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Favourite movie scene?

Jarlaxle 56

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Some more of my favorites:

"Pretty in Pink" when Duckie dances to "Try a Little Tenderness" (love Annie Potts in this movie too!) B) :


The puppet show scene from the Sound of Music :hysterical: (you had to be there):


Bring out your dead :lol: :

A very cool Mustang Sally B) (I love this movie!) :

Let's do the Time Warp again.....(it's just a jump to the left...)

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I read that was the most expensive movie to make based on film stock. B/W film cost twice as much as color stock and the film he had to used for the red jacket cost 3 times as much.

This is true. Even a fifty foot roll of 8mm black & white runs about $15.

I always loved 'Paper Moon'.


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The serious scene in Little Big Man when Chief Dan George has decided it's time for him to die and after a heart warming goodbye, he lies down in an attempt to do so. Within a minute or two, it starts to rain and suddenly he stands up and decides it can wait for another day....Priceless

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The scene in The Godfather when Michael is at the hospital to visit his father and finds that everyone has left their posts. He's trying to move his father to a safer place and footsteps are heard coming up the hall. The suspense builds and builds until Michael finally confronts the unknown visitor.

Michael: "Who are you?"

Enzo: "I am Enzo....the baker!" (spoken as if that should have been obvious)

That scene always cracks me up.

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  • 2 months later...

Cool thread...

some of my favourites:

- Chaplin in the boxing scene in CITY LIGHTS. I laughed to tears.

- No bad scenes in GODFATHER, but two that stand out are when Michael's about to shoot McClusky and Solozzo, and you could see it building in his eyes, they shift more frequently while the passing train sound increases awesome and then at the end when Kay is in Michael's office wanting to know if he had Carlo killed. The confrontation builds, and finally Michael yells, "Enough!" He slaps the desk, total silence, and then you could hear the grandfather (?) clock ticking...and then he lies...and she believes him

- many disliked GODFATHER III, but the final scene when Michael is on his knees giving a primal scream because his daughter's been killed is so moving. So cool how the editor took out the sound of the first yell, so when the second one came it hit you like a tidal wave

- A FISH CALLED WANDA - "You lost the Vietnam war!"

"It was a tie!" Ahahahahahahahaha!

- MERCHANT OF VENICE - Pacino as Shylock, doubled over, crushed by humiliation and loss, and whispers, "I am content" when forced to convert to Christianity.

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Certainly this one is among my favorites...the essence of film noir:

Wow Steve, Bravo. :notworthy: One of my all time favorites.

Barbara Stanwyck is a babe. :wub: Who woulda thought Fred MacMurray would have gone from

Double Indemnity to My Three Sons. :lol:

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'Hey kid, go fuck a duck!'


One of my all time faves.


hahahaha....here's my favorite line from that movie:::"I put my pecker in his hand, he didn't know wheather to hold it, jump on it, run off on down the street with it......the funniest thing I ever saw!"

I mock Clint Eastwood movie lines more then any :D ..especially High Plains Drifter

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hahahaha....here's my favorite line from that movie:::"I put my pecker in his hand, he didn't know wheather to hold it, jump on it, run off on down the street with it......the funniest thing I ever saw!"

I mock Clint Eastwood movie lines more then any :D ..especially High Plains Drifter

I just watched 'Escape From Alcatraz'

Guard: What'd you order this stuff for? You don't look like the painting type to me.

Wagner: You wouldn't know talent if it looked you in the face.

Guard: Well I'm looking you in the face and I don't see jack shit!


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Word my brother!! :D

One of my all time faves is the scene from Young Frankenstein where Freddy has to go in with the monster. I can't find a link to the proper scene, but I think I can nail it from memory.

Freddy: Bring me that candle

Igor and Inga: No

Frau Blucher: Yesssssss!

Freddy: I'm going in there. Now whatever you hear in there. No matter how cruely I beg you. No matter how terribly I may scream, do NOT open this door or you'll undo everything that I have worked for! Do you understand? DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR!!!

Frau Blucher: Yes doktor

Igor: Nice working with you!

Freddy enters the cell, bumps a table and rouses the monster who growls


Monster growls and lunges. Freddy mumbles to himself, and suddenly points to the monster

Freddy: Hello handsome!

monster looks from side to side wondering who's "handsome"

Freddy: You're a good looking fellow you know that? People laugh at you. People hate you, but why do they hate you? Because they are JEALOUS!! Look at that boyish face. Look at that sweet smile. Do you want to talk about physical strength? Do you want to talk about the olympian ideal? You are a god! And you are not evil. You are GOOD!

monster collapses into Freddy's arms and sobs uncontrolloably

Freddy (consoling): It's okay. There's a good boy. There's a nice boy! There's a mother's angel!

Freddy kisses the monster's forehead

I'm going to teach you how to walk, how to move, how think, how to speak!

Freddy gets louder and more manic

Together you and I are going to show the world the greatest single contributuion to science since the creation of fire!!!

Monster looks up at Freddy like "Who the hell is this guy?"

PRICELESS!!! I think I got it mostly right.

Wow, I've seen this film waaay too many times!! :blink:

thats my fave movie of all time...see my sig.

also the scene with the monster and the blind man, gene hackman. " oh, dont go! i was gonna make esspresso...."

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thats my fave movie of all time...see my sig.

also the scene with the monster and the blind man, gene hackman. " oh, dont go! i was gonna make esspresso...."

and then pours it in his lap :o:hysterical: mmmmmmmmmmmmmgahhhhhhhhhhh! :lol:

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Okay, one more. This is not from a movie, it's from "Chappele's Show", and it made me laugh my ass off. It's about which musical instruments make, whites, blacks, and hispanics dance. It is 7 minutes long, but trust me, it's definately worth watching the whole thing.


Oops, now I have posted two scenes that aren't even from movies. Sorry.

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There are so many good scenes in Pulp Fiction, great movie...and soundtrack too!

Just for you Med :P

Surprised Pulp Fiction hasn't shown yet - so many scenes.

The obvious -

"English muthafucka, do you speak it???"

More subtle personal favorite -

Jules and Vincent covered in Marvin's blood and brains, drinking Jimmy's gourmet coffee, Jimmy shouting "don't 'Jimmy' me Jules - there's nothing you're going to say that's gonna make me forget I love my wife, IS THERE???"

At that moment, Vincent makes a quarter-turn to take a sip of coffee and try to look nonchalant in the midst of this heated exchange.

right around 1:23

That ALWAYS makes me fall out laughing.

"Are you talking to me on a cell phone??? I don't know you - who is this? PRANK CALL, PRANK CALL!!!"

Sideways -

After a detailed explanation about a certain wine.

"Are you chewing gum???"

Anchorman -

My God, what is that smell? Oh.

That's the smell of desire my lady.

God no, it smells like, like a used diaper... filled with... Indian food. Oh, excuse me.

You know, desire smells like that to some people

What is that? Smells like a turd covered in burnt hair.

Smells like Bigfoot's dick.

I'm gonna stop...

and to keep it moving...

The Outlaw Josey Wales is one of the most quotable Eastwood films for me:

(Facing down 4 Union soldiers)

Are you gonna pull them pistols or whistle Dixie?

Bounty hunter #1: You're wanted, Wales.

Josey Wales: Reckon I'm right popular. You a bounty hunter?

Bounty hunter #1: A man's got to do something for a living these days.

Josey Wales: Dyin' ain't much of a living, boy.

Not a hard man to track. Leaves dead men wherever he goes.

[holding up a bottle of patent medicine]

Carpetbagger: This is it... one dollar a bottle. It works wonders on wounds.

Josey Wales: Works wonders on just about everything, eh?

Carpetbagger: It can do most anything.

Josey Wales: [spits tobacco juice on the carpetbagger's coat] How is it with stains?

and one of the earliest known references to "asshat"

Union Army officer: Now get back in line before I kick you so hard you'll be wearin' your ass for a hat.

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