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What is that supposed to mean? Certainly you know Im NOT gay. Im married. And happily married. Have you been drinking the kool aid Rorer?
No Kool-Aid Yuk and of course I know you're not gay.

Just trying to weed out the old mischievious pervy fuck that's laying about!... that's all.

You know what I mean.

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You are way too old for that squirrel and you're a dude!


No Kool-Aid Yuk and of course I know you're not gay.

Just trying to weed out the old mischievious pervy fuck that's laying about!... that's all.

You know what I mean.

Sick pervy fuck. :angry:

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Took this a couple of weeks ago with my webcam on my new computer. Not use to showing up in public, so I threw it out on facebook right away, lol. From hermit to facebook.... yeah.

Judy B):D


Hi Judy, (or should i say Kxxxxxxxxx)

Great Pic, you look lovely, i would post one of myself but Crimewatch has such a good one that i wouldnt do it justice now. You all have such courage, and i'm such a coward.

Regards, Danny

PS, Why the name change? dont tell me, your friends page got filled up. :lol:

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Ok, Danny, My Jewish friend....

Hang on to your seat... "Where we going, i'm scared!!!"


Barbie and Ken.... Ken as you probably know means YES in Hebrew. ok. "I know Nothing"

Are you familiar with the Nazi practice of keeping pretty Jewish girls while throwing the others to their death? "Yep, stupid fools, i'de keep em all, the ugly ones are the best anyway"

Perhaps, beautiful bimbo chick is a constant reminder.... female perfection for the male... or else... "I hate perfection, its the rough bits that give us all character, in my opinion."

Danny's middle name was Francis, just like the guy Jimmy gave his guitar to... except this Daniel was more of an assasin. Not an assisi. The drowning he gave me didn't work, nor did the 20 minute head beating I got from him in 82, however... it did damage that took years to recover from. And I bet he thought he was safe in the lions' den... "Moron, him not you, didnt he know, you "hit on" girls not "hit then"

Yeah, well Klaus Barbie.... Meet Santa Babe. I've got the shirt. The Santa Babe shirt and the Lion's shirt. Want to see the lion's shirt? "BOTH"

He died the same date as John Bonham. "Some good news then"

I still want to know why Paul Macca chose that date to play in Israel. "Because his a/an, (hold on Dan you will only get in too trouble)"

Judy is NOT a happy camper when it comes to this shit, I tell you. It makes me see red. B):D

"What shit we talking bout here then? sorry about my font colour, why did you get banned? PM me on that one.

Regards, Danny

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I am going to ignore some of those responses (for your sake), and the colours defaulted to black, because I had to copy and paste.

How is it good news the Klaus Barbie and John Bonham died on the same date? I don't quite see good news about John dying at all unless he's ressurected... I meant good that Klaus Barbie was dead, NOT John, in my heart and home John Bonham is alive as he ever was and i have never thought of him as not with us, as this would mean i would have too get involved with dealing with the fact that he is not with us anymore, and i aint gonna do that.

Please, yes I want to hear your answer regarding Macca. What is your opinion?

I think that while the Jewish/Israeli state and the Muslim/Palstinian State are in a state of virtual war that no-one should be seen to take sides, humanitarian aid aside, just my opinion.

If you haven't figured out what shit's been going down by now.... be glad and don't look for it.

Please PM me, i know nothing, really.

I don't know why I got banned. Too many unexpected connections? A little too freaky? I don't know.

Well you frighten the hell outta me darling, i'm just glad theres a couple of thousand miles between us. :black_eye:


Regards, Danny

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Danny wrote:

I meant good that Klaus Barbie was dead, NOT John, in my heart and home John Bonham is alive as he ever was and i have never thought of him as not with us, as this would mean i would have too get involved with dealing with the fact that he is not with us anymore, and i aint gonna do that.

YES. Thank Goodness, and yes. He is NOT gone. The more people that hang on to him the better.

I think that while the Jewish/Israeli state and the Muslim/Palstinian State are in a state of virtual war that no-one should be seen to take sides, humanitarian aid aside, just my opinion.

A lot of Brits have been playing a dangerous game for a long time. I am NOT impressed.

Well you frighten the hell outta me darling, i'm just glad theres a couple of thousand miles between us.

Don't worry. I am as harmless as a dove, unless I need to be otherwise. B):D

And i'm as subtle a a flying mallet, ;)

I'm off to bed now, 02.34 am, be back tomorrow to talk, good night all, and sweat dreams. (and i meant sweet dreams) Regards, Danny

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