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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Obama rules!


Inspiring speeches all around. McCain was at his best tonight, too bad for him he didn't show more of that side during his campaign. I don't think it would have made a difference but I was very proud of him tonight.

And of course everyone already knows....I'm so proud and delighted Obama is our new leader. As he said, change doesn't happen over night. We may have to get away from our egocentric thinking and actually make some sacrifices...but it will be good for the US and the world overall in the end.

Peace to all my fellow Americans, may we truely work together in harmony for the greater good of our country.

And I'll pull a Palin...shout out to Hermit! We're celebrating tonight and very proud of our candidate. Woohoo!!


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Ditto. :hurrah::hurrah:

I'm glad to see the McCain of old instead of what was presented to us these last few months.

Well thanks very much, Lakey :gimmefive:

You know, people have mentioned the 'old' McCain and I never saw that side until tonight's speech. Have to say, this would've been a far closer race had that man run. I gained some more respect for him tonight. It says something about a person who can be gracious in a difficult time.

Both of their speeches softened some hardened cynicism. Ever onward!

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I welcome the change as Obama will most likey be superior to Bush plus the fact he's a democrate and has the race card will improve international relations BUT I do think many are setting themselves up for disapointment. As with the tories in the 80's/90's here in the UK it seems to me that Bush while far from a good president has become a scapegoat for many wider problems in american scoiety, racism, imperialism and unequal disitrbution of wealth are not going to vanish overnight.

Look at the size of the mess Obama is left to deal with. Now lets be reasonable. The point is, at least we have some people who have brains that function nicely taking over. We have a fighting chance of overcoming the Bush nightmare. Lets not expect Obama to make the world perfect, but better (starting with our home) is on the horizon.

This "race" thing is already getting annoying (everyone on the news is talking about it). Obama is a "person". Why does his mixed ethnicity have to be so much of a highlight? He got votes from all walks of life, leading to his election. Now Joe Biden, well can you trust an Irishman? lol... (love you, Joe!)

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^even Obama said that we need to envision how we would like America to look in 100 years from now.

Someone thought about how 108 years ago, the first black man was invited into the White House for dinner with a president--Teddy Roosevelt--and how it was a total controversy to have a black man in the White House as a dinner guest in 1900.

In 2009, we will have a black man LIVING in the White House--as its "Chief" resident.

Hopefully, in another 108 years, we'll have progress like that in at least one of the issues that have faced Americans in the past 15 years or so.

BTW--I'm excited tonight because this is the third time I've been able to vote for the President of the United States of America, and this is the FIRST time someone I voted for won! Even though my state's electoral votes went to McCain, I'm a happy, happy girl tonight.

...and only part of the reason is because Bush is now a lame duck.

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Yo Tulsa,

Is that your pretty wife in the pic?

I remember her from the concert. Best wishes to you both.

I could never agree with you politicly, but it doesn't mean anything.

Hey, where's your wedding ring!

I predict OBAMA.

I never tell who I endorse.

Old sixties habit.



Nov.2007..... :D

Ok, well, I did tell, but with Hermit around it was hard Not to talk about our Awesome next POTUS!!!


The President Elect Of The United States Of America.

Heehee... :peace::toast::hurrah::standup_bass::party:

To those .....right wingdingers::: :sarcastic_hand::slapshot:


me xoxo. LOL...I'm a lil looped, but had to well, I hate to say........LOL

Edited by Hotplant
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It was a good concession speech by McCain, he is a class act. He would've made a good President if only he hadn't been saddled with Sarah Palin and a large section of the GOP. I mean all that booing and hissing during McCain's concession speech was pathetic seeing as though McCain was saying something very important about what one can achieve in America, but I guess that level of stupity is what i expect from certain vocal sections of the GOP

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^even Obama said that we need to envision how we would like America to look in 100 years from now.

Someone thought about how 108 years ago, the first black man was invited into the White House for dinner with a president--Teddy Roosevelt--and how it was a total controversy to have a black man in the White House as a dinner guest in 1900.

In 2009, we will have a black man LIVING in the White House--as its "Chief" resident.

Hopefully, in another 108 years, we'll have progress like that in at least one of the issues that have faced Americans in the past 15 years or so.

BTW--I'm excited tonight because this is the third time I've been able to vote for the President of the United States of America, and this is the FIRST time someone I voted for won! Even though my state's electoral votes went to McCain, I'm a happy, happy girl tonight.

...and only part of the reason is because Bush is now a lame duck.

GREAT to see you back around Mandy, I know you've been busy! I have voted many more times that you but still experienced the same frustrations as you over the last two elections...it's nice to finally feel jubilant!!

Cheers to all of our commrades out there Patryja, Tangerine, Hermit, Electrophile, Suz, Marolyn, Hotplant..oh no, it's late and I'm beat, I know I'm missing lots of great mates! Let us all wake up with great smiles of hope on our faces tomorrow! A new day dawning!!

Peace and Love to All!

Edited by Medhb
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It was a good concession speech by McCain, he is a class act. He would've made a good President if only he hadn't been saddled with Sarah Palin and a large section of the GOP. I mean all that booing and hissing during McCain's concession speech was pathetic seeing as though McCain was saying something very important about what one can achieve in America, but I guess that level of stupity is what i expect from certain vocal sections of the GOP

See this is where the Palin thing is misleading.

The polls sate she was a plus.

For those who thought Palin was a issue, voted for McCain. Granted, Romeny would been a better pick, but no one thought the stock market was going to crash. Same thing with Biden, If Obama knew what the difference between a sailor and a solider, Biden would only be celebrating his reelection.

It was a good pick for the party, for a party that could not win, but in the end, McCain was the only Repub. who had a shot of winning, against the one Dem. who had a shot at losing.

They could've ran George Clooney out there and got 45% of the vote.

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See this is where the Palin thing is misleading.

The polls sate she was a plus.

For those who thought Palin was a issue, voted for McCain. Granted, Romeny would been a better pick, but no one thought the stock market was going to crash. Same thing with Biden, If Obama knew what the difference between a sailor and a solider, Biden would only be celebrating his reelection.

It was a good pick for the party, for a party that could not win, but in the end, McCain was the only Repub. who had a shot of winning, against the one Dem. who had a shot at losing.

They could've ran George Clooney out there and got 45% of the vote.

Huh?? Another thought provoking post from Pb Derg... :rolleyes:

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It was a good concession speech by McCain, he is a class act. He would've made a good President if only he hadn't been saddled with Sarah Palin and a large section of the GOP. I mean all that booing and hissing during McCain's concession speech was pathetic seeing as though McCain was saying something very important about what one can achieve in America, but I guess that level of stupity is what i expect from certain vocal sections of the GOP

I totally agree IHGAH....and I'm delighted to share this historical moment sharing history with you! I really do believe it was prophetic from the beginning. Everything just jelled to ensure that the American people weren't fooled again (not that I was the last 2 elections...sorry, blatant disclamer there, LOL!)

Palin was a throw away choice because in the end the Pubs knew they weren't going to win so let some benchwarmer take the beat so they can bring in the real strength next election. The only poll results I haven't heard yet are Alaskas...I wonder if Sarah even has a job left there? She might have to take up snowmobile racing :)

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See this is where the Palin thing is misleading.

The polls sate she was a plus.

She was far too divisive. Going around on the campaign trail talking about how she and her supporters belong to the 'real' America, and how Obama is "not like us"

It backfired. Using that form of peer pressure to get people to vote Republican by making them feel unpatriotic if they don't backfired.

And if anything is to be learnt from this election it's that Americans wanted someone who was going to reach out to them and offer them hope

Sarah Palin did not do that at all, she was the epitome of what is wrong with the GOP at the moment: divisive, exclusion-based ("he is not like us and you are not like us if you support him") rehtoric, and a pitch that only included white conservative highly religious middle class or working class regional families.

There was no reaching out in her campaign, it was all about exclusion. And with a lead of 5 million votes, Americans have spoken rather loudly that they're not interested in that anymore.

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GREAT to see you back around Mandy, I know you've been busy! I have voted many more times that you but still experienced the same frustrations as you over the last two elections...it's nice to finally feel jubilant!!

Cheers to all of our commrades out there Patryja, Tangerine, Hermit, Electrophile, Suz, Marolyn, Hotplant..oh no, it's late and I'm beat, I know I'm missing lots of great mates! Let us all wake up with great smiles of hope on our faces tomorrow! A new day dawning!!

Peace and Love to All!


:toast: to you and all the comrades

Hope springs eternal

I'm celebrating with a great night's sleep

good night, peace

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GREAT to see you back around Mandy, I know you've been busy! I have voted many more times that you but still experienced the same frustrations as you over the last two elections...it's nice to finally feel jubilant!!

Cheers to all of our commrades out there Patryja, Tangerine, Hermit, Electrophile, Suz, Marolyn, Hotplant..oh no, it's late and I'm beat, I know I'm missing lots of great mates! Let us all wake up with great smiles of hope on our faces tomorrow! A new day dawning!!

Peace and Love to All!

Thank you! I've had a great night and I'm sure to have an even better Wednesday. Off to save newspapers and magazines now.

BTW, Indiana went Democratic. First time since 1964. He is thisclose to taking North Carolina. God DAMN this feels good.

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