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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Glass always half empty for you libs huh? :rolleyes:

Please. You're the one trying to take a general political comment that falls under the Obama political campaign of "change" and turn it into a red letter 'A' for Michelle Obama to wear.


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Please. You're the one trying to take a general political comment that falls under the Obama political campaign of "change" and turn it into a red letter 'A' for Michelle Obama to wear.


Looks like the media is starting to focus more on her doom & gloom, "glass half empty" attitude towards America.

Americans, she says, have become "cynical" and "mean" and have "broken souls." For regular folks, life is bad and getting worse.

Michelle Obama in spotlight's glare


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Glass always half empty for you libs huh? :rolleyes:


I'll take a healthy dose of realism over rose-colored self-delusion any day. ;)

"Hurricane Katrina victims in Houston, Texas were "underprivileged anyway" and life in the Astrodome sports arena is "working very well for them," former first lady Barbara Bush has said". *source*

^ The republican version of the glass being half full, eh bluerain? slapface.gif

Looks like the media is starting to focus more on her doom & gloom, "glass half empty" attitude towards America.

:lol: Your desperation about the upcoming general election is showing, muh-man.

On the one hand you publicons accuse Barack Obama of being a hope monger,

and yet at the same time you also accuse Michelle Obama of "doom & gloom".

You covering all contingencies.. or simply throwing

everything at the wall, hoping something might stick? :P


btw.. speaking of media focus.. the buzz right now is about John McCain

allegedly having had an extramarital affair with lobbyist Vicki Iseman. :whistling:

John McCain forced to deny romantic link with lobbyist

February 21, 2008

John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, was last night romantically linked to a 40-year-old female political lobbyist and accused of granting her clients political favours.

Mr McCain, 71, fiercely denied a report in the New York Times which stated that eight years ago, during his first run for the White House, his aides were so concerned about his relationship with Vicki Iseman that they blocked her access to him to "protect the candidate from himself".

Mr McCain and Ms Iseman both denied to the newspaper - which has been sitting on the story for several weeks - that they had ever had a romantic relationship. The story was first alluded to on the Drudge Report website just before the Iowa and New Hampshire nomination contests, but after frantic lobbying by Mr McCain and his aides at the time the New York Times did not publish it then.



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I see some folks are really on this obama band wagon.

Answer me this. Why?

If at this stage in primary season you still have no idea why so many people

are supporting Obama, its probably unlikely that you're ever gonna get it. :rolleyes:

Anyway,.. for starters you might consider that

people are responding very enthusiastically to:

his policy positions

his intelligence

his thoughtfulness

his charisma

his optimism

the 'history in the making' factor

the fact that he's a uniter, not a divider

the fact that he represents change from the political status quo


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Your desperation about the upcoming general election is showing, muh-man.

My desperation? You've got plenty of more posts in this thread than I do muh-man.

Wave those pom poms some more why don't ya?

btw.. speaking of media focus.. the buzz right now is about John McCain

allegedly having had an extramarital affair with lobbyist Vicki Iseman. :whistling:

So he's a heterosexual, whatcha gonna do? Just like your hero, Bubba..

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My desperation? You've got plenty of more posts in this thread than I do muh-man.

Wave those pom poms some more why don't ya?

Content of posts, rather than number of posts, is the better indicator of desperation, doncha think? ;)

I'm not feeling desperate at all about the upcoming general election, muh-boy.

I'm quite optimistic that Barack Obama will beat John McCain (aka, Bush III).


Out of desperation you're focusing on Michelle Obama (who isn't even running for office)

but what, if anything, have you got to say in support of the pub nominee: old man McCain?


So he's a heterosexual, whatcha gonna do? Just like your hero, Bubba..

According to you, extramarital affairs are an intrinsic part of being heterosexual, eh? :rolleyes:

Is that an example of your republican so-called "family values",.. or is it

merely another case you not being able to put forth an intelligent reply? :P



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Out of desperation you're focusing on Michelle Obama (who isn't even running for office)

but what, if anything, have you got to say in support of the pub nominee: old man McCain?

Sorry cheerleader boy, I don't have many positive things to say about him, except that he's the lesser of 2 evils unless we want to start putting "In Allah We Trust" on our dollar bills..


Barak Hussein Obama - Who is he?


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Sorry cheerleader boy, I don't have many positive things to say about him, except that he's the lesser of 2 evils unless we want to start putting "In Allah We Trust" on our dollar bills..


Barak Hussein Obama - Who is he?


I take it you know very little or nothing about the man. He's repeatedly stated he's far from religious in the sense of worship in office, being he doesn't believe religion should be in politics. Read a book.

That's two things Obama and Kennedy have in common.

A Catholic in the White House?? Heavens to Murgatory!

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If at this stage in primary season you still have no idea why so many people

are supporting Obama, its probably unlikely that you're ever gonna get it. :rolleyes:

Anyway,.. for starters you might consider that

people are responding very enthusiastically to:

his policy positions

his intelligence

his thoughtfulness

his charisma

his optimism

the 'history in the making' factor

the fact that he's a uniter, not a divider

the fact that he represents change from the political status quo


Yes, I've heard those sound bites repeatedly. I'm not being sarcastic, this is a legitimate question. I haven't decided where I'm leaning yet.

Still waiting for an answer :coffee:

Edited by Dzldoc
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Sorry cheerleader boy, I don't have many positive things to say about him, except that he's the lesser of 2 evils unless we want to start putting "In Allah We Trust" on our dollar bills..

Barak Hussein Obama - Who is he?


Yet another example of you not being able to put forth an intelligent reply, eh? :P

And btw,.. thank you for proving my point about how desperate you are. :lol:

Is the "Obama is a Muslim" assertion really the best you can do by way of making a case for why Barack Obama shouldn't be POTUS? You're sure not diving very deeply into the intelligence pool there, are ya? :rolleyes:

John McCain is the lesser of two evils, you say? Allow me to remind you that John McCain *supports torture*. So then, by all means please do explain how by comparison Barack Obama is the lesser of two evils.


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Yes, I've heard those sound bites repeatedly.

Still waiting for an answer :coffee:

Obviously you gotta dig a little bit on your own, Dz.

You know,.. rather than waiting on others to spoon-feed it to you. :rolleyes:

Researching "his policy positions" might be a good place for you to start. ;)


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Obviously you gotta dig a little bit on your own, Dz.

You know,.. rather than waiting on others to spoon-feed it to you. :rolleyes:

Researching "his policy positions" might be a good place for you to start. ;)


Maybe the question should have read " Why are YOU ALL for obama"

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Maybe the question should have read " Why are YOU ALL for obama"

Better question:

Why would I, an independent libertarian who leans more to being a classical republican want more of the bullshit that has gone on in the past 20yrs? I'm sick of what has become of the Republican Party. They idolize Reagan as if he were some genius. Truth be told, he wasn't a good president. His only claim to fame, in my book, is he got the Iranian hostages out almost immediately. While Carter wouldn't dare throw nukes at em, the Iranians knew Reagan would come after them with everything in our arsenal. Why am I sick of these people? For one thing, their policies have caused more blood on our hands, covert and official, then any other time in our history. And for what? Oil. Drug money. Poltical prowless. Go fuck yourself if you think buying stock with McCain or Romney or any of these guys makes sense. Romney's statement two weeks ago is exactly why I've completely distanced myself from the Republican Party. He stated, "I'm dropping out of this race and endorsing McCain so our party has a shot because we can't let the Democrats win because then terrorism would win." What in the living hell is that?

Alot of people are coming down on Obama for having little experience, and no real test of national policy. But he has charisma, something this country is longing for and has been deprived of for almost a decade. Even Clinton in the 90s didn't have this power to gather steam for a better future.

Why am I voting for him? Because I have a gut feeling he's gonna gut check this country into a rude awakening of where its really at..and then the rebuilding will begin.

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Maybe the question should have read " Why are YOU ALL for obama"

Fwiw, he wasnt my first choice for the dem nomination; I supported John Edwards. But now that Edwards is out of the race, Ive thrown my support squarely behind Obama.

Why do I support him, you ask? First and foremost its his policy positions (no need to go into that in detail here, eh?). Beyond that, its the other factors I listed above,.. all of which speak to personal appeal. I find him inspiring and refreshing; I find him to be very intelligent and competent. I'm confident he'd make a fine POTUS.

It seems to me that even many people (some repubs included) who don't necessarily agree with his policy positions have found him to be rather inspiring. That won't necessarily translate into people throwing their support behind him if they don't agree with his policy positions, of course, but I think it does it does speak to his personal appeal factor.

If you don't find him inspiring, that's simply a matter of personal taste, I guess. And there's obviously nothing wrong with that. B)


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I don't know about uniter thing Hermit. He and Hillary's little war is dividing the Democratic Party. We'll see what happens

I disagree, bro. The close race is not in itself dividing the party. Barack is not warring with Hillary, though Hillary has certainly ratcheted up the negative rhetoric lately. If anything is smacking of divisiveness, its the lowbrow tactics being utilized by the Clinton campaign. Personally, my respect for the Clintons is diminishing day by day. How the Clintons run their campaign doesnt diminish Obama's reputation as a uniter, afaic.

Anyway,.. when Barack is nominated the dem party will support him with full solidarity. B)

This election doesn't matter anyways because when I become president, the changes will be more drastic than what either party wants

If John tortured-turned-torturer McCain gets elected, it might be

up to you to get us out of Iraq when you become POTUS, bud. :P


Are you gonna watch the Clinton-Obama debate tonight?

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Maybe the question should have read " Why are YOU ALL for obama"

as someone who does not believe in political parties, I support a candidate who does not believe in the partisan hackery and bickering in washington... from what I have heard, Barack Obama is that candidate...

but also, I have a confession regarding by support for Barack Obama... I have supported Barack Obama from the beginning, but only because he was the biggest threat to hillary and I am someone who considers myself to be "anti-hillary"

but as I began to listen to Barack Obama and look at his policies and ideas... I realized I agree with him more than I originally thought... and after I watch one of his AMAZING rally speaches, I declaired myself a Barack Obama supporter

I still will cast my first ever vote for president for Barack Obama, and like hermit said, join in a moment what will live forever in history

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I also support Obama, but I am not anti-Hillary. I have always wondered why people dislike her so much, so I'd be interested to hear anyone's thoughts on this. Personally, I am getting sick of both of the Clintons. I voted for Bill twice, and was glad that Hillary tried to address the healthcare issue back when it should have been addressed. But they are starting to rub me the wrong way, and I can't quite put my finger on it.

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I also support Obama, but I am not anti-Hillary. I have always wondered why people dislike her so much, so I'd be interested to hear anyone's thoughts on this. Personally, I am getting sick of both of the Clintons. I voted for Bill twice, and was glad that Hillary tried to address the healthcare issue back when it should have been addressed. But they are starting to rub me the wrong way, and I can't quite put my finger on it.

She does have a way about her that grates a bit. *shrugs*

I try to avoid using "Clinton," "rubs me," and "finger" in the same sentence...


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I might be sitting this election out. These remaining candidates suck. I don't want a life-long politician, but I also don't want someone who hasn't done a damn thing yet. Give me someone from the private sector that also has experience running a state government... Mitt. 2012 can't come any faster.

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