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The Ten Most Annoying Singers


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Tom Waits. I just don't get it.

On this same subject. Keith Richards once said; "If you want to torture me, just put me in a room and have Roger Daltrey sing at me."

I love Tom Waits. He's one of my favorite singers. Not everyone understands though. :D

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I'm a huge Dylan fan but I'll be the first to admit his voice is pretty much shot at this point.

Voice-wise I can't tell the difference anymore between Bob Dylan and Marianne Faithfull

Regina Spektor's singing really shits me off, I can't bear to listen to her crap.

All new singers today just can't sing the fucking song, they have to ooze it and simper it and all this other crap. I blame American Idol/Mariah Carey/Christina Aguilera

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All new singers today just can't sing the fucking song, they have to ooze it and simper it and all this other crap. I blame American Idol/Mariah Carey/Christina Aguilera

All new singers? I agree about the melisma style of singing that has been perpetuated by American Idle but can't it's true of all new vocalists.

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Michael McDonald of Doobies, Steely Dan etc. should shut the fuck up

Christopher Cross is in the same category as M. McDonald

Totally agree!!! Wow, I can't believe someone else feels that way too!

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John Fogerty. I have been hating that guy approximately since 4th grade. It sucks because I really like CCR's sound, but I HATE his voice. Let's see...don't like Geddy Lee or Axl Rose too much, either. I hate the guy from Chicago, too. There's nothing annoying about his voice, exactly...he just sounds like an uppity motherfucker, which goes with his extremely uppity mofo band.

And one more thing.... Attention! Paging all non-singing members of Rascal Flatts: please fire your singer. He is a d-bag. Thank you, and have a nice day.

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I can't agree with Conor Oberst or Devendra Banhart. Their voices are an important characteristic of their music. They're part of an artistic whole, not just thrown in to add a human voice to organized sound.

I personally love their voices.

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Hmmm, kind of curious to see Geddy Lee on those lists, I think his voice is pretty unique. Maybe not the best, but certainly not annoying for my ears.

His voice has never bothered me either but I've often seen him cited as the reason a lot of people don't seem to like Rush.

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I quite enjoyed

when I last saw them in concert.

It was a pleasant, sunny July morning. I had just finished eating a banana after finding my way to the concert grounds and nestling in with the thousands of others assembled there.

Edited by eternal light
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His voice has never bothered me either but I've often seen him cited as the reason a lot of people don't seem to like Rush.

I think his voice makes up the general sound of Rush. Him, Peart, and all the psychedelic keyboards. Without these key ingredients, esp Geddy's voice, there would be no Rush. At least not the Rush I like.

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