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Robert plant hoping to record second album

misty mountain

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Part of me can't wait till they are too old to tour so I won't have to listen to this. Maybe Zeppelin can carry on with replacement members like KISS plans to do. :D

If you are a true Plant fan then you would support him with whatever he does. Would I like to see the surviving members reform with Jason and play a few dates? Yes. But, if they don't, I will be happy with the O2, which is A LOT more than we had for many many years. Zeppelin doesn't owe us shit. They gave us plenty in their time, and quite frankly I admire them for hanging it up when Bonzo died.

One last thing - I have always taken what Plant says with a grain of salt. Until Jimmy says there will never be anymore shows, I will remain hopeful. But he hasn't said it, and Robert hasn't finished his commitments with AK. So, I and many more will patiently wait until said time comes.

I for one agree with You.

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That is so beautiful, to bad they do not live in the real world...............................

And like I said, We talk about being nice around here. Why cant Percy be "NICE" and do it for no other reason then that?? Yes, be nice to the mass majority of your fans that want you to do new things with your old band mates. Do it for no other reason then to be nice to others, not just thinking about your own tempermental egotistical self.

Just be nice Plant, thats all it will take.

Why don't YOU be nice and let Robert do what HE wants with HIS life and lay off this boring Robert is selfish mantra. We've heard this from you wayyyyy too long. Your name may change but your mantra remains the same.

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I get so tired of the "artist" cop out. People in other lines of work do what it takes to keep their customers happy. A great heart surgeon might get tired of doing heart sugeries, but he shows up because he knows thats what his duty is to his patient. A fireman or policeman gets tired of putting his life on the line, but guess what.................they do it. Percy gets tired of doing LZ and because he is a "artist", he gets a pass.

We talk about being nice around here. Why cant Percy be "NICE" and do it for no other reason then that?? Yes, be nice to the mass majority of your fans that want you to do new things with your old band mates. Do it for no other reason then to be nice to others, not just thinking about your own tempermental egotistical self.

Deja Vu?

A very succinct and lucent analysis of yourself, scs. :o

Now practice what you preach and be NICE okay? :angry:

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If you are a true Plant fan then you would support him with whatever he does.

How about being true to yourself first?

In the last 10 years how many hours/nights have you spent listening to Blue Grass music? I and a few other Plant fans I know will not be supporting him by either buying his cd nor attending his concert for this project. For all I care he can drift into whatever musical category he wants to next (what's next a Rap music project?), doesn't mean we have to follow him like sheep.

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How about being true to yourself first?

In the last 10 years how many hours/nights have you spent listening to Blue Grass music? I and a few other Plant fans I know will not be supporting him by either buying his cd nor attending his concert for this project. For all I care he can drift into whatever musical category he wants to next (what's next a Rap music project?), doesn't mean we have to follow him like sheep.

I for one have been listening to Bluegrass for decades.

They got some aawesome pickers and singers.

People should try and appreciate all genre's of music.

Tunnel vision has no end.

Just because someone chooses to support whatever Robert releases is a

matter of personal preference.

It does not mean they are sheep?

I followed JP & JPJ too.

Some of their individual material didn't exactly set the world on fire, it made

no difference to me, does that make me a sheep?

Whether you elect not to buy the cd or boycott the concerts is your call.

It doesn't mean it's right or wrong, it means you have freedom of choice.

Just like the rest of us.

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Just because someone chooses to support whatever Robert releases is a

matter of personal preference.

Or..............chooses not too. I also think that it would be safe to say that most LZ listener's have not been into blue grass (or what ever you call it).

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Or..............chooses not too. I also think that it would be safe to say that most LZ listener's have not been into blue grass (or what ever you call it).

That's what I said! :blink:

I suggest to you, that most LZ listeners are not one dimensional and have discerning musical tastes as diverse as the Zeps varied and eclectic musical influences.

Anyway agree with me or not, all those who vainly try to bring us down or make outlandish claims about us being sheep or kool aid hippies can well and truly,


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Ok..............I will try my hardest to say something positive. After John Bonhams death, I thought that it was down right gutsy for Plant to try it on his own. His first album with Robbie Blunt on guitar I thought was great. I went to see him live for that show. His follow up album, Pictures at eleven was a good one too. IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, IN MY HUMBLE OPINION............. there has been very little since. And over the past 10 or so years .............IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, he has taken his liberties with about 90% of his fans too far. That's it in a nut shell. I am tired of his comments about LZ, and lets face it, none of us are getting any younger. :)

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How about being true to yourself first?

In the last 10 years how many hours/nights have you spent listening to Blue Grass music? I and a few other Plant fans I know will not be supporting him by either buying his cd nor attending his concert for this project. For all I care he can drift into whatever musical category he wants to next (what's next a Rap music project?), doesn't mean we have to follow him like sheep.

Er, I love bluegrass music and have been listening to it for a long time. Just because people like rock doesn't mean they won't listen to anything else. I can go from rock to bluegrass to classical to jazz in the space of an hour.

No one has to follow or like everything Robert does. Taste is subjective but why people feel the need to put him down because he's doing something that makes him happy I don't really get.

Or..............chooses not too. I also think that it would be safe to say that most LZ listener's have not been into blue grass (or what ever you call it).

No it's not safe to say.

:wacko: At least he has continually worked, toured, and wrote.

We can't force him to do anything.

He could hang up his hat tomorrow and well, too bad. It is his life.


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I became quite interested in pretty much all genres of music because of Led Zeppelin...Before there was internet I had find out what made each member of the band tick who they were, ie: who influenced them and what they liked to just sit down and listen to.I know what Robert likes.

I appreciate Robert going out an doing this and if he does another album,I'll buy it too.I had one of the most amazing times seeing him and Alison cranking it out in Asheville.It was awesome!!!

I've waited a long time too and I have stories as well.If "Zep" happens it happens.If it doesn't,I'm not gonna cry like a little girl :boohoo: Grow up and enjoy what's in front of your face,dammit :D

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scs or same complete shit as he has become around here isn't going to listen to anyone. His one dimensional view is that RP is only the best singer in the world only when he was in Zeppelin.

I never thought I would wish this on a fellow Zep fan but if they do ever get back together for a one off show or a tour, scs is the one person I hope doesn't get a ticket, he certainly doesn't deserve one for the crap he keeps spouting.

I coudn't stand the hypocritical yelps of pleasure he would give off as Robert hit all the notes he is still capable of.

scs you just don't deserve to be in and Zeppelin crowd. :angry:

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scs you just don't deserve to be in and Zeppelin crowd.

Oh my gosh, i do not know if I can handle all this bad Karma being sent my way. This is how much I am worried about it...... :D:D

Mc. Cain 08

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Stop feeding the troll (scs) and he'll go away.

Ok, since I have been labeled a Troll (thats better then what many have called me) what exactly is a Troll??

Mc. Cain 08

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Hey, I'm just a Page, Plant, JPJ and Jason fan that has a different point of view. If thats what a Troll is, then I guess I am one..................and proud of it :D .

Mc. Cain 08

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Ok, since I have been labeled a Troll (thats better then what many have called me) what exactly is a Troll??

Mc. Cain 08

Troll; pronunciation, as in Grohl.

Origin: from Old Norse and Swedish troll, Danish trold.


In folklore, an ugly mischievous cave-dwelling being depicted as either a giant or a dwarf.

A witch.

A person who posts deliberately inflammatory messages on an internet discussion board.


To move in a circular direction;

To roll;

To move volubly;

To turn;

To drive about.

To leave an intentionally annoying message on a part of the internet (forums), in order to get attention or cause trouble;

A well constructed troll will provoke irate or confused responses from old flamers and newbies alike.

They learn to roll the eye, and troll the tongue.

Thus, here endeth the lesson.

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Troll; pronunciation, as in Grohl.


To move in a circular direction;

To roll;

To move volubly;

To turn;

To drive about.

To leave an intentionally annoying message on a part of the internet (forums), in order to get attention or cause trouble;


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(scs @ Jun 21 2008, 01:30 PM)

Ok, since I have been labeled a Troll (thats better then what many have called me) what exactly is a Troll??

top 5 indications that you are a troll:

(drum roll)

number five: you wear a "i hate robert plant" t-shirt

number four: you weren't breast fed as an infant

number three: you post the exact same comment 89 times on 43 different threads

number two: your father probably abandoned you (he liked robert better)

and the number one indication that you are a troll:

because i said you were......


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