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I believe arguing about who is more creditable a source is crazy.

I don't believe a thing i read from a poster no matter how respected they are on a forum.

Just wait until Robert is done with ak. then we will see.


basically you just have to be patient and see what happens. if nothing happens well then i guess it's just meant to be. :mellow:

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in regard to "inside" information. which was the format of my post. sorry for the confusion.

Well, I can assure you that Knebby doesn't tell things that aren't true. She has connections and I'll trust any "inside info" that comes from her 100% any day of the week. :)

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"Sometimes 'no comment' is more incriminating than a comment..." :D

:D Yep.

"No Comment" in this context is hilarious. Very apropos... :)

Back to the previously scheduled program, already in progress...

I've said it before, this is rock marketing at work.... Mothership is out there, and the focus of the campaign. A DVD right now steals the thunder of the Plant Krauss tour, undermines the gig for charity, and takes away the biggest bargaining chip that the band has for attention in the future.

I think you hit the nail on the head. My utterly not-in-the-know opinion is - it'll happen, the question is, when. Later sounds right to me, too.

As for the arguments that have mushroomed around here lately, in which I am culpable too, please don't take this the wrong way... but... when the same group of people back each other up in different threads all the time, it has the appearance of being a gang. Do you all put on frilly blue blouses before you start to post? Is there a special handshake? ;) (And, is it written in the club house rules that those in the the "velvet-pants-with-applique-dragons gang" be pelted en masse? :blink: )

More seriously, it has a discouraging effect when multiple people reply to a solitary, maybe new poster who doesn't have friends here yet. Not saying people don't have the right, or that they shouldn't be friends, just, it's not always sporting.

Indeed Knebby is a knowledgeable source. However, she nearly always posts brief, often one sentence statements without attribution or evidence, and likewise nearly always declines to follow up. Newbies don't know who she is or what her souces are, and as we've seen, the officials in charge have "No Comment." :) (Plus, some of Knebby's sources are notoriously... fickle, shall we say?) Is it really surprising there are people who cannot tell what's what from Knebby's posts alone? Why pick on 'em because of that? Give them time and they'll start to get it.

Shouldn't we all be in the Led Zeppelin Clique, not in gangs wearing velvet pants vs. groups wearing frilly blouses, or "old timers" vs. "newbies," caballaros vs. dudes, or my personal least favorite, "real fans" vs. "everyone else."

How about, lighten up baby... we're all in love with the same guys, right? :unsure:

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Shouldn't we all be in the Led Zeppelin Clique, not in gangs wearing velvet pants vs. groups wearing frilly blouses, or "old timers" vs. "newbies," caballaros vs. dudes, or my personal least favorite, "real fans" vs. "everyone else."

How about, lighten up baby... we're all in love with the same guys, right? :unsure:

works for me! nice post

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Shouldn't we all be in the Led Zeppelin Clique, not in gangs wearing velvet pants vs. groups wearing frilly blouses, or "old timers" vs. "newbies," caballaros vs. dudes, or my personal least favorite, "real fans" vs. "everyone else."

No; I have never been a willing pawn in any Led Zeppelin manipulations. They can conquer the world perfectly well without me being their human doormat.

Edited by eternal light
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:D Yep.

"No Comment" in this context is hilarious. Very apropos... :)

Back to the previously scheduled program, already in progress...

I think you hit the nail on the head. My utterly not-in-the-know opinion is - it'll happen, the question is, when. Later sounds right to me, too.

As for the arguments that have mushroomed around here lately, in which I am culpable too, please don't take this the wrong way... but... when the same group of people back each other up in different threads all the time, it has the appearance of being a gang. Do you all put on frilly blue blouses before you start to post? Is there a special handshake? ;) (And, is it written in the club house rules that those in the the "velvet-pants-with-applique-dragons gang" be pelted en masse? :blink: )

More seriously, it has a discouraging effect when multiple people reply to a solitary, maybe new poster who doesn't have friends here yet. Not saying people don't have the right, or that they shouldn't be friends, just, it's not always sporting.

Indeed Knebby is a knowledgeable source. However, she nearly always posts brief, often one sentence statements without attribution or evidence, and likewise nearly always declines to follow up. Newbies don't know who she is or what her souces are, and as we've seen, the officials in charge have "No Comment." :) (Plus, some of Knebby's sources are notoriously... fickle, shall we say?) Is it really surprising there are people who cannot tell what's what from Knebby's posts alone? Why pick on 'em because of that? Give them time and they'll start to get it.

Shouldn't we all be in the Led Zeppelin Clique, not in gangs wearing velvet pants vs. groups wearing frilly blouses, or "old timers" vs. "newbies," caballaros vs. dudes, or my personal least favorite, "real fans" vs. "everyone else."

How about, lighten up baby... we're all in love with the same guys, right? :unsure:

Some of what you say is valid sunchild in relation to new people joing the board and having to get to know existing members and posters, we have all been there at some point. Some will take their time in having a look around before posting whilst others will start posting straight off. This can usally end up in the repeatedly asked questions or made statements that have been posted so many times by numerous other new people. I bet many of us have moaned about this down the years.

Sadly some people join the board and go on the attack early on and then those under attack respond and so do their friends on the board. If you want to call that a clique then thats up to you but i have made many friends here and wil support or defend them if some arsehole launches in to them for often little reason other than they disagree with them on something. A lot of the friends I have here are able and big enough to stand up for themselves but will support each other. I like to think that this is normal behaviour in people. Do you not do that too at times? You would be surprised how many arguments and disagreements are between just a couple of people and others leave them too it, I believe more than responding in the so called 'pack' mentality.

But i also believe that the new people or those establishing themselves have to take some responsibility when the have a go at people and then cry to the mods or their own growing number of friends that they are being attacked. Just leaping in and being abusive and agressive doesn't help them. They can't have it both ways me thinks.

I will argue my quarter but I don't ask others to join in, people just do and I am not aware that anyone else asks others to defend them.

I don't think its right that you single out knebby in the way you have in your statement, its up to each individual to either accept what she has to say or not without it ending up as personal attacks on her or for that matter any of us here's credibility. I disagree with you use of the term fickle Im afraid. There are others here that I take issue with about their own knowledge but others seem to accept what they say as gospel and they attack knebby because of this. There are some shit stirrers here helping it all along.

We have seen good examples of this lately.

This isn't about oldies vs newbies or that some know better than others ( although arguments between people means it seems that way) or that like yo say some re true or not true fans. We must all be true fans to be here but luckily some of us have been and seen the band and solo projects over the years. that doesn't make us bigger fans, just fans. Those of us who have sen them have shared our experiences over the years of the boards but I don't expect to be shot at for having seen led zeppelin.

We are all here because of one band and we all bring something unique to the board and forums but it has become quite aggressive around here over the past few months and it ain't just about the old guard either. The newbies need to look at themselves too as i said. Sadly too, it seems that debate and arguments are deleted all too quickly at times, this frustrates me when i am following one or involved in one.

I take responsibility for what i post, good bad indifferent, sarcastic, flippant, weird, funny, agressive and expect responses to each and will deal with them as I have to. I just wish others would do that too rather than attacking all and sundry.

Thers are some who quote forum guidelines but it seems only when it suits them and seem to ignore thier own attacks and aggressivenesss toward others. Lets stand our ground here people and be able to state our points of view without fear of censorship. We are human beings.

I have no frilly blouses by the way sunchild, I just don't look right in them.

I daresay there will be some jumping on me for this reply but hey its freedom of speech is it not?

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Back to the previously scheduled program, already in progress...

As for the arguments that have mushroomed around here lately, in which I am culpable too, please don't take this the wrong way... but... when the same group of people back each other up in different threads all the time, it has the appearance of being a gang. Do you all put on frilly blue blouses before you start to post? Is there a special handshake? ;) (And, is it written in the club house rules that those in the the "velvet-pants-with-applique-dragons gang" be pelted en masse? :blink: )

More seriously, it has a discouraging effect when multiple people reply to a solitary, maybe new poster who doesn't have friends here yet. Not saying people don't have the right, or that they shouldn't be friends, just, it's not always sporting.

Indeed Knebby is a knowledgeable source. However, she nearly always posts brief, often one sentence statements without attribution or evidence, and likewise nearly always declines to follow up. Newbies don't know who she is or what her souces are, and as we've seen, the officials in charge have "No Comment." :) (Plus, some of Knebby's sources are notoriously... fickle, shall we say?) Is it really surprising there are people who cannot tell what's what from Knebby's posts alone? Why pick on 'em because of that? Give them time and they'll start to get it.

Word. :)

And to Paul...

Word. :)

Edited by Joelmon
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