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What would have happened?

Jimmy's A Legend

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I was watching "hair" today with my mum and sis and afterwards we ended up talking about the second world war and how if Hitlar had won the war what would this world be like............it makes me sick to think that the death camps could have carried on happening and milliions of poeple would be dying and what he could have made this world be like..turing it into a real hell.

I just wanted to post this and see if anyone else has feeling about this.

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I have actually put a bit of thought to this subject.

in my younger years of course, but still a bit of thought.

If Nazi Germany had won the war, I whould not be writing theese words.

I whould probably never have owned a Computer to do it on,

my countries economy whould be in ruins beacouse of 60 years of almost

constant war. I whould probably be in the army as I am now, but in a invading force

ready to be sent to the front, maybe I whould be allready dead.

I whould hate everyone on this board becouse of a life full of

brain washing. my father whould probably by dead, in a battlefield somewhere.

life whould be full of hardships and hate.

daily beatings and propaganda.

quite bleak in other words.

but of course nazi germany whould never had won the war. the strain of fighting a war

on two fronts whould have broken them some time or another, regardless.

even if they only had fouht on one front, resourses where just to sparse to finish

the war in victory.

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Let's never forget...

I just read the book '186 Steps' by Christian Bernadac.

It tells of the surviviors of Mauthausen and its satellite camps. The things the SS and Kapos did are beyond belief. Simon Wiesenthal was there too.

I've also read 'Auschwitz' by Dr. Miklos Nyiszli.

Both books are true horror stories.

The 'Thousand Year Reich' lasted only 12 years but look at the damage it did.

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Hitler would have eventually went completely insane from syphilis and his general's probably would have assassinated him. Whose to say what would have happened after that. There were alot of brilliant minds in the German Army and alot of them were held back by Hitler's own grand plans for domination that proved to be fatal after 1943.

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Hitler didn't have the resources to conquer the world. Europe he could've, but the world? Doubt it. Anywho, he could've won the war early on if he had attacked Britain while they were still extremely vulnerable

He did attack Britain.................but his Luftwaffe (with his own meddling) failed to gain air control over southern England. The might of the Luftwaffe was defeated. Even had the Luftwaffe succeed then his sea based 'invasion' still might have been a catastrophe (rather like the allied Dieppe invasion of '42). Invading England would have been an extremely difficult task. In WW2 the Germans were masters of land warfare. Not so much in the sea and in the air.

Hitler's best bet would have been to strangle Britain and cut off their supplies from overseas, but even this would have taken a long while. As you said, he gave up on the idea of trying to conquer Britain and turned east instead. The biggest mistake he made was to start a second front while the first front wasn't totally won.

Edited by Mangani
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I was watching "hair" today with my mum and sis and afterwards we ended up talking about the second world war and how if Hitlar had won the war what would this world be like............it makes me sick to think that the death camps could have carried on happening and milliions of poeple would be dying and what he could have made this world be like..turing it into a real hell.

Millions of people did still die under Communism post WW2 and Stalin was no better than Hitler.

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What about he other half of the equation?

Japan formed an axis with Germany and was hell bent on conquering the Pacific and Asia.

How different it would have been here in Oz, certainly not like Kansas, Toto.

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He did attack Britain.................but his Luftwaffe (with his own meddling) failed to gain air control over southern England. The might of the Luftwaffe was defeated. Even had the Luftwaffe succeed then his sea based 'invasion' still might have been a catastrophe (rather like the allied Dieppe invasion of '42). Invading England would have been an extremely difficult task. In WW2 the Germans were masters of land warfare. Not so much in the sea and in the air.

Hitler's best bet would have been to strangle Britain and cut off their supplies from overseas, but even this would have taken a long while. As you said, he gave up on the idea of trying to conquer Britain and turned east instead. The biggest mistake he made was to start a second front while the first front wasn't totally won.

I'm well aware of the Battle of Britain Mangani :P

I agree with your second paragraph whole-heartedly. My point is, that if hadn't wasted all those resources on a second front, he may have been able to actually invade Britain. With France knocked out of the war, Britain couldn't get at them landwise, and their Navy couldn't attack inland, so they'd be stuck there. Germany had time to develop a new Air Force, add to its Navy, blockade Britain, and possibly invade. Had he not have gone and attacked the U.S.S.R. he may have won the war

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I'm well aware of the Battle of Britain Mangani :P

I agree with your second paragraph whole-heartedly. My point is, that if hadn't wasted all those resources on a second front, he may have been able to actually invade Britain. With France knocked out of the war, Britain couldn't get at them landwise, and their Navy couldn't attack inland, so they'd be stuck there. Germany had time to develop a new Air Force, add to its Navy, blockade Britain, and possibly invade. Had he not have gone and attacked the U.S.S.R. he may have won the war

It was not a case of wasting resources against a might foe, rather they simply did not nor could have the economic capacity to defeat Britain, USA and the USSR. Even had they defeated the USSR and that is a big IF, the combined resources of both the US and the British would still have made things difficult. But they would never have beaten the Soviet Union .

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I was watching "hair" today with my mum and sis and afterwards we ended up talking about the second world war and how if Hitlar had won the war what would this world be like


Hitler could never have won the war, it's virtually impossible for a single country to rule over countless others in this day and age. Hitler and Germany could never have ruled all of Europe, without fascist goverments coming to power in those countries that were occupied. And even when you have fascist governments in those countries, why would they kow-tow to Hitler? The Nazi military machine would have to be absolutely huge. But Germany could not possibly have the man-power necessary to maintain such a massive military machine.

Maybe if Germany had managed to invent the atomic bomb, things could've been different, Germany could've threatened the other countries into submission with the a-bomb, but then the other side to that argument is you're going to nuke everything, there's not much point in ruling over territory when that territory has been made unusable.

No one's ever ruled the world. And all those great empires of the past have all gone. Yes they have legacies, Rome, Charlemagne, Alexander, Napoleon, but here we all are. Any guessing on what the world might be like without these people in history is just pure fantasy, there's not even a sensible way of predicting what might have happened, because one event leads on to another, and without that chain of events, then you have absolutely no idea how it would've turned out. So it's all just pure fantasy.

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Hitler didn't have the resources to conquer the world. Europe he could've, but the world? Doubt it. Anywho, he could've won the war early on if he had attacked Britain while they were still extremely vulnerable rather than break the non-agression pact

Hi "wanna be drummer",

I think you have got that wrong mate, Hitler's Germany could never have taken Britain, in my and 60 million other people's opinion's.

Reason is this, a leader like Churchill (God bless him) would never have surrendered like the French, Pole's, Czech's, Dutch, Belgiun's and the like did.

Also, if you didn't already know, despite out loathing of each other, (English-Scot's-Irish-Welsh) we "British" would have come together and put out differences to one side and resisted Hitler untill the last man. The Royal Navy for one was so much bigger and better than their's that even if they did land and gain a foothold they would never had been able to resupply for long. And the RAF although smaller than their air force would have wrecked so much of their infrastructure and supplies that they would have been demoralized very quickly. I have a lot of respect for the German's and their military prowess, but never underestimate British resolve, Argentina did to their cost in 1983. We are a "Sleeping Lion" over here and would "Never, Never Surrender" to Hitler's Germany. Much the same as America wouldn't let Russia dominate the free world.

Regards, Danny

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'Der Fuhrer's Face'

Now that was a great cartoon. :D

Q: How did Hitler tie his shoes?

A: In little knotsies!

I'll never understand how a country like Germany could have been swayed by that little 'Rottenfuhrer' (Corporal).


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Hi "wanna be drummer",

I think you have got that wrong mate, Hitler's Germany could never have taken Britain, in my and 60 million other people's opinion's.

Reason is this, a leader like Churchill (God bless him) would never have surrendered like the French, Pole's, Czech's, Dutch, Belgiun's and the like did.

Also, if you didn't already know, despite out loathing of each other, (English-Scot's-Irish-Welsh) we "British" would have come together and put out differences to one side and resisted Hitler untill the last man. The Royal Navy for one was so much bigger and better than their's that even if they did land and gain a foothold they would never had been able to resupply for long. And the RAF although smaller than their air force would have wrecked so much of their infrastructure and supplies that they would have been demoralized very quickly. I have a lot of respect for the German's and their military prowess, but never underestimate British resolve, Argentina did to their cost in 1983. We are a "Sleeping Lion" over here and would "Never, Never Surrender" to Hitler's Germany. Much the same as America wouldn't let Russia dominate the free world.

Regards, Danny

Willpower is not enough if your country is malnourished due to blockades. Plus, the Royal Air Force and their Navy could last only so long. Yes it was powerful, but once the Germans land, and it would be only a matter of time, England is done. They simply could not beat the Germans on foot by themselves. As far as Churchill, the Japanese had men like him, and they eventually gave in.

Just a matter of time dude

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Hi all,

Willpower is not enough if your country is malnourished due to blockades. Plus, the Royal Air Force and their Navy could last only so long. Yes it was powerful, but once the Germans land, and it would be only a matter of time, England is done. They simply could not beat the Germans on foot by themselves. As far as Churchill, the Japanese had men like him, and they eventually gave in.

Just a matter of time dude.

Well the 'what if game' is alays hard to play,since 'what happened',happened.

Hitler,did listen to his military and it cost him,but when your lead by a madman you pay the price.

England could have fed itself,it could not feed the war.You need pertol to fly planes,you need munitions to fight,raw material to keep fighting.If the wolf packs sank most of that coming in,then Britian was out of the war,not defeated,because I have no doubt,people would have sharpened sticks in the underground and still fought.

Europe,got there arse handed to them.Yet,with a maniac not listening to his experts on miltary affairs,nor history I might add,invading Africa/Russia (petrol/raw materials, people,it make the world go 'round),instead of consolidating his conquests,.....might be a different story,....but then again it isn't,....


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I'm well aware of the Battle of Britain Mangani :P


Good. Getting on for 2,000 Luftwaffe planes smashed made them rethink directly attacking Britain again.

I agree with your second paragraph whole-heartedly. My point is, that if hadn't wasted all those resources on a second front, he may have been able to actually invade Britain.

I totally agree with with you that without wasting other resources in the east (more armour, more ground troops etc etc) in a war against the Soviet Union then Britain would likely have been defeated at some point, or at least nullified as a threat.

With France knocked out of the war, Britain couldn't get at them landwise, and their Navy couldn't attack inland, so they'd be stuck there. Germany had time to develop a new Air Force, add to its Navy, blockade Britain, and possibly invade. Had he not have gone and attacked the U.S.S.R. he may have won the war

Yup, or at least he would have consolidated a facist continental Europe that would have been extremely difficult to shift.

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It was not a case of wasting resources against a might foe, rather they simply did not nor could have the economic capacity to defeat Britain, USA and the USSR. Even had they defeated the USSR and that is a big IF, the combined resources of both the US and the British would still have made things difficult. But they would never have beaten the Soviet Union .

They came close. There is some evidence to suggest Stalin was considering a peace negotiation in late 1941 if the Germans had taken Moscow. Only a combination of Hitler's meddling and the weather saved the Soviets in 1941 (first the autumn muds then the freezing winter). Remember, it was never Hitler's intention to have taken over the entire Soviet Union just the 'European' Soviet Union, roughly from a line of Arkangelsk in the north to Astrakhan in the south. It is entirely feasible that the Germans could have taken this portion of the Soviet Union with the Soviets settling on a peace treaty and some sort of standoff line.

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I think Europe would have been speaking German for a number of years. However Hitler would have been killed and his army over ran later on. I am not an expert on History. By the time I made it to History class I preferred to sleep :( I was after a C in History and A's in the sciences :) My Social Studies prof understood this...

Edited by ledbaby
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Hi "wanna be drummer",

I think you have got that wrong mate, Hitler's Germany could never have taken Britain, in my and 60 million other people's opinion's.

Reason is this, a leader like Churchill (God bless him) would never have surrendered like the French, Pole's, Czech's, Dutch, Belgiun's and the like did.

Also, if you didn't already know, despite out loathing of each other, (English-Scot's-Irish-Welsh) we "British" would have come together and put out differences to one side and resisted Hitler untill the last man. The Royal Navy for one was so much bigger and better than their's that even if they did land and gain a foothold they would never had been able to resupply for long. And the RAF although smaller than their air force would have wrecked so much of their infrastructure and supplies that they would have been demoralized very quickly. I have a lot of respect for the German's and their military prowess, but never underestimate British resolve, Argentina did to their cost in 1983. We are a "Sleeping Lion" over here and would "Never, Never Surrender" to Hitler's Germany. Much the same as America wouldn't let Russia dominate the free world.

Regards, Danny

I think your probably (like most Britons do) overstate your role in World War II, if it wasn't for the events on 22 June 1941 and had Germany concentrated attacks on Britain with such velocity as they did in the Soviet Union, then i suspect Britain would have fallen...like the Channel Islands.

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