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Pet Peeves


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I know there is nothing to stop this from happening but I hate hiccups try drinking tea when you have the hiccups <_<

Argh! I hate hiccups, too, especially when they just won't stop! Most of the time you can do something to make them stop (usually drinking something, like you said), but jeez, every once in a while you get some that just won't give up, and it hurts after a while! Annoying. <_<

I hate hipsters. They seem to come in different varieties these days, so there's not one set of traits I can pin down that I don't like, except for this one: the snobby, "holier than thou" attitude. Whatever they like is awesome, and whatever you like sucks. If more than 100 people have heard of it, it's passé. And the weirder it is, the better, because if it's too accessible and you can't make yourself seem superior by pretending to understand it and mocking everybody else who doesn't, what use is it?

Oh, and not all of them do this, but screw everyone who, in an attempt to be ironic, wears those Wayfarer knockoff sunglasses from the '80s with the neon earpieces. You suck. And I know people have been complaining about hipsters for quite a while now, so I know I'm not saying anything new, but unlike them, I don't feel the need to be the first one to the party, so I'll complain about it now if I goddang well want to. Neener.

Edited by Footsteps of Dawn
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Please, not without a dictionary!

Kinder, gentler regards, Sonny Boy

Hi Jimmy Ray/Sonny Boy

Your "Banter" is excelent, welcome to the team, you can be the "Entertainments Manager" on the day shift if thats OK with you?

Regards, Danny

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I hate slow drivers in the fast lane who won't move over, I also hate the people who try to merge onto the freeway at 45 mph when everyone is going 70-80 mph. If you can't figure out how to use the gas pedal you shouldn't be allowed to drive the car.

And people who act stupid because they think it's cute and to try to get attention annoy me so bad. I want to slap them so hard their head flies off when they start that shit.

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I hate slow drivers in the fast lane who won't move over, I also hate the people who try to merge onto the freeway at 45 mph when everyone is going 70-80 mph. If you can't figure out how to use the gas pedal you shouldn't be allowed to drive the car.

And people who act stupid because they think it's cute and to try to get attention annoy me so bad. I want to slap them so hard their head flies off when they start that shit.

1. I agree.

2. Sometimes it's hard to get up that much speed in the merge lane.

3. *gulp*

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2. Sometimes it's hard to get up that much speed in the merge lane.

i know, especially me in my saturn 4 cylinder go cart. i have an acceleration button on the transmission for those situatuions though. its called high performance...i was driving around like that all the time, until i was told you were supposed to have it on normal. jeez i didnt know, btw my humidity comment was on the weather here, not the previous post. ^^^up there

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I hate slow drivers in the fast lane who won't move over, I also hate the people who try to merge onto the freeway at 45 mph when everyone is going 70-80 mph. If you can't figure out how to use the gas pedal you shouldn't be allowed to drive the car.

And people who act stupid because they think it's cute and to try to get attention annoy me so bad. I want to slap them so hard their head flies off when they start that shit.

I used to feel that way a lot but I've decided that I wouldn't let other people control my emotions any longer.

Stress is the bigest killer.

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YES! This too. There's a lot of humidity here and my hair goes POOF.. goodbye nice hairstyle, hello frizz.

2. Sometimes it's hard to get up that much speed in the merge lane.

That is a good point, but a lot of it is the older drivers who can barely see over the dash or people talking on cell phones and not paying attention while they're driving who don't speed up when they need to. I can understand it if your car can't speed up that quickly, but to be able to and just not do it annoys me.

I used to feel that way a lot but I've decided that I wouldn't let other people control my emotions any longer.

Stress is the bigest killer.

Yeah, I'm trying to work on the stress thing. I have a lot of it coming from family stuff though and it kind of carries over to other stuff. Not good I know.

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^I have to agree with you anyway.

If you can't get up to the proper speed before you get onto the freeway.

My old car was a TOTAL POS. If someone hit their brakes on the onramp and I had to slow down, my car didn't have the power to accelerate fast enough to merge going the speed limit. It was pretty scary if I had to actually merge.

In all, it's really NOT SAFE.

My pet peeve is this:

...and now I forgot it, which probably means it wasn't that important, nor was it worth it to stress out about! :D

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Warning! The following video contains racism, strong language, and extreme stupidity... all directed towards Obama:


I agree with the following statement:

"I think it's really fucked up that he's going to all the Arab states and not Israel."

He could have gone to Israel, too.

Other then that, that video is just another example of why the world needs to end on December 21, 2012. Either the human species needs to start over or a new species needs to take hold. Because humanity as it is right now is too stupid and too unevolved to handle lasting much longer. I may support Israel's existence, but shit, man... that's just disgusting.

The racist statement by that one asshole, and the way another used his Grandmother and the Holocaust? Fuckin' sick. Absolutely, completely and utterly sick.

December 21, 2012 can't come soon enough. End us, please, before we end ourselves.

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Warning! The following video contains racism, strong language, and extreme stupidity... all directed towards Obama:


I agree with the following statement:

"I think it's really fucked up that he's going to all the Arab states and not Israel."

He could have gone to Israel, too.

Other then that, that video is just another example of why the world needs to end on December 21, 2012. Either the human species needs to start over or a new species needs to take hold. Because humanity as it is right now is too stupid and too unevolved to handle lasting much longer. I may support Israel's existence, but shit, man... that's just disgusting.

The racist statement by that one asshole, and the way another used his Grandmother and the Holocaust? Fuckin' sick. Absolutely, completely and utterly sick.

December 21, 2012 can't come soon enough. End us, please, before we end ourselves.

Sorry Nathan but I'll be needing a few more years :)

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I'm really bloody peeved off. I went CD shopping just now, the one Beatles CD they don't have is Sargent Pepper, the one I wanted to buy, they have all the others, but not that one! Why?! Why?! Whhhhhhhhy!!

Why not wait until the remasters are released in September?

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^I totally agree with you guys.

As a high school teacher, it's really sad to see how much young women don't respect themselves.

I was talking with a colleague the other day about how cheap sex is to the kids we work with. There are many girls who really think that sex=love, and some others who think that in order to get ahead in life, they have to use their bodies in a sexy way.

Seriously. To see a 15-year old girl who has had more sexual partners than I have (at the age of 28) is just plain sad. I honestly blame (in part) the media's depiction of sex and love. It seems that most movies/TV shows that have romantic themes have girls who sleep with their love interests and once they have sex with them, they're usually in love.

And what's with these moms who dress their daughters like naughty girls in training? You know, the little "prostitots". I mean, who puts "JUICY" on her 8 year-old's backside? What's next, mother-daughter Botox injections before the Gymboree party?

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Becuase I didn't know that :D

I pity anyone who has to cope with me :lol:

Check the Beatles thread for more details or just check their website. I bought a limited edition box set of their albums years ago. Even though they're not remastered I'm not going to be in any rush to pick up the new editions. Mainly because I simply can't afford it at this time.

Edited by Jahfin
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Didn't know where to put this, it shouldn't go in the unhappy thread really.

But I am so freakin' jealous of my sister! She went to london and she got to seethe Led Zeppelin 02 performance in 3D!!! and she got to see some of the suits that Jimmy wore including the black dragon suit!! She doesn't even like Zepp! To her they are "oh yeah some wierd band with weird guys with long hair" <_<

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Didn't know where to put this, it shouldn't go in the unhappy thread really.

But I am so freakin' jealous of my sister! She went to london and she got to seethe Led Zeppelin 02 performance in 3D!!! and she got to see some of the suits that Jimmy wore including the black dragon suit!! She doesn't even like Zepp! To her they are "oh yeah some wierd band with weird guys with long hair" <_<

That is so unfair!

And :o , I would LOVE to see the Zeppelin 02 performance even if it's 3d! Not to mention dragon suit.

This is also for Unhappy thread, but I'll post it here:

I was passing by the 'Zeppelin' ship today and heard some kids talking about it. The conversation was like this:

- Zeppelin... That sounds familiar...-

- Maybe it reminds you of Led Zeppelin?-

- Oh shit! Led Zeppelin! Shit!-

Fuckin kids. <_<

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Didn't know where to put this, it shouldn't go in the unhappy thread really.

But I am so freakin' jealous of my sister! She went to london and she got to seethe Led Zeppelin 02 performance in 3D!!! and she got to see some of the suits that Jimmy wore including the black dragon suit!! She doesn't even like Zepp! To her they are "oh yeah some wierd band with weird guys with long hair" <_<

That's horrible!!! I wanted so badly to go to that. My aunt and I were even in the lottery. I was crying as I was reading Annie's account of the real concert and Jimmy to me!

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i was channel surfing this week off shark week, home channel and caught some of miami social on channel 44, wtf.... rich and parties, rich and parties, stupid conversation and couples who seem like strangers. i tell ya, i'm curious if its supposed to be portrayed like that.

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