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Favorite Plantations


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From the LA Forum, 27 June, 1977, after "No Quarter":

"John Paul Jones has finally got that strawberry tart out of his pocket, and he also got it out of his hair...and he woke up with a half-tin of sardines by his nose, so I guess he had a pretty pleasant sleep last night. And so it is a great pleasure that we introduce him with his three-necked instrument, which is why we're so ENVIOUS of him. (And the same to you.) For a man who's always stayed in the background, he's been getting a lot of strawberry pie!"

What about:

"Good evening! You might say 'welcome to the Forum', because it's getting a bit like our front room, you know what I mean? Well, if this is the last night out of six nights, six nights out of seven, we're going to do our best to play--and it looks like--until we fall over!"

That was a wonderful night!

Edited by eternal light
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It was recently posted on Tapecity I think. Might have been TTD though. I'd also bet it's floating around Dime somewhere.

That's the 1971-09-29 Osaka show. I heard there was some tension between Plant and Bonzo at this time and Plant ended up hitting Bonham backstage. Can anyone (Mr. SteveAJones) expand on this?

That was the show where Bonzo caught a case of the 'hershey squirts' during the show. Its a reason why he doesn't play on Tangerine and why Plant continually questions his whereabouts between songs. When he does come back onstage, you can hear Plant say, "Where the hell were ya?"

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Dallas 1975: "Whatever happened to The Butter Queen? She got cheap and started using margerine". :lol:

I know only few of them- for example "Do you remember laughter?" (In Stairway- TSRTS) :D

and a concert from Seattle which I have from internet- Since I´ve been lovin´you:

" I ´m working from seven to eleven every night- Seattle, do you think, that´s right?"

This is so cute, how he is bantering with the people ...:D I love him always more and more... bear_wub.gif

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From Zurich, Switzerland, 29 June 1980:

"Well! Uh, guten tag, I mean, uh, good evening. Sorry about the uh, small delay...unforseen things. Very nice to be back in Switzerland again. Uh, been quite a long time, I think, since Montreaux. Anybody remember Montreaux? Showing your age, kids! Well, since we hit the road last time, we managed to make, create, and put out on album complete with artwork called 'In Throught the Out Door'. This is uh, one track from it, it's called, 'In the Evening'.

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I forget which show and and the exact quote but Robert is waiting for Jimmy to tune his guitar and makes a quip about how Page's guitar tech is from Scotland and it takes Jimmy longer to tune because he's tuned it in Scottish :lol::lol: Always makes me laugh.

He makes a similar quip at Knebworth, where Jimmy was having problems with his amp before the Rain Song, and Plant asks him if it was made in Scotland.

Also around the same moment: "Are ya alrright Jimmah?!"

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I forget which show and and the exact quote but Robert is waiting for Jimmy to tune his guitar and makes a quip about how Page's guitar tech is from Scotland and it takes Jimmy longer to tune because he's tuned it in Scottish :lol::lol: Always makes me laugh.

Poor Ray Thomas...

...or the one (Badgeholders night, if I'm not mistaken -pretty sure it's one of the LA '77 shows) where Plant says something like, regarding Thomas, "You'll have to forgive him- he comes from Scotland, which to you is a lot like Alabama!" Being Scots-Irish (though mainly Irish), I was like, "Ho ho..." Scotland's not quite as bad as Alabama...

...of course, lest we forget, the infamous:

"...The Doctor was played by Larry Badgely..."

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I like these the best:

1. From a show in 1971, Japan...

"Bonzo gone bye, bye. Bonzo gone for bath with Geisha, yes".

2. From 06/21/77 L.A. Forum show:

Percy filling time for Bonzo-

"That was called Kashmir...let me take you there. Bit of

trouble with the musical equipment here. Right now, the

man who fought against the elements. The man who fought

food poisoning. The man who drinks Heineken. The man who

doesn't get out of bed. The man who hasn't got a cymbal.

The man who's having a chat with this man who knows the man

who tunes Jimmy's guitar and comes from Scotland and doesn't

know the man they call Tim... but does know Audrey from

Dallas (thank you). The man who now learns to construct

his own drum kit. The man who's _not_ very professional.

(Shuddup, wait a minute!) The man who said he could go back

to a building site anytime (and we all agreed). The man

who's holding up the show... the Rhinestone Cowgirl. C'mon

Bonzo, get on with it! The man who played the Los Angeles

Aztecs and beat them 10-1 by himself. C'mon, you silly

fucker! The man one wonders: is he worth waiting for? ...

and doesn't realize there's a curfew here. A childhood

friend, a man who many people once said...`never 'eard of

him,' John Bonham Over The Top!!!!"

3. From the 06/10 show in New-York, introducing "The Battle of Evermore"-

"When we recorded this song we got a girl to help sing the

vocals and we are pleased to have her with us tonight.

Ladies and gentlemen, John Paul Jones on vocals. John Paul

Jones on vocals!?"

thats a good one! I have that show. (6/21/77)

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One of mine would be during the switch from "No Quarter" to "Tangerine" Earl's Court 5/25/75

Robert: "...this is a song about love, especially first love. Can you remember your first love Bonzo?"

Bonzo: " No."

Robert: "It was a pint of mild. This is called Tangerine."

:lol: :lol:

Edited by JimmyPageZoSo56
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From 06/21/77 L.A. Forum show:

Percy filling time for Bonzo-

"That was called Kashmir...let me take you there. Bit of

trouble with the musical equipment here. Right now, the

man who fought against the elements. The man who fought

food poisoning. The man who drinks Heineken. The man who

doesn't get out of bed. The man who hasn't got a cymbal.

The man who's having a chat with this man who knows the man

who tunes Jimmy's guitar and comes from Scotland and doesn't

know the man they call Tim... but does know Audrey from

Dallas (thank you). The man who now learns to construct

his own drum kit. The man who's _not_ very professional.

(Shuddup, wait a minute!) The man who said he could go back

to a building site anytime (and we all agreed). The man

who's holding up the show... the Rhinestone Cowgirl. C'mon

Bonzo, get on with it! The man who played the Los Angeles

Aztecs and beat them 10-1 by himself. C'mon, you silly

fucker! The man one wonders: is he worth waiting for? ...

and doesn't realize there's a curfew here. A childhood

friend, a man who many people once said...`never 'eard of

him,' John Bonham Over The Top!!!!"

That was another fun night!

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  • 8 years later...

June 27, 1972

Thank you. It seems ah, that every time we come to the states, we do something that you ain't heard before. You can't identify with it. Everyone sort of sits there going. . . .. This is one of those. This is off the new album, and ah, all being well we should have it out before the nights start drawing in because it's like a summery album really, and this is one of the songs from it. It's called Dancing Days.

After hearing that "lecture" the crowd is blasted with the joyous stomp of Dancing Days.

Edited by John M
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On 4/11/2008 at 11:37 PM, the queen without a king said:

There's one where he's introducing a song ( I believe it was Ten Years Gone) and the audience starts cheering wildly before he finishes and Robert says ''Hang on! Hold it! Wait a minute, I didn't say Jimmy!" :D

Earlier in that same show (June 21, 1977) before NQ he said "So if all we gotta do to go down well is say 'Jimmy',. . .  Jimmmmmaaaaaaaaayyyyyy!"  The way he says Jimmmmmmaaaaayyyyyy is just hilarious. 

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  • 4 months later...

After TTW on night 5 in EC. . 

Percy. . Are you loooose???

Bonzo. . yes! yes thank you!!

Percy. . I know youre loose Bonzo good lord he had diarrhea all the way through the last American tour. . loose is not the word. . he's got the only drum stool in the world that is a commode!!

Plantations at its best. . FKN CLASSIC!!!!:hysterical::D:D

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  • 6 months later...

Some that haven't been mentioned yet...


Seattle 3-17-75, during the introductions after Sick Again - "A town of great fishermen, including our drummer"

All the Bonzo intros are priceless, really, my favorite being the lengthy one quoted above, from a delay in the show. Then I'd have to go with this one from one of the '75 MD intros - "One of the more gentle men in rock" :hysterical:

Either Vancouver 3-19 or 3-20, as JPJ is taking his sweet time switching between the Fender Rhodes and the clavinet for TUF - "Come on Jonesy, I'm running out of lines here!" :piano:

During the same Vancouver shows, in between songs somewhere, to an audience member (I presume) - "Leave the lady alone, will ya?"

During 1975, introducing D&C (honestly don't remember which show) - "This is what you might call an immaculate conception" (or something very close to that)


And - those bratty rock stars! - NYC 2-12-75, after Sick Again:

"Good evening!


That's better."

And then, during the ensuing monologue, "you realize we had to walk four blocks in the snow to get here" (and I'm always thinking, yeah and so did the audience lol) - that whole intro is rock star at its best


Just some that came to me immediately, from the shows I've spun recently.

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Its great to listen to Plant get so confident after the first few tours. You can tell he's a bit nervous (early on) speaking to the crowd. And by 1970 he's easily able to hold 18,000+ in the palm of his hand. The Plantations during the acoustic set of 4 September 1970 are some of my Faves.

Someone should put a boot together of just Plant's Plantations! 

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The most exciting musical event you are likely to experience in the next 10 minutes

The finest percussionist Led Zeppelin has ever had

And now we come to a very emotional part of the evening

A very good friend of ours, who is often playing with the band these days

Ten Years Bonham !

Spot the Looney !

The man who brings us snow when we need it.

And this all time classic from LA 1975

I feel the ah, the atmosphere is starting to create itself between you and us. We must try to get a little bit warmer than it is though, you know? I want to see you sweat as much as me. Total satisfaction, you know? It's like you can't give a lady satisfaction, you get satisfaction yourself until giving it to the lady first, yeah? So we'd like to think that it's a male and female relationship where we should both sweat, you and us. Hey, try and work that one out. ah To enable us to try and take you to the point of, of ah, satisfactory climax, thank you very much madame, I'm on me way. I'm on me way.

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  • 3 months later...

LA Forum Sept 4, 1970 

We need your assistance.  Now there are about 18,000 pairs of hands out there.  Not 250,000 but 18,000.  18,000 pairs of hands would sound really good.

I only hear about 15,000 - - - seven hundred and ninety nine.

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