issue with slaughterhouses. And I am all for reforming them world-wide. There's no doubt that cruelty abounds and some people don't care. Although it wasn't exactly about a slaughterhouse, I seriously doubt few of us missed the video of that pointless whale and dolphin slaughter on YouTube. That disgusted me in a way you can't even begin to imagine. I don't care if it's a way of life for people. Find a new way of life that doesn't include the pointless, inhumane, medieval, bararic slaughter of two creatures that are believed to be infintely more intelligent then we are, and are both quite endangered, as well.

But I like meat. I won't eat whale or dolphin (nor will I buy any products made from them). But I like meat. And mostly steak. You won't ever find me out looking for wolf or horse or eagle or something (those are also my three favorite living animals, because they are all proud, majestic, and powerful).

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Being a veggie - ok. Some people don't want to hurt animals, don't want to eat their meat, and that's all ok.

I am far from a vegetarian, I love meat, all kinds of it but I can't stand those extremely vegetarian vegetarians. I heard on the news once there were some parents who were vegetarians and they fed their child with soy milk and the poor baby didn't get the necessary food and he/she died.

I don't think it's good to be a veggie when you're still growing up. Maybe a veggie who still eats fish&Co. ... :unsure:

I'll wait for a few more years, and then I'll think about becoming a veggie. I love meat. Fuck PETA.

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Being a veggie - ok. Some people don't want to hurt animals, don't want to eat their meat, and that's all ok.

I am far from a vegetarian, I love meat, all kinds of it but I can't stand those extremely vegetarian vegetarians. I heard on the news once there were some parents who were vegetarians and they fed their child with soy milk and the poor baby didn't get the necessary food and he/she died.

I don't think it's good to be a veggie when you're still growing up. Maybe a veggie who still eats fish&Co. ... :unsure:

I'll wait for a few more years, and then I'll think about becoming a veggie. I love meat. Fuck PETA.

That has little to do with being vegetarian and more to do with ignorance and cruelty, sounds like. I know many vegetarians who raise their children that way and are perfectly healthy. But you have to be educated on how to do it.

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Being a veggie - ok. Some people don't want to hurt animals, don't want to eat their meat, and that's all ok.

That's why I'm a veggie, I just can't do it. I personally don't understand those who for examle see a lamb and say it's really cute and sweet and then eat it!

And I personally don't mind others eating meat infront of me either just as long as they don't feed me it :lol: But it's your choice I've had plenty of poeple giving me a hard time about being veggie, callng me " a F**king hippie" but learnt to ignore it.

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That's why I'm a veggie, I just can't do it. I personally don't understand those who for examle see a lamb and say it's really cute and sweet and then eat it!

And I personally don't mind others eating meat infront of me either just as long as they don't feed me it :lol: But it's your choice I've had plenty of poeple giving me a hard time about being veggie, callng me " a F**king hippie" but learnt to ignore it.

That's a 'fuc*ing' compliment. :P

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A vegetarian dog, that's an accomplishment!!!

I think humans should feel guilty about the abominable conditions animals live in before meeting such an unspeakable ending. I can honestly say that i never eat a piece of meat without feeling a pang of guilt. I plan to cut back drastically on the amount i eat (which isn't that much to start with). I love seafood, fish, fruits and vegetables much more than any kind of meat, so it won't be that difficult for me to do.

Hi Tangerine,

I must have got that wrong, my Dog although he does eat my leftovers (when there is any that is) he also eats Meat, as wel as dry food and fruit. I'm all for letting him eat pretty much what ever takes his fancy, as long as he doesnt get overweight that is.

Humanity in you is there for everyone to see, if you feel the need to give up meat this is the best time in the history of the world to do so, there is so much you can do with Quorn today that i never feel as if i'm missing out on Meat anymore. And theres another reason, its also much more heathier for you, theres no "Lard-Fat" to clog your arteries.

Still if you cant give it up, enjoy it for what it is, a lump of Pleasure.

Kind Regards, Danny

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I think humans should feel guilty about the abominable conditions animals live in before meeting such an unspeakable ending.

I completely agree with that, Although I don't mind my family eating meat I will always make sure that it's either 'Free Range' or 'Organic' better to be both. That's another reason I would never eat meat is becuase animals are kept in such horribe conditions, I've seen it, the first time I saw the conditions I cried.

Pet Peeve: The weather keeps pn dramatically changing, one minute it's shitting it down the next it blues skies and sunshine!! :wacko:

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